Seven Sins System

Chapter 119: Noisy Infirmary I

Chapter 119: Noisy Infirmary I

Seven Sins System Chapter 119. Noisy Infirmary I

After Wyen left, I returned my attention to the medical supply list. The sleeping drugs that disappeared from the cupboard worried me since they could have been used to commit crimes and I would be the one to blame for that if something bad happened because of that drug. So I decided to report it to Katrina.

I went out from the infirmary and locked the door to make sure no one sneaked in before I walked down the corridor to the principal office. Since the morning class had started, the corridor was empty. What I could hear was the sound of my footsteps.

'Maybe I should check out the library after this,' I thought. It was still early, there should only be the staff. Maybe, some teachers or mentors killed their time in the library. After all, there were only five suspects. This should be easy for me.

Since Katrina was busy preparing for today's mission, she didn't say much other than that she would investigate later. To be sure, I had made sure she wasn't the one who took the drugs. Since this was her responsibility, I left everything to her.

I walked to the library. Again, I stopped once I saw Theo coming out of there. Unlike before, he saw me. He even stopped his steps. His displeasure was evident on his face. Our eyes met for a few seconds before he turned elsewhere and walked in the opposite direction.

'I wonder if he's trying to find out about my illness in the library,' I guessed. I was pretty sure with that guess and I bet he had been consulted about my strange illness at the hospital.

Deciding to concentrate on finding the culprit, I walked into the library and swept my eyes around me. As I expected, it was quiet. There were only a couple of mentors besides the staff.

Pretending to be looking for a book, I approached the staff one by one and used my Envy tentacle on them. I took them to the CCTV's blind spot first or simply held their hands with the excuse of checking their health after I said that their faces were a little pale. To cover my tracks, I altered their memories and pretended to borrow a book about herbs.

"Is this all you want to borrow, doc?" asked the staff who was standing behind the counter, scanning the book barcode before he scanned my ID.

"Yes. It's the right book to kill the time," I replied to his small talk. A formal smile on my face. While what I was thinking was different. I was confused since none of them did it. I realized there were only four of them here, which meant the fifth person was not there. I had tried to find out who he was, but what they remembered was a man wearing the same clothes as them. The culprit used a flu mask so none of them knew either. After all, based on the schedule only there should be only four of them. In other words, the culprit didn't work at this academy. He was an outsider who sneaked out of this place.

"Here you go. You have a week. Please return it on time," said the staff, handing my ID and the book to me.

I took both of them.

"Thank you." Without further ado, I went out from there.

As I returned to the infirmary, I was again deep in thought.

'Is it Theo?' I started to wonder. But with his muscular body and his lizard tail, it was easy for me to distinguish him from the others. But there was no one with those traits in the footage.

All of this made my head hurt!

Once I returned to the infirmary, I tossed the book and plopped myself into my chair.

'I don't get it. The more I investigated, the more confused I became….'


The sun was getting higher and the time showed lunchtime. I couldn't trust myself since I spent the entire morning reading the book. I was desperate and didn't know what else to do. Also, I couldn't leave my place either. I wished I could send my Greed tentacles to raise my level, but this academy was in the middle of the city. If I sent my tentacles too far away, they were no different than a hand away from its body. They would return to their original form and die.

The students came out of their class and went to eat their lunch. While I had eaten my lunch and waited to give Julia 'her lunch'. To make sure no one bothered us, I sent a message to my team in the group chat that I wanted to prepare myself for the upcoming mission. So I asked them not to meet me at the infirmary. Well, I could only hope that the trio didn't bother me.

The knocking sound coming from the door made me lower my book and turn my gaze to it. Julia came into the room. Her eyes immediately fell on the book in my hand.

"This is the first time I've seen that book," she said. Her hand locked the door before she approached me.

"I just wanted to kill time," I said, putting the book on the desk.

She stopped beside me and checked that book.

"By reading a book about herbs?" she said in disbelief, turning to me. That book mostly contained information about the herbs and their medical benefits so it was a bit heavy for mortals.

"Yes. It's a light book for me," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"A light book?" she repeated in surprise and picked it up. "This book has the same size as a dictionary and has a lot of information," she complained.

I grinned.

"I'm a devil, remember?" There was a time when I had to study a much thicker book than that, so that wasn't a problem for me.

"Anyway." I stood up from my seat and put down the book from her hand. Wasting no time, I grabbed her hand and took her to one of the beds. "We should cut the chit-chat. We have to get ready for our mission soon."

She nodded. With a blushing face, she removed her skirt and panties before she unbuttoned a button of her white shirt and went up to the bed.

"This is my first time doing it in a place like this. So… I'm a little embarrassed." She was on her knees. Her hands clamped both her breasts and her palms on the bed. Rather than erotic, it made her look cute.

I smiled at her cute gesture.

"Just think of this as a challenge."

Illustration is in #NSFW SSS illustration in my discord server

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