The Messenger of Death

Chapter 190: alex's worries

Chapter 190: alex's worries

Alex and his teammates left for the suite, on the way, Drake couldn't stop talking about the assassination.

['This might warrant an unwanted investigation. I don't know how this world carries out their investigation, but I am getting worried by the minute that there some kind of all-seeing talisman that they can use to find out who killed the staff. If it was just those fools that we poisoned I wouldn't be worried because we didn't use our face and voice.

That stupid woman just had to attack us and make things worse Ahhh where's that master of ours when you need her, shouldn't she be back by now?'] Al thought.

['I don't think it will be that easy for them to find anything that connects the murders to us. As Alex said, we were trying out a new thing with our ability and lost control of it. If they manage to find anything that connects us to the murder, we can always use the excuse of being blown over to that area by the lightning.'] Xander stated.

"I heard from someone that the staff that was assassinated was Miss. Hinata. For an assassin to sneak into the school grounds, and kill several students, then kill a rank-1 sky realm cultivator. That person must be really strong and dangerous." Drake said.

"Drake, have you thought of it this way? If you keep on talking about this person you might just be the next target." Katherine said to scare him and make him shut up.

On their way to the suite, Camron had his suspicions about this whole assassination thing.

'This morning, Miss. Hinata was quite rude to Alex, and as someone from royalty, he must have seen it as disrespect. Did he ask his protector to kill her for disrespecting him? Is this what he meant by punishment?' He thought.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was his protector that chose to kill her as punishment, after all, being rude to royalty is punishable by death," Camron whispered to himself.

"What are you going on about?" Alex asked when he saw Camron talking to himself.

"Did you ask for Miss. Hinata to be killed?" Camron whispered into Alex's ears.

"Why are you asking me that?" Alex wondered.

"You said that you were going to meet with your protector and ask him or her to punish some people. The security of the academy is top-notch even if it doesn't look like it is, only someone insanely strong can sneak into the school and kill 5 people in one night, and still escape without getting caught." Camron disclosed his thoughts.

"No, I didn't ask for this," Alex replied.

"Are you sure?" Camron still suspected that Alex had a hand in this.

"As sure as I can be." He answered.

Soon they reached the suite and after they got in, Alex left for his room. He had forgotten all about their plans to celebrate their successful assassination.

After he arrived in his room Alex went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. "I told you that I had a bad feeling," Alex uttered while he was seated in a bathtub filled with water that had been mixed with the blood on his body.

He was speaking to Al.

['If only your bad feeling was specific enough, I thought you were referring to the assassination of those idiots. The universe was helping us then, only to sh*t on us the moment we drop our guard.'] Al muttered.

"This was unforeseen but we handled it well, right?" Alex questioned.

His alters kept quiet, not because they didn't agree with what he said, but because they did not know what the standards of 'handling it well' in this world, was.

Many things were possible, they had accounted for that in their plans for killing Duna's underlings, but not for the unforeseen attack from Hinata.

['Just stop thinking about this. Who would believe that we can harm a cultivator as strong as her? And even if they do have proof then we will deny it to the end, right until Nana gets back. And If push comes to shove, then you use that bloody bloodline ability.'] Xander stated.

"You're right," Alex concurred and leaned back into the water and laid his head on the side of the tub, and closed his eyes. Moments later, Alex fell asleep in the tub

Early in the morning, Alex woke up in the tub, strangely he felt quite comfortable in the water.

['You know, this is one recipe for suicide. I'm surprised that your skin doesn't look wrinkled after spending the whole night in here.'] Al commented.

"Yeah, I kinda blacked out while I was being worried about what was going to happen during the investigation. But now, I'm not so worried, I don't know why I was worried in the first place." Alex stated as he got out of the red-ish water and took in a deep breath.

"My QI seemed to have been replenished, and unlike the first time that Xander used that lightning AOE attack, my core doesn't seem to have any visible cracks." Alex relayed to his alters he was checking the state of his body.

He pulled the plug in the tub and the water went down the drain.

Alex decided to have a proper shower with clean water this time. After he was done he got dressed and left his room.

"Another class today, just without that annoying woman." Alex smiled and shook his head.

"Someone is in a good mood this morning," Camron said with a slice of bread in his mouth.

Camron's voice brought Alex back to reality and he noticed that his whole team was present here this morning, having breakfast in his dining room. He was used to seeing them here now, to an extent that he was starting to see it as a normal thing.

"And someone doesn't seem to be angry at me anymore, it is because I said something like asking someone to punish some people?" Alex joked as he made his way to an empty chair on the table.

"Hahahaha, do you dare to threaten your best friend?" Camron smirked.

Alex was a bit stunned to hear Camron say that. He was used to hearing and saying that they were friends, but hearing him call himself his best friend made Alex feel something that he had never felt before.

['Guys, I think this Camron guy is starting to grow on our boy Alex. He just might get attached, should we remind him not to?'] Al chipped in.

['I'm not getting attached, it's just I've never had a best friend before, him saying that we are best friends caught me off guard.'] Alex denied.

['What do mean by you've never had a best friend?'] Al was offended by that statement.

['Have I?'] Alex asked.

['What about me, Lex, and Xander? What are we to you?'] Al questioned.

['My alternate personalities, technically, you guys are me.'] Alex answered.

['That's!!'] Al paused. ['Okay I have to admit that you have a reasonable point, but very much arguable.'] He added.

['Sure, whatever you say,'] Alex dismissed Al and ended the childish argument that he was having with him.

"Alex, I wanted to apologize for being angry at you yesterday. If I am, to be honest, you did nothing wrong, I was the one that was wrong for trying to force my sister on you. I Just thought that you deserve the best and except my moms, my sisters are the next best people I know I'm sorry." Camron apologized.

"Don't tell me that you are actually scared that you are going to be punished by that person," Alex smirked at him.

"Haha, no, not really. What made me angry was the fact that you ditched the dinner and left her there drunk, you could have at least called me to come get her." He revealed.

"Oh, and here I was thinking that you were angry because I didn't give her an answer after she confessed her feelings to me. Sorry about that, I don't really know what the majority consider as right and wrong. I thought that it was going to be okay to leave her there to enjoy her sleep." Alex said.

"Nah, why would I be mad that you didn't give her a reply. It good that you didn't, if you had, then it is likely to be the same reply that you gave Katherine when she tried to ask you out-"

"Hey!!" Katherine interrupted.

"Hahaha," Adrian laughed silently while Drake tried to hold his laughter back. He knew that if he did laugh out loud, then he was likely to get beaten by Kathrine this morning.

"Sorry Katherine, but it is what it is." Camron chuckled. "Anyways, you not giving her a reply means that she still has a chance with you." He finished.

"You don't give up easily, do you?" Alex muttered.

"I'm only this stubborn when it comes to people I care about." Camron shrugged his shoulders.

"She only has a chance if I haven't taken him," Katherine uttered as she aggressively stabbed a red boiled egg on her plate.

After they were done eating, they left for their class...

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