On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Three – Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Three – Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor

The sky is changing. Is that a good omen, I wonder? Eleanor looked up at the skies over London of the world of dreams, or the Avalon, as her grandmother said it was known as in the oldest records of the Royal Family. But Raidre calls it a different name, and says what we see and fight over is a mere shadow of the Astral, where dwells his lands. Silver lightning was continuing to arc across the skies, ripples of rainbow light playing around them, the light somehow both bright and dark at the same time, like sunlight through the brilliant stained glass of Westminster Abbey.

From her position on top of the towering edifice of the Tower of London, many times more striking and higher than it ever was in the real London, she could see the Abbey, as well as the Palace, and other magnificent buildings, some of which her team had worked tirelessly to clear and bring under her control, though remembering made her shudder, her green and bronze armour rattling. Buckingham Palace had been hard enough, though ancient stone wards built into the foundations there had kept out the worst of the dwellers of this Boundary between the Astral lands of the Fae and the world Eleanor inhabited as a human. St. Paul’s Cathedral was hell… I never want to go through that again, but… Such was a false hope.

The creatures inside had been organised and vile, a veritable army of monstrous, black-skinned imps and twisted shadowy creatures like malformed, half-melted people resisting them. Only deft teamwork that her group had forged over dozens of bloody battles was enough to keep them from being overwhelmed, and in the end the ruler of St. Paul’s had come forth, a goat-headed, four armed abomination. Its wicked gaze had caused them to freeze, stunned, even Eleanor, and only David had sprung into battle, shouting his ode to Caturix and swinging his great mace. Even so, he surely would have died to the great blast of fire and darkness the creature had conjured, only Sarah’s shield deflecting it at the last moment as she shook off her fears.

I remember. The shock spurred me into action, the others as well… As Eleanor watched the skies, the rainbow aurorae seeming more pronounced than they had been recently, she reminisced idly. Aditi had launched an arrow, while Sir Arthur had moved up to support the beleaguered, cursing David, whose mouth was as foul as ever. A faint smile touched her lips as she remembered their recriminations, David blustering that it was “All your damn fault, you stupid red woman!” to Sarah even as her shield was rippling with suppressed flames, sparks scattering everywhere, all because she had pushed for taking the Cathedrals and other buildings around the Tower.

Mary-Jane had then cast her spells, and strength settled in everyone. Donovan was using David and Sarah as a bulwark, his spear flickering, lightning flashing as he stabbed into the bellowing demon, and one arm of the fiend was crushed as David surged with power, calling out the words that activated his blessing in full. After that, Eleanor had charged, and though her body was rocked by explosions and drenched in dark, acrid poison, her armour taking blow after blow, her flesh tearing and reknitting… in the end they had finished the battle, and as they all basked under the healing glow of the last of Mary-Jane’s power, they had fallen exhausted to the ground, but had liberated St. Pauls. Though after that, we’ve been rather more prudent. But closer-knit as a team, too…

“So, this is where you’ve been, Princess?” a familiar voice said, and as she whipped around, her brown ponytail swaying, a burst of motion happened around her, dozens, hundreds, perhaps even thousands of dog-sized ravens scattering, taking to the silvery skies above, black feathers falling behind them like rain.

“David, don’t creep up on me like that.” Eleanor sighed softly, her startled heart settling. “Why are you even here? This is scheduled as a rest day.”

“Yeah, well I’m not like the girls or the pretty boy, nor over the hill like Arthur.” David grunted, running a hand through his unruly hair. “I’ve never been one to let my edge grow dull. I would never have been champion in the Octagon so many times if I took a bloody rest day every other day.” he exaggerated angrily, but Eleanor found that comforting, seeing as it was his usual bluster. “Besides…” he jerked a thumb at her rudely. “You aren’t taking your own advice, are you?”

“So rude.” Eleanor sighed. “I’m sure I’ve told you to watch your language, David.”

“Ah, shit, you aren’t the boss of me, Princess.” He said by way of apology, which it really wasn’t, but as always she let it slide.

