The Legacy System

627 Chapter 627

Master Heartless was pissed off at the idiot in front of him who was about to implode himself just for some stupid revenge that he couldn't take normally.

What was even the point of getting revenge when he was going to die!? Were his teammates that precious, then perhaps he shouldn't have run away like he did last time and stayed to die with them.

'Aaagghhh~! Damnation!'

If it weren't for the attack he received while he killed Eric then he wouldn't have been in a dilemma as he had great confidence in himself to block the attack and survive.

But now he couldn't put a decent block against it with one hand missing, and the only thing he could do was run.

This was probably the second or third time that he was about to run in fighting an opponent, and he didn't like this action in the least, but to survive that was the only way out.

With those thoughts in mind, he didn't waste any more time, and immediately got to work, as he started running towards the sides of the cage.

He wanted to be as far as possible the moment that the opponent imploded, in order to receive the least damage possible.

"Heheheheh~! Heartless, you bastard, you son of a bi*tch, don't run! Weren't you imposing and frightening when you killed my brothers, why are you running away like a little bi*tch now!

How come you can't even face me Heartless!? Where do you put your figure in front of these people watching Heartless!?

From tonight forth the whole world will know that you are just a running rabbit!"

The opponent understood his intentions as well, but there wasn't much he could do as he was already running at the fastest he could but wasn't able to properly catch up with him.

Since he couldn't catch up to the target, then he could only try to mock and taunt him in order to make him stop and return back in aggressive anger.

He didn't really care what he had to suffer before he died, as the important part was that he was going to die, and he wanted to take Master Heartless down with him.

Unfortunately, all his taunts didn't seem to serve their purpose, as Master Heartless didn't pay him any attention, and was fully focused on keeping a distance.

He wanted to stay as far as he could from the self-imploding idiot, as only like that he would have a great chance to survive and not suffer heavy injuries.

This was no time to get angry, and even less a time to stop and attack the person following him. That would be nothing more but courting his own death, and Master Heartless wasn't that kind of man.

Nothing was more precious than his own life right now, not to mention that he was already getting a great price once all this was over.

Time was ticking, and the self-imploding old man couldn't control the energy inside his body at this moment, as it had gone beyond his control.


He was bound to explode any moment! Knowing that he immediately made a last try to speed up, before he actually exploded into a big firework of blood and other residues.

The range of the explosion covered almost the full cage, and it even got outside, but it was immediately kept under control by the security team.

After all, there were a lot of important people in the stadium's private boxes, but also stairs. If something were to happen to them, the organizers wouldn't be able to keep this Arena going.

It was quite the spectacle as the crowd watched the fire slowly pull away, while debris, dust, and dirt had created a small cloud around the cage.

A terrible burning smell spread around the stadium as many people were unable to hold their selves back from vomiting. This was just too intense.

Yet, the biggest part of the crowd was focused and concentrated on the Arena, the cage, because they were extremely interested and curious about the result of the whole mess.

After all, they knew the best that Eric was alive before the explosion and was lying on the ground, and they also knew that the fight was far from over.

Things would get interesting if both Eric and Master Heartless survived, and they were waiting for that great scene.

Slowly the dust was either burned to leave behind a foul smell or started to slowly fall on the ground, as the view was finally coming back.

The inside of the cage looked just like a burned house, which was now only left with the metallic structure.

Quite a few iron bars of the cage were raging hot, clearly affected by the flames and explosion, which could testify to the crazy temperature, and crazy fire inside the cage.

But that didn't matter right now, as their eyes were fully focused on the situation ahead of them, as Master Heartless was in a terrible condition.

Not only was he covered in ashes and soot, but his clothes had been tattered, and there were burns all over his body.

He looked like some sort of preserved work of art and not a living human being. Still, this guy's life wasn't that easily lost.

'Cough…, cough…, cough…'

Even in that wretched and tattered appearance he was, he just coughed a few mouthfuls of black blood and even some internal organ pieces, but he still stood standing, still alive.

Yet, there was no sign of Eric's location, or what it was supposed to be Eric's location, because there now stood a charred and burned corpse of a human.

It was clear that Eric had not survived the explosion, he was dead! That disappointed the crowd quite a bit, but this wasn't an unexpected ending.

After all, Eric had been able to make it so far, just because he was a poison Master, and not because he had the necessary strength.

This concluded this year's Arena, as the crowd could only go home after an extremely satisfying show, and the people behind the competition could finally take a breather, or not.

Just as everyone was thinking this was all over, Master Heartless weirdly fell to the ground. At first, they thought he fell unconscious after all he went through and all the trauma.

But that didn't make sense, as they could still see him moving as if trying to say something, and trying to crawl in a direction.

Looking at the scene one again they found out that Master Heartless seemed to be wanting to crawl towards the burned corpse, and for some reason, they found it weird.

'Cough…, cough…'

It was at that moment, that a really low-volume cough was heard, and the charred corpse seemed to move a bit.

The crowd couldn't believe that Eric was still alive, even after his body had turned into something like that.

Did it hold any meaning for him to survive any longer in this new look and condition of his!? It was such a pity since he was quite the handsome young man.

A lot of ladies in the crowd felt pity, and sorry for him, not that they cared much anyway, as they didn't know him.

But something even crazier happened the next moment, as the charred corpse was thrown away, and from underneath appeared a sickly-looking Eric.

He looked extremely weak and tortured, but he was alive, and while most of his clothes had burned his body look the same as before.

In fact, it would be more accurate to say that his body looked even better. Like painted and chiseled by a great artist.

The young men in the crowd couldn't help but get jealous and unbelieving at the bastard's luck, while the young ladies got a bit ashamed and interested in him.

But that didn't matter at that moment, what mattered was the end result of this Arena. While Eric was still alive he didn't seem in a condition to fight.

And while Master Heartless was in that terrifying condition, he was still a peak Realm 4, and probably even a Realm 5 evolver.

A lean camel was still bigger than a horse!

It looked like this fight was still the winner of Master Heartless in the end. While it would be a pity for Eric to die right then and there, it couldn't be said to be an unfair end either.

Still, it was a bit unbecoming, or weird but Master Heartless was crawling less and less with the passing of time. It seemed like he was losing his strength and control over his body.

That surprised the crowd, but they thought it was understandable, as the guy was on the brink of death, riddle by many injuries.

Most of them were unable to notice that look of seething rage on his face, which slowly turn into one of pleading, fear, and despair.

It was only when the cameras got focused on that specific view that the crowd got even more puzzled. They didn't understand what the hell was going on.

On the other hand, Eric with great difficulty turned his face to look at the crawling bastard, and there was a nice mocking smile on his face.

In fact, even though he was showing that smile and expression on his face, only he knew about how anxious he was inside.

After all, he was winning only due to a fluke. That bastard old man had almost killed him with the fu*cking implosion.

If he were still alive, Eric would certainly love to give him a piece of his mind. Yet everything seemed to have finished now…

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