The Messenger of Death

Chapter 185: doing the necessary

Chapter 185: doing the necessary

NOTICE: Just going to put this out there because some people are quick to judge (not like I care though.) I am in no support of drugging another person male or female, against their will.

This is purely a work of fiction and no actual humans were drugged or harmed in any way. So please keep your insults and rudeness to yourselves.

Constructive criticisms will be most appreciated though.



On a particular table in the Bull's Coven, tension-filled the atmosphere surrounding that table. All the players there were sweating because they chose to compete against a monster. At least that was what they thought.

Al had been winning non-stop. It didn't matter who he went against or who challenged him, or the game they played, with the assistance that he was getting from the skin crawler they couldn't beat him.

Many people complained that Al was cheating, but since it couldn't be proved they couldn't do anything to him. The wealth that he had gathered in just a few hours and rounds of the game, was very attractive to any that saw it.

"Hahahahaha!!!! Who else wants to challenge me? I will accept them all just as long as you have something to bet with." He leaned back on his chair and looked at the nervous, sweaty people sitting at the same table with him.

"Stop bluffing, you might have been lucky enough to win all those games but I don't think that you'll be that lucky this time." Rayne shook his head and cleaned the sweat that had formed on his forehead.

"Oh really? If you think that I'm bluffing then why are you sweating that much?" Al chuckled as he pointed that out.

Now they were playing a game with dice. There were four dice in a bowl, the croupier showed the dice to the players before she covered the bowl and started to shake it around randomly.

This was a game where the players will have to guess the total number on the dice. The more accurate the guess is the better. 

Roughly 30 seconds later, she stopped and dropped the bowl on the table upside-down, and removed the cover from underneath. 

"Your calls?" She looked at Al first. She had seen him win since he started playing and couldn't understand why people were still trying to play against him. 'If he is cheating, the mistress would have found out hours ago, but he's not.'

"Should I go first?" Al looked at those around the table.

"Wait, I'll make the first call." Rayne stopped Al. He focused on the bowl for a while before he pushed the last 2 blue LD-ECs that he had in front of him. "All in for 23." He made his call.

"What about the rest of you guys, do you want to call before I do?" Al Asked.

"No, I can't lose any more energy crystals." One of Rayne's friends gave up. He shook his head leaned back on his chair. So did everybody else there, they withdrew from the game. Al had scarred their confidence in gambling.

"Hmm," Al glanced at the bowl.

['Oh, it really is 23. 6,6,6,and 5. This fool got lucky just when I decided to make this my last game.'] Al thought.

['You know that you can't win every time, right? Just because they can't prove that you've been cheating doesn't mean that there's no prejudice. Lose before they decide to throw you out of the coven and ruin the whole plan.'] Alex suggested.

['I know, I do plan on losing.'] Al stated.

"Well," Al pushed 11 LD-ECs forward. Those were the energy stones that he won from his targets. "20, that's my call," Al smirked at Rayne, making him more nervous than he already was.

"No more calls, everyone has withdrawn?" The croupier announced to reconfirm. "I will be revealing the dice now." She said and raised the bowl off the table.

"Woahh!!!" The crowd around exclaimed and they started clapping.

"I won!" Rayne stared at the dice. "I won!!" He stood up, still shocked at the fact that he actually won. "Hahahaha!!" He began laughing.

"I told you that your luck wasn't going to help you this time." Rayne mocked Al.

"Well congratulations, you got back the energy crystals that I won from you guys," Al said with no emotion in his words. He was pretending to be bummed out that he lost.

"Ehh, don't tell that you are a sore loser." Rayne wanted to annoy Al.

"That I am." Al retrieved all the energy crystals that he brought out of his ring and the ones that he won, into his storage ring.

"Why! Are you leaving!?" Rayne jolted when he saw all that wealth return to Al's ring.

"Yes, I'm not interested in playing anymore." Al stood up from his chair.

"Come on, don't be like that. Sit down and let's have one more game." Rayne urged, he was feeling confident because of the single win that he just had.

"No, I hate losing." Al refused.

"But don't you like the suspense, the thrill, the thumping that you get in your heart when you gamble? It's not about winning or losing, it's about the experience." This was Rayne's attempt to get Al to continue playing.

