On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Sixty-Five – R18/Contains Sex

Three Hundred And Sixty-Five – R18/Contains Sex

We were taken through London in a pair of limousines, and while everyone with us was used to travelling, Hyacinth was the exception, as she gawped excitedly at everything we passed. I too was curious, seeing the differences between London and Tokyo, but my excitement was tempered by the thought of the evening’s activities. Luckily none of the girls were tired, the boosts from Chirurgery keeping them fresh, but other than Tsumura-san who had undertaken the procedure, the other members of our party were starting to tire. Really, I should probably insist on Chirurgery for Fujiwara-san, Ichijou-san and Takatsukasa-san at the least. We don’t want any disruption in Japan right now by one of them falling ill or worse, whether they have reservations or not.

On arriving at the Savoy, which was a very impressive hotel, the impeccably dressed staff took our luggage, which consisted of a ludicrous amount of clothes for the girls, as well as a number of suits and smart casual wear for me. Then we were met by Major Sasaki, who saluted when he saw us.

“Good evening Akio-san.” He said brightly. “I trust your flight was pleasant?”

“Sure was. Not cattle class like you all no doubt flew.” I laughed.

“Well, we are wasting enough taxpayer money putting us up in such a luxurious hotel, but we need to be on hand in case of emergencies. Besides, I think the British want us all kept in one place so they can keep an eye on us.” He looked at the girls with me and smiled reassuringly. “Rest assured, there won’t be any trouble, but you can rely on us if there is. Consider this a little piece of Japan right now.”

Natsumi giggled, while Hyacinth merely tilted her head, puzzled. “Akio, what is the fooooool saying? If trouble comes, will we nooot be protecting him?”

Now Motoko was laughing too, despite trying to hide her smile behind a hand in a refined, lady-like fashion. I rapped Hyacinth on the head gently, scolding her. “Now, the Major is a professional, Hyacinth. It’s not good to be mean. Sorry about that.” I apologised. “You performed well in Kyoto, I hear. So, is the Lieutenant not able to make it?” I asked.

“No, Lieutenant Nakano was tasked with staying behind. We can’t deprive Japan of too many defenders, not with the situation so tense. Though he did complain bitterly about the lack of a free holiday. Really, why did he even become a soldier?” Major Sasaki sighed.

“To get girls, he said.” I joked, before slapping him on the shoulder reassuringly. “Well, we’ll try to make your job easy. Make sure that Fujiwara-san, and Motoko’s family are protected. I’ll look after the others.”

“That’s reassuring.” he said, before we entered the hotel. As I did so, Fujiwara-san stopped me. “For this evening, wear something tasteful. Expensive, but not overbearing.” He looked at Motoko then. “Motoko-chan, would you be able to prepare the suitable clothing for him? Your own dress should be matching him, showing off your best qualities without looking vulgar. We are representing Japan, we must look the part. Be ready by… let’s see, seven.”

“Of course, Fujiwara-sama.” Motoko agreed. “What of Natsumi and Hyacinth?”

“Well, I am not bringing Honoka or Miyu, so…”

“I’ll stay and watch them. Hyacinth, can you stay too? I’d feel safer with you here.” Natsumi asked.

“Yes, I would feel safer too.” I said, and though Hyacinth pouted, she agreed, so I patted her head, rewarding her. “Good girl. Well, once the dinner is over, tonight we can all have fun together.”

“Yes, we are going without bodyguards as a show of respect. Normally again that would be unthinkable, but with you here, we should be secure.” Fujiwara-san continued, and I agreed. “Very well then, we shall all prepare ourselves. Tonight is but the first step, but an important one.”

You don’t need to tell me that. As I took the key to our suite from the Major, I noticed Hikari-san looking at us, her expression resigned yet not unpleasant, and I smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll… take good care of her. I promise.”

“That’s what I am imagining.” She sighed, much more friendly after the time we spent talking on the flight. “Well, I should think you’ll have little time for frivolities right now. Women take an age to get ready, you’ll be waiting around a lot during your life, Akio-san.”

“Please, call me Akio like I said earlier, mother-in-law.”

“Fine. Well, Akio, Motoko. We shall see you at seven.” Yeah, Motoko’s mother is very elegant. I need to be on my best behaviour to fit in…


“This room is gorgeous. Makes my Las Vegas suite look tame.” I laughed, looking at the massive four-poster antique bed, easily large enough for all four of us. The wardrobe was a walk-in, so it was sizeable enough for the many dresses and suits we had brought. Hyacinth was humming to herself, putting them away, hanging everything up neatly. There had been a minor bit of confusion when the staff had insisted on unpacking our luggage, but Hyacinth was desperate to serve, her instincts burning, so I soothed things over with my Charm and Majesty.

