On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Sixty Four

Three Hundred And Sixty Four

“God, I’m so jealous bro, I’ve always wanted to visit the UK, since it’s where mom was from!” my sis was saying heatedly, as we talked on the phone early in the morning. “You lived there too, when you were just a little kid, right?”

“Yeah, but I don’t really remember all that much, though now my stats are higher, it’s strange, it’s like a lot of my old memories have grown sharper. Well, look, when you graduate, if we have time, we can go on a trip, but for now you have to knuckle down and make sure you perform. You do want to get into a decent Tokyo university, right? You won’t do that missing any more school.” I warned.

“Yeah, I get it. Damn bro, no need to lecture.” She sighed, not sounding too displeased. “I know you are just desperate for me to move to Tokyo and live with you, don’t worry, I won’t blow it.” She snorted, amused. “Well, Eri’s not going with you either, right? She must be depressed.”

“Actually…” I glanced at Eri who was listening, as I had my phone on speaker mode, and she managed a little shrug. Beside her, Shiro rolled her eyes, clearly unconvinced by Eri’s calm. “… she’s focused on her recovery. Besides, when all this is done, I’ll be taking her on a weekend away, just the two of us.”

“Nice. I guess you’re learning how to handle girls a little bit, bro. So… wow, Kana-chan is finally in, huh? I’m a little surprised, being as how she was pretty standoffish with Eri, but… well, it’s not like she didn’t like you bro. By the way, mom is hopping up and down beside me, eager to talk. It’s probably something stupid though, so I’ll keep the phone for now…”

“Now Ai, that was very rude. Your mom is going to say some very important things…” mom protested, but my sis continued to talk.

“So, Eri’s going to be all right while you’re gone? I do worry a bit…”

“Oh Aiko…” Eri breathed at that, but with a grin, Shiro talked into the handset, her breath hot on my ear.

“It’s all right Aiko. I’ll be looking after her this weekend. While Aki is away I’m not going to sit around moping, I’ll be hitting Tokyo hard, partying with friends old and new. I’ll take care of Eri and we’ll be too busy having fun to miss him!”

“I see.” Aiko said, relieved. “Well, I can trust you, Shiro. But I don’t envy you. Eri can get really cranky when she’s jealous. YandEri indeed.”

“Aiko…” Eri growled, and there was some laughter, before we got back on topic.

“So, anyway, school going all right?” I asked, and she answered happily.

“Yeah, my maths and science grades are now top of the school. I have to be careful not to score too well. Coupled with my English scores and sporting abilities, so long as I don’t blow Japanese and a few other classes, the exams should be a cakewalk. Wow, my life really did change when you brought Shaeula back to Nishimorioka bro. I’m hurt you were keeping all this to yourself!”

Well it’s not like I didn’t have a reason, even if maybe they weren’t the best, too overcautious… “Well, that’s all in the past. So, how are Rika-san and Yae? Good, I hope. Not … overexerting themselves?”

“I’ll tell them you asked after them. Yae-chan will be thrilled. But… no, I’m not pushing them. I just let them do basic training. Mostly Aether Manipulation, and a bit of light Ether Healing. It’s hard when you aren’t here to guide us or see what Rank we’re at bro, but…” she paused meaningfully. “Wow, you should be proud of your sis, bro. I know this is a hurdle I have to overcome if I’m going to achieve my dream of being the first Astral Sports Scientist, so I’m working hard to gain experience. And… well, Rika-chan and Yae-chan have got all ambitious too. They’re dreaming of leaving for Tokyo when they graduate now. And you know what, I guess they can do it. Wow, you’ve changed so many lives bro, how do you live with yourself?”

“Quite easily.” I assured her. “Anyway, are you doing okay? No more injuries, right?”

“Wow, come on bro, don’t ask me in front of mom!” she complained. “Seriously though, I’m safe, I promise. My golden sister army protects me, and I just pick enemies off with my bow, or rarely move in up close for the practice. I’m an athlete at heart, right? I have to train hard. As for injuries, sure, it’s impossible to fight without getting hurt at all, but nothing major, and Ether Healing takes care of the wounds no problem. I try and focus on the feelings when they do, and I think I might be near to Ranking up again. Praise me bro, praise me harder!” she crowed.

