Seven Sins System

Chapter 117: Mosquitoes and Stairs I

Chapter 117: Mosquitoes and Stairs I

Seven Sins System Chapter 117. Mosquitoes and Stairs I

Like usual days, I unlocked the infirmary, went into it, and put the bag before I sat down in the chair. My eyes watched Wyen's every move. According to what we had planned, Julia simply said thank you and gave him the coffee before she left. While it was clear from his expression, Wyen expected more than that. Leaving the cafeteria in disappointment, Wyen took the coffee with him and decided to return to the monitor room.

Once Wyen was down the short stairs, I started my plan. My tentacles shaped mosquitoes flew close to his ear. As his ears caught the whining sound from the mosquitos, he waved his hands to repel them. But like an army of mischievous mosquitoes, my tentacles simply dodged before they approached his ears in turn.

He started to panic. His hands moved to flick the mosquito from his ears furiously. Spontaneously, he looked from side to side to look for the mosquitoes, but in vain. My tentacles maneuvered quickly and dodged everything he was doing before they came to his ears and bothered him again. I bet it pissed him off.

"Get off of me!" he yelled in anger. His hands swayed around to repel the mosquitoes, but he couldn't. Instead, he only circled around on the spot. It was quite a scene. Some people even turned to him due to his strange behavior.

And as I suspected, it was a matter of time before he slipped and fell.

"Ouch!" he grunted in pain once he landed on his back. He fell straight to the bottom since the stair's railway was far from him. His Americano spilled on his side and soaked the floor, even though he only had a few sips of it. It was a short stair so it was not too fatal to him. Yet I was sure it was enough to get him to the infirmary.

"Goddammit!" He stood in pain and held his back with his hand. From his stride and how he gritted his teeth, I could tell he was having a hard time moving. Some nearby students immediately helped him. While a cleaning service immediately cleaned the coffee.

"Are you okay, sir?" asked one student.

"I'm fine," he replied. Yet his hiss and expression said otherwise.

"I think you should check yourself in the infirmary," the student advised.

Wyen nodded.

"Yeah, I know." A constant hissing sound came out of his mouth. He grimaced, endured the pain and started walking toward this place.

'That should do it,' I thought. What I needed to do was wait for it.

In difficulty, he walked slowly towards the infirmary. Meanwhile, I recalled the rest of my tentacles and left one to follow him. Since he walked like an old man, I took the opportunity to do my usual job, checking the medical supplies.

Like the previous days, I was sitting down in my chair while my hand held the list and my tentacles worked to check all the supplies. They opened the cupboard, slipped between the shelves to check the bottles, and read the labels.

"5, 6, 7…" I mumbled as I checked some sleeping drugs. But then I frowned. "Why are there only seven?" I said in confusion. This was the first time something had been missing from the infirmary as long as I worked there.

I moved my tentacles to check the whole cupboard once again to make sure it didn't mix with the other bottles. But I couldn't find it anywhere.

After a few minutes of searching, I decided to tidy it up since Wyen would be arriving soon. There was no sign of damage on the locks or doors when I entered, so I believed this had something to do with Katrina or the security. They were the only ones who had spare keys beside me. Well, I was not sure it was Katrina since she was too busy and Vampires didn't need sleeping drugs, so I was guessing it was the security. I just didn't know his motive.

A few seconds after I hid my tentacle on my back, Wyen came.

"Morning, doc," he greeted.

"Morning." I turned to him and pretended to be surprised by his condition. Spontaneously, I stood up from my seat and approached him. "What happened?" I propped him and helped him walk to the bed.

"I fell from the stairs," he said between his hiss of pain. He even had trouble sitting on the bed. I bet this would get worse by tomorrow.

"Mind telling me the whole story? Why did you fall? Was it because you felt dizzy? Nauseous? Lost consciousness? Feeling out of balance?" I started to ask according to the procedure. My hand pulled his uniform up and touched the red bruises on his body. My eyes scanned his back.

"Uh…" he answered me with a grunt.


"Is that important?" he asked. It seemed he objected to saying it.

"Yes. This may seem okay, but the cause may be something more dangerous. Don't worry, I won't laugh even if you stumble." It was such a shameful incident, I would also hesitate if I were him.

"Uh… Some mosquitoes buzzed in my ears when I come down the stairs. That's why I fell," he said in a reluctant tone.

"Oh… well. That's--- That's indeed unusual. But I understand. Shit happens," I said in a halting voice, faking my surprise.

"I know," he said in embarrassment. Without saying anything else I used my Dark Healing to heal him.

"Now try to move it," I said, taking my medical report and starting to fill it. His HP was full so he should have recovered.

He moved his waist side to side, bent down, raised his hands, moved his neck, and lifted his legs alternately to make sure that he was healed.

"Are you feeling pain anywhere?" I made sure.

"No. I'm completely healed. Thank you," he said.

"Good." I put the sheet and the pen on the table near me. "Now, lay down, I need to check your head," I asked.

He frowned in objection.

"I landed with my back. I think you don't have to check it."

"It's only a quick check-up. Normal procedure for my medical report," I reasoned.

Without replying to me, he lay down as per my orders.

"Close your eyes and tell me if you're feeling dizzy, okay?" I instructed.

He closed his eyes.

"Okay," he replied.

'Envy.' One of my tentacles popped out in my palm. Rather than its usual shape, it looked like an octopus tentacle. I simply put my palm on his forehead. In an instant, he went blank. Since his eyes were closed, he was no different from sleeping. An announcement appeared in front of me.

[What do you want to do with his memory?]

[Read /Erase / Alter]

>Read the original on /book/seven-sins-system_23117939105028405

Author note:

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