Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 149 The Second Wave Part 9

Chapter 149 The Second Wave Part 9

"Oh my god…Eagle…did you just see that?" Mark exclaimed through the radio and Richard was also dumbfounded at the sight he just witnessed.

"Yes, I saw it. That Cerberus just lifted a 62-ton tank like it was nothing."

Despite the incredible strength displayed by the Cerberus, the Blackwatch Armed Forces didn't falter in their attack. They kept up their relentless barrage, their weapons blazing as they aimed at the beast. Richard noticed the creature's health bar hovering above it, slowly decreasing as the bullets and missiles struck it, confirming that the monster was indeed susceptible to their firepower.

"We need to up our game," Richard said decisively into the radio. "Call in the AC-130 and the Warthog. We're going to need every bit of firepower we can get to take this thing down."

As Richard issued the order, the battlefield's intensity escalated. The sound of gunfire and explosions grew louder as the additional air support was called in. The AC-130, known for its devastating arsenal, and the A-10 Warthog, with its ferocious GAU-8 Avenger cannon, were on their way to join the fray, promising a significant increase in offensive capability against the formidable Cerberus.

While waiting for the additional air support, Richard decided to test whether his suit's capabilities could make a dent in the Cerberus's defenses. Activating his pulsefire cannon, he aimed directly at one of the Cerberus's three heads, specifically targeting its eyes, which he suspected might be a vulnerable spot.

As he pulled the trigger, a concentrated beam of energy shot out from his cannon, illuminating the battlefield with its bright glow. The beam hit the Cerberus squarely in the eye, causing the creature to howl in pain and momentarily stagger back. Richard noted with satisfaction that the creature's health bar dropped significantly with the hit, proving that his suit could indeed contribute effectively to the fight.

But little did Richard know, that attacking the monster at its vulnerable spot would attract its attention towards him. The Cerberus, now enraged and in pain, turned its three ferocious heads towards Richard. Its eyes, one injured, glared with anger.

Richard braced himself as the Cerberus charged at him with astonishing speed for its size. He quickly maneuvered his suit to dodge the creature's snapping jaws and lunging attacks.

Richard went between and around buildings, using the urban landscape to his advantage. The Cerberus, in its relentless pursuit, howled in frustration as it crashed into a building facade, causing debris to scatter. Despite its size, the beast was agile, but its bulk made it difficult to navigate the narrow spaces between structures.

This might be good for his armed forces as they are not being targeted by the Cerberus anymore. They were more free to fire on the target without worrying for their safety. Richard's goal was clear: to lure the Cerberus away from the populated areas and minimize collateral damage. He continued to lead the creature, weaving through the urban landscape, steadily moving towards abandoned areas.

Arriving at one of the abandoned areas, the landscape became more open, giving Richard and the Blackwatch forces a tactical advantage.

However, Richard noticed a shift in Cerberus's demeanor. It began to turn its head towards the Blackwatch forces, focusing on the source of the relentless gunfire behind it. Recognizing the imminent danger to his team, Richard knew he had to act quickly to redirect Cerberus's attention back to him.

Lifting one of the abandoned SUVs with his suit's enhanced strength, he hurled it towards the Cerberus. The vehicle flew through the air and crashed against the creature, causing it to momentarily shift its focus back to Richard.

"Yeah, I'm not going to run away from you, so focus on me," Richard taunted, and Cerberus snorted, its gaze firmly fixed on him once again. The creature, now clearly aggravated by Richard's challenge, renewed its assault with increased ferocity.

It brandished its paws armed with razor-sharp blades. Richard easily dodged it by jumping sideways but he witnessed what could have happened if he were to receive a direct hit.

One of the abandoned buildings was sliced into three as if it were made of paper, not concrete and steel.

Richard knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment. So he simply dodged and evaded its attacks while simultaneously returning fire with his pulsefire cannon.

Moments later, there was a crackle on his radio.

"This is Spooky-1, orbiting the AO, ready for tasking."

The AC-130 has arrived and so does the Warthog as he hears its engine rumbling overhead.

"Spooky-1, hold your fire. Let the Warthog do its gun run on the Cerberus first."

"Copy that, Eagle, Spooky-1 standing by."

The two A-10 Warthogs, call signs "Tusk-1" and "Tusk-2," quickly aligned for their attack run. These aircraft, renowned for their GAU-8/A Avenger, a 30 mm hydraulically driven seven-barrel Gatling-style autocannon, were about to unleash their formidable firepower. The GAU-8/A is specifically designed to penetrate heavy armor, making it ideal for this kind of engagement.

As Richard kept Cerberus distracted, the Warthogs swooped down. They were flying at a low altitude to ensure maximum accuracy of their cannon fire. The sound of the GAU-8/A firing was unmistakable – a rapid, thunderous burst that resonated across the battlefield. The Warthogs unleashed a torrent of depleted uranium armor-piercing rounds, each designed to punch through even the toughest armor.

he rounds struck the Cerberus with devastating effect. Richard could see sparks and chunks of flesh being torn from the creature as the high-velocity rounds impacted. The health bar of the Cerberus visibly dropped with each hit, indicating the effectiveness of the Warthog's assault.

After their gun run, the Warthogs pulled up sharply, circling back to prepare for another attack. The Cerberus, now reeling from the attack, turned its attention towards the sky, howling in rage and pain.

"This is Spooky-1, do you need us to engage?" the AC-130 pilot inquired over the radio.

Richard, assessing the situation, responded, "Stand by, Spooky-1. Let Tusk-1 and Tusk-2 make another run. Keep your sensors on the Cerberus; we might need you to hit it with your 105mm if it tries to flee."

The Warthogs aligned for another run. This time, in addition to the GAU-8/A, they deployed their AGM-65 Maverick, an air-to-ground missile designed for close-air support. The Mavericks were aimed at the more vulnerable areas of the Cerberus, particularly where the earlier cannon fire had inflicted damage.

As the missiles struck, the Cerberus staggered under the impact, its roars echoing through the area. The combined firepower of the GAU-8/A cannon and the Maverick missiles was taking its toll.

[Cerberus's Health: 20 percent.]

"Looks like I won't be needed," Richard muttered. "Okay, Spooky-1, you are up."

"Roger, Eagle. Engaging now."

The first to fire was the 105mm howitzer. With a deafening boom, the gunship launched a high-explosive round directly at the Cerberus. The shell arced through the air, landing near the creature with a massive explosion, sending shockwaves and debris scattering. The impact was near Cerberus's rear legs, causing it to howl in pain and momentarily lose its balance.

Almost simultaneously, the 40mm Bofors cannon began its barrage. The rapid firing of the Bofors created a distinctive sound, almost like a drumroll, as it rained down a hail of explosive rounds. These rounds peppered the Cerberus, exploding upon impact and causing further damage to its already weakened body.

But like what he had previously said, it didn't seem like he would be needed. The combined assault from Spooky-1's 105mm howitzer and 40mm Bofors cannon was proving to be overwhelmingly effective.

Another boom echoed in the sky, and a shell landed directly on one of the heads of the Cerberus. It was a gruesome sight as the shell obliterated the head. Slowly, the Cerberus started to collapse to the ground.

[Congratulations! You have killed Cerberus.]

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