Why don’t her words fill me with confidence? “Just be careful, all right? A girl shouldn’t be risking scars. If you spoil your beauty, it won’t just be me who is upset. Eri worries about you too.”

“Aww, bro, you’re making me blush. Is this what it feels like to be Kana-chan? Well, of course I don’t want to get hurt, I’m being as safe as possible, while still bringing home the levels, right? Besides, if I did hurt myself and couldn’t fix it, you’d step up, like before, right?”

“Maybe I should leave you injured as a lesson?” I warned, though we both knew I wouldn’t do that, as her response indicated.

“Yeah, whatever bro. Try and look tough in front of Shiro and Eri, you’re not fooling anyone. So, everything’s fine here, you enjoy your trip with Motoko and Natsumi. I want pictures of Buckingham Palace! I still can’t believe it, do you think you’ll meet the Queen?”

“Give me the phone, Ai dear!” mom said, snatching it, despite her protests. “What, you can still listen in, Ai… hi Aki, it’s mom!”

Yes, I know. “Hi mom, I hope you’ve been well?”

“Better than well. Everything is so exciting recently! Eri sends me updates, as does Shaeula. It’s great having so many beautiful daughters-in-law, and the numbers keep increasing without end… we’ll need to hire Tokyo Dome for the wedding at this rate.” She giggled like a much younger woman.

“Well, don’t let auntie Hana hear you say that.” I warned, and mom tutted.

“Don’t worry about Hana. She’s used to it now. So long as Eri is happy. You are happy, right Eri?” she said, knowing Eri was listening.

“Well, I’d dearly love to be able to move properly again, but Akio and the others look after me, and I’ll get there. Tell my mother and father they can come visit. There are always guest rooms available here. If not, I’ll visit when I’m better.”

“That’s good to hear, Eri. We do worry. Well, on that note… Aki, please do get pictures, Ai is right! I want to see the dresses Motoko-chan and Natsumi-chan are wearing, and… do you think you might meet the Queen? It’s the dream of every Brit to get to see her, talk to her, maybe even shake her hand!”

Ignoring the cries of “I already said that, mom!” from my sister, I grinned. Yeah, Aiko is like a miniature version of our mom, well, if you add in a heaping helping of sporting talent, I guess. Mom isn’t athletic. Or good with booze. My sis shares that trait at least… “I don’t know. I should be meeting Princess Eleanor though, or the trip won’t be worthwhile.”

“My son, with the Princess! She’s the apple of Britian’s eye, you know.” Mom gushed. “I think she’s everyone’s ideal princess, beautiful, kind, modest… the public likes her brothers, but they love Eleanor! I can’t believe it… get a picture! I need to brag!”

“But there’s already pictures of Aki with Yukiko.” Shiro pointed out, which was true, as we had taken a few at Conclave, and I had also snapped a selfie when we were out drinking in Kyoto after the funeral. “And Shaeula’s a princess too. Really, stop being so impressed. Besides… I’m a princess as well!”

“Oh, you must be Shiratori-chan!” mom said, and Shiro shuddered theatrically.

“Please call me Shiro. I hate my name.” she complained. “No honorifics.”

“Oh. Sorry Shiro.” Mom apologised. “Well, we’ve yet to be formally introduced, but I’m your mother-in-law. I’ve heard a lot about you. And seen the photos. You’re a really stunning girl. My son has an eye for quality, it seems, just like his father!” she said proudly, managing to get in a boast about herself as well.

“Well, I can’t argue with that.” Shiro agreed. “Anyway, Emily…” as usual Shiro wasn’t phased by the situation. “… don’t worry about Eri, I have it in hand.”

“Great. I appreciate it, Shiro. And I look forward to meeting you soon. Well, back on the topic at hand…”  mom coughed. “… while you are in the UK, do you think you’ll get a chance to pop in and see my mum and dad? It’s been so long, I’m sure they’d love to see the handsome young man their grandson has grown up into.”

“Well, I have some time. I can probably manage. Are they still living in the same place?” I asked to make sure, and mom agreed.

“Yes, still that little village near Coventry. Well… there’s just one thing though.” Her voice quavered a little, and I had a sudden bad feeling.