“The bathtub is big too.” Natsumi smiled. “Room for us all if we squeeze up close.”

“That sounds a plan.” I laughed. “But unfortunately I only have time for a shower before later. Perhaps when we return.” I could hear the sound of running water as Motoko was cleansing her body before she would change. Natsumi had agreed to help with her make-up, though noble daughters seldom wore much, but as this was a special occasion where we were trying to impress, every little helped.

“I look forward to it.” Natsumi grinned. “On a trip as Motoko’s bodyguard, with my dear fiancée. It could only be better if I was announced as yours too, but I guess it’s too soon.”

“Dooo not fret, mistress Natsumi.” Hyacinth said, admiring the pretty dresses as she hung them up. My suit and the dress Motoko had chosen were already out, laid on the bed ready for use, along with suitable jewellery and accessories for us both. “We knooow. And soon all will too. Until then, Hyacinth thinks you should enjoy knooowing what others do not, that you are loooved.”

“Oh Hyacinth!” Natsumi laughed, giving her a hug from behind, surprising her. “You’re so right! Well, it’ll be just us girls this evening. We can have some fun, and then when Akio and Motoko return… a different kind of fun.” she licked her lips, and Hyacinth giggled at that.

“Yes, a maid must warm the master’s bed, it is knooown!”

“Well, that’s for later. For now… be careful.” I said meaningfully, and Hyacinth stopped her laughter.

“Trooouble?” she asked, and I shook my head.

“Probably not, but I think we should be careful. Out of curiosity, I wondered if we were in any Territory here. As we passed by the Tower I felt the real-world effects of a Territory. And well, as expected, it feels like there’s a couple here, actually, overlapping. One’s a Rank 3, I’m sure of it. The other feels much weaker, so likely a Rank 2. I could force my way in, I’d imagine, but it’d take a lot of my aether. Well, there’s no point courting trouble. I’d guess that it could be Princess Eleanor’s. After all, Buckingham Palace is nearby. Well, we shouldn’t be in any real danger, just… be on alert, all right? Hyacinth, if it comes down to their safety, or that of any intruder…”

“I will choooke and strangle them, have nooo fear!” Hyacinth promised.

“Listen to Natsumi.” I told her. “Natsumi, you have a cool head. If you think Hyacinth needs to attack, say the word.”

“You can count on me!” she promised. As we chatted, the sounds of running water stopped, and then Motoko came out, wrapped in a towel, her long hair still damp.

Motoko after a shower

“You can use the shower now. Natsumi., can you help dry my hair?” she asked, and Natsumi nodded, but she had a wicked grin on her face.

“Of course. But first… some preparation for later.” She reached out, tugging at the towel, which opened, revealing Motoko’s lithe, trained body, her modest but noticeable bust and even her private areas. Motoko went red, her skin flushing even down to her chest, but she merely kept smiling and sat down on a chair, pulling up her loose, damp hair.

“Ah, I expected a bigger reaction.” Natsumi teased, winking at me. “Well, I suppose it is too late to worry about being seen by you now. We’re already yours. Just… consider it something to make you remember we’re waiting back here.”

“You’ve become bolder since our second time.” I observed, and Motoko frowned at that, so I went and gave her a kiss. “Don’t worry, your time will come. Tonight.” I promised.

“I shall hold you to that.” She said, her flush intensifying, as Hyacinth laughed loudly.

“Well, I’m going to rinse off. I’ll see you shortly…”


“You look rather fetching.” Motoko observed, as I looked in the massive, full-length mirror the room came equipped with. I was wearing a suit in a subtle dark maroon, and my hair was freshly styled by Natsumi, who after sorting Motoko’s hair into a rather attractive braid, had done mine, taming my somewhat wild locks. In contrast, Motoko was wearing a light green gown, with a high collar but exposed shoulders and bare arms. She looked incredibly classy, and the addition of subtle golden jewellery rounded out the ensemble, as well as a pair of emerald enamelled heels, which she walked in with practised ease.

“Well, you look gorgeous.” I praised her, once more realising just how lucky I was.

“Well, we are nothing, it seems.” Natsumi commiserated with Hyacinth, and I shook my head.

“I know you’re joking, but… well, tonight Motoko shines, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Of course. Well, I’ll have my turn and I’ll take your breath away, I promise.” Natsumi smiled charmingly. “Well, it’s time. You should go.”

“You two have fun with Miyu and Honoka-san. We’ll see you later. So, Motoko, shall we go?” I offered my arm, and she took it elegantly with her own, her smile radiant.

