The Messenger of Death

Chapter 246: grasping a fundamental nature

Chapter 246: grasping a fundamental nature

'Get to safety. Safety safety.' Alex kept on chanting in his mind when he saw Nana walking towards him.

This is the first time since they met that Nana was using her aura on Alex. She didn't release her full aura, only a fraction of it.

Nana's intention is to put some pressure on Alex. She wanted to stimulate his mind with that pressure.

If she just restricts his movement with her telekinesis or her ice, it won't produce the same kind of stimulation that her aura was going to produce.

They would create the same scenario that she wanted, but different end results.

Alex was trying to move but the pressure that came with Nana's aura was making his whole body heavy.

He started sweating furiously as he watched the knife that had been attacking him fly behind Nana.

['What are you doing!? Move Alex, get some cover.'] Al urged.

Alex and his alters understood Nana's attitude quite well, they had no doubts that if Alex didn't move in time after she attacks, he will get stabbed.

"Arrrhhh!!" Alex made a battle cry and forced his body to move. His steps started slowly and heavily.

"Yes, that's it!! This is all in your head. Breakthrough this mental shackle and regain your standing.

You are the bearer of a class-1 primordial bloodline, the carrier of the blood of 3 dragons, do not soil the pride of those dragons by being intimidated by such little pressure.

Dragons have a lot of pride in them, something this weak shouldn't even faze you!! What are you, a scam!!??" Nana taunted.

['Little pressure!!! F*ck you!! You call this little!! You crazy woman, you know that I'm not a scam and yet you are calling me that!! You think I will fall for your provocation!?'] Alex screamed in his head.

He was finding it hard to breathe and Nana's taunting was getting to him.

['I won't soil the Dragnel's blood. You measly mortal, how dare you speak to me like that!!! I will show you the pride of a dragon'] Alex was determined to break free from this pressure.

He didn't know why he called Nana a measly mortal, maybe it was because her taunting had gotten to him and struck a chord.

Alex didn't know because of the pressure he was getting from Nana, but his blood was boiling.

To be specific, the 3 dragon bloodlines in him were boiling, and in turn, helping him to break the chains of mental restraint that Nana placed on him.

All of this was happening without his knowledge.

Nana could tell that his mental fortitude was getting stronger, so she increased the level of aura that she was releasing.

Alex felt the pressure increase, he squeezed his face and looked behind him. He wanted to know Nana's position and how far he has gotten away from her.

Because of the pressure on him, Alex felt like he had been on the move for almost an hour, while in truth, only a few seconds had gone by.

When he looked back, Nana took a look at his eyes. She wanted to see if he was nearing his limits.

What she saw in his eyes contradicted what she expected. Alex's eyes had changed.

His pupils weren't round anymore, they had turned into slit eyes, just like the eyes of reptiles. Deep, scary, and filled with mystery. However, the eyes retained their normal color Chestnut brown.

She was a bit startled to see this. He wasn't even close to his limit, rather, his abilities were just awakening.

Though it was still hard for Alex to move, his speed was increasing and he was progressing steadily

"Faster, faster, break away from my restraint before I attack again if you can do this, then your telekinetic ability will get stronger." Nana praised as she saw Alex struggling to move his body despite the pressure she put on him.

She smiled, 'I will give him a few seconds before attacking with the knife again. If I attack too early, this drive of his will die and it might be difficult to put him in this kind of situation again.' She thought.

Alex looked behind him once again, and as soon as he did, he saw the knife that was behind nana previously, fly to her front.

Nana did this purposely, she wanted to provoke Alex some more and urge him to break through her pressure again.

['Faster'] Alex thought. ['Faster!'] He shouted at himself.

"Faster!!!" This time, when he uttered this, it was as if he was giving his body a command.


Suddenly, rose-gold lightning flashed around Alex's eyes. With the appearance of this flash, Alex felt a surge of energy erupting in his head.

This wasn't him activating his lightning bloodline, but this was him grasping one of the fundamental nature of lightning, absolute speed.

This little grasp that he tapped into from his bloodline helped removed the mental shackles on him.


Alex flashed out of Nana's sight. He was very fast, so fast that he left a silhouette of himself in the air.

It wasn't an after image because his features weren't vivid, but it was something close to that.

Alex moved faster than Xander had ever moved. Albeit his speed, it was nothing troublesome to Nana. At most, she saw it as a little improvement.

However, to Alex, this wasn't a little improvement. He could finally use lightning element.

['Guys!!! Are you seeing-']


Alex collided with one of the walls of the library that had been frozen over

"Oouch." He uttered while he was pushing himself off the pile of iced rubbles.

['What the hell were you looking at?'] Al asked. ['Getting excited because you were able to use the lightning element.']

['Congratulations Alex, you were able to the lightning element.'] Lex congratulated him, he was genuinely happy for Alex.

['Finally, you are getting stronger.'] Xander said. He wasn't particularly happy or sad that Alex could use the element. Xander always knew that Alex would be able to use it one day. It was only right that he did.

['Thanks Lex, and F*ck you Al. You are always filled with fuckery.' Alex responded.

['You are most welcome, my fuckery is the highlight of your life.'] Al mentioned proudly.

Alex stood up and he watched as lightning danced around him. What surprised him was the fact that he still hasn't activated the bloodline ability of the lightning Bloodline.

His cultivation was still at the second rank of the nirvana realm, there was not a boost from the lightning physically, but there was a great boost from it, mentally.

The feeling that Alex got from the lightning dancing around him, was almost similar to the one he gets whenever he activates the fire bloodline ability.

The lightning gave him the feeling that he could move fast, and there was no heat along with it, though, there were strong vibrations that were harmless to Alex.

"What are you smiling about?" Nana asked.

Immediately, Alex felt the hair behind his neck stand. On instinct, he flashed to the side and dodged the meteor-like flying kitchen knife.


The knife broke throw the wall and turned quickly, making its way towards Alex again.

"The speed increased." He said in fear.


Alex dodged again. If it wasn't for the fundamental nature of lightning that he had grasped, he would have been killed by this knife.

With the help of what he had grasped, Alex was able to dodge properly instead of dodging narrowly.

"Stop trying to kill me, Nana!!!" Alex bellowed before he flashed away from her sight again.

"You keep on dodging and you expect me not to make things harder for you?! Dream on!! If you want a break then stop the knife for 3 seconds with your telekinesis!" Nana stated.

While Alex was running, he heard everything that she said.

['Your control over the lightning element is as shitty as your control over the fire element. You are leaving traces of lightning marks wherever you go. If you want to lose her, then you have to do better than this.'] Al found fault in his control.

['Sh*t!!! I know, you don't have to rub it in my mind!'] Alex frowned.

It was as if Al wasn't happy that Alex could use the lightning element.

And in truth, he wasn't. He felt as if Alex was getting closer to not needing them again. Al thought that once Alex is able to use the spatial element, their use will reduce significantly.

['I was just letting you know that you are not ready to live without us.'] Al slipped.

['What!? Where the hell did that come from?!'] Alex thought in confusion. He didn't know how or when they entered this topic.

Alex waited but Al didn't respond. ['Al, answer me!']


The knife broke through a wall and found Alex like a homing missile.

"WOAHH!!" Alex exclaimed as he bent his knees and arched his back to the extreme from the position that he was in.

The knife came as a surprise and as he was dodging, it made a mark on his forehead and cut a strand of hair off

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