Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 147 The Second Wave Part 7

Chapter 147 The Second Wave Part 7

"Are you heading out, sir?" Mark inquired, noticing Richard preparing to leave the command center.

"Yes, there's still a significant number of mutated zombies out there," Richard answered with a brief wave. "I need the latest information on that Juggernaut to the south."

Mark nodded. "The Juggernaut's closer now, about a kilometer south of here. You can cut it off by taking this route."

He quickly sent the coordinates directly to Richard's heads-up display. Richard glanced at the map, recognizing the street instantly. It was one he often used for errands in the past.

"Received. Take care of the front for me…" Richard said, turning towards the exit.

As he was about to step out of the command center, Richard caught a glimpse of Lisa, his sister, seated quietly in a corner. She didn't say a word but offered him a nod, an unspoken show of support and understanding. Despite her earlier eagerness to join the fight, she seemed resigned to her role away from the front lines.

Richard hesitated for a moment, meeting her gaze. He knew the decision to keep her away from the battlefield weighed heavily on her, but it was for her safety. This time he'll keep his promise, of not letting her join the frontline alone without the professionals.

The streets outside the camp were eerily silent, broken only by the distant sounds of combat and the occasional growl of a lurking zombie. Richard kept his senses sharp, aware that danger could present itself at any moment. His suit's heads-up display provided continuous updates on his surroundings, but he trusted his instincts just as much as the technology.

Suddenly, the stillness of the deserted streets was shattered by the rapid approach of five fast-running zombies. They emerged from the shadows, their movements swift and erratic, closing in on Richard with a menacing speed.

Richard's training kicked in instantly. He braced himself, his suit enhancing his reflexes and strength. The first zombie lunged at him, but he sidestepped effortlessly, delivering a powerful punch that sent it crashing to the ground. The impact was brutal, the zombie's momentum was used against it, effectively neutralizing the threat.

The second and third zombies attacked in tandem, but Richard's agility, amplified by his suit, allowed him to dodge and weave. He struck the second with a swift kick, the force of the blow crushing its form. The third met a similar fate as Richard spun around, his fist connecting squarely, leaving it lifeless on the pavement.

The last two zombies, undeterred by the fate of their companions, continued their assault. Richard, now fully engaged in the battle, moved with fluidity. He caught the fourth zombie mid-air, hurling it against a nearby wall with a strength that shattered its skeletal structure.

The final zombie, now alone, didn't waver, as they had lost all their neural connection to fear or hesitation. It charged at Richard with a desperate ferocity. Richard intercepted it. His hand gripped its head, and with a swift twist, he ended its undead existence. The zombie's body slumped to the ground, motionless.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Richard quickly scanned his surroundings. His heads-up display confirmed no other hostiles in the immediate vicinity. He took a moment to catch his breath, his heart rate slowly returning to normal.

The notifications on his system popped up, alerting him that he had killed zombies. It was put in silent mode as it's not only the alert notifications coming in. His army and air force were engaging the zombies which acted like a passive income for his gold coins and experience points.

Ten minutes later, Richard communicated with the command center. "I'm in position, but there's no sign of the Juggernaut."

"That's the Eagle's last known position, Eagle. Keep looking around, it might still be there."

Mark was right, it could still be there, like the two Alpha Hunters that sneak up on him and attack him from above.

"Understood, I'll keep searching," Richard replied, ending the communication.

He moved cautiously, his eyes scanning every corner and shadow for any sign of the Juggernaut. While doing that, an idea popped up in his mind. Is there a thermal vision in this suit?

Richard navigated through the suit's interface, searching for the thermal vision option. After a few moments of exploring the menu, he found it and activated the feature. To his relief, it worked perfectly. The world around him transformed into a landscape of varying heat signatures, making it easier to spot any hidden threats.

As soon as he activated the thermal vision, Richard saw something to his right, on the street, a large, red heat signature unmistakably belonging to the Juggernaut. The creature's massive form was highlighted against the cooler background, making it impossible to miss.

Without warning, the Juggernaut reached down and lifted an SUV with one hand. It hurled the vehicle towards Richard with terrifying force. The SUV spun through the air, its trajectory aimed directly at him.

Richard gauged the speed and angle of the incoming vehicle, calculating his move in a fraction of a second. Just as the SUV was about to collide with him, Richard leaped high, his suit's enhanced capabilities aiding his jump. He cleared the vehicle with inches to spare, landing nimbly on the other side.

The SUV crashed behind him, creating a thunderous explosion as it collided with the ground. Shards of metal and debris flew in all directions.

"I wonder if I can do that," Richard muttered under his breath. He looked to his left and saw an abandoned sedan. The idea of using the environment to his advantage sparked in his mind. If the Juggernaut could use vehicles as weapons, so could he.

Quickly assessing the sedan's condition, he approached it. As far as he remembered, the weight the suit could lift was around eight thousand or nine thousand kilograms. An average sedan's weight is significantly less, making it a feasible object for him to wield. Grasping the vehicle firmly, Richard felt a surge of power coursing through the suit's exoskeletal frame. With a determined grunt, he hoisted the sedan into the air.

"Now, catch this," Richard said under his breath as he threw the sedan towards the Juggernaut. The car sailed through the air, its trajectory aimed directly at the Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut braced for impact, and stepped one foot forward, positioning its massive shoulder in the path of the flying sedan. With astonishing strength, it split the car in half as it collided with its shoulder, turning Richard's improvised weapon into a shower of twisted metal and shattered glass.

"Yeah…this is to be expected."


Meanwhile, on the other fronts of the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp, the military hardware was hard at work keeping the zombies at bay. The LAV-25s maneuvered through the streets, their cannons firing at clusters of zombies. M1A2 Abrams Tanks rolled in, their heavy treads crushing debris and undead alike. Their powerful main guns boomed, taking out larger groups with explosive shells.

JLTV Oshkosh vehicles zipped around, transporting troops and supplies, while M117 Guardians provided additional firepower, their mounted guns chattering as they mowed down approaching hordes. Hundreds of infantry soldiers, in formation, steadily pushed back the undead with coordinated volleys of gunfire.

In the air, Apache, Viper, and Blackhawk attack helicopters provided air support to the ground forces, along with the MQ-9 Reaper and AC-130 gunships. The MQ-1 Predator drones, hovering high above, sent real-time visual feedback to the command center, ensuring the commanders had a full overview of the battlefield.

And then the drone caught something odd.

"Zoom on that, what is it?" Mark ordered.

The camera zoomed in and there they saw something out of the ordinary. It seemed like a giant dog with three heads, towering over the zombies around it.

"Blackwatch Actual to Eagle."

"I'm quite busy dealing with the Juggernaut here, Actual, but send traffic."

"Eagle…we have a situation on our hands."

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