“And what’s that?” I asked warily.

“When you got engaged to Eri, I was so delighted and proud, I let them know. So… uh, after that, I didn’t know what to tell them, so I’ve just said you’ve been getting on well with Eri. So when you turn up with Motoko-chan and Natsumi-chan… well, I’ll let you come up with an explanation!”

Typical! Yeah, mom and sis are definitely alike… Ignoring Eri’s smirk which was basically ‘serves you right’ in smile form, and Shiro’s laughter, I scratched at my cheek, thinking. “Oh well, what’s done is done. I’ll… come up with something. Well, it’ll be good to see my grandparents again. I know they hate travelling, but maybe I can persuade them to visit. After all, they’ll want to see how you’ve grown, sis.”

“Yeah, or we can go visit them after I graduate.” Aiko shouted.

“Maybe. Well…” I continued to talk to my sis and mom a little more, before they put my father on the phone, and after five minutes of warnings to behave, comport myself with dignity, and to show respect to the people I would meet in the UK, I hung up, rather mentally exhausted, and the day had only just started.

“Your family is nice, Aki.” Shiro said, a touch wistfully. “They care about you a lot.”

“True, even though father finds it hard to show it. He’s mellowed though.”

“That’s true.” Eri agreed. “He was always soft on me and Aiko though. Akio used to get the blame for catering to our whims all the time…”

“Sounds fun. We can talk about that during our girls’ weekend.” Shiro laughed, enjoying my embarrassment. “I’ll tell you some stories about me too. We can bond!”

“All right, enough. I have to get ready, and I’ve more goodbyes to say!”


“So, I hope things go well.” Kana kissed me on the cheek, blushing, and Shaeula eyed her mockingly, smirking.

“No, that will simply not-not do, Kana!” she declared. “Akio is your male now, you must-must be bold.” With that she pulled my head down and gave me her farewell kiss, her tongue greedily seeking mine. I pulled her close, and after a minute of passionate snogging, we parted, saliva scattering. Shaeula licked mine off her lips happily, before turning to Kana in triumph. “That-that is the appropriate display.”

“No way. I’ve only been dating him a day! I’m not an easy girl! But…” she looked at me then. “Akio, a redo?”

I laughed and nodded, and this time we kissed on the lips, pressing them together, her face red, for a few seconds before parting. She touched her lips, a little embarrassed, before grinning to hide her shame and arousal, Kana’s mask returning. “Well, if you think about cheating on us, Akio, remember these kisses! We’re waiting for you here!”

“That was much-much better. I shall not-not push you, but you must be bold, like a good female should be.” Shaeula approved, before looking at me, frustrated. “I too shall miss you, and wish you to keep-keep me in your heart. But I have far too much to do at the Spring to be absent so-so long. So the least I can do is ensure your absence causes no-no troubles.” She looked at Hyacinth then, who was wearing a custom, expensive maid outfit, in the long-skirted British style, no skin exposed, unlike her customary ones. She looked a touch uncomfortable in it, but on seeing me looking she brightened, spinning around, her hair streaked with purple and green forming a cloud, her long skirt flaring out.

Modest Hyacinth

“Dooo you like it, Akio? It is a bit hard to mooove in, but…” she said, and I smiled, patting her head.

“You look very elegant. And where we are going, that’s important.”

“Yes, you get to go with Akio. I’m jealous, but… we’ve only been dating a day.” Kana repeated, winking. “I think we have to be going steady for a few months to go on vacation together. That’s the normal progression. Maybe a Christmas date somewhere?” she smiled happily.

“I think that might be rather-rather tough. There will be many demands then, from what I foresee.” Shaeula giggled. “Well, Hyacinth…” she addressed her maid. “Do protect Motoko, Natsumi and Miyu. Let them come-come to no harm. Crush those who threaten them without mercy.”

“Of cooourse, mistress Shaeula. I shall murder any whooo try to harm the mistresses, and Akio’s other servant!”

Miyu isn’t a servant, she’s a vassal. Well, I’ve halfway given up trying to explain the difference to Hyacinth, she doesn’t get it. Mistress, Family, Servant, nobody. That seems to be her classifications… “Not going to protect me?” I asked slyly, and Hyacinth shook her head.

