The Messenger of Death

Chapter 186: the 8 minutes begins now

Chapter 186: the 8 minutes begins now

Laid on the mattress in the room that Al rented, was Jojo. She had passed out a few minutes ago. On random parts of her body were red marks that Al left on her body with his mouth. He gave her quite a few hickeys.

Al used the blanket on the bed to cover Jojo's nakedness.

"Now that the acting is over, it's time to get down to business," Al stated.

He grabbed her hand and picked her hairpin up from the floor. Al then used the tip of the hairpin to poke one of her fingers.

She flinched when he poked her finger but didn't wake up. Al applied pressure on the finger that he poked and brought out the transformation pill that he got from Xiao En. He then used the pill to touch her blood.

As soon as the pill touched her blood, it absorbed the blood and the yellow pill developed another color. Now it had the color red, mixed with the yellow.

"Here goes nothing," He whispers and throws the pill into his mouth.

Al stayed like that for a few seconds, waiting to feel something weird happen to him, but contrary to his expectations, he didn't see any.

"Did that woman see me fake drugs?" He shoots up from the bed with his eyes wide open, seeming perplexed by his predicament.

['She is very capable of that, maybe she wanted to mess with us.'] Xander stated.

['She did say that she knew that we wanted to kill someone, now that I think about it, will she really help us to do that? If she did then it will make her an accomplice to the murder.'] Lex pointed.

Al began pacing around the room.

"What do I do now? I didn't make a backup plan for something like this." He uttered frantically.

While pacing around, Al glanced at his reflection on the steel bowl that the grapes were placed in. He noticed that there was something wrong with that reflection that he saw.

Al walked closer and took a better look at his reflection. In the reflection, what Al saw was Jojo's face, and body, in his clothes.

"Huh?" He exclaimed and grinned. What he was seeing made him happy and confirmed to him that Xiao En didn't scam him.

"But why didn't I notice this?" He thought out loud.

['It seems like you wouldn't be able to tell if you are still on the disguise unless you have a mirror with you or something of the sort.'] Xander stated.

"It does seem like that." Al looked at his hands and to him, they still looked normal. Then he looked at the reflection of his hands and saw that they looked like that of Jojo's.

['Just forget about this, this disguise doesn't last for more than 30 minutes. Make sure that you don't get wet or act out of character, now leave and begin the assassination. I am starting to get a bad feeling about this whole this thing.'] Alex urged.

"On it rabbit," Al responded and started to undress. 

"System, make me sound the same as she does." Al pointed at the passed out Jojo on the bed.

*Modulating voice, please stand by. Voice modulation completed.

He then placed his uniform in his storage ring before he picked Jojo's clothes up and began wearing them.

When he was done with that, he left the room. Al made sure to lock the door from the outside, just in case someone tries to intrude and coincidentally ruin his plans.

['Don't talk to anyone, or let you're your gaze linger on anyone for longer than 3 seconds, and don't let anyone see your face.'] Alex cautioned.

['I know, why are you telling me all these like I don't know how to take care of myself?'] Al was starting to get annoyed by the way Alex kept on telling him what to do.

['Okay, I'll stop just be careful.'] Alex cautioned one last time.

Al breathed out and shook his head. Soon, he came back to the main hall, where he gambled with his targets.

"System, the marked targets?"

He asked and the system displayed the red dots. One of the dots was quite a distance away, while three of them were in one place.

['Let's go for the 3 idiots first.'] Al now had a general idea of where his targets were and he began making his way there.

Sitting in the distance, not too far from where Al was, were his targets. They were watching some half-naked girls dancing. Some of the guys and girls watching were drinking, cheering, and even smoking.

So were Al's targets.

['I don't know why you think that something bad is going to happen when all that's been happening are good things. Look, it's going to be easier to poison them like this, the universe if finally doing something in our favor.'] Al pointed out.

['It's too early to say that, but I also hope that it is true.'] Alex replied.

"Ahhh Hahahaha!!" Al's targets cheered and spilled the drinks in their cups.

"I guess it's time to help them refill their cups." A mischievous grin surfaced on his face.

A guy was walking by with a tray and Jug of wine in his hands. "Hey, let me help you with that. You go and get another tray." Al skillfully snatched the tray with a jug of wine away from the guy.

"Oh, okay. If you say so." The guy looked at Al weirdly as he retreated.

['It is possible that the females here don't serve wine, you doing that will make you stand out.'] Xander brought that possibility to Al's notice.

Al looked around and saw that what Xander said was true. It was mostly guys that were serving the wines. He entered a corner and hid from the eyes of the majority.

"No wonder that guy looked at me like that."

['I already planned to use this, and we are tight on time. Might as well take the risk because this is one of the easiest ways to take three of them out.'] Al decided to proceed with the plan, despite the possibility that it might compromise him.

Al brought out the paper that he stored the poison in, from his ring. He opened the cover of the jug and stylishly poured everything in the paper into the wine as he surveyed his surroundings. The amount of powdered poison in the paper was the same amount that he took, back when he was testing the poison out on himself.

He returned the paper into his ring and closed the jug.

"Here goes nothing." Al stepped out of his hiding place and made his way to where his targets were. As he got closer, he gained the attention of many that were there.

Both males and females. He thought it was because of the way he swayed his waist when he walked, but later on, told himself to ignore them.

He just continued to where his targets were and acted natural, smiling at everyone that looked at him weirdly.

"Would you like a refill?" Al bent down a bit in front of one of his targets.

The guy looked at Al's chest with lust in his eyes. Al noticed that and looked down at his chest too.

What Al was seeing was different from what his target was seeing. He was seeing his scar-filled upper torso, but the guy that he bent in front of was seeing a cleavage with pristine breasts.

Al's lips started to twitch, he felt like beating the guy to death now.

"Oh hell yeah," The guy replied and placed his hand on his groin.

Al almost gagged when he saw that. ['Keep it cool, Al. Bear with it and just pour the wine in their cups.'] Alex directed.

He took in a deep breath and returned a smile to his face.

"Here you go," He filled his cup with the poisoned wine. "Would you guys like some too?" He turned to the remaining two targets.

"Only if you'll have some with us." One of them replied.

Al resisted the urge to gag and vomit.

"Taste the wine first and tell me what you think." He forced himself to say.

The first target that he served drank the wine.

['The 8 minutes starts now.'] Al looked at the time interface on his skin crawler. ['21:02, by 21:10 I have to be out of here.'] He thought as he served the wine to the remaining two targets.

Immediately, they drank the poisoned wine. "Delicious wine, with a bit of mint flavor in it." One of them said. "Let me have more of it." Another one demanded and pushed his cup forward.

"Give me a minute, I need to refill the jug." Al smiled and cat-walked away.

['Next, the idiot called Rayne,'] He thought as a smirk crawled to his lips. As he was making his way out of the vicinity where people were seated and watching half naked girls dancing, he felt the gaze of someone on him.

['I think I'm being watched, either by someone that has noticed that something is wrong or one horny motherf*cker.'] Al informed the rest.

['Don't react to it, if it is the former then looking at the person that has noticed something will only make that person suspect us more. And if the person is already suspicious, we don't have to show that person that we are aware of his or her suspicions.'] Xander advised.

"Mmm," Al hummed in response to Xander's advice.

['6 minutes left,'] He thought as he glanced at the time interface on his skin crawler.

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