The Messenger of Death

Chapter 249: milo and nana

Chapter 249: milo and nana

['Get out of here Lex!!!'] Al urged.

['I'm trying to, but my body feels heavy. It's hard to teleport like this. Besides I'm weaker after teleporting for the second time.'] Lex explained. ['The teleportation has some kind of restrictions.'] He added.

"Doesn't it feel harder to move? Although I can't affect space entirely itself, I can affect the gravity of a particular region with my aura." Nana explained.

"You have to use your telekinesis, no more running." She added.

"But this is too much for me," Lex complained.

"How do you know that it's too much for you when you haven't even made an attempt? Aren't you dragging yourself down?"

"What? Nana, that's unreasonable. A person knows their limits." Lex argued.

The tone that Lex spoke with was a calm one, and unexpectedly it was getting to Nana bit by bit.

She couldn't understand how or why his tone and attitudes changed sometimes. To her, Alexander was more unreasonable than she is.

"That does sound reasonable and logical but only when the person you're talking about is an average normal person.

You are far from normal and very far from average. That logic doesn't apply to you." Nana argued.

Lex saw that his attempt to convince her was of no avail. He decided to go with his contingency plan.

'Milo, come help me.' Lex called out.

Since they got Milo and realized that he could shapeshift, Lex had thought about a lot of possibilities and scenarios that Milo could be very useful for.

Nana saw that Lex wasn't planning on teleporting, but instead block her ice needles, she secretly reduced the density of the needles.

Initially, with the density of the ice needles, they were capable of penetrating Milo and hitting Lex. Which in turn could ultimately lead to his death.

"Milo, shield," Lex ordered. He didn't know if Milo knows what a shield is, he was gambling on its intelligence.

Milo immediately transformed into a hexagon-shaped shield. This shield has 4 layers, each hexagon smaller and stronger than the one in front of it.

As soon as Milo was done transforming into a shield, Nana sent the needles at them.

-Pap! Pap!!

The thousands of ice needles rained down on Milo and Lex. Some of the needles penetrated the First layer of the shield, creating several little holes on Milo.

The force that came from the ice needles caused Lex's legs to sink into the ground. Whenever he tries to change his position, the pressure on him increases.

Seconds later, the ice needles started to penetrate through the second layer of the shield.

['Teleporting should be the last option, try using the telekinesis.'] Xander advised.

Lex didn't consider doing this because of the migraine that he was feeling. Although there were 4 different personalities, it couldn't change the fact that they shared a single body.

['I'll try.'] Lex responded.

He held the shield tight and tried to focus on the needles. When he did that, the migraine increased.

Trying to focus on multiple things at a go was hard to do, especially in his weakened state. At this moment it almost felt impossible for him to accomplish.

Then an idea hit him since he was trying to focus on all the needles at once he had another alternative that he could use to make that happen.

His spatial territory when he activates his bloodline ability. Lex could see and feel almost everything in his spatial territory.

He activated his bloodline ability and soon he was able to see everything within his territory. Immediately, Lex used his telekinetic ability and stopped every ice needle that approached him.

This lasted for 5 seconds before Lex passed out and fell to the ground. Blood started gushing from his nose as he laid on the floor.

Milo turned into his default looks and picked Lex up. He turned his back on Nana.

'He's protecting Alexander from me, cute. But I'm not an enemy.' Nana thought.

She took a step forward and Milo took a step away from her.

"I won't hurt him." She uttered.

Milo didn't respond.

"He's my disciple, do you think I would do anything detrimental to him?" She said with frustration evident in her voice.

Milo turned its head and faced Nana. It was as of he was telling her to look at what she had already. It was hard for Milo to believe her.

Nana face palmed herself. She brought two pills from her storage ring. "At least feed this to him. It will help him heal faster." She tossed the pills at Milo.

A third hand materialized from Milo's shoulder and caught the pills. He inspected it first before putting it in Alex's mouth.

"Go and place him in my room, this is just the first night of his training. He has much to do and if I let him leave the library, he might go MIA." She said to Milo.

Milo stood where he was, he had no intentions of doing as Nana requested. Milo felt as if Nana was a bad influence on Alex.

It shook its head, refusing her order. "He asked me to make him stronger and that is what I am trying to do. If I wanted to kill him, do you think you would be able to stop me?" She snapped at Milo.

Milo shook its head, responding to Nana's question. Milo knew that he was indestructible to an extent. But he wasn't strong enough to protect Alex from Nana if she really wanted to harm him.

"At least you're honest, now take him to my room."

Nana was expecting Milo to at least move, but he didn't he stayed where he was. She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

"Look here, it is obvious that you don't like me and obviously I don't like you too. The only thing that we have in common is him. We both want to protect him.

You protect him your way and I will protect him my own my. Now, doing this, making him stronger is a form of me giving him protection, do you agree?"

Milo nodded his head, concurring with her statement.

"Then please take him to my room." She pleaded, not because she wanted to be nice, but just because she didn't want to argue with Milo anymore.

Arguing with something that didn't talk back was mentally draining.

Not surprisingly to Nana, Milo didn't move an inch.

"You dumb block of an unknown metal, don't you understand what I'm saying? Do I have to show you the way to my room?!" She tried her best to hold her anger back.

Milo nodded.

'Wait, he doesn't know the way to my room.' Nana paused as she thought.

"Aiishh." She hit her head with her palm several times. "Is my disciple's stupidity rubbing off on me, why did I assume that Milo knew the way? I was acting like a fool in front of a puppet." She whispered as she sighed.

"You don't know the way, do you?" Nana asked and Milo shook his head responding with a gesture that could otherwise be known as 'no'.

She sighed once again and then gave Milo directions. Once she was, Milo left for her room

Nana wanted to deal with the frozen people that were in the library, they had here for a while. And also, the steward was outside the library waiting for her.

Walking down the silent and icy floors of the library, Nana's light steps echoed in the halls that she walked past

When Nana asked Xiao En and the rest to leave, they all left, including the steward. Later on, he came back because he couldn't believe that a Modal petal will be that easy to acquire.

He wanted to look into Nana's eyes when he was speaking to her.

He intended to figure out how to get one and then strive to obtain one for his young Mistress Xiao En.


The ice that covered the doors started to crack before it turned to water and fell to the floor.

Nana pushed the doors and stepped out.

"What do you want?" She questioned sternly.

Not that Nana had any kind of enmity towards the steward, she just didn't like him. He was from a family that was potential threats to her clan.

According to what she knows, they were equal. One of the reasons why her clan doesn't concern their selves with the family that the steward same from, is because they have chosen to stay away from the feud and problems of the celestial realm.

No one disturbs them and they disturb no one. They were like a family of hermits that rather play around with their selves than meet new people.

Xiao En is an exception though, she has been with her grandfather for a while, and also in the lower plain realm. Due to the different environment that she grew in, her mentality is different from the one most of her clan's people possess.

"I wanted to ask you how you got your hands on a Midas petal." The steward answered calmly. He was already used to Nana's attitude.

"But I already told you how."

"I know, I wanted to look at you while you tell me again." He uttered and opened his eyes.

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