The Messenger of Death

Chapter 247: the suffering disciple

Chapter 247: the suffering disciple

Alex backflipped and put some distance between him and the knife.

['We'll talk about this later, Al.'] Alex said.

He started considering using the fire element, all because the lightning element kept on leaving traces of his presence whenever he went.

Alex quickly switched to the fire element, enveloping only his legs with flames. He shot into the distance. While he was running away, he started erasing his presence and made sure that his footsteps didn't produce any kind of sound.

What Al said, about Alex's control over the lightning element being just as bad as his control over the fire element wasn't completely true. Alex has better control over the fire element than he does with the lightning.

"Finally thinking properly, good. Unfortunately, hiding your presence is futile to me. I can see you, hear your heartbeat silently, it's like I'm standing next to you." Nana said.

While Alex was running, he could hear her like she was actually next to him. As she was talking, he felt as if her breath was hitting his ears. This made the hairs on his back stand.

['This crazy woman is abusing her omnipotent powers.'] He complained.

The thought of leaving the library hit Alex. It was the safest thing that he could think of.

['I have to leave the library, maybe leave the academy and go for a mission that will take us months to complete. This woman needs to cool down.'] He thought.

['If you plan on leaving, just don't make it obvious. If you do, she will stop you before you have the chance to escape.'] Xander advised.

['Point taken.'] Alex answered as he started maneuvering.

The knife was right behind him, following his every move. Alex tried using the frozen people in the library as shields, but the knife missed every one of them. Nana's control and precision over the knife, with her telekinesis, was beyond what Alex was capable of deceiving.


"Sh*t!! Give me a freaking break Nana!!" Alex shouted as he dodged. The knife destroyed many shelves as it failed to hit Alex.

The students that were frozen in the library were able to see and hear Alex running away from the psychopathic witch.

At this moment they all felt that they were lucky that they only got frozen. They thought that she was really trying to kill her disciple. All of them sympathized with the fleeing Alex.

Suddenly, another knife appeared in front of Alex. It was unexpected and too fast for Alex to dodge it.



The knife hit Alex on his right shoulder and the force caused him to fall and abnormally roll on the ground. Alex thought that his shoulder had been penetrated, it felt sore and it was aching.

He placed his left hand on his shoulder to assess his injury, and when he did, he was shocked to see that he wasn't affected at all. Apart from the throbbing pain that he was experiencing, there wasn't any blood or an injury. Only the hand of his shirt had been torn

Alex didn't know that a millisecond before the knife could touch him, that part of his skin transformed. Red dragon scales covered that part of his hand, protecting him from the knife.

Now that there were two knives after him, the difficulty of Nana's test increased. Before Alex could get himself, he saw the two knives coming at him at the same time.


He rolled to the side and dodged one of the knives. When he looked at the second knife, Alex wasn't confident that he would be able to dodge that.

"Stop!!" He commanded the knife and it stopped.

This wasn't Nana's doing, it was Alex using his telekinetic ability. He was able to stop the knife for a second and that was enough time for him to move away from the trajectory of the knife.

"That didn't kill you? You stopped the knife for only one second, weak." Nana commented.

"Fuck!! You are trying to kill me!!"

"Not completely, just halfway to death then I will revive you."

Alex looked back and saw 2 knives behind him, when he faced his front again he saw two more knives coming from the front. He looked back again to confirm if the knives behind him were the ones that were coming from the front.

Unfortunately for Alex, it wasn't what he was hoping, 4 kitchen knives were coming at him now.

"This is a library, where in the hell did you get so many kitchen knives from!! This doesn't make any sense. Do you even know how to cook?!" Alex complained.

"Would you like it if I used a different kind of weapon?" Nana asked.

He was about to say yes, but he thought about it again. If Nana decides to use another weapon, she would most likely pick a weapon that would be hard for him to dodge and defend against.


"Good, now stop shouting. This is a library, you are disturbing the peace here." She demanded.

After hearing this from her, the person that started this whole thing, says that. Alex almost vomited blood.

"You know no shame." He uttered and brought out the twin twilight swords in his storage ring. Alex knew that if he kept on running, Nana would keep on making things hard for him by increasing the number of Knives that are in pursuit of him.

Before he makes a break for the exit of the library, he has to try his best to destroy the knives. For a while he hasn't seen Nana, nor could he sense her presence anywhere close to where he was.

It was like she hasn't moved from where he saw her last.

Alex activated his Sword Dao and his cultivation was raised from the second rank of the nirvana realm to the third rank. Then he activated his fire bloodline ability, making his cultivation jump from the third rank of the nirvana realm, to the first rank of the earth realm.

Alex felt a strong surge of power erupt from his core, He could see colors in the air moving around aimlessly. Some stirred in a spiral form, some danced around. These colors were the QI in the surrounding, and although he could see them, it wasn't vivid.

This was the effect of reaching the boundaries of the earth cultivation realm. Alex felt that his body had become lighter and his senses sharper. To him, the speed of the knives reduced and he felt like he had a chance now.

-Tap! Tap!!

From where he was, he could hear Nana's footsteps.

'His strength is comparable to a person at the first rank of the earth realm, how? He is getting support from his Sword Dao and also from his bloodline. Isn't the boost meant to stop at the eighth rank of the nirvana realm? How did he get two more ranks?' Nana wondered.

She still couldn't figure out how Alex was able to increase his cultivation this much.

"Since you have gotten stronger, the difficulty of this test will increase too," Nana informed.

The knives that were heading for him increased in speed.

Alex saw this and got ready to defend himself from the knives. In mere seconds the 4 of them arrive before Alex.

Just like Xander could hear the cries of swords, Alex could hear the knives. He could tell that they were no match for his sword and that increased his confidence.

He swung his sword and hit the four knives. From the eyes of people that were weaker, they would see this as if Alex hit the knives simultaneously. But he didn't, he was just fast enough that it seemed that way.


The knives broke into pieces as Alex hit them with his swords. They fell to the floor.


['This is my chance.'] He thought as he located the nearest window and rushed towards it.

Alex reached the window and he didn't waste a second there, he charged at it and broke through the thin layer of ice that covered the glass. He didn't know what floor he was on and he didn't care at the moment.

He just wanted to run away from Nana. A smile appeared on his face when he felt the warmth of the evening sun on his face. The feeling of relief started to emerge in him as he was falling freely.

"Hehehe, trying to escape from me is not that easy." Nana's voice reached his ears and an ominous feeling killed the relief that he was just starting to feel.

Suddenly, Alex felt as if gravity had reversed. Instead of falling, everything started going back, including him and the broken glass. He was dragged back to the floor that he jumped off from.


He landed on his back. Alex laid there and stared at the ceiling.

"I admit, you are improving, quickly. But compared to the average people of the celestial realm, Alexander, you are lacking a lot"

Alex felt like crying, ['I don't want to be compared with people that were born with silver spoons in their mouth.'] He complained in his head.

"Since those knives were easy for you to destroy, I will use something different this time."

"No, no, no, come on, please." Alex pleaded as he got up.

Alex heard the sound of something approaching him, it was loud and fast, faster than the knives that he destroyed. He gulped down his saliva as he anticipated a painful experience

"Good luck, my suffering disciple. Don't expect mercy from me." Nana uttered.

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