The Messenger of Death

Chapter 251: resolution

Chapter 251: resolution

"You are sure? 2 to 3 weeks?" Alex wanted to confirm. He knew that his master could change her decisions quickly.

"Yes, 2 to 3 weeks at minimum. It depends on your ability to grow. An average person in the celestial realm will use 12 days to learn what I have in mind for you. Now, if your growth is up to my expectations, then it should take 2 weeks minimum, 3 weeks maximum." Nana explained.

"What?" Alex didn't know how to react to the comparison that Nana made. He didn't like being compared with others, by others. He could it do to himself, just for reference sake.

"If your growth is slow, then it should take a month at least, or 2 months at most."

In truth, even talented individuals in the celestial realm wouldn't be able to learn what Nana wanted to teach, in 3 weeks. And here she was, trying to throw jabs at Alex's ego.

['This woman is spiteful.'] Al commented.

['Come tell her that yourself.'] Alex thought. He wanted to ridicule Al because he knows how much he feared Nana.

['No thank you. I shall remain as I am.'] Al refused.

"Do you still want to take your break now?" Nana interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to reality.


"Alright then, I will be back in 4 hours don't try leaving the library. Don't even try teleporting." She squinted her eyes at Alex before she left the room.

['What is this crazy woman talking of? If I could teleport, I will go somewhere far away from here.'] Alex thought.

He had no recollection of what happened when he passed out, all he could remember was that his body hit the ground before Lex could take.

"By the way, Milo, what are you doing?" Alex turned to his side and saw that Milo was gnawing at the paper where his schedule was writing on.

Milo stopped what he was doing and looked up at Alex. He showed his teeth and looked at the paper again. Alex could understand what he was trying to say.

"You also think that this schedule is rubbish, don't you?" He asked.

Milo nodded his head in agreement before going back to gnawing at the paper.

"Hahaha," Alex picked Milo and placed him on his lap. He began stroking and patting his head, making Milo purr.

"It might be shitty, but ultimately in my case, it is necessary. One day, I will tell you about my past. You need to know what I've been through so that you can help me get my revenge." Alex uttered gently as he continued to pat Milo's head

"why did Nana talk about teleportation? I can't seem to get it out of my head. Guys, did something happen while I was out?" Alex asked as he dropped Milo on the bed.

The Persian cat form of Milo went back to destroying the paper that was beside his master. Milo didn't mind that his master was talking to himself, he thought that it was a very normal thing to do. He could hear his master's thoughts naturally, in other words, Milo could hear Alex converse with his alternate personalities.

['Nothing much, Lex took over as you requested. And then he ran around the library for his life. Teleporting from one floor to another. It was fun.'] Al answered.

He twisted the truth a bit by saying that it was fun. Alex didn't know if he should believe that it was fun or not. They know that Lex was the craziest of them all, what might be dangerous and deadly is absolutely fun to him.

['It wasn't fun. It was scary, Nana almost killed us. I had to summon Milo and use him as a shield.'] Lex spoke.

['Wait, but did you teleport?'] He asked.

['Yes, twice for that matter.']

"Yes!!!" Alex jumped up from the bed in excitement. "This is one of the abilities that come with the spatial element." He added.

['Why didn't you react like this when I told about the teleportation?'] Al asked.

['Because you are a freaking liar. Believing you is like swallowing a snake alive.']

['Oh really, next time I will make sure stay silent and let you wonder. Ungrateful prick.']

['That was uncalled for, Al.'] Xander interjected.

['Hmph'] Al responded.

Alex ignored Al, his insult wasn't enough to overshadow the excitement that he was feeling at the moment.

['Show me how you did it, switch with me.'] Alex requested.

['But Nana said to not teleport.'] Lex reminded.

['Forget about what she said, the most she would do is to send me to the forest behind the snow-covered mountain. Either that or she kicks my balls.'] He winced a bit when he remembered what that felt like.



Alex and Lex switched.

['Just teleport to places in the room, you don't need to go far.] Alex added.


Lex teleported to a chair that was beside the mattress.


He returned to the position that he was seated, on the bed, a few seconds ago.

