The Messenger of Death

Chapter 187: 6 minutes left

Chapter 187: 6 minutes left

"System, the marked targets?" Al asked and the system brought the red dots to his sight once more.

['Rayne is still where he was 2 minutes ago, my guess is that he's in the hot spring.'] Al thought.

He wasted no time in heading to where his last marked target was.

['I still need to get rid of this evidence.'] He was referring to the tray and jug of wine in his hands.

Al went into the changing room and locked the door behind him, luckily for him, there was no one inside the changing room. Suddenly his hand that was carrying the tray ignited and his dragon flames engulfed the tray and jug.

In no time both the tray and the jug melted then dropped to the floor. He then left the changing room and made his way to the hot spring.

['This part is going to be tricky, how do I get him to take the poison without forcing it into his system? And also, last time that we were here there were guards. Will they be able to tell if something is wrong?'] Al reasoned as he continued to make his way there.

['Maybe, if push comes to shove, then you might just have to force the poison down Rayne's throat and then make a run for it, Xander should be on standby. And don't let water touch you before we are done with this.'] Alex suggested.

['Roger that rabbit.'] Al responded as he entered the vicinity of the hot spring.

"There he is," Al spotted Rayne sitting in the water and his back against a rock there. And just like the first time that he was here, Rayne's shoulders were being massaged. "How do I get that girl to willingly let me take over? If I can do that then poisoning this idiot will get easier, and I wouldn't even have to force it down his throat." Al thought out loud.

He then surveyed the area for the guards.

['There are 7 guards here, if I try to poke into their core to find out their cultivation level, it will raise suspicions.'] Al uttered.

['The boat is already being rocked, just dance with the flow.'] Xander advised.

"Jojo," The girl that was attending to Rayne called out to Al.

Al quickly put a smile on his face and walked to where she was. "What's the problem?" Al asked.

"I heard that you went for a break, is the break over?" She asked.

"Yes, I suppose it is now that I'm here," Al replied.

"Oh thank goodness. So sorry, but can you cover for me? Just for a little while. I have something that I have to do." She pleaded with Al. "Just keep on massaging him until I'm back." She added.

['As I said, rabbit, the universe is finally doing things in our favor.'] Al resisted the urge to make a mischievous smile.

"Okay, take your time. I'll cover for you." Al tapped her head gently.

"Thank you. You are a darling," The girl planted a quick kiss on Al's left cheek.

['Why thank you too.'] Al chuckled.

He swiftly made his way to where Rayne was relaxed.

"Ah, it's you," Rayne exclaimed when he saw Al.

"Do I know you? Or do you know me?" Al asked and placed his knees on the ground. He poured a little oil on his hand.

"You are the girl that was dragged into the water by that bald guy, the one that here 2 days ago." Rayne reminded him.

"Oh, that. I guess I'm famous now." He slowly placed his oily hands and Rayne's shoulders.

"Famous and wanted," Rayne uttered lewdly. "You know, you are the reason that I came back here today. After I saw you that day All wet, and clearly in the mood, since then I haven't been able to take you off my mind.

Al gulped and swallowed the vomit that threatened to escape his throat.

"I do have that kind of effect on some people." Al forced himself to say, politely.

He started to massage Rayne's shoulders.

"Even your touch is heavenly." Al's hands paused for a second then resumed massaging. He was finding it very hard to play this part.

['Next time, I will not be doing something like this. I feel so disgusted.'] Al stated.

['No one forced you to do this,'] Alex reminded him that he was the one that chose to do it.

['Unfortunately, if I was made to do it then I would have someone to blame. But I chose this myself and that's what makes me feel so irritated.']

"Why don't you bring your hands down a bit," Rayne suggested and Al almost choked on his saliva after hearing that.

He started coughing.

"Is something wrong?" Rayne asked.

"No, I'm fine," Al replied.

"You know what? I was thinking. Why don't you and I go somewhere private and then maybe, let the freak in us out? And don't worry, I have enough energy crystals to make that happen."

Al gag as he choked on his saliva again. He was quick to hold himself back from having another coughing fit.

['F*cking hell, I can't endure this any longer.'] Al complained.