“Well, technically I rather am, I think. Grandmother would say so too.” She said, namedropping the Queen, gratified at the momentary look of respect in his eyes. Yes, grandmother, you still have it. “As for your unfounded complaint, David… I am hardly doing much but resting. I simply like to come here and look out over the London I control, my Avalon. We’ve done well, haven’t we? Seeing this, it firms up my resolve.”

At that David sighed, stomping over to her, joining her overlooking London. Being out in the open so high up in the ordinary world would have left them vulnerable to the breeze blowing them off the balcony, or been rather uncomfortable at the least, so it was a blessing that the air here was always still. They stood in silence for a moment, before David spoke. “You know, you’re not a coward, Princess. After all, we managed to do it, right?”

“Yes, we did. Thanks to you all.” Eleanor smiled, a little pride worming into her heart. They had finally strengthened her control around the Tower enough that in theory she could claim nearly halfway to the M25 that ringed London proper. “Well, we still have a long way to go. But…”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” David laughed. “We’ll stick with you for now, Princess. After all, I’m getting well paid for it.” He snorted. “And not just from you and the Queen. Though I still hate that Max Power prick. Silver Hands… with a name like that, do they think they’re Celtic Gods?”

“I hope you’re not doing anything improper.” She warned him. “Being one of my team affords you a lot of leeway, but if you are embezzling charitable funds donated to you for good causes, I won’t be keeping silent.”

“Tch.” He spat over the railings, watching the droplets fall to the ground far below. “Give me some credit, Princess. I’m not so hard up for cash I’d take it from a shady prick like him. The last thing I want is for them to try blackmailing me. Though I’m not some blushing schoolgirl, if he tried it on me I’d just crush him and his Silver Hands. They won’t match my fists!” He clenched his for emphasis. “No, unlike that idiot redhead and Mary-Jane, I’m not interested in orphanages or soup kitchens, or housing for the homeless…”

Eleanor narrowed her eyes, and he paused, before moderating his tone. “Shit, all good causes, I guess. But me… I’m setting up gyms, boxing, MMA, practical martial arts. Best way to help people, boys or girls, men or women, is to teach them to be strong, disciplined, able to overcome their fears and oppression.”

“To be reckless, you might say?” Eleanor smiled softly, making a pun.

“Hah. Hah. Hah.” He said mockingly. “Very droll, Princess. But no, the one thing I fucking don’t advise is being reckless. A fighter has to keep a cool head, else he’ll have it cut off by a blow he doesn’t see coming. That’s why a little caution is good. I’d rather fight with someone who thinks themselves a coward but gets shit done, than an idiot who only knows how to charge ahead.”

I think you describe yourself a little there. “I see. Well, I suppose learning how to fight in these troubled times is as worthy a goal as any, so charitable institutions that teach such strikes me as a good use of money. I just wish…”

“That it wasn’t coming from such a bunch of chucklefucks?” he said, and that crudity did get a laugh from her then.

“Such a vile tongue. Mary-Jane would wash your mouth out with soap and water.” She made a jest, and David agreed.

“She would, the old bag.” He then narrowed his eyes. “Old Max and his clowns are annoying sure, but what about the stupid religious nuts? I mean, sure, that blonde is fucking gorgeous, and if she’d just keep her mouth shut I’d be more than happy to show her vows of chastity are for idiots…”

Eleanor blushed at that, but she kept silent, as he was not too dissimilar in his attitude towards them. That Mary Stuart. Grandmother is keeping an eye on her and apparently she is a genuine member of a Catholic order, according to the Archbishop of Westminster, though it was an obscure, ancient one, with little to no standing in the modern Church, she was assured.

“… well, fuck it. I guess if all they are going to do is sermonise at me, I can shake it off. Words are wind, unless backed up by fists. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to give up my faith in Caturix for some Sunday Mass and a little Confessional. Here’s where my faith lies.” He spat out over London again.

“Well, mine too.” Eleanor said softly. “But sometimes I wonder… no, it doesn’t matter.” She shook her head.