“Ooof course Hyacinth would die for you, Akio. But yooou do not need my protection. You protect us.”

I blushed, and Kana and Shaeula laughed at that. Damn, Hyacinth delivers such romantic lines sometimes, and the fact that she’s normally so… well, Hyacinth… makes them hit all the harder. “True, but even I need help plenty of the time. So we’ll work together. Anyway, Kana, Shaeula… I’ll see you both next week.”

Shaeula said her farewells once more, as did Kana, who promised to start the new training regimens off on the right foot, and with that Hyacinth followed me out to the car that was waiting to take me to Haneda airport, a sleek black foreign one. We stepped inside, a member of Fujiwara Security Services who was riding with us opening the doors, though that made Hyacinth a little uncomfortable, and I could see her fingers twitch as though she wished to be doing it herself for me.

“The journey shouldn’t take too long, Oshiro-sama.” The man said respectfully, before taking a seat by the driver, the tinted, soundproof privacy screen affording us our solitude, though there was a switch to activate speakers if we wanted anything.

As the car drove through the early-morning traffic towards the airport, I enjoyed my time with Hyacinth. We seldom got much alone time, she was always either busy, or there with other girls, so the experience was a bit fresh. After some casual conversation, we talked about the upcoming trip. “So, Hyacinth, are you curious about what the UK is like?” I asked her. “Well, I think the Seelie Court originates from there, but I’m not sure how the mortal realm differs from the Fae realms.”

Hyacinth shook her head sadly. “Hyacinth doooes not remember well. Flashes, Sooometimes. Before the…” seeing my expression, she smiled gently, pulling my head into her chest, imitating what she had seen Shiro do on occasion, softly patting my head. “There, there. Akio is kind, I knooow it. Hyacinth’s heart clenches when yooou look at her like that. Dooo not worry, I do not need to remember. I am filling myself with memooories now, happy ones, with you and the mistresses. This will be nooo different.”

Feeling the warmth of her chest, and hearing the slow beating of her heart, I relaxed, letting her express her Brownie instincts. “I hope so. You know, if you ever start to feel unwell, or the memories get too much, then Haru-san has her Mind-Healing Light…” I began, but she stopped me.

“Nooo. Poor ghost girl has suffered enough, without having tooo aid Hyacinth. I feel kinship for her. I will look after her, Akio. Dooo not fear. When I feel pain, or the darkness wooorries me, I simply have to think ooof you, or the other mistresses, or hooow fun Hyacinth’s life is now.” Her expression darkened then, her silver-violet eyes almost seeming red. “If anyooone tries to hurt those I care for, take them away, Hyacinth will slaughter them, nooo mercy!”

“All right.” I said, trying to calm her down. “I would as well, but… just don’t go too far, all right?”

“I knooow.” She laughed, her gaze clearing. “I will nooot disgrace you. That would be my shame. I am nooo Brownie, nor Boggart, but I will bring joooy to the home, and wrath tooo our enemies!” she promised.

“All right then.” I changed the subject, letting her push my head down to her lap, where she was playing with my hair. “Enough gloomy talk. We need to talk about souvenirs. What shall we bring everyone? Damn, I have an amazingly long list of people to buy for this time…”

On that happier subject, we whiled away the time, until we reached the airport, and were ushered towards a rather nice custom jet…


“This is plush as hell, how much did it cost?” I had to ask, and Fujiwara-san looked at me a little put out. We were seated in the main area of the jet, Fujiwara-san, accompanied by Honoka-san and Miyu, as well as their two bodyguards. The massive Left and Right were there as well. To the other side we had Tsumura-san, as well as Motoko’s father Minoru-san, and her mother, who I wasn’t well acquainted with, Hikari-san. She had hair a shade darker than Motoko’s, and it was cut in a different fashion, being swept back from her face, giving her a more professional, less sporty look, and her eyes were a darker brown as well, and she was currently watching me, an unreadable expression on her face. Yes, I’m not entirely convinced she’s on board with me and Motoko, though it’s too late for complaints now. Besides, like most of the nobility, it seems that the older generation has the most say…

Lastly, I was sitting with Motoko, Natsumi and Hyacinth. There were a couple of pretty stewardesses preparing for take-off, and that rounded out the passengers, though of course there was a pilot and copilot as well.