“I would be delighted to, Akio, my dear fiancé.” Motoko said, and with those charming words, I escorted her out. My Charm was on full blast, and with Motoko having five points of her own, she was far more radiant than ordinary women her age. Even in the high-class hotel we were in, we were attracting envious and surprised looks. Motoko walked with her back straight and her head held high, her upbringing leaving her a model daughter, and I matched her, revelling in the whispers of “Who are they?” or “Surely some rich businessman from Asia and his partner…” that followed in our wake.

The doorman greeted us with a polite nod, and I thanked him in my flawless English, surprising him a little. I passed him some money as a tip, remembering that unlike Japan, there was a tipping culture here, if not as prevalent as in America, and we moved to the waiting limousine, where Fujiwara-san, Tsumura-san and Hikari-san were already inside, leaving my faither-in-law Minoru-san waiting. On seeing us, he nodded appreciatively.

“You pass muster, Akio.” He too was calling me without honorifics, as it would have seemed strange otherwise to our company tonight. “As for you, daughter…” he said, his face proud. “Gorgeous.”

“I know, right?” I said proudly, and he gave me an exasperated look.

“Well, if Motoko was this docile and elegant all the time, she would have been engaged before ever seeing you, Akio. Well, seeing her like this, I do feel perhaps we raised her right after all.” He let the doorman open the door for him, while I opened one for Motoko, stepping inside after her. When the door was shut, the limousine pulled off into the London traffic, while I listened to Hikari-san praise her daughter for her dress and hairstyle.

“I must say, you definitely do look a perfect couple.” She conceded to me, and I nodded.

“No complaints from me. Well, I know good fortune when I see it, and having Motoko in my life certainly qualifies, so I pray nobody tries anything foolish this trip, or they’ll regret it.” I was watching the lights of London pass us by through the window, and in the reflection of the glass I saw Motoko smile beautifully, so I reached out a hand and clasped hers tightly. Yeah, not letting go. Ever. Not Motoko or any of them. That includes… my Eye flared, just a tiny, almost unnoticeable glimmer, and the faint spirit light was visible for a moment.

“So, for the itinerary, while we have a moment.” Fujiwara-san said, drawing our attention. “Well, we will be dining at a steakhouse which is frequented by the great and the good of London. The Prime Minister is often found there at weekends. Though not tonight.” He continued. “No, tonight it would be problematic to meet with him, so we shall have to make do with the Foreign Secretary, Gerard Hunter. Also in attendance will be Katsuro-san’s opposite number, the Secretary of State For Defence, Penelope Morgan, and several senior Civil Servants. In addition, Sir Roger Vance, chairman of the company BAE, the most powerful military manufacturer in Britain, and the chairman of Barclays Bank, one of the biggest and most powerful banking arms in Europe, Jeremy Staveley, will be in attendance.”

“Those are some big names.” I observed, and Fujiwara-san chuckled.

“Obviously. Well, when Kira or I visit, it’s a big deal. Kira is well acquainted with Sir Roger after all, Ichijou Heavy Industries is also a big player in the international arms industry. As for Jeremy-san, well… let’s just say we’ve both cost each other money a few times. He’s ahead of me, but not by much. Perhaps this time the tables will turn.”

“So, what is it you want me to do?” I asked, and he looked at me searchingly.

“Well, I am here to represent Japan’s interests. So do not compromise them and we will be fine. As for your own interests… having the ear of the powerful is never a bad thing. The question is, how much of your hand do you reveal, and for what in return?”

Motoko squeezed my hand, and at her reassurance, I relaxed. Yeah, no need to panic. Sure, these are big-shot Government ministers, but then I rub shoulders with the same or higher in Japan all the time. “Well, obviously we need to start making moves to prepare for China. I’d also like information sharing, and obviously support regarding the Princess.” I mused.

“Well, what can you give up? These people will not bargain easily.” Tsumura-san laughed. “Miss Penelope is quite the rottweiler, I have experienced her bite during negotiations before.”

“Information for information. We have an information advantage due to my Eye, Tsukiko-san’s visions, and Yasaka-san. We can leverage that. As for other options… we’ll see. Let them ask for a price and I’ll see if I want to meet it.”

“That’s one way to negotiate. Well, this is what I think…” Fujiwara-san said,  giving me his advice, and as we talked, the limousine reached our destination, a restaurant floating in the heart of the Thames, at the centre of Canary Wharf, London’s prized financial district…


“It’s been too long since you graced our shores with a visit, Mr Fujiwara!” Mr Hunter said warmly, reaching out for a handshake. We were all speaking English, luckily all of us were more than capable. “You shouldn’t be such a stranger.”

“Katsuro, I heard about the mess in Kyoto. Must be damn rough, you handled it well though, made those Chinese look like fools.” Mrs Morgan said. “And this is your son, right? And his lovely wife, so…” she paused, and all eyes at the table went to us. “… this is your granddaughter, miss Motoko, I believe? And her fiancé? Recently engaged.”

