Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 148 The Second Wave Part 8

Chapter 148 The Second Wave Part 8

Richard's voice was strained as he spoke into the communicator. "What's the situation? Can you clarify?"

Mark's response crackled through the line. "Eagle, we're looking at a new kind of mutated creature. It's not like anything we've seen before – not humanoid. It's more like a... a giant dog, with three heads."

"A dog?" Richard was perplexed. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's huge, maybe twenty or thirty meters tall. Definitely not like Hydra," Mark explained, still trying to make sense of the images on his monitor.

Richard paused, processing this information. "Sounds like something out of a myth... like Cerberus."

"Possibly, could it be that it is created by the progenitor?" Mark wondered and continued. "Nevertheless, we are sending our forces to intercept it immediately. Focus on dealing with that Juggernaut first and then come to these coordinates."

Richard quickly glanced at the notification on his heads-up display, seeing the map with a new set of coordinates blinking.

"Understood, I'll handle the Juggernaut and head over," Richard confirmed. He couldn't afford to be distracted by the bizarre nature of this new threat. "Keep me updated on the situation."

"Will do," Mark replied. "And be careful, Eagle. Out here."

As the transmission ended, Richard focused all of his attention on the Juggernaut. They have been fighting for five minutes and its health bar is below fifty percent. He has to finish it in a minute or two and get to the coordinates Mark sent.

He maneuvered around the Juggernaut, avoiding its heavy blows. Richard aimed for the creature's weak points, which were displayed on his heads-up. When his fist connected to the weak points, its health bars depleted.

"Come on," Richard urged himself, as he landed another solid hit. The health bar was now critically low. He prepared for the final assault.

Richard delivered two forceful punches directly to the Juggernaut's torso. The power behind each blow was amplified by his suit, causing the massive creature to reel back from the impact. It struggled to regain its balance, clearly weakened by Richard's relentless assault.

Seizing the opportunity, Richard moved swiftly. He grabbed the Juggernaut by its shoulders, using his enhanced strength to force the towering beast down to its knees. The Juggernaut, now significantly weakened and unable to resist, was at Richard's mercy.

With a final, decisive action, Richard reached for the creature's head. His hands gripped firmly, his suit's hydraulics whirring and augmenting his natural strength. With a powerful twist and pull, he detached the Juggernaut's head from its body.

The Juggernaut's headless form collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud, signaling the end of the battle. Richard stood over the defeated creature, his breathing heavy yet controlled, as he processed the immediacy of his victory.

[Congratulations you have killed a Juggernaut!]

[You received 66,000,000 gold coins!]

[You received 220,000 experience points!]

[Your updated stats!]

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 33

Available Skill Points: 0

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 3, Driving Proficiency Level 2. Tactical Mastery Level 1.

Experience points: 8,358,615/9,689,407

Current gold balance: 357,210,500]

With the Juggernaut dealt with, Richard quickly refocused on his next objective, the coordinates provided by Mark. He glanced at his heads-up display once more, confirming the direction, and set off toward the new threat.

"This is Eagle, I'm inbound to the target location, what's the situation over there?"


At the site where the Cerberus was found, the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp Army and Air Force engaged on the beast.

Richard's communicator crackled to life as he advanced towards the coordinates. "Eagle, this is Blackwatch Actual. The Cerberus is engaged but it's proving tough. Our Apache and Viper helicopters are circling, firing Hellfire missiles and Hydra 70 rocket pods. The ground units are also engaged."

Richard quickened his pace, his heads-up display showing him the live feed of the ongoing battle. The Apache AH-64 helicopters were in a tight formation, their 30mm M230 chain guns firing relentlessly at the creature. The AH-1Z Viper helicopters, distinguishable by their sleek design, were also in the fray, launching their payloads with precision.

On the ground, the M1A2 Abrams tanks were positioned strategically, their 120mm smoothbore guns booming as they fired at the Cerberus. The powerful rounds were designed to penetrate heavy armor, but the creature's hide was proving to be a formidable defense.

Nearby, LAV-25 armored vehicles maneuvered for better vantage points, their 25mm Bushmaster cannons rattling as they unleashed a barrage of rounds. The M117 Guardians, with their mounted heavy machine guns, added to the firepower, their .50 caliber bullets creating a hailstorm of lead.

There were also infantry armed with FGM-148 Javelins, M249 machine guns, and M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher. The Javelin operators targeted the Cerberus's larger, more vulnerable areas, launching their anti-tank guided missiles in hopes of penetrating its thick hide. The M249 gunners provided continuous fire support, their rounds creating a stream of bullets to keep the creature at bay.

The M32 grenade launchers added an explosive element to the assault. The soldiers adeptly fired 40mm grenades, aiming for the heads and the joints of the Cerberus, trying to exploit any weakness they could find.

Richard arrived at the scene, quickly taking in the chaotic battlefield. The air was filled with the sound of gunfire, explosions, and the roars of the Cerberus. The ground shook with each step the creature took, its three heads snapping viciously at the air, trying to reach the helicopters buzzing around it.

"Eagle to Blackwatch Actual, I'm on-site," Richard reported, his voice steady despite the adrenaline surging through him.

"Copy that, Eagle. We need all the firepower we can get. This thing is resilient," came the reply.

Richard's eyes scanned the monster's appearance and it definitely looked like a Cerberus. No, it is officially named Cerberus as the name on its health bar confirmed it.

The master truly has some menacing creatures under its sleeves. He wondered if it was stronger than the Goliath or the Juggernaut.

As Richard contemplated the might of the Cerberus compared to other formidable creatures he had encountered, the battlefield dynamics abruptly shifted. The Cerberus lunged towards one of the M1A2 Abrams tanks. Its massive maw opened wide, gripping the armored vehicle effortlessly.

Soldiers and operators watched in disbelief as the creature lifted the tank as if it were a mere toy. With a powerful swing of its head, the Cerberus hurled the tank through the air, aiming directly at one of the circling Apache helicopters.

The Apache pilots, trained for combat but not for such an unpredictable scenario, attempted to maneuver out of the way. However, the thrown tank was too fast and too unexpected. It collided with the Apache, resulting in a catastrophic explosion that sent shockwaves through the battlefield. Debris from the tank and the helicopter rained down to the ground as if giving Richard the answer he needed about its strength.


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