The Messenger of Death

Chapter 245: quality over quantity

Chapter 245: quality over quantity

A huge smile appeared on Alex's face when he saw that the droplets were freezing and turning into ice. At this moment, Alex's core was almost at its limit as there was barely any QI left in there.

When he was almost done, he ran out of QI. The droplets of ice fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Alex fell to his knees breathing hard with a smile on his face.

['Our core is bigger than the average core of a cultivator, in other words, the amount of QI we can store is more than average and yet you ran out of QI so easily. This is going to take a while for you to learn.'] Al commented.

['A while? I don't really mind. I just like that I could do this and that this has proven that with the help of science, I can do many more. I just need to think of a way to reduce the amount of QI that is going to be consumed.']

"You didn't hold on for long, but you did get it right on your first try," Nana remarked.

"Of course I did good, I am me after all. What can't I do once I put my mind to it?" Alex boasted.

['Say's the virgin.'] Al muttered.

"Ahh, arrogance" Nana smiled at him. "It's good to be arrogant, but just don't be ignorant." She said.

"Here, you can have your"

"...Skin crawler." Alex completed for her. He used his right hand to collect his mask back and then he placed it on his face.

In moments the mask planted itself on Alex's face and turned on its camouflaging features.

"Seeing this makes me feel weird, what other things can you do with this mask?" She asked.

"Things like this."

Alex commanded the skin crawler to change the color of his hair and the shape of his nose. His hair changed from the midnight black color that it was to light blue. His nose became fatter, making Alex look different than normal.

['Here he goes, sticking his dick in her face.'] Al still wasn't in support of Alex telling Nana about the skin crawler.

Nana watched as this happened and she couldn't help but feel awe for what the mask could do. "Anything else?" She asked.

"Uhh, it was the mask that helped me get the Midas petal. It can track the energy that the petal radiates." He revealed.

['Oh, hello!! My name is Alexander and I come from Earth, in peace. I am an alien. Woohoo!!! And guess what, I have multiple personalities, and I am also a virgin.'] Al mocked.

He was insinuating that Alex should just tell her everything about himself since he was revealing their secrets already.

"Are you kidding me? What sort of geniuses created this thing?" Nana exclaimed.

"Not geniuses, thieves. This was created by thieves and killers." Alex frowned, his mood started to change. It has been long since he thought about Death's Door and the feud that he has with them.

Unconsciously, he started to get angry, and Nana was able to see this. So she decided to change the topic and stop fawning over his mind-blowing mask.

"I'll keep my curiosity at bay, for now, let us return to the matter at hand. Now that you know the basics of how to create ice, the only problem is that your QI cannot support it for a long time.

Do you know how to solve that problem?" She questioned, wanting to know if her disciple was smart enough to think of solutions for himself.

"Uhh, make my core bigger?" He answered.

"Hahaha!! That is almost impossible to do. I know that it happened to you once, but that was a stroke of luck. It is something that rarely happens.

People that want to increase the size of their cores will have to destroy the current one that they possess and reconstruct a new one. And even then, it is still not certain that the core will get bigger, if not smaller."

"Then how do I solve this?" Alex wondered.

"Easy, by solidifying your cultivation, over and over again. You don't need to wait till you make another breakthrough before you solidify your foundations again. You can always do it, anytime you feel like doing it.

Whenever you solidify your foundations, you are increasing the richness, purity, and quality of the QI that is in you."

Alex nodded his head, understanding what he is expected to do.

"Quality over quantity, if your QI was thick, you wouldn't have to use a quarter of the QI in your core to make those little ice. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I should start taking solidifying my foundations seriously." He added.

"Correct. Now, you have 10 minutes to gather your QI and get ready. I want to see how strong your telekinesis is now. If you are not strong enough for my taste, I will beat you up, I have some pent-up frustration in me."

"What!? But that's an abuse of power!" Alex exclaimed.

"Exactly, get stronger and abuse your power too. The day that you get strong enough to pin me down is the day that I become yours." Nana stated.

"I don't want you to become mine, and I don't want to abuse my power."

"That's your problem, you have 9 minutes left now." Nana laid back and closed her eyes while Alex stood still and stared at his crazy master with confusion in his eyes.

"What about the bonus martial skill that you said you were going to teach to me if I got the answer correct, shouldn't we start with that before you test my telekinesis?"

"No, that will come after I evaluate your strength and do me a favor, change your face back to normal. You look ugly like this." She answered lazily.

['Al, do you think our telekinesis is stronger than before?'] He asked while he gave the command to the skin crawler to return his face to normal.

['How am I supposed to know that? We haven't had the chance to use it since then. We were so deep into increasing our cultivation quickly that we have ignored the other arsenals that we possess.

So, on your own, find out if it has gotten stronger. I am not switching with you because if it hasn't, I will be the one that gets beaten.

You are on your own now rabbit.'] Al responded.

['You backstabbing mutt!!...'] Alex continued to throw insults at Al while Al began whistling, ignoring everything that Alex was saying.

['You better get down to regaining your strength before the 10 minutes run out. It is better to have some strength when you are being beaten by Nana.'] Xander advised.

['You too!!'] Alex shouted.

['I was just saying.'] Xander kept quiet after that.

Alex sighed before he started absorbing the QI surrounding him.

When 8 minutes had gone by, Nana interrupted him. "Time's up, get ready."


A kitchen knife appeared out of nowhere and shot at Alex aiming for his neck. Immediately, his instincts kicked and he dived to the side. The knife touched the side of his neck, cutting his skin open. It was a narrow miss.

He turned and looked at what almost sliced his throat. Alex saw that it was a kitchen knife.

The knife was stuck in the wall of the room they were in. Nana used her telekinesis to remove the knife from the wall and then she aimed at Alex again.

"Nana!! Are you trying to kill me!!??" Alex bellowed.

"I will watch that tone if I was you, the first shot was just a warning shot. If you keep on dodging, I will keep on chasing after you. I won't stop until you slow the knife down for 3 seconds. Till then, good luck."


"Ahhh!! Wait!! Let me at least get ready!!" Alex shouted as he jumped to the side dodging the knife again.

Before he got his footing, the knife was already coming for him again.

Alex dodged again, making sure that he lands properly this time.

"Stay still and stop that knife with your body or with your mind," Nana uttered.

"What!! With my body, that's suicide."

"I was just thinking of restricting your movements, that way you wouldn't be able to dodge the knife."

"Nana, you crazy woman!!" Alex shouted as he narrowly dodged the knife again.

"I know, isn't crazy, sexy?" She asked playfully.

"No!! Crazy is Crazy!!"


Alex tried to stop the knife using his telekinesis, but he was too weak. It bounced off the knife and charged at him.

The speed at which it was approaching Alex was too fast for him to dodge, he quickly brought out the knife that he got from the Dragnels.


He used the Dragnel's knife to block the kitchen knife.


The force from the knife was so strong that it made Alex fly, yards away, and crashed into the wall of the room. His body stuck there.


The knife went for him again.


Alex blocked the knife again. This time he broke through the wall and flew till he hit a wall made of ice.

At this moment, he felt as if Nana was really going to kill him.

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