“That’s right.” I said smoothly. “I am Oshiro Moonstone Akio, but of course, do call me Akio, I don’t stand on ceremony. And yes, I have the honour to be Motoko’s fiancé.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you all.” Motoko said charmingly. “Yes, Akio is my dear fiancé. I understand arranged marriages are not so common in the United Kingdom, but I have no complaints or objections, in fact, I sought him out myself, as he is a man I respect deeply, and love too.”

“I see.” Mrs Morgan shrugged. “Well, it’s not like we don’t have it here, a lot from the Indian and Pakistani community partake in arranged marriages. Seems to work out all right for them. Anyway…” She introduced the others, Sir Roger was an older man, about the age of my father, still strong-looking and keen-eyed, while Mr Staveley was a dark-haired fit man of similar age, with a firm grip on his handshake. Then there were two Civil Servants, fairly non-descript, ordinary Western men, who were only introduced as David and Andrew.

“Got to have some bean counters here, otherwise the press will scream about secret dealings and underhand plays.” Mrs Morgan scoffed. “Well, one’s from the Treasury, in case we need to talk… finances. The other is from the Office of the Chief Whip, to keep us honest.”

“I’ll order the wine… will Miss Motoko be drinking? It’s legal to drink over sixteen with a meal, not that anyone would bother us here.” Mr Hunter said, and at my nod, Motoko gratefully accepted.

“I often drink a little at parties. Grandfather and father believe I should learn early, so I do not make mistakes when I am attending in my own right.” She said, earning approval from Mr Hunter.

“Can’t beat the steak here.” Mrs Morgan observed, flicking through the menu. “So, you know I’m bad at beating around the bush, so let’s cut to the chase…” she rattled off a number of British idioms. “He’s one of them, right?” she looked at me closely, eyes narrowed. “We’re calling them Gods' Chosen, damn foolish name. Going to have to come up with a better one, or we’ll have the religious troublemakers rioting in the streets for blasphemy. Oh, don’t worry, the staff here tonight are all elite. They won’t hear anything or see anything. Multi-billion dollar deals are decided here all the time, it wouldn’t work with loose lips sinking ships.”

I exchanged a glance with Fujiwara-san and Tsumura-san. As neither seemed concerned, I merely scanned the menu, taking my time. “Oh, I think I’ll have the fillet. Medium rare, with the side salad, and hot peppercorn sauce.” I said. “Whatever wine we are drinking will do. Motoko?”

“I shall have…” she placed her order, and then when she was satisfied, I nodded.

“Well, since you know so much, not that I’d expect the Defence Minister to be unaware… you should also know why I’m here.”

“Not really, and that’s the rub.” She snorted, and I could see Mr Hunter was allowing her to be his stalking horse, feeling me out, while the others watched. “The Queen has invited you to the Palace it seems, and the Prime Minister, great blustering man that he is, won’t tell us anything. I mean, having Mr Fujiwara and Katsuro here meet the visiting dignitaries, their family and lovely granddaughters in tow, not so unusual, but now? I call bullshit. Ah, the wine…” Andrew uncorked the bottles and poured us all out glasses of the red, fragrant liquid. Motoko took a sip and smiled, which was good enough for me, so I followed suit. Yeah, it is definitely expensive. It has a memorable taste.

“Well, I need to see the Queen.” I said simply. “And as for why… well, just know it’s for your benefit.”

“Look, we both know about the damn Yanks and their underhanded shit.” she continued. “Gerard’s been going bald over it.”

Mr Hunter snorted at that, though he let her carry on.

“Well, I can’t say I’m overkeen on letting foreign God’s Chosen into the country. Let alone… three. Your granddaughter too, it seems, Mr Fujiwara.”

“Yes. I am so blessed.” He allowed.

“That’s a joke. Well, you might not be aware, but we’ve established the estimated death rate to be twenty-four percent already. That’s quite the dangerous role, no?”

“Yes, well, the start is always the hardest, most dangerous part, where the unlucky and those lacking prudence will fall.” I allowed. “So, I’ll offer you an answer. It’s not the Queen, but Princess Eleanor I’m here to see.”

“Oh? Taken a fancy to her, with such a lovely young fiancée on your arm?” Mrs Morgan scoffed, though I saw the flicker in her eyes. Bullseye.

“I’m sure your Princess is indeed a lovely young woman, but Motoko is the one for me.” I said, leaning over and lightly touching her bare shoulder, so she leaned into me, careful not to disarray her hair, and I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. That done, I smiled. “Well, you surely know the Princess is like me, right? How could you not?”