"Sounds to me like you have a compulsive gambling problem. Count me out, I don't want to play anymore." Al Rejected his offer and left the table. He went over to a bar and sat down.

"Water please," He said to the bartender.

Rayne got pissed that he didn't have the chance to win anything but what he and his friends brought into the coven, from Al.

"Forget it, I'm going to get what I came here for, are you guys coming?" Rayne turned to his friends and asked.

"No, go ahead, I'll join you later." One of them said. "Same here." Two others chorused.

Al was watching his targets from where he was, ['Sh*t, they are splitting.'] He thought.

"System, mark my targets." He whispered.

*Targets marked.

4 red dots appeared at the corner of his eyes. ['I guess I should get prepared on my side before they decide to leave the coven.'] Al decided.

He looked around and searched for Hansel. When he saw her, he left the bar and went to stand by her side.

"John," she smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you still remember the girl that attended to me the last time that I was here?" He asked.

"Yeah, why are you asking about her?"

"I told her that I was going to be here today and I still haven't seen her."

Hansel sighed. "I'm a bit hurt that you want her even when I'm offering myself for free."

"Who said that I rejected that offer," Al smirked. "Saving the best for last." He added.

"A smooth talker. You know, I didn't take you to be this type the first time that I saw you. You were acting shy and reserved, who would have thought that you were a wolf in sheep's clothing." She winked at him.

['A real wolf in sheep's clothing.'] Al commented.

"The girl that you are asking for is called Jojo, she is usually on hot spring duty, but if you are asking for her and she has no problem with you, I suppose she can take a break and spend some quality time with you." Hansel bit her lower, "Wait here, I'll go get her." Hansel left.

['Jojo's height is not that different from mine, I should just be few inches taller than her. Am I forgetting anything?'] Al asked. He didn't want anything to go wrong with assassination.

['Not that I know of.'] Xander answered.

['Good. I'm getting excited, the thought of assassinating is orgasmic to me.'] Al shivered.

['lucky you,'] Alex sighed.

Soon Hansel returned with Jojo by her side.

"It's you, I thought you weren't going to come anymore." Jojo was happy to see Al.

"You don't want me to come here?" Al asked playfully.

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm happy to see you"

"Then why don't we go to a room and you can show me how happy you are to see me." Al was flirting with her.

"Sure, why not," She held his hand and dragged Al away

After renting a room for the night in the Bull's Coven, Al and Jojo finally had some privacy.

The room that they rented was a simple one with a single mattress a table and one chair. There was a bowl of grapes on the table.

['Things just got easier.'] Al chuckled.

Jojo walked towards the bed and started to undress.

"Jojo, how good are you at swallowing?" Al asked.

"I'm alright I guess." Jojo giggled, thinking that Al was referring to something sensual of the sort.

"Show me," Al picked a grape, walked closer to her naked figure, and fed it to her.

['For a pervert, you are resisting her body pretty well.'] Alex complimented.

['Trust me, I know how to separate my wants from a job.'] Al responded.

Jojo wasted no time in sending the grape down her throat.

"So, what do you think?" She closed the distance between the two of them.

"You are pretty good at it," Al picked two more grapes. He picked one and placed it in between his teeth. "Have this one too." He said.

Jojo quickly locked her lips with Al's, she took the grape from him and swallowed it.

Al did the same again, he placed another grape in his mouth and she kissed him again.

"This is getting old, let's turn up the heat," Jojo whispered in his ear. She threw her hands around Al's neck then jumped and used her legs to wrap his waist. "You tease too much," She breathed on his neck and began licking him there.

"Just one more and we'll switch things up," Al stated.

This time it wasn't the grape that he placed in his mouth, it was the sleeping pill that he got from Nana. He pulled Jojo's hair and kissed her, transferring the pill from his mouth and into hers.

Jojo did as she did the first three times with the grapes, she swallowed the pill effortlessly.

Al chuckled.

['Now we just have to wait and play the part until the pill takes effect.'] He mentioned and proceeded to leave trails of kisses on her neck and jaw.

['The part that you enjoy the most.'] Alex commented. He knew that Al was enjoying this but said nothing against it because it was necessary.

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