The Messenger of Death

Chapter 248: first teleportation

Chapter 248: first teleportation

"Ahhh!!" Alex cried out as he dived to the side.



Alex rolled and looked at the place that he was standing on a second ago.

The floor had been destroyed and at the same time frozen. The debris from the destroyed ground was frozen before they had the chance to fall.

The weapon that Nana chose to use this time was her ice. She created a needle with her ice ability, then used her telekinesis to control it and attack Alex.

['If I didn't dodge in time, if that had scrapped me, I would be at the brink of death by now.'] Alex thought.

He knew that his master could kill him if she pleased, but now Alex believes that if he doesn't do what she wants, she was going to kill him.

He calmed himself a bit and looked around. Alex tightened his grip on his sword and awaited what was going to happen next.

"Nana, how about we go back to using the knife. I won't use my swords to defend myself anymore." Alex suggested as he kept on turning around. He didn't know where the next one was going to come from.

"Awwwnn, I would like to do that too, but as you said, this is a library, not a kitchen. The number of knives I have is limited, and besides, you know that I don't cook." Nana mocked.

"Sh*t! Me and my big mouth." Alex bit his lips as he readied his mind.

He intends on using his telekinesis now to counter her attacks. Even when he wasn't sure if he was going to be successful.

Alex deactivated his bloodline ability and left himself with his Sword Dao. His cultivation dropped to the third of rank the nirvana realm.

['What the hell are you doing?'] Al questioned.

['The only way to get through this is to do what she asked me to do.'] Alex answered.

['Fine, it's your funeral though.'] Al also knew that Alex's decision to do what she asked him to was the only way out.

He just wasn't expecting Alex to deactivate the bloodline and forfeit the boost that he was getting from it.

"Oh, you're being brave now? I like that, be brave, courageous, just don't be stupid. Courage means nothing if you're stupid, it won't stop you from dying if you get hit by my ice." Nana uttered.

"I'm not being brave, if there was another way out, any other way that doesn't involve me going against you, then I'll take my chances with that option," Alex replied.

"Wise boy, but your tongue, it's sharp we should do something about it." Nana sucked her teeth.

After that, Alex heard the same sound that he heard before he jumped to the side. Another ice needle was coming for him.

In seconds, Alex saw the ice needle coming for him, and instead of dodging he did there.

'Stop.' He thought, and the ice needle paused.

But it only remained that way for a second. Alex could feel that he could keep it where it was so he side-stepped and moved away from where the ice needle was heading.

If he had stayed where he was, the ice needle would have hit his mouth. "She really plans on going something about my sharp tongue." He whispered.

"A second again? Is that the best you can do? I said 3 seconds, again." Nana complained and sent another ice needle at her disciple.

This ice needle was bigger than the previous one. Not only was it bigger, but it was also faster.

'Stop.' Alex thought in panic and the ice needle stopped.

This time he could halt its progress for seconds. When he realized that I was slipping from his grip, he sidestepped and veered off the ice needle's course.


It struck the ground and exploded.

Alex smiled, he was proud that he was able to stop the needle for 2 seconds.

"Cheeky boy, it feels good, doesn't it? That power, abuse it." Nana had a smile on her face.

Alex was progressing faster than anyone that she has seen or knows. But Nana wasn't going to tell him that.

She realized a long time ago that her disciple is arrogant. Even if he doesn't think so or shows it frequently, he was arrogant.

If she told him that he was one of the most talented individuals that she has met, it might affect his growth rate.

At the moment, Alex thinks that his talent, compared to those in the celestial plain realm, is arrant rubbish. And deep down he didn't like how it felt.

Alex thought to himself, that if he wants to get stronger, strong enough to enact his revenge, he at least has to surpass the average cultivators of the celestial plain realm.

"Come at me," Alex said with a smile on his face.

"As you wish, my dear." Nana did as he requested and sent one at him.

Alex stopped the ice needle for 2 seconds. "Again." He said to Nana.

She sent another one and he stopped it for only 2 seconds.

"Again," Alex uttered.

This time he wasn't running away from Nana, he started going to where she was. Stopping every ice needle that came for him for only 2 seconds.

When he was a meter away from Nana he stopped walking towards her.

"Again." He uttered.

Slowly, an ice needle started to form, and when it was done, it charged at Alex.

'Stop.' Alex thought and it did.


Finally, Alex was successful, he stopped the ice needle for 3 seconds.

Once it reached the 3 seconds mark, I've turned to water and fell to the ground.

-Tap!! Tap!!!

Nana began clapping for Alex. "You did it! It wasn't that hard, was it?" She asked.

-Haut! Haut!

Alex placed his hands on his knee, he was trying to catch his breath. He felt a migraine coming, so he closed his eyes and took his time before he answered.

"It was harder than you think." He responded.

"Really, doesn't look like that." Nana tilted her head. "Now you just have to do this a hundred times, that way I'll be certain that this wasn't a fluke," Nana muttered and looked elsewhere as she spoke.

"Huh?" Alex exclaimed.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Nana asked while she was still looking elsewhere.

"I did, but I don't think I heard right."

"You probably did."


4 ice needles charged at Alex at the same time.

Alex put his hands in front of him and stopped the ice needles. He stopped the needles for 3 seconds.

['Lex, take over. I don't think I can last any longer.'] Alex thought.

He closed his eyes and fainted.


His body dropped to the ground.

"Did I push him too much?" Nana wondered.

Just seconds after he fell to the ground, Nana saw Alex moving. 'Was he pretending?'

"Ahh!" Lex uttered lightly. He placed his hand on his head. "I think I need a pain killer, this migraine is mind wrecking."

"Don't worry, it happens when you use your mental strength beyond its limit."

['Alex? Are you alright?'] Lex asked. He waited for a while but didn't get any response from Alex.

['I think he's out cold.'] Al uttered.

"Any other problem apart from the migraine?" Nana questioned.

Lex stood up with his hand still on his head, "No, just the migraine." He replied.

"Then there's nothing wrong with you, let's resume what we were doing."

"What?" Lex uttered lightly.


7 ice needles charged at Lex.


Lex disappeared from her sight, completely.

"What just happened?" Nana wondered. She couldn't trace Lex for a second there.

'He's by the entrance of the library. How did he get there.' Nana pondered.

Lex didn't run, this wasn't speed, it was something that happened instantly.

If he ran, she would have seen it happen. But he didn't, he just appeared before the entrance of the library.

Meanwhile, Lex was dumbstruck. He knew what he did, but he couldn't believe that he achieved it.

['Did you just teleport?'] Al questioned.

['I think so']

"Did you teleport?" Nana appeared behind Lex.

"Eeppp!!!" Lex flinched. "Ye-yes."

"Things just got interesting." Nana's eyes flashed, a blue light covered her eyes.

Nana created a barrier that surrounded the whole library from the outside.

"Use this new ability to the fullest, I want to see what you're capable of."

Over a hundred ice needles materialized in front of Lex.

['This just turned worse.'] Xander mentioned.



Lex teleported again. He appeared on the 4th floor of the library.

['Teleport out of here, out of the library.'] Al urged.

"It takes me at most 3 seconds to locate you after you teleport." Nana appeared behind him again.

She informed about how long it took for her to find him, this was her way of giving him leverage.

But to Lex, this wasn't enough. Nana is too strong for him to go against.

Suddenly, a thousand ice needles materialized in front of Lex

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