The Legacy System

625 Chapter 625

Unfortunately, things weren't exactly as Eric might have wished for, and it wouldn't be an underestimate to say that it was anything but what he might have wished for.

The moment they entered the cage, and the staff closed the only entrance, Eric suddenly felt like a trapped mouse.

That was because the faces, gazes, and intents of all the other 4 experts in the cage were directed at him.

Even though he was the weakest link of the chain, and it would be more reasonable for them to deal with each other first, before taking him down in one fell swoop, they all seemed intent on him.

Of course, his poison abilities, which he had shown until now were extremely scary, and that might be one of the reasons. But he could tell that the biggest reason didn't have anything to do with that.

The biggest reason was related to that guy behind the scenes who clearly was fed up with him and wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

After all, what kind of organizer would want to pay billions of dollars in lost bet money, as there were three big winners if Eric managed to pull this off.

To the guy behind the scenes, Eric's death was an extremely needed and undisputed future. For that reason, he was ready to even take such a great risk that could destroy the Arena's reputation.

Quite a few people in the crowd and those in the private luxurious boxes could understand what was going on, and some of them were just pitying the guy, while the rest were angry at the Arena.

To be more accurate those that had a bet were clearly furious, while those that didn't have a bet or had their contestant different, didn't seem much bothered.

Either way, the guy who had pulled such a stunt was bound to get lynched by the crowd, and people, he was going to lose a lot.

Still, in order to save the outrageous amount of money that he would have to pay in case Eric won, he had to do it.

Returning to the cage, Eric was looking at all the Realm 4 experts in front of him who were pressuring him with their killing intent.

It was clear that each and every one of them wanted to be the one who killed him, but he didn't seem bothered by the fact.

In fact, he was extremely calm and collected for someone who was in a cage with 4 other experts who could easily kill him if he didn't have any preparations.

Still, in order to prepare, he needed for a bit of time, so he looked at them with a smirk on his face, as he said,

"Whoa~! I think I feel insulted! Whoever that guy who wants me dead is, he should have sent someone much better than you four old dogs!

You seem so old, weak, and brittle that you might disappear from just one touch of mine! He is throwing his money away with you guys!

Truly disappointing!"

"Heheheh~! Kid, do you think you can rile us up!? Do you think that we are similar to all those little idiots you fought earlier!?

We only need to move a finger and you will be dead! The reason why we aren't killing you is that we are wary of each other after we kill you!"

This old thing was quite clever, as he was not only telling about Eric's intentions, but also revealing everyone's worries, and subtly implying to reach at a common solution.

"Hehehe~! Does this mean that you won't kill me because you fear that you will be immediately attacked the moment you take action against me!?

This is extremely funny! I truly want to know what you are going to do now! Well, you don't have to worry about me, just go on and discuss it together!

You better reach in a conclusion fast though, as I don't think the crowd will like your tardiness! They might be a bit comprehensive since you dogs are old, and with a foot to your grave, but that's all.

I would truly not like to see the crowd storm the place and destroy the Arena! After all, people have bet quite a bit of money in this battle!"

All of a sudden, it looked like Eric was the one who wanted this battle, and not the old experts around him. The more he acted like that though, the more cautious Master Heartless became.

For some reason from the moment that he had entered the cage, he could feel that there was something wrong with this place, but he didn't understand what.

Seeing Eric's reaction, and composure his bad premonition grew even stronger as he couldn't help but start pondering about what wasn't going right.

Sharping his sense to the best of his abilities, and checking every inch of his surroundings, he tried his best to find what kind of trap Eric had set for them, but he couldn't find anything.

At this moment, it was that old man who spoke first once again and said,

"How about this everyone, we will kill him together at the same time, and whoever wins, in the end, will get the price for killing him!

After all, only one of us can get out of this place alive, and money is useless for a dead guy!"

The other old experts all looked at him with a tinge of caution, but they agreed to the proposal. It made a lot of sense, a dead man doesn't have a need for earthly money.

With these thoughts in mind, they came to an agreement, as they just grinned at Tianlong Yun while saying.

"Brat don't take this personally, is your own fault for offending someone you shouldn't!"

"Heheheh~! Little shit, you are dead! Remember to not anger someone you should not in your next life!"

"Have a good journey to hell!"

The only one who didn't say a thing, and just started to converge his energy to protect himself was Master Heartless.

Since this guy was a bloody murderer, who had his fingerprint in many massacres, he was also the one who had the sharpest senses among them.

He could feel that there was danger in front of him, and all he could do was to do his best to defend himself against it.

Like that, three old experts immediately launched their 'powerful' attacks toward their targets, but of the three only one was sent towards Eric, as Master Heartless defended himself.

This situation and the choice of the experts involved weren't really shocking, because they were there to kill each other, and not to kill only Eric.

What was surprising was that none of the attacks actually landed on Eric! This was shocking!

It looked like those four experts had gone fully against their previous agreement, as the old man who had proposed the agreement had attacked Master Heartless, while the other two had attacked each other.

Since none of them expected any powerful counterattack from Eric they had disregarded their defense against him and focused only on the other experts around their selves.

For that reason, the duo who attacked each other had ended up with grave injuries, external and internal ones, while Master Heartless had managed to defend against the attack he received.

While the crowd looked at this situation with shock, Eric looked at it with a bit of displeasure, he had thought that he would be able to take these guys down in one move.

At least gravely injure all of them at the same time, as he had been working from the start about this situation.

From the moment he had first stepped into the cage tonight he had been spreading amounts of hallucinogenic gas, in order to create the current situation where these guys found their target at anyone beside him.

Yet, such a great plan seemed to have gone awry as Master Heartless had sensed it, even without realizing what was going on, and instead of attacking he was actually defending.

It was good for him, that the old man who had proposed the idea wasn't one to give up easily, as despite his first attack not working, he immediately followed with another one.

It was clear that he had no intention of pulling back, as he wanted to break through the defenses of his target and kill him.

What surprised him though, was the fact that he was attacking Master Heartless full of hostility and anger. For a moment he couldn't help but wonder if that guy had been truly affected or affected too much.

Still, he didn't have the qualifications to enter such a battle at the moment, so he decided to go for the remaining two who had ended up like fish on the chopping board.

Even though the two of them were in such a situation though, he couldn't really act directly and quickly. After all, even a lean camel is stronger than a horse.

For that reason, he quickly took out the daggers he had taken away earlier from his waist, coated them in poison, and then throw them directly toward the two targets.

Even though those guys were supposedly unable to move even a finger from their body, the moment they felt the danger they immediately moved and parried away the two daggers.

'cough…, cough…, cough…' x2

Of course, their actions forced both of them to cough a few mouthfuls of blood, but they still managed to keep their lives.

If Eric were to personally go after them at that moment, he was extremely sure he was going to suffer grave injuries even if he didn't die.

Still, the battle seemed to have only begun…

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