['That happened in an instance. Now I'm curious, how far can you travel?'] Alex questioned, the excitement could be heard in his tone.

['Hillbilly.'] Al muttered.

"I think it is limited to my territory," Lex answered. "I can't teleport to anywhere outside my territory and it is very draining. So according to my calculations, I can only teleport 3 times in 2 hours." Lex revealed.

['Ahh, f*ck me sideways. I got excited too soon. I forgot about the usual fuckery that universe loves to throws at us.'] Alex reasoned.

"It's not that bad. It can be used to save our lives when needed. And also, the limits of my territory have increased. It should be about 0.9km." Lex said with a smile.

['900 meters, almost a kilometer, nice. This is awesome.'] Al rejoiced.

"And also, I think I can do something similar to teleportation, only problem is that I would need to have a counterpart."

['Huh?' What do you mean by that?'] Xander questioned.

"I need something to exchange positions with. For example," Lex looked around the room for something suitable to use. His gaze lingered on Milo before he decided to use him.

"Watch this," He started by activating his spatial bloodline ability, making his territory emerge and denser.

His senses became sharper and he could feel the space in his territory become flexible.


Suddenly, Lex appeared on the paper that Milo had been gnawing on, while Milo appeared on where Lex had been seating on.

Milo stood straight with a confused expression on his face. One second he was using his claws to tear a paper and the next second, the paper was elsewhere. He looked at Lex, waiting for him to say something.

['Woah, you exchanged positions with Milo. Does it have to be with a living thing?'] Alex questioned.

['You mean the exchange?'] Lex asked.


['Dumb rabbit, is Milo a living thing?'] Al questioned.

['Oh, I almost forgot. How many times can you do this this spatial exchange thing?'] Alex wondered.

['I think I should be able to use this 9 to 12 times in an hour. If the recovery rate of my QI increases then it should also increase.']

['Rather, if our QI gets thicker, it should also increase. Quality over quantity, remember.'] Al interjected.

['You know what I think?'] Xander spoke.

['What?'] They said simultaneously.

['We need to practice and train using the elements. I realized that there is a lot that we could do with the help of imagination and science, even before Nana told us about using the knowledge from science.

The thousands of lightning swords that I created in that lightning swamp, wasn't anything much, I just used my imagination to control the shape of the lightning.

If you guys can also find a way to integrate your bloodline abilities with the surrounding QI then you should be able to do things like the AOE attacks that I use.

That way we wouldn't have only one AOE attack.'] Xander divulged his thoughts to the rest.

['I agree with you, Xander. We have been slacking, a lot. We shouldn't only think of increasing our strength, but also think of how to utilize them to the best possible way.'] Al concurred.

"I agree too."

['Same here. We can use Milo as a practice buddy.'] Alex suggested.

"Meow?" Milo turned and faced Lex with a shocked expression on his face.

['Huh? Can he still hear my thoughts?'] He wondered. ['Guys, Al, Xander, call his name. I want to confirm something.'] Alex urged.

The two of them figured out what Alex wanted to do, and then they complied.

['Milo?'] Xander called out.

"Meow?" Milo answered.

"He can hear our thoughts," Lex whispered. "He must have been listening to everything that we have been saying."

['Milo, turn into a snake.'] Al requested.

Immediately, Milo complied and turned into a huge black and red snake. It looked like a grown anaconda.

"Hisss" His pink tongue escaped from his mouth as he hissed.

Lex flinched at the sight of the huge snake form of Milo. "Al!!" He exclaimed.

"Milo, turn into a small birdie." Lex urged.

Just like he did the first time, Milo changed his form and turned into a raven. But the raven wasn't small, it was as big as a grown eagle. The inner part of his feathers was red and the outer part black.

His beak looked sharp and scary and his eyes, blood-red. He flapped his wings and flew into the air majestically.

After flying for a little while, Milo landed on Lex's shoulder. His weight caused Lex's shoulder to slouch a bit.

"I said small, not big," Lex complained.

Milo closed his eyes and raised his head proudly as if to say that small wasn't his style.

"Indeed," Lex uttered as he eyed the raven form of Milo on his shoulder

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