“Cheer up.” He said in a gruff attempt to console her. “Well, look. It’s not like we’re doing this alone. There’s Sam’s team, Anderson’s, more… sure, we’ve had a few losses, but… every time you step into that Octagon, there’s a chance you won’t step back out. And war is far more dangerous, right? Fuck me, this is when Mary-Jane should be here, she’s good at pep talks. Hell, you’ve got that snide fair folk shit Raidre with you now, him and all his shape-shifting weirdos. And the living suits of armour you found in the Palace too. We don’t have to worry so much about protecting this place twenty-four frigging seven anymore. Even the girls, pretty boy Donovan and old Arthur are starting to build their own little armies. Though shit, the redhead drives me nuts, spending all her time turtling up. You don’t win a bloody war by cowering behind guns and trenches!”

“The redhead?” Eleanor mimicked. He’s always so harsh on Sarah, they bicker like cats and dogs. It’s very amusing, but I think there’s a little more to it… “You really do like her, don’t you David?”

“Me? Her?” He paused, eyes going wide, and Eleanor held in her laughter at the look on his face as he continued. “No offense, Princess, but get your bloody eyes checked. Or better still, maybe your head. Guess wearing that fancy crown has ruined your brain. Me and Sarah? No bloody way. I don’t mean to boast, but…”

I don’t wear a crown, even grandmother doesn’t except on ceremonial occasions… As he regaled Eleanor with tales of his many exploits with women, including some two and three-timing, which he seemed annoyingly proud of, she used the time and distraction to steady her thoughts. When he ran down, she shook her head.

“Well, I’m disappointed in you, David. Cheating isn’t something to be applauded., what did those poor girls think, I wonder?”

“Nah, they were all into me for my reputation and money, girls like that are just looking for a good time.” he rebuffed her criticism with a cool demeanour that annoyed her. “As long as everyone involved knows what they’re in for, who cares?”

Well, if you are two-timing them behind their backs they hardly know what they are getting into… Before she could voice that thought, David spoke up. “I’m not an idiot, Princess. I get what you are worried about, and it ain’t our expansion here. That’s easy.”

“Really? Says the man who doesn’t have any allies or much of note at all in his domain.” Eleanor delivered a stinging rebuttal, and David twitched, one eyebrow raised in annoyance.

“I’m a one-man army, scion of Caturix, best fighter in Britain, David Reckless, King of the Octagon! I don’t need troops or a ton of defensive towers. It’s simple, Princess. Leave our useless redhead’s land where it is. Probably Mary-Jane’s too. That way when you go for your next expansion and can fully protect London, at least the heart here…” he kicked the wall of the Tower. “… is well-protected. Hell, leave old man Arthur’s here too. He’ll be useless if he thinks you’re in danger anyway.” His gaze was intense, as it often was when thinking about war and fighting. “I don’t mind moving mine to wherever trouble is brewing.”

“Well, you’ll lose a lot of progress, David.” Eleanor said sympathetically. “It’ll set you back…”

“I don’t care.” He shrugged. “All this ruling the land shit, I am here to fight, grow stronger, be the strongest in the world. Besides, the Queen’ll compensate me heartily, right? And you’ll owe me a favour. Aditi and the kid will do it too if you ask, they’re both smitten with you. It doesn’t matter if we lose some ground, some territory gets recaptured. As long as we hold for long enough, we can reclaim it afterwards. Not like there are any people out here. Just freaks like Raidre and his fair folk. They can shelter behind the redhead’s guns.” He sniffed.

“Yes, that would be the quickest and best way to protect London.” Eleanor agreed, having been musing over that herself. The initial ring of her allies setting their own banners in a border around the Tower had protected it while the strength was dormant as they grew it. But now… that leaves them out of place and not overly useful…

“Well, that’s just tactics, strategy. We don’t have to worry about that, just crushing our enemies.” David said confidently. “Let old farts like Arthur and the brass worry about it. I’ve said my piece. No, what worries you is the upcoming gala, right?”