“This is a Gulfstream G650 that Kira and I had customised. In terms of cost it was hardly extortionate. After all the work, it was ten billion yen or so. Nothing that you cannot afford, Akio-san.” he paused, looking to his daughters, before deciding to lecture me as a way of teaching them. “In fact, you are likely to need one yourself, as your political influence grows on the world stage. Yes, you could travel first-class to project an image, but…” he paused meaningfully. “… the dangers of travelling publicly grow the more important you are. Kira and I certainly can’t countenance that.”

“I see. That was very informative, grandfather.” Honoka-san said happily.

I see. Maybe I should consider it. But ten billion yen, that’s a huge chunk of change that we could invest in land or our other plans…

“I am sure that if the business with Ichijou house is a success, that sum would be trivial, right?” Motoko said, drawing the interest of her mother, who was listening silently. As the plane taxied for take-off, I agreed.

“Well, Ixitt has a lot of plans. If they can pan out, we’ll certainly revolutionise some important industries.”

“I think your sister would love a private plane.” Natsumi added slyly, and Motoko laughed at that.

“Yes, I dare say she would. Aiko-san is very… excitable. Well done Natsumi, telling Akio that will surely plant the idea in his head.”

As they joked, surprising Motoko’s mother, who was unused to seeing her daughter so animated, I continued my conversation with Fujiwara-san.

“So, yeah, I get the security issues. Well, if the plane was blown out of the sky… I doubt I’d be able to save everyone.” I considered it, being realistic. Hyacinth can probably manage herself somehow. As long as she can slow her falling momentum, she could survive a fairly hefty impact, and being outside in the freezing low-pressure air for a short while wouldn’t kill her… I could certainly survive the explosion and the fall, and … Perhaps a couple. Obviously I’d have to prioritise Motoko and Natsumi. Sorry Miyu… from a practical standpoint, Miyu’s Divine Favour was precious indeed, but I wouldn’t compromise on the safety of my girls. Still, at least it’s unlikely to happen…

“The fact that you believe you can survive a bomb on an aircraft still surprises me.” Tsumura-san said. “And I trust that Motoko would be first on your list to save? Though the Government might wish you to save Fujiwara-sama as your priority.” He said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Father-in-law!” Hikari-san said, scandalised, but he laughed it off, as did Fujiwara-san, who was also smiling.

“Well, I don’t discriminate, so Motoko and Natsumi would be equal priority. If I had any leeway after that, then it’d be Miyu.”

“I’m grateful.” She said politely, and Michiru-san nodded firmly at my words.

“Well, I would rather my granddaughters survive than myself, though…” he paused. “… well, I’ve been laying plans so that Fujiwara house continues the path I have set for it. But we have no plans of dying, so do not worry, Honoka, Miyu. But safety is always a priority for the powerful. Having this jet makes sense, even if we use it infrequently now. As for security on our trip… well, I have brought Left and Right, but normally Junichiro-san would never allow us to travel with so few of Fujiwara Security Services on hand.”

Oh yes, Ueno Junichiro-san, he’s head of the Security Service, I met him a few times here and there. “Well, the UK is a pretty safe country. Not that I’ve been there in twenty years or so.” I said, and Tsumura-san spoke again.

“Well, we still aren’t taking any chances. Major Sasaki and a dozen of our enhanced Special Forces have flown on ahead on a public airline and will be providing additional security. We would have liked to take further precautions, but the situation is tense. Our supposed staunch allies the United States of America have been doing similar black ops in the United Kingdom, and thanks to our information after your attempted abduction, they too caught them in the act. So there’s a great deal of frost between old friends, and security is tight. To even get the Major in we had to give a great deal of assurances.”

“Our pretence for this trip is to discuss the American issue. I believe they have invited several American guests as well.” Fujiwara-san said. “Well, I understand our true aim is to make contact with Princess Eleanor, as per the late Diviner’s recommendations, but this talk is also important, and as it also involves the military, your presence as the fiancée of Tsumura Motoko is explained, and you should hopefully draw little attention. Though likely the Americans already know all about you. That can’t be helped.”

