The Messenger of Death

Chapter 189: an extra kill for the night

Chapter 189: an extra kill for the night

"Ahhrrrghh!! You bastard what did you do!?" Hinata bellowed. She used her QI to stop the bleeding.

"Hehehehe!!!" Lex cackled at her question, seeming to enjoy the way she was reacting to his little surprise.

"You stupid boy." She hurled a punch at Lex with the hand that still had intact fingers.


Lex put his hands in front of him and blocked the blow, but the force behind the punch was too strong for him to withstand, it sent him flying.


He crashed on a tree. "Hehehehe!!!" Even after the blow that she gave to him, Lex was still cackling at her.

"You bastard, you are still laughing, wait till I punch your throat." Hinata started breathing heavily, she was very furious at Lex.

She took a step forward and it was then that she knew that something wasn't right with her body. Her legs were shaking. "What's this? What did you do to me?" She questioned frantically.

"Me? I didn't do anything, you were the one that refused to let the knife pierce your heart." He giggled. "Ouch," Lex exclaimed. While he was giggling his neck went stiff.


He used his hands to bend his neck towards an angle and cracked it.

"That's better."

Hinata just kept on staring at Lex as if he was crazy.

"Alright, the knife was coated with poison." Lex disclosed. He placed his hands behind his back and swayed his upper body the same way a kid would.

"Poison? Give me the antidote," She demanded.

"No." Lex frowned as he rejected her offer.

"You can't kill a staff in the academy." Hinata pointed out.

"Exactly, I can't kill a staff in the academy. Especially not one as strong as you. How can I, a simple rank-1 disaster realm cultivator like me, harm you? That is not possible, don't you think?" Lex asked her.

Hinata understood the meaning behind his words, if he killed her with anyone seeing him do it, no one will believe that he was the one that did it.

"You wouldn't?" Now she looked at Lex with a tinge of fear in her eyes.

"Hehehehe hahaha!! I don't know, would I?" Lex asked her the same question.

His laughter made her feel uneasy.

'Even if I don't get the antidote from him, I should run to the infirmary, they should be able to stop the poison temporarily. Then I can tell them where to get the antidote.' Hinata thought to herself.

Hinata was about to run away but she could only afford to take three steps before the poison took effect.

"Ahh!" She exclaimed as she tried to resist the effects of the poison. Now she knew that she at the mercy of Lex.

"Please, spare me. I shouldn't have been greedy and made an attempt to take your treasure away from you." Hinata pleaded.

Lex pouted, "Really?" He asked.

"I swear, I have learned my lesson." She answered.

['Lex, kill the woman, pick the knife and leave this place, quickly. Before another person arrives in this place.'] Xander ordered.

"Mmm, okay," Lex said in response to Xander's order.

"Really? Thank you, thank you." Hinata shamelessly thought that Lex's response was for her.

"Eh?" Lex tilted his head and his crazed smile crawled up his lips. He brought out the paper that had the antidote in it.

"Here," He said to her, indicating with his head that she should come and get it.

"Thank you," She thanked him again.

'I really did shake him till he lost his mind. Does he think that I will let him go after I get the antidote? Nave fool.' Hinata thought, hiding her evil thoughts and making sure that she didn't give them away with her facial expression.

['She thinks that I was talking to her.'] Lex thought.

"Can you come closer and put in my mouth, I can't seem to move my limbs anymore, please." She asked after she had tried moving but failed at it.

"Sure why not," Lex responded and started walking towards her calmly. He looked like he was really about to do as she asked and that confirmed to Hinata that Lex was Nave.

Lex arrived in front of her. "Take it, and let's be friends." He smiled.

"I can't move my lips, be a darling, and pour it into my mouth." She opened her mouth.

"Hehehehe," Lex cackled once more.



Lex hurled a kick, aiming for her knee cap. He hit her knee so hard that it broke and bent the opposite way.

"Ahhh- barff!!" Hinata cried out but her cry was cut short by the blow Lex gave to her throat.

She was about to drop to the floor when Lex inserted his fingers into her nose and used it to throw her up. Doing that, he pulled the meat on her nose, off her face.

['Ewww!! Lex, can't you kill normally!?'] Alex was disgusted by the way Lex chose to handle this.