“Yes.” Eleanor admitted, many of the ravens that had fled at David’s arrival flying back, prey clutched in their razor-sharp beaks and talons. There’s an old legend about the Tower of London… “Well, you should know my dislike of the pageantry and events right now, David. I’m not like my sister-in-law, who has taken to her royal duties flawlessly, or even Henry’s new girlfriend, who was already living the celebrity lifestyle. Still, I do my duty.”

“We all have duties.” he said, allowing her to vent.

“I know. I never asked to be born to my family, but… I love my family, I love my Country. Even when it’s hard, and those with ill intentions malign me…” she thought to the mocking smile of Mary Stuart, who would often show up at these events. She had considered asking her grandmother to pull strings and keep her out, but as a Windsor, she had no wish to bring shame to her family or cause a scandal that the tabloid press would be all too eager to blow out of proportion. My brother Henry has had enough of that, now and in the past… “… but, this worries me.”

“Well, don’t worry Princess. I’ll not let the big bad foreigners hurt you.” He snorted mockingly. “No, wait, Asians are all small guys, with tiny co…”

“David!” Eleanor headed him off, scandalised, and he chuckled.

“See, Princess? That took your mind off it. Well, seriously, is it really that strange? With all the mysterious powers we have, and the artefacts under the Tower… anything can happen, right?”

“Yes, I understand that.” Eleanor bit her lip, drawing a bead of blood, thinking. “But… grandmother says the Japanese government and some very important figures approached the UK directly, and they already knew all about me, and they need to meet with me to discuss some danger. It sounds very suspicious.” I’m already on edge. But things are going well, our progress is accelerating here in the shadow of London. Raidre was a chance, almost disastrous meeting, but now we are working together, and the domain covered by my banner is spreading… why now? Why this trouble now?

“That’s hardly the only suspicious point. You remember the outrage piece in the Daily Sun, about the strange new laws Japan were bringing in…” he snorted, amused.

“No, I don’t entertain the tabloids.” Eleanor grimaced.

“I guess you wouldn’t. You and your family are their favourite gossip. Well, that and whichever model or footballer is caught cheating on any given day. I’ve been in a few articles myself. You need to learn to ignore barking dogs, Princess. That or give them a damn good kick when they yap at you.”

“Well, that might work for you, but if I did that, the scandal would be terrible. But…” she pursed her lips, which had already healed from her earlier nervous bite. “… I am hardly so sheltered as to not know the news. It drew some attention. We have people looking for such things, anyone who understands would get the significance of many of those laws.”

“Yeah, Japan is clearly already starting to legislate for people like us, those who the Gods have chosen.” David agreed. “Though they use quite the turns of phrase, or is that just crap translations? Can’t trust Civil Servants to get shit done, am I right? Although…” his smile was broad. “… I guess that whoever is pulling the strings is a man.”

“I believe you to be correct.” There were some backwards laws contained within. I am amazed that any government would pass such. Our noble Parliament and House Of Lords would throw out such filth with scorn and derision.

“Are you all disgusted, Princess?” David smirked. “Well, get used to it. This is a world of the strong now, and strong men have big appetites. I mean, I’m legendary myself in martial arts circles. A man being attracted to and loving lots of women isn’t so unusual. At heart, we’re all beasts, animals, and want to possess what we covet. And in this world… yeah, the weak will seek shelter under the strong. Just like before when rich men could have as many mistresses as they wanted, and could buy off the Press when they got caught out, now it’ll be the strong who live as they please.”

“That’s such a sexist attitude. Women aren’t things to be owned!”

“Well, I think you’re wrong. I said it’s all about power. Before, men had all the strength, but is there many men who could force themselves on you, Princess? Fucking hell, I’d like to see them try, you’d rip them in half.” He grinned, amused by that image, and Eleanor found herself shocked at his crudity anew. “I’m being serious though. If a woman like us wants to gather herself a harem of pretty boys, or girls, if she’s into that sort of thing, who can stop her? Hell, why not give it a try yourself? Aditi would probably drop her panties for you with stars in her eyes if you asked. And she wouldn’t be alone, the kid would probably kill for the right to be your boy-toy. Wouldn’t that shock the world? Princess Eleanor with her harem. The tabloids would catch fire trying to write those articles. The Sun, Star, Mail, Reflection, the whole damn lot of the crappy rags.”

