The Messenger of Death

Chapter 250: training schedule

Chapter 250: training schedule

Nana stared into the steward's eyes without any fear. This was the steward trying to intimidate her even when he knows that he wasn't strong enough to take care of her. Nonetheless, this was a provocation to Nana.

The steward started to release his aura little by little. This was him showing Nana how serious he was about wanting to know how she acquired the Midas petal. Nana tilted her head at him.

"You know, it's been long since I beat a grown-up man, if your aura keeps on leaking out the way it has been leaking for the last few seconds, I might take this as a challenge from you to me.

And trust me, I don't like backing away from challenges." She uttered.

"Forgive me, I was swayed by my emotions. I just desperately want to know how you acquired the Midas petal." He bent his head a bit as he apologized to Nana.

She sighed, "I already told you that I wasn't the one that got it. Alexander did that on his own, I didn't even know about it until it caused a commotion in the celestial plain realm." Nana relayed.

Intentionally, she mentioned the celestial plain realm. She wanted the steward to find out that they weren't the only one that knows about the petal being in the hands of an individual that isn't a Midas seed carrier.

The steward frowned when he heard the celestial plain realm. "Where did you take Alexander to?" He questioned.

"The ordain plain realm."

"Meaning he encountered the carriers of the seeds and yet he was still able to beat them to a petal?"

"Yes, and the guardian allowed it to happen, for free, which is still troubling me. I have a feeling that he too wants my disciple to be his disciple. If not, why do all of this for him?" Nana stared into the distance as she continued to wonder what Mr. Guardian's intentions were for Alex.

The steward could see Nana's frustrations and worries in her eyes, she truly believed that the guardian wants Alex as his disciple. He chose to believe the answers that she gave.

"What did your disciple say about this?"

"He said that the guardian told him that it was fate's doing that he was able to get the petal. Sounds like a scam, doesn't it?" She scoffed.

The steward thought about it for a while. They all know that the creator of the Midas petals was someone that transcended the celestial plain realm at a relatively young age. And they assumed that the guardian that he left would be someone that has also transcended the reins of the celestial plain realm.

If it wasn't so, if the guardian was someone that hasn't transcended the celestial plain realm, then he would have coveted the petals for himself. With the 9 petals, one could breakthrough cultivation realms easily, and without repercussions.

Who wouldn't want to get stronger? Cultivators were all greedy for power. Either he has transcended the celestial plain realm or he has undying loyalty to his master.

These were the assumption that the majority agreed on. None of them had the chance to converse with the guardian because the only people that could meet him were Midas seeds carriers, and they were already busy hunting the petals.

Only Alex has had the privilege to speak to the guardian.

"If the guardian says that it was fate's doing then we should believe him. He wouldn't let someone without a seed approach the petals. People more talented the Alexander has also made attempts to acquire the petal and he didn't even glance at any of them." The steward concluded.

"You didn't have to put it that way, my disciple is more talented than most. You haven't seen what he is capable of, that's why." Nana defended Alex. She didn't want to tell him about Alex's bloodline even when the people in the celestial realm already know about it.

She wants him to find out on his own

"Thank you for your time." The steward gave up on the idea of getting a petal for Xiao En. He couldn't possibly make fate give the petal to his young mistress.

He turned around and walked moderately as he left the vicinity of the library.

Amongst everyone she has met in the lower plain realm, the only person that might give her a tough time when battling is the steward. Although he wasn't as strong as Nana, he was strong enough to pose a difficulty to her.

Nana wanted to avoid fighting people from their family, her grandfather and Xiao En's maternal grandfather possess the same rank in the celestial plain realm. She feels more comfortable dealing with royalty than fighting someone from that family.

Nana returned to the library. She stood at the entrance, "The moment I release you guys, everyone here has a minute to get out of the library. If a minute has gone by and you still haven't left my library, you don't want to know what I will do to you." Her voice reached every frozen person in the library.

She snapped her fingers and the ice in the library turned into dew. Every single person and thing that had been covered in ice was free now.

Immediately, people started running towards the exit of the library. A stampede emerged in the library, students were stepped on by other students. Ultimately, no one cared, what they just wanted to do is to escape the library.

In 40 seconds, the library became empty.

Nana left to her room. When she entered she saw Milo in a Persian cat form, laying on top of Alex, who was laid on the bed.

Milo stood up and entered a defensive stance when he noticed Nana's presence. Now that he was in cat form, he could make facial expressions, unlike when he was in his default form.

"Sit your ass down, I'm not going to do anything to him yet. Until he wakes up." She rolled her eyes at Milo.

Milo sat down on Alex's chest and watched Nana as she walked to a chair and sat down.

Nana noticed that Milo wasn't going to stop being cautious of her anytime soon so she chose to ignore him. "Suit yourself." She threw her head back and closed her eyes

Alex slept for 2 whole days before his eyelids opened. When he woke up, he felt refreshed and stronger than he was before he passed out.

"Meow." He heard the cry of a cat. Immediately he sat up and saw a black and red Persian cat sitting on his lap.

"Milo," Alex uttered and placed his hand on Milo's head. Milo purred in response, arching his head up and loving the feel of Alex's hand on its head.

"Finally, you are awake. I was already thinking of waking you up forcefully." Nana spoke. She was standing beside the bed Alex was sitting on.

Alex sighed, "You might be my master, and I am not sorry for what I am about to say, you are crazy Nana." He stated as he recalled what she did when he was still awake.

"Awwnnn, thank you. I love you too Alexander." She smiled as if what Alex said was a compliment.

"It wasn't a compliment." He pointed out.

"Felt like one though."

"Here," Nana threw a paper at him.

Alex caught the paper and looked at Nana suspiciously first, before looking at the contents of the paper. He read what was written on the paper.

"Schedule for my weak disciple." Alex looked up from the paper and glared at Nana. She responded by looking elsewhere and shrugging her shoulders.

"Just stating facts." She whispered under her breath.

"First 10 hours of the day will be used to practice your control over ice creation; 5 hours for solidifying your foundations the other 5 hours will be used to create ice." Alex paused. He didn't have qualms with what he just read, he was just wondering how boring it will be for him.

He proceeded to read the rest of the contents on the paper;

"The second 10 hours of the day will be used to train your telekinesis and learn Alchemy. 5 hours designated to each. The remaining 4 hours will be the only break you will have throughout this training session." He finished reading.

"Your schedule is quite inspiring." He dropped the paper on the bed and Milo jumped on it. Milo walked around it before using his paws to tear the paper.

"Stupid cat." Nana insulted.

"I want to use my 4 hours break now. I need to check up on my teammates." Alex proceeded to get off the bed.

"Sorry but you are not allowed to leave the library until you are done with training. You will be spending your breaks in the library." Nana refused.


"It is just as you have heard."

"This is imprisonment, you are restricting my freedom," Alex argued.

"Only for 2 weeks or 3 weeks, so don't be a pussy and complain about it," Nana added

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