Lex jumped into the air and hurled another kick at Hinata, sending her into the distance.


She crashed on a tree and fell to the ground. Blood gushed out of her nose and the knee that Lex broke rested on the ground in an unnatural way.

['Now where's the fun in killing normally.'] Lex replied and cackled.

['Just get the knife and leave this place.'] Alex said.

Lex went over to where the knife was dropped and picked it up, he was about to leave when Al stopped him.

['Lex, take her storage ring too, it's on the floor, beside her sliced fingers. She's about to die, meaning her bond with the ring will disappear after her death and whatever that's inside will be ours.'] Al mentioned.

He looked around and found it.

"Got it." He said after he had picked it up.


Lex left for the guest inn as fast as he could

Several minutes later, Lex arrived in front of the guest inn and he was surprised to see a lot of people standing outside, including his teammates. Most of them were people that resided in the guest inn.

['People!! Too many people!!!'] Lex thought.


He switched with Alex.

"That was fast f*ck, Xander are you sure that only one shoulder was dislocated?" Alex whispered as soon as he took control of his body.

['Yes I am, if the second one is dislocated then it was probably done when Lex was attacked by Hinata.'] Xander answered.

"Even my legs hurt time to walk into the light." He uttered.

"What's going?" Alex questioned and came out of the shadow that he was hiding in.

Everyone there looked at him weirdly as soon as they saw him.

"Alex, what happened?" Camron asked.

"Huh?" He wasn't quite sure why Camron was asking that so he looked at the facial expressions of the rest there and saw that they were looking at him weirdly.

['The blood on your body.'] Al reminded.

['Sh*t, we were too engulfed in the thought of reaching here as fast as we could to remember that there was blood on us.'] Alex cursed.

['Don't worry about it, most of it is ours. Except for the one on your fingers, that blood is definitely Hinata's and I have a feeling that there's snot mixed with it.'] Al pointed out.

Alex unconsciously rubbed his finger together to feel if there was actually snot on his fingers. He could feel some kind of sliminess as he rubbed his fingers together.

['Ewww, there's snot on my fingers I think.'] Alex said.

"Alex, are you okay? What happened to you?" Adrian asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Nothing much I-I was trying something new with my ability and it kinda backfired on me." Alex thought of a lie quickly.

"You mean the storm of lightning? You were the one that did that right? It looked so similar to the one that happened in the capital city, only that it was way bigger, and wasn't focused in one area." Adrian inquired.

"Yeah, I lost control of the lightning, and the blood on me is as a result of that. But I'm fine, just flesh wounds." He answered.

['And a dislocated shoulder, and also possible fractures on your ribs.'] Al added.

Alex quickly touched his chest to check if what Al said was true, he sighed in relief after poking his ribs and not feeling pain in return.

"You were the one that created that abnormal phenomenon?" Xiao En interjected as she appeared in front of the guest inn.

"I'm just coming from the scene. I heard that you were a lightning elemental user but I didn't know that your ability was that horrifying." She said.

"I lost control of it while I was trying something new," Alex informed her.

"Something new you say?" Xiao En smirked at him.

"Many people went to the scene and while we were there we got hold of an important news 4 students died on campus this night and while we decided to take our chances searching for the killer, we also found the corpse of a staff of the academy." Xiao En's gaze was still on Alex.


"Really!?" The people around exclaimed.

['Why's she still looking at me? This vile woman!'] Alex wanted to curse out loud

"Don't tell me you that you think that I could do that? My lightning might be strong enough to kill those students if they were still in the early stages of the disaster realm, but not a staff of the academy.

Believe me, I will love to take credit for that but it is highly unlikely and basically impossible to achive with my level of cultivation." Alex defended himself.

He knew that Xiao En was trying to mess with him.

"Well, from what I saw on the corpses, it didn't look like they were hit by lightning. The same person that killed the 4 students, killed the staff.

We don't know what the person used to kill them but it is very lethal. In other words, there is a very dangerous assassin in the academy and we do not know who he or she is." Xiao En smiled and nodded at Alex.

['She's just realizing how dangerous we are, hmph!'] Al was dissatisfied.

"You should go up and get yourself cleaned." She was trying her best not to congratulate Alex there and then.

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