Her mouth was hanging open at the image David had conjured for her with his words. As she stood there stunned, he shook his head, tone serious for once. “All joking aside, Princess. I don’t blame Japan for getting their ducks in a row before everything goes to shit. It’s not like we haven’t had to supress incidents of idiots going crazy with their powers, right? So… try not to judge. Just because someone has a lot of partners, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bad person.”

“Guilty conscience there, David?” she said at last. “Fine. But I hope whoever will be attending the gala as emissary from Japan isn’t such a small, unfaithful person. I don’t want to have to deal with someone vulgar.”

“There’s the Princess I know, so haughty and refined.” David scoffed. “Well, whatever happens, happens. But it’s not like you have to worry, is it? Sure, we have a lot of foreign guests this time, including the Japanese who spooked you so, but you know if they try anything, well, the whole gang’ll be there, and a lot of us from other teams. It’ll be their fucking funerals if they give you shit. I owe you that much, boss.”

At his insincere respect, she sighed. “Thanks, I guess. Yes, obviously I’ll be safe in the Palace with so many of us around, even if there will be some potentially dangerous foreigners in attendance. Though of course grandmother will have made certain the Foreign Office does their due diligence on every guest, I’m sure. In fact…” That’s a good idea. I can go read their files. I’d rather be prepared…

As her mood brightened, as she was now able to do something tangible, David grinned. “That’s the spirit, back to the pushy Princess. Well, chin up, the way our progress is accelerating, maybe we’ll be in control of all of London by Christmas?” he slammed his fists together happily.

“Christmas? Hardly.” Each step is far harder than the step before, though of course David is right, our progress is rapid indeed. But then, as grandmother often says, several times in our recent history have we said ‘It’ll be over by Christmas’ and it’s never gone well… “But we do need to continue our momentum. I can’t keep letting these matters distract me. Otherwise all our hard work up to now will be put to waste. And as a Windsor, I can’t allow that.”

“That’s the spirit.” David said, once more pounding his fists. “So, while we are both here, want to go hunting? Somewhere close and safe… trust me, as a pro, I know keeping a routine is key. Getting rusty leads to injuries!”

Perhaps this is what I need. To take my mind off other matters. “Very well then. But…” she ordered sternly, her blue eyes like frozen sapphires. “… we do this safely. I would hate for you to get injured. You don’t heal like I do, David.”

“Hah, well, who cries and sobs when she gets hurt, Princess? Sure, you keep on fighting, which I can respect, but…”

“Shut. Up.” She said, her tone as cold as her glittering eyes. “If we’re going, let’s just go…” David is annoyingly insubordinate, but… he is a comrade I trust…


Walking back through the halls of the Palace to meet her grandmother, still exhausted from her battles with David, which had rapidly escalated and of course led to them both suffering minor injuries, Eleanor was sulking. Damn that man. Reckless should be his middle name, not his surname. Still, I had my revenge. Teasing David about his fiery relationship with Sarah was fun, as he reacted every time. Hmm, I think they have a word for that sort of person in Japan, don’t they? What was it… hmm, no, I am afraid I’m drawing a blank. Since she had Japan on her mind, as she was heading to retrieve whatever intelligence her grandmother had gathered, the thought just occurred to her, and as she was musing on that fruitlessly, she rounded one corner only to run into her middle brother, Henry, who greeted her with a concerned smile, running a hand through his spiky, reddish-brown hair.

“Hey, Eleanor. Good timing, I’ve been looking for you!” he boomed, his voice as loud and bombastic as his personality. He was beloved by the people for his years of service in the Military, and his support of charitable causes related to that upon his discharge. Of course now, they are more interested in his love-life. Well, nothing much has changed there.

As she smiled slightly, she raised a hand, forestalling him. “Henry, brother dear, do keep your voice down. I’m standing right here, you don’t have to roar, I’m not in a helicopter. So, is Melissa not with you today?”