“Well, enough of the troublesome talk.” Tsumura-san looked at Motoko and Natsumi, as well as Hyacinth, who was glued to the window, looking down below, violet eyes wide with wonder. “It seems a waste to ruin the time they have to spend with him, Fujiwara-sama.”

“You could well be right.” Fujiwara-san looked at his daughters as well. “You may relax. The flight time is twelve hours. Fortunately we do not have to land to refuel. So you may as well make the most of this time. Once we land, we will be taken to our hotel, to prepare for tonight’s business.”

“Akiooo….” Hyacinth said. “We are up sooo high! The people below are like ants!”

Well, isn’t that classic? I peered down, and with my superior eyesight and a little aether, I realised I too could see the ground tens of thousands of feet below. “Yeah, I guess they do…”


“… finding my archery much improved!” Motoko was saying, leaning over towards me, hands in mine, eyes sparkling. I couldn’t help but glance at her mother, who had fortunately given up frowning disapprovingly every time we were close and displayed our affection. Well, done is done of course. We’ve already gone further than you no doubt wish, but… seeing Motoko looking so happy, it was hard to regret it. Why would I want to regret it anyway?

“Yeah, wind lends itself to archery very well.” I agreed. “My sis wants to learn wind too, though she went for flame first due to the bow she got from Shaeraggo. That reminds me, he’s an awesome archer. His character may be questionable, but his skills aren’t. You should try taking some pointers from him, about how to use wind with your bow. I can help more with sword and spear…” I launched into a detailed explanation of how wind could be used to enhance cutting and piercing power, Natsumi and Motoko eagerly listening, as well as Miyu and Honoka-san, surprisingly.

“I see. Well, is that something I need to learn?” Miyu asked, before smiling archly. “If you ever leave me time between dances, of course. I love Japanese Dance dearly, but you are leaving me little time for anything else. I want to play piano more.” She sighed.

“Sorry. Your dancing is just so useful.” I apologised. “As for wind… well, when you wear the furisode to dance, part of the dance is about how the sleeves and hems move and flutter, right?” I asked, having done a little light reading on it recently.

“That is true.” Honoka-san said, excited. “Recently, our teacher has said that we’ve improved so much, especially Miyu-sama! She’s even passed down the verbal tradition!” At that, Miyu reddened, and Fujiwara-san and Tsumura-san looked impressed.

“The verbal tradition?” I asked, and Honoka-san continued to gush.

“Yes, in the school of dancing that our teacher is the headmistress of, only the best dancers, those she considers true disciples, are taught orally! Miyu-sama was given instruction by her personally!”

“I see, that’s great, well done!” I said, and Miyu looked away shyly.

“Well, I am training harder than ever, and my grace and stamina are buoyed by Ame-no-Uzume.” She was flustered by the praise.

“So, anyway, I was thinking, you could use wind to direct your furisode to move perfectly, perhaps even more beautifully than is naturally possible?” as I explained, Fujiwara-san addressed the parents of Motoko.

“My two granddaughters have been on much better terms ever since Akio-san became involved with them, and Miyu moved to my mansion after her engagement was dissolved. In fact, the whole nobility has experienced a shakeup, most pronounced in Hanafubuki. I know you have reservations, but…” he smiled then, looking for a moment like an ordinary grandfather. “… I believe that the daughter you entrusted to him will remain happy and proud.”

“I shall.” Motoko said, getting up from her comfortable chair and bowing to her parents. “Mother, father. Grandfather.” She bowed, maintaining her balance perfectly even as the jet banked a little. “I am so grateful that you allowed me to…” her face turned pink. “… advance my vows to Akio. I have no wish to lag behind the others, to always be the one left out.” She looked at Natsumi, who gave her a reassuring nod, her eyes expressing that she agreed wholeheartedly. “I know you worry, mother, father, and I have been a poor daughter, always putting Tsumura Arts first. But… these Arts are our legacy! Japan would be poorer without them, and the world needs them! Akio proved it to us.”

“If I may speak, Minoru-sama, Hikari-sama… Motoko speaks true. Our Arts have an existence outside of merely being dusty relics of the past. And we wish to carry our sword, spear and bow into battle…”

“Yes, for our husband.” She grabbed my arm lovingly, and Natsumi came over and grasped my other one. “And he is one Tsumura and Hori house can be proud of. I have no doubts. After all, why else are you here, mother, father?” she pointed out.

