Seven Sins System

Chapter 118: Mosquitoes and Stairs II

Chapter 118: Mosquitoes and Stairs II

Seven Sins System Chapter 118. Mosquitoes and Stairs II


[Reading memory is in progress. What do you want to know?]

'His work at Clourmity Academy.'

A surge of information about his works, what he did, and his habits entered my mind. There wasn't any emotion from that since all I could get was information, not his emotion or his feelings.

After a while, an announcement came out in front of me.

[Reading memory is completed.]

'Alter.' I used my skill again.

[What do you want to replace or add?]

'Add to his memory that he's out of here and working as usual before he comes back here. Also, don't cancel the sleeping effect before I say so.'

[Altering memory is in progress…]

[Altering memory is completed.]

After that announcement, I took my hand away from him.

"Thank you for coming. Let me take your place for a second," I said in a casual tone before I flicked my finger to close the curtain around the bed with my Telekinesis, I used my tentacle.


One of my tentacles broke free and fell to the ground before it turned into Wyen.

"You know what to do."

He smiled evilly.

"Gotcha," he said before he turned and walked to the exit.

With my current level, except transforming into other people or creatures, my Greed Tentacles could show better expressions and imitate their voices. According to my system, at the highest level, it could even imitate the victim's personality.

I took my report again and sat in my chair. Once in a while, I sipped my green tea and filled out the report about Wyen's health, mostly for formalities.

As the fake Wyen walked, he smiled to answer the few people who greeted him before he arrived at the monitor room. Due to the narrow time, my tentacle immediately checked what I needed. The library CCTV footage.

Some of his co-workers asked him why he did it, but my tentacle simply said he was a little bored so he decided to check out random footage. It made them wrinkle their foreheads in confusion. Obviously, that was something unusual for them. But my tentacle ignored them. If the real Wyen disappeared or died after this incident, that meant the culprit was one of them. As simple as that.

To speed up my work, my tentacles fast-forward the footage so it could be done quickly. Even if the real Wyen was here, in a bad case, one of his coworkers may decide to come here for whatever reason. It would be bad if he realized there were two Wyen. One was in the monitor room and the other was sleeping in the infirmary.

'She wasn't there,' I thought. I checked the footage but I couldn't find Aria. That paladin wasn't wearing the librarian's uniform, so it should be easy to detect her. I was sure she was the culprit, but I was wrong. This meant that the culprit was one of the staff.

Once my examination was complete, my tentacle quickly stood up and said that he wanted to go to the toilet. Instead, he rushed to the infirmary and stopped in front of me. Without a word, I pointed my hand at him. He took my hand and turned it into its original form which then entered my skin.

"Too bad..." I mumbled. I turned my chair in front of my desk and started working on my report with my own hands. While my Envy tentacle came out of my back and touched Wyen's forehead once again.

The tip of my tentacle glowed in purple. An announcement appeared in front of me.

[You have neutralized the sleeping effect]

[A human will soon wake up in 5… 4… 3…]

As the countdown appeared, my tentacle opened the curtain before I pulled it away and hid it.

He frowned as he started to open his eyes.

"Ugh… where am I?" he grunted.

I turned to him.

"Oh, you're awake." I put down my pen and walked over to him.

"You are still in the infirmary. How do you feel?"

"Good. I think?" he said in doubt. A frown on his forehead. His confusion was clear from the expression on his face. His eyes moved side to side.

"Try to sit down and move your waist," I instructed.

He carried out my order without a word and moved his waist slowly.

"It's healed. I have fully recovered," he said.


"Then do you feel dizzy, nauseous, or something? Or do you feel your head is heavy?" I gave him a train of questions.

He paused and furrowed his brows for a moment before he turned to me and shook his head from side to side.

"Great," I took my sheet of paper and wrote down my report again.

"I thought your wound hasn't fully healed since you came to me again," I said without stopping my hand.

He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Huh? What do you mean? I haven't left, have I?" he asked with a puzzled expression.

"You did. Half an hour ago. But you came back and collapsed without a word. It might have something to do with your head. I thought you hit your head when you fell so I took the initiative to check it once again but I found no injuries. But I'll give you a prescription to make sure you're okay. If you experience dizziness and nausea or something similar to this, you should check yourself in the hospital," I advised. My hands didn't stop moving on the paper. It was just an inexpensive health tonic to improve memory and minor brain damage. It wouldn't hurt him.

"Really?" he said in disbelief. Once again he was deep in thought. It took him a while before he realized it. "Oh wait, you're right, I did come back here." His frown returned to his forehead. "But for what?" My Envy points were still low so it also affected my tentacles' effectiveness.

"Maybe it's some kind of temporary memory loss as the result of recent trauma. I've checked it and didn't find any problems. If it happens again, you have to go to the hospital for a more intensive examination," I reasoned.

"I understand."

I gave the prescription to him and he took it.

"Thank you, doc."

"Get well soon," I said.

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