“No, she’s got an interview for a fashion magazine, a photoshoot as well. You’ll buy a copy, right?” he said, inordinately proud of his latest girlfriend, an American. Well, I’ve seen it all before with Henry, but he does seem more serious about her than some of the others. I did like Chelsea though… a shame. Well, men’s opinions on romance don’t match with mine. My talk with David earlier proves that.

“Of course. So, you wanted something? I was just going to see grandmother, so…”

“Yes, I did.” He said loudly. “it’s about the upcoming party here at the Palace. I’m concerned. There’ll be… others here, I heard.” He lowered his voice finally, looking around furtively. “Not trustworthy like our own people. What if one tries to hurt you?” He looked troubled at that. “Seriously, Richard and I worry about you, Ellie.” He used her nickname from when they were younger. “Isn’t there another way? I’ve talked to father and grandmother, but…”

“Sorry. I wanted there to be another way.” She shook her head. “But Henry, this came to me. I suppose better that than it passing to the next generation. If Richard’s children… or maybe yours, perhaps with Melissa, right…” she teased her brother, and he flushed a shade not too dissimilar to his hair. “… had to bear this burden, I would grieve for them and worry too. So… I appreciate your worries, Richard’s as well. But… grandmother told you that you can’t do anything but support me emotionally, right?”

“I hate that.” He pouted like a child. “Seriously, the boys in the army adore you, Ellie. Just say the word and I could have a hundred, no, a thousand veterans ready to lay down their lives for you. We’d have to be better than those stupid fairies.”

“Don’t be rude to Raidre and his Fae. After all, they are technically British too, right? Besides, their knowledge and wisdom has improved our efficiency and safety significantly. As for your veterans… Henry, I hope you’ve not been gossiping about this? Both father, grandmother and the Prime Minister all agree we need to keep this under wraps.”

“Well, of course not.” He managed after a while. “Well, I might have said you might need helping out of a jam in the near future, but I gave no details, I promise Ellie!” he assured her. “Well, we all know what happened in Japan right? That mess with China? Grandmother says it was people like you. If that happens here, you’ll want the lads around, trust me. They aren’t scared of mystical powers, they’ll take a bullet, a fireball or a bloody dagger for you!”

“Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but… it’s all in hand. Now, I need to see grandmother. I am taking care of my safety. Its why I want to check up on our visitors beforehand, to prevent trouble and unwelcome surprises.”

“Well, you always had the brains in our family, Eleanor.” He was back to their more adult address. “I mean, I barely scraped through Eton with a couple of passes. You managed to pass everything. Dad was so proud.”

“True.” Eleanor reminisced. “But my passes were all in the C and B range, I’m hardly clever. Though compared to you, Henry…”

“Ouch. I’m hurt, you shot me with a truth bullet.” He grinned, before his expression turned serious. “Well, I’ll be there at the party, though Richard has to stay away, can’t have the heir and the spare both in harm’s way. As for the guest list… well, there’s a troubling one from Melissa’s homeland, and the Japanese contingent is… odd. Well, apparently there’s two coming who are like you.”

“I see. Well, thanks for the heads-up, Henry.” An American, huh? The Prime Minister has been raging at them recently, diplomatic relationships are more than strained. Well… “Do invite me to dinner with Melissa sometime. If you are serious, I should put in the effort to get to know her.”

“She’d like that. She’s a big fan of your elegance, Ellie.” Back to that, I see. “It’s a shame I can’t tell her how brave and awesome you really are…”

“Well, only when you actually marry.” Eleanor said, amused. “Seriously though, keep it together, Henry. You know that grandmother is doing everything to secure my safety. You served, Richard served, it seems it’s my destiny to serve Britain too, in a different sort of army.”

“Well, when you retire, I’ll make sure you are looked after. You’ll be a veteran too then.” Henry said jovially, though Eleanor could see his worry. “Fine then. I’ll take a hint and leave you to it.” And after their goodbyes, Eleanor was alone in the quiet corridor. Steeling herself, she headed towards her grandmother’s rooms, ready to find out all she could…

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