“I get it.” Minoru-san sighed. “I’ve already been beaten once by him, when he took Takatsukasa house and made us capitulate. Dear, we have to be happy for her. As for… the other matter, you assured me it would make Motoko safer, Akio-san?”

“Of course. She grows stronger every day. In fact, with Motoko’s dedication, Natsumi’s too, I have no doubt that even without a Divine Favour, they’ll become powerful beyond your imaginations.”

“Akio, I love you!” Motoko declared dreamily at my words, and not to be left out, Natsumi butted in as well.

“Me too, me too!” she grinned. “And tonight, I’ll show it…” she purred.

“I concede.” Hikari-san said at last, watching our closeness. “I wanted my daughter to be happy, of course, while being the best she could be, and respected by all, as a Tsumura daughter should be. And looking at her now… Motoko, you have matured.”

“When one is no longer a girl, but a woman, one becomes resolute, for the knowledge of what a woman must bear is heavy.” Tsumura-san quoted some old poetry.

“You see, Miyu, Honoka.” Fujiwara-san took this opportunity to lecture them about noble marriage, while Hyacinth, finally unable to bear it any longer, leapt on me, her face red, demanding some skinship as well. As Motoko and Natsumi fought her off in a playful mock-battle, I exchanged a look with Minoru-san and Hikari-san.

“Sorry. But… there’s no better man for your daughter than me.” I said, no longer hesitating. “And despite the disadvantages clinging to me…” I pushed off Hyacinth, who fell to the aisle giggling. “… I’ll ensure that Motoko, Natsumi and even Hyacinth here are all safe, happy, loved and respected. I hope this trip will prove that to you, amongst our other objectives. Because make no mistake, the happiness of your daughter is as important to me as anything else.”

“You’ve changed.” Minoru-san said. “Your eyes are clear, a fighter.”

Yes. I don’t just pity the girls, I love them, more importantly, I like them, and their good qualities. Motoko for her grace and dedication, unwillingness to bend. Natsumi for her loyalty, charms and cheerfulness, Hyacinth for her bravery, dedication and even her chaotic nature. “Well, I confess to learning slowly, but when I’ve decided, there’s no going back.” I promised. “So, well, if you want to fight me for Motoko, you can try. But even Left and Right…” I nodded at the two guards, who had been keeping discretely out of the way this whole time, professional as ever. “… couldn’t even stop Motoko if she was unarmed now, so… give it up. She’s mine, and I’ll treasure her. The others too.”

“I see. Well, I am a woman, I hardly dislike bold declarations of romance. Just… remember what we have allowed.” She said at last.

“I will. And I do. Thank you, mother-in-law.” I paused. “I understand being a mother-in-law is the hardest thing with me, I do. Auntie Hana and Nagi-san have it rough too.” I turned to Natsumi. “Your mother as well, I imagine.”

“Not so much. I was always likely to end up married for our prestige, or perhaps even only a concubine rather than marriage. Now I can marry for love, far better than we’d hoped… my mother is happy for me.”

“Well, she can form a group with my mom then.” I smiled, before addressing Hikari-san anew. “I’m not joking, it might be good to connect with the others in your position. Auntie Hana and Nagi-san may be commoners, but they’re good people who love their daughters. If you support each other as the girls do, well…”

As we talked, I started reaching an understanding with Hikari-san, and by the time the plane was coming into land, I believed I had finally won her over, as she was smiling with Motoko, saying some rather frank things that had Miyu and Honaka-san rather embarrassed and confused. As I watched the plane descend towards London, various landmarks such as Big Ben, the London Eye and even Buckingham Palace, our destination at the weekend, visible below, I looked around the plane, at the diverse people on board. Right. This weekend is going to be crucial for us. But… we also need to enjoy it. I looked at the girls, as well as their families. Even Fujiwara-san is someone I cherish. He’s been good to me, and Miyu is like family to me now, as a precious vassal, so I want her happiness to be ensured too, and who she cares for to be protected. So… “It’s been a long time.” I muttered, only Hyacinth hearing my faint words. “The land that gave birth to my mom… I wonder if it’s how I remember it?”

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