['4 minutes, 20 seconds left. You have to do this now.'] Alex urged.

['Alright.'] Al gathered the last bit of sanity that he had left to say and do what he wanted to do now.

"If that's what you want, then why don't I give you something that will help you last," Al said and brought out another paper containing poison in it.

The poison in this one hasn't been measured but since he was tight on time, Al didn't care about that.

He brought the paper closer to Rayne's mouth. "Open wide, trust me. It's delicious." Al mentioned to convince him.

"If this will help me get down with you, then I might just have more than one of this." Rayne chuckled and used his teeth to snatch the paper out of Al's hand. He chewed the paper with the poison and grinned. "Hmm, minty."

['Ohh, that's an awful lot of poison there, he might die in a minute or two.'] Lex commented.

['Doesn't matter, my work here is done and it's time to leave. 3 minutes, 08 seconds.'] Al mentioned.

"You wait for it to start making changes in your body while I go get ready for you," Al tapped his cheek before he stood up. His tap was in no way gentle, but Rayne liked it.

"Rawrr," Rayne purred.

['That will be your last purr b*tch.'] Al commented as he quickly left the vicinity of the hot spring.

['Are you leaving like that or you are ditching her looks and clothes first?'] Alex asked.

"Ditching," Al made his way back to the changing room and locked the door once he was in.

The first thing he did was to tear Jojo's clothes off his body and set them on fire. "My mind has been scarred," He muttered.

Then he proceeded to wear his clothes as fast as he could and was about to exit the changing room.

['What about her looks? You still look like her.'] Alex reminded.

"Damn, I almost forgot." Al stopped and looked around the changing room, he saw a bucket of water at the corner of the room.

Al rushed to where the bucket was and picked it up, he poured the water in the bucket on his body, soaking his body and cloth. The effects of the pill disappeared and he returned to the Al with a bald head.


He immediately activated his fire ability and set himself on fire, which in turn rapidly evaporated the water in his soaked cloth and the one on his body. After that Al quickly left the changing room.

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!" Al heard someone scream, the scream came from the direction of the hot spring. "He's dead." The girl that screamed, spoke.

['Damn it, he had way too much!'] Al cursed.

['You still have 2 minutes left before the same happens to the rest. Leave before bad turns to worst.'] Xander urged.

Al started walking towards the exit, he didn't want to run or else that would bring unwanted attention and suspicions towards him and in turn, pursuers.

The speed at which he used to walk away was moderate.

-Thud!! Thud!!

Al heard sounds of many feet stomping against the ground and it sounded like they were just around the corner.

['They probably heard the scream and are heading to the hot spring now, meaning that we are going to cross paths. More work.'] Al uttered as he looked around quickly, searching for a suitable place to hide.

['Erasing my presence will be of no use here, there's nothing suitable to be used for misdirection here.'] He reasoned.

When the first person came into sight, immediately Al stopped walking normally and started walking like a drunkard. "Oh, sweet sweet sweet money hiccup."

They were 8 gaurds, both males and females, wearing some sort of armor and they all had weapons with them. When they saw Al they were a bit suspicious.

"Who is he and why is he the only one fleeing the place that we heard the scream coming from?" One of the female guards asked.

"Uncle, uncle, is that you?" Al fell on top, one of the guys there.

"Oh uncle, what are doing here? Has your impotency been cured?" Al let his hand travel down the guy's abdomen, he looked like he was really about to check if he was impotent.

"Get off," The guy pushed Al away. "He's just drunk, let's go." The guard that Al fell on said and they rushed towards the direction of the hot spring.

Once they were out of sight Al stopped his act and quickly made his way to the exit.

"Suckers. Mission complete and with just a few more seconds to spare." He whispered when he was just in front of the exit of the Bull's Coven.

"Has anyone seen a bald person walk by!!?" Al heard the voice of the guard that he referred to as uncle not so long ago, ask.

['He finally noticed that there was no smell of alcohol on my breath.'] Al chuckled.

He opened the door and stepped out of the Bull's Coven.

"Ahhhh!!!!" He heard the cries of people coming from the insides of the coven.

['Seems like those three have met their ends too.'] He smirked

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