The Legacy System

626 Chapter 626

Now that the duo had received another attack, they seemed to be warier of their surroundings and situation. They weren't wary of Eric, but wary of each other now.

That first attack was supposed to be Eric's lifeline counterattack, and they had already suffered a lot. And in this situation, their accomplice had tried to take the opportunity to kill them.

This was just enough to understand the danger that was surrounding them, as they both wanted nothing less than the other to die.

With these thoughts in mind, they stayed in silent confrontation for a few minutes, with none of them making the move, which clearly stressed and disappointed Eric.

While he wanted to leave them to their own fight, he felt that he would have to wait a lot in order for this to come to an end, so he started talking in a mocking voice at them.

"Hehehe~! I can't believe you are still alive even after that! It seems like I will have to try a little bit harder this time, don't you think!?"

To the crowd, this was Eric talking and mocking the two of them, but to the two of them, it was their enemy mocking them. Something that they couldn't bear.

That was enough to tip the scales, as they both jumped in attack towards each other at the same time, with the intention to kill each other.

Fortunately or unfortunately they both had the same thought, as they focused more on defense than attack, but they still used quite a bit of their power in attack.

After all, the offense was the best defense, and the defense was the best offense. That was what they were both thinkings at that moment.


The sound of their weapons clashing was reverberating and it almost awakened them from the effects of the hallucinogenic gas, but before that could happen, Eric appeared beside them.

At the moment where they were fully concentrated on the 'enemy' in front of them, they both had no guard against a third party, and Eric took advantage of this, to make two small cuts on their necks.

That was all he could do by using the strength and power of a Realm 2 expert. It was truly pathetic, but it did do the job, as the two knives were poisoned, and they would both die in a short time.

At the moment that Eric jumped back, they seemed to have understood something, unfortunately, it was already too late, and they could only fall to the ground first, and die a few moments later.

The poison that Eric had used was extremely potent, and terrifying, as it would kill even a Realm 5 evolver in a matter of minutes.

Of course, there were other poisons just as lethal inside the Legacy System working against Realm 4 evolver and cheaper, but he didn't want to take a chance.

Not in this situation where his life wasn't guaranteed, and he even had an enemy in the hiding. That was going to be extremely foolish.

In the meantime, the remaining duo, Master Heartless, and that old man were in a tight battle with each other.

The old man was attacking time and time again with everything he had to break the defenses of Master Heartless, while Master Heartless seemed to be defending not only against the old man but also against his surroundings.

He had already understood what was going on in principle, and he didn't know just how many people would target him, Eric seemed to be a truly vicious and tricky brat.

Of course, all this time he hadn't been just defending against the opponent, as he had been using his senses to create a perfect image of the cage, and the people inside, to create a sort of map to his enemies.

In fact, to be more accurate he had been trying to find Eric's position and kill him before dealing with the bastard in front of him.

After all, with Eric on the side, he would never be able to relax his guard, thinking that he would get poisoned at any time.

Once Eric died though, everything would be much easier, as the poison Master would be gone, and he could finally do what he did best, murder people.

After these few precious minutes, he had finally been able to 'accurately' pinpoint Eric's location, and he was finally ready to act against him.

With these thoughts in mind, he didn't waste any more seconds, before he stopped defending himself, and instead jumped quickly towards the target.


The moment that his attack connected a loud banging sound was heard through the whole stadium, as the viewers saw the remains of one of the two dead guys get destroyed to smithereens.

Yup, the destroyed body it didn't belong to Eric! How could he not understand that the biggest issue for the current him was his position and defenses?

From the clash of the old man with Master Heartless, he could already tell that they were in a league of their own.

They were both either peak Realm 4 or had already broken through Realm 5. If that were the case, even if he used his real strength and his Dragon Force, he was still unable to guarantee his health.

For that reason, he decided to not go with the hard approach, but with the soft and tricky one. For that reason, he moved one of the bodies a bit far away, while he took its position on its death bed.

It seemed like his approach had been extremely good, as it had undoubtedly saved his life right now, and he couldn't be any happier.


Still, he couldn't express his feelings at the moment, as he had to keep continuing playing the dead, while the old man's attack landed on Master Heartless from behind.

Master Heartless wasn't that easy to be dealt with though, as even though he was in a difficult position he still managed to dodge the criticality of the attack and let it land on his left shoulder.

At least he had managed to avoid a heavy injury to his heart, and now he could finally fight back with all he had, as he showed a fearsome grin on his face, and in a demonic voice said,

"Heheheheh~! Now it's your time bastard!"

With that said, he immediately flashed from his position and appeared in front of the old man, sending a Bear Punch toward the opponent.

The old man couldn't help but get a bit startled and shocked at the sudden change of Master Heartless, but he wasn't an easy opponent either.

'Baaaaaaaannnnnnnnggggg..., cccrraaacckkkkk~!'

He immediately placed his arms in front of his chest to block the attack, and he certainly succeeded, as the sound of the clash reverberated through the Arena.

Unfortunately, what he didn't expect to happen, was that Master Heatless's Bear Punch would be so powerful and overbearing that it would even crack his forearms bones.

This guy was a monster, a true monster!

He couldn't hold back in the least otherwise he would be dead! Not to mention that he still had his comrades to avenge against this bastard, he wanted him dead.

That's right, there was a small history between the duo, as Master Heartless had actually killed the old man's team in one of their clashes, and now the old man wanted revenge.

That was also the reason why despite understanding that he was being led around like a fool, he still continued fighting, with the wish to kill his opponent.

After all, Master Heartless was possibly his strongest and most difficult opponent, once he took care of him, his win was already set in stone, unfortunately, it didn't seem that easy to kill the guy.

Master Heartless, on the other hand, didn't know about their little history, as he didn't really remember all the guys he had killed, and only wanted to put an end to this Arena.

With those thoughts in mind, he immediately followed his Bear Punch, with a Snake Sweeping Tail, as his right foot made a majestic 360 degrees turn and landed on the old man's ribs.


Another banging sound was heard, and the old man was sent flying to the cage's restrictions, with heavy injuries, crashed internal organs, and cracked ribs.

The current him was far from being able to put a stand any longer, as he could only look at Master Heartless in anger and rage, as he screamed in a loud and audible voice,

"Heartless you son of a bi*tch, it's all your fault my brothers died without a full body! I will make sure to drag you down with me, even if I die a wretched death!"

With that said, the old man immediately started retracting all the energy inside his body towards his inner core as he jumped like a maniac towards Master Heartless.

He wanted to implode himself and bring Master Heartless down with him, this was his only way to make the bastard pay for what he had done.

Even if he couldn't live to see Master Heartless die, he would still be extremely pleased he had killed him.

It was only at that point that Master Heartless understood why this guy had been that excited about attacking him, and it came as a surprise, but it didn't matter much.

"Hmph~! Trash that doesn't dare to show up when his brothers are dying isn't worthy of killing me!"

"You son of a bi*tch!"

Master Heartless's words came crushing upon his heart like heavy stones, as the old man seemed to have grown even angrier and infuriated at the opponent.

He no longer held any thoughts of escape, or stopping, and did what he had to do, implode himself.


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