“Well, I’ll take over.” Mr Hunter sighed. “Of course we are aware. All the senior Ministers and important figures are in the loop. Big Business too. I imagine you found out similarly, Mr Fujiwara?”

At that I held in a wince, knowing that I had revealed myself to Hinata like an idiot. Even though it had all worked out, I still felt stupid at how trusting I used to be. “Something like that, yes.” He affirmed. “Those of us with great power and many subordinates find out much before the common people.”

“Same here.” Mr Staveley confirmed. “Though when I did find out, I had a rather different interest…”

“So, the question is, our Prime Minister knows what is going on, I’m sure. Why do you need to see the Princess? Japan should have enough of your own God’s Chosen. Even if you lost three to Chinese aggression.”

“You’re well informed.” I said, irritated.

“Of course.” Mr Hunter sighed. “It’s our job to be. Though we aren’t like the Americans, we have no intention of causing trouble.”

“Well, let me be blunt. This is more an act of… brotherly goodwill.” I lied. Well, technically it is, but Tsukiko-san said we need Princess Eleanor alive, or else Japan and the world will suffer too, and may be destroyed. But it’s definitely an act to save the UK too, after all, last I checked they were part of the world as well. “I’m half British myself, lived here until I was five or so. My mom is a proud Brit. So…” as I considered my next words carefully, I let out a little aether, checking the surroundings. Yeah, I’ve not been picking up anything abnormal… Glancing over at Motoko, I smiled at her, and she returned it. My mind made up, I spoke…


“Visions? Of a danger to the princess that threatens her life and Britain? Hard to believe.” Mrs Morgan said, in-between bites of her steak. Motoko and I were enjoying ours, and watching her eat so elegantly was always fun for me. Seeing me looking at her daughter so tenderly, Hikari-san raised one eyebrow at me, which I ignored, merely smiling slightly. I had given the British delegation a very abridged version, leaving out a lot of the details.

“I heard this Diviner of yours died to the Chinese. You must be furious.” Mr Hunter said, and I agreed.

“More than you know. But luckily she was a brave soul and dedicated to her God, so she left us a number of prophecies. And she was right about Princess Eleanor being a Chosen, right? So it stands to reason the danger is real too.”

“If the Princess was to be killed, and it was discovered to be some internal threat… ugh, yes, doesn’t bear thinking about. Well, I see things clearly now.” Mr Hunter continued. “I’ll still be keeping an eye on you all, and won’t feel safe until you and also our American guests are out of the country.”

That piqued my interest. “Americans?”

“Yes. Well, Quid pro quo and all. Though…” he glared at Andrew and David. “… this never happened, understand?” At their nods, he spoke.

“A God’s Chosen from America, as well as one of their top brass, is attending to formally apologise regarding the… incidents. They’ll also be attending the Queen’s gala, along with the Prime Minister, Princess Eleanor, Prince Henry, and a lot of our own God’s Chosen. So they can’t pull anything dangerous if they want to get out safely. The Queen spared no expense gathering the Princess a squad of elites.”

“I see. That is interesting. Thanks. To fair trades.” I raised my glass.

“Yes, if only all our allies could be as easy-going.” Mr Hunter snorted. “So, now we know each other’s intentions, now for the fun part… personal business.”

“Right.” Sir Roger spoke. “Mr Tsumura, I’ve heard rumours that Ichijou Heavy Industries is gearing up for a new project. Would you happen to know anything regarding it? Whispers on the wind make me think it might have to do with Chosen matters.”

“Well, I’d need to ask my grandson-in-law about that.” He smiled, and I nodded.

“It so happens I know a thing or two.”

“Well, in that case, I’m sorry, my dear…” he said to Motoko. “Can I borrow your fiancé for a bit? I’ll return him shortly.”

“Please do. I miss him when he’s gone.” she said charmingly. “And I was dearly looking forward to a meal with him. But, for the esteemed chairman of the famed BAE Systems I shall concede.”

“Damn, you have yourself a winner here.” He laughed, and as I acknowledged that, he leapt into action. “So, obviously, information is limited, and not just our Government, but Japan’s, America, and all the major powers have been intending to keep matters under wraps as long as possible to get a handle on the situation. Therefore if we were to gather too much information, the Government would be suspicious as to our intentions. Most major multinational businesses, or at least any with a board worth their salt, will have an inkling of matters, but those of us in military and security technology find the situation most concerning.  I’m sure you can guess why.” His smile was polite, but I detected intense curiosity behind it.

“Of course. I can’t speak for every Chosen, but I’m acquainted with a number. But putting that aside and looking purely at the Kyoto theatre…” I went on to point out that while conventional weapons were still effective against most Chosen, there were some that rendered a lot of guns and bombs useless, for example, the Ice Wielder, whose armoured ice would easily repel all but the strongest munitions. “… so wars of the future might well change. I suspect you are aware, but it’s likely to become the sort of stage where a single elite combatant is worth more than a squad of regular soldiers, no matter how well equipped.” Of course, I’m hoping to change that with Chirurgery and whatever Ixitt can cook up for us…

“Yes, well, that strikes to the heart of it. As far as I am aware, there’s none of these God’s Chosen that can survive a Brimstone missile to the face, travelling at four hundred and fifty metres a second. I think that wars will still be decided by planes, tanks and warships. But…”

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Well, even running Body Enhancement, I can’t react to something travelling that fast, but… I’m not too far off, I can already react to bullets from rifles and handguns. “Well, if you must know, I have entered into an agreement with Ichijou house. But obviously the details are classified. You understand, right?”

“So, is your area of expertise military then? No wonder you are engaged to the Tsumura lady.” He nodded at Motoko, who was having a polite conversation with Mr Staveley. “I suppose it would be too much to ask your God’s Chosen ability?”

“Of course, way too much.” I said dryly, and after that we merely talked a little more, feeling each other out further, and in the end, we decided to keep in contact, and as I was agreeing to pass on a message to Ichijou-san for him personally, some talk from both Mr Staveley and Mrs Morgan caught my ear.

“… so, you don’t know who is the God’s Chosen in Japan that can heal? I only heard about it recently,  from an acquaintance in the African mining and minerals industry, but apparently his daughter recovered from incredibly advanced, terminal cancer and is now a picture of health…” His tone sounded desperate, and I could see Motoko desperately trying not to glance at me and give anything away.

Meanwhile, Mrs Morgan was still acting as the front for her colleague, and now she was talking to Fujiwara-san, her expression intent. “… so, these laws your Parliament passed. Quite interesting. We had ourselves a good time going over them. Planning for the future is a smart move. The Prime Minister even proposed we do the same, not that we could get away with it. Compared to the Japanese news media, our press are a bunch of carrion-feeding vultures with noses like bloodhounds and ears like bats. The moment we implement a law governing ‘ether and other special resources’ they’d start digging. We’ve already had enough troubles.”

“Well, we were fortunate. The late Lady Diviner enabled us to prepare thoroughly.” Fujiwara-san dissembled adroitly, his decades of experience at the top and his nobility allowing him to handle her deftly.

“All the more reason to loathe China then.” She nodded. “Well, one law did cause a stir, even made our useless tabloid rags take note. The special passport and polygamy laws. There were some rather amusing articles, I must say. I’ll be frank. Gerard here could tell you just how we see Japan. A loyal friend and ally, but one that is insular and unwelcoming of immigrants. So to see this scheme… and polygamy, of all things…”

“Well, perhaps the Diviner foresaw a need for it.” Fujiwara-san said.

“I see, well, subject change. The topic has got rather heated.” She glanced over at Mr Staveley, who was looking tormented, face bloodless and pale. Luckily Hikari-san and Minoru-san had taken over the conversation, freeing up Motoko, who was now looking at me, troubled.

“It’s fine.” I rubbed her shoulder again. “Have another drink. I’ll detox you if you need it.” I whispered, and she nodded gratefully.

“… they say when Fujiwara or Ichijou house sneezes, Japan rolls over and Asia catches a cold. Well, we had heard about a reorganisation of the third major house in Japan, Takatsukasa. I hear that those owners of Nichibotsu Technology are taking over. Big company, world leading. Not a bad choice. There was just one thing though…” Mrs Morgan smiled triumphantly. “… news travels about marriages of such important people. I was sure the daughter of Nichibotsu was engaged to a man born here in England. That’s the sort of news people notice. And his name was…”

Yeah, once she mentioned polygamy I knew this was coming. “… me.” I said, smiling. “I’m engaged to Hinata too.” Beside me, Motoko nodded calmly, despite the uncomfortable looks I was getting.

“Really? You have a lovely young thing like Miss Motoko here, and you’re not satisfied?” Mrs Morgan scoffed.

“It is not that.” Motoko defended me, rather annoyed. “I would that you do not speak carelessly of matters you do not know, Mrs Morgan.” Motoko drained her glass, before looking her in the eyes, gaze intense. All conversation at our table had stopped. “Akio originally rejected our arranged marriage. He is not one that seeks recklessly, he chooses his partners carefully! But…” she smiled at me then, blindingly beautiful, made even cuter by her pink, alcohol-flushed cheeks. “… when Akio sees you, he truly sees all of you, and he will help you become your best self. Thanks to him, I have my dreams firmly in my sights, Hinata too, and Shaeula, and…” she trailed off as Mrs Morgan raised a blonde eyebrow.

“More? Well, isn’t he a carnivore. But… I can see you really love him.” She sniffed. “As for you…” she turned to me. “So you’ll be marrying into one of the big three as well, plus support from the house that governs the military of Japan? Just who are you? You’re not just an ordinary God’s Chosen, if such a thing exists…”

I looked at Fujiwara-san and Tsumura-san, who nodded. Taking a deep breath, I pulled Motoko close, as she was a little distressed from Mrs Morgan’s tone. “I am who I said I am. But… consider me the God’s Chosen of Japan, if you will. I have the ear of the Prime Minister, the nobility, the faith, and the Imperial Family. As for the laws… I helped shape them, though other than the polygamy law, they aren’t set up for my benefit, but for the benefit and stability of Japan and the world. Consider the law a token of how much the government trusts me, and my commitment to making all those I love happy. They would have been prepared to be concubines or unofficial partners, but I would never be satisfied with that.”

“Oh Akio. You always know what to say. Natsumi is still planning our wedding dresses…” Motoko beamed.

“You think I’m being unfair? Well, I don’t much care. Seeing the smile Motoko is giving me now means I’ll defend the new laws to the death. I’d also appreciate it if you watched your tone. Motoko is getting distressed.”

“Leave it, Penelope.” Mr Hunter said, sighing. “I get that as a woman you’re more sensitive about that, but look at her. She’s accepted it.”

“Well, she’s just a child. The daughter of Nichibotsu too. There’s something about it I don’t like…”

“I am not a child. I am a woman!” Motoko declared, her upset giving way to cold anger. “I have fought monsters, killed them with spear, sword and bow. I have trained until my body bled, my hands were calloused. I set aside my pride to reach out and grasp what I wanted, even if it cut my flesh. Have you done the same, can you say that? Besides, Akio… we often take advantage of him. So enough with your false pity! Just because you do not understand our way of life does not make it wrong! We all wished for it, and we will all make it work. If there are hardships, we shall overcome them, together, as a family!”

As she leaned into me, red and trembling from her speech, I nodded. “It does them all a disservice to say what I’m doing is wrong. All I need to think about is their happiness. And so I had the law changed. I don’t need anyone’s acceptance except ours and that of our families, but … well, the world is changing. Old customs will surely adapt, or they’ll die out.”

“Well said.” Mr Hunter clapped his hands together, breaking the silence. “Penelope, legally Miss Motoko here would be able to marry with parental consent, which she clearly has. And while bigamy is most definitely a crime here… well, they aren’t legally married yet. We’d have heard about such a wedding. But… there was one thing far more important.” His eyes narrowed, and I realised Motoko had let something slip. She had too, as she looked at me, stricken, but instead I brushed aside a strand of her hair and kissed her gently on the lips, tasting wine and a faint hint of strawberry, perhaps her faint, modest lipstick.

“Sorry Akio.” she whispered in my ear, but I shook my head.

“it’s fine.” I’ll swing my negotiations to this angle now.

“Well, I heard that Japanese were very reserved at physical intimacy in public.” Mr Hunter laughed, interrupting his questioning. “But then, you are half-British too, right? Well, us Brits are similar in that regard. Perhaps your boldness is… oh, never mind. So, miss Motoko, it sounds to me like you are a God’s Chosen too. If so, not having that fact declared is a serious breach of the agreements made…”

“I am not.” Motoko said stoutly.

“Really, but you said…” he began anew, only for Motoko to shut him down.

“I swear on Japan and the honour of Tsumura house, on my spear, sword and bow, that I am not. Though I told no lies.”

“Then how…” his eyes went wide, putting the pieces together. “The chairman of Nichibotsu technology recovered his mobility, the head of Takatsukasa house recovered from his long, debilitating illness. Rumours of miraculous healings have spread through the circles at the top of the political and financial worlds, hidden from the public. And at the heart of that… is you. A God’s Chosen the Japanese would even change the law for and give their fine daughters.”

Well, I suppose if he’s holding one of the Great Offices of State, as I believe they call them here, he’s no fool. Well, better to be known for healing and Chirurgery than combat prowess I suppose…

“You’ll forgive me if I don’t leap to tell you all about what I can do, I’m sure.” I said. “But yes, Motoko is not a Chosen. But she is as brave as any. And…” I smirked. “You have a few soldiers posted around the building. Prudent I know, but if they don’t pull their guns, I’m confident Motoko could easily take them all.”

“In that case…” Mr Hunter looked at Fujiwara-san. “… a God’s Chosen who empowers others somehow and can heal. I can see why the…”

Mr Staveley interrupted us suddenly, knocking over his wine glass. As the blood-red liquid stained the tablecloth and his sleeve, he didn’t even notice.

“You’re the healer that can cure cancer? I begged the Prime Minister to find me one when I first heard of the God’s Chosen, but he said the one he knew of can only heal wounds, not disease! I… please!” He looked at me, desperate. “I only came tonight to find out about the Japanese healer. My wife… she has Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. A particularly aggressive form. The treatments have failed, but they were just … ugh.” He started to cry. “There was no hope, not until word started spreading that if you knew the right people in Japan, then…”

“I think I’m going to have to step out.” I said softly. “I’ll leave you all to talk. Motoko… keep an eye out, all right?” I said, putting a hand on her shoulder, letting aether purify her drunkenness. “I think they won’t be dumb enough to try anything. If they do, they’ll regret it…”

“How rude. We’re not the Chinese or the Yanks.” Mrs Morgan sniffed. “Us Brits believe in fair play. We would hardly hold your young fiancée hostage. So… what do you plan?”

“A demonstration, I suppose. Mr Staveley… is your wife nearby?”

“Yes… yes she is. Our apartment is in Mayfair. She’s there with twenty-four seven care. You… you’ll help her?” he asked, clinging to hope.

“Well, I’ll take a look. I don’t promise. But if I do, I’ll need payment, else it’s not fair to those others I’ve charged.” I warned.

“Fine. I don’t care.” he clung to the hope in front of him. “Let’s go! My driver will speed us there!”


I think we got a few speeding tickets on that short journey. Once inside the very impressive penthouse apartment, I looked around. My sensitive hearing could pick up the hum of medical machinery and the breathing of several people.

“I’ll just go… tell the nurse to take a break for an hour.” Mr Staveley said, his face a mixture of hope and despair. I nodded, moving to hide behind some furniture, and moments later a statuesque nurse left, a doubtful expression on her face.

“We have a little time. My wife… she’s sleeping. It’s the only time she looks at peace.” He sniffled, and I totally understood. If it was a person I cared about who was so ill, I’d be devastated myself.

“So, you say there’s a healing Chosen here in the UK?” I asked, as we opened the door, revealing his rather skeletal wife hooked up to a number of monitoring devices and a drip containing terribly potent pain relief.

“Yes. I don’t know why, but the Prime Minister said she apparently can’t cure diseases.”

“Yeah, those are tricky. Regenerating flesh isn’t so tough, though a whole limb is a challenge.” I said absent-mindedly, as my Eye flared amber, causing Mr Staveley to gasp.

“What is that?” he asked, and I told him firmly it was a secret, merely a diagnostic tool.

“Yeah, that’s pretty bad.” I agreed sadly, seeing her advanced cancer. “I’ll be honest, I’ve never tried anything so challenging before.” I’m not buffed up either, but… I remember what it felt like to be buffed…

“Is it hopeless? I can pay…” he began, and that left a bad taste in my mouth.

“I’m not holding out for more money. Like I say, I take payment because I need the money to help protect Japan, not because I’m greedy.” En route I had explained the sort of prices I had taken for my help. Obviously he was unable to give me shares in Barclays as an investor, but he was able to offer a substantial sum of five million pounds and a number of his own shares, probably worth that again. I do feel bad taking money from grieving people, but… well, like Hinata says, to soothe my conscience, when all this is out in the open I can have charitable days where I heal the poor sick for free. I guess this is the price of a miracle, and I do need all the money I can get… “It’s just this is damn aggressive, and her internal organs are close to entirely ruined…” I listed off the damage, and he gasped.

“That’s largely what the doctors say.” He admitted.

“Well, that’s good, means I’m on the right track. The main thing is… if I can save her, it’s going to look like a miracle.”

“I won’t say a word. Only those who were with us at dinner know you were here. If I break my word… well, I’m prepared for anything.” he said, deadly serious, and I liked his resolve.

“Good. Well, I respect a man who would do anything for his wife. I would too.”

“Wives, in your case.” He managed, and I nodded.

“Yeah. So I know how you feel. Now, let me get started.”

Aether surged from me, and she groaned, shivering and sweating. First I reinforced her internal organs, regenerating scarring and damage, strengthening failing heart valves, and flushing the damaged veins and arteries. Split Thoughts roared, and my concentration deepened.

“Uh… can I speak?” he said, nervous, and I nodded.

“Yes, this isn’t the hard part yet. I’m just strengthening her body, repairing the damage. Dealing with the Leukaemia is the issue.”

“So, who do you bank with?” he said, and I shrugged.

“Chase Midas Gold, primarily, though a lot of my assets are in Japanese Banks and the government itself now.”

“I see. Well… you should diversify. And trusting an American institution seems risky in these times. If… if you are as great a healer as I believe, then you will be sought after internationally. Staying tied to one country is foolish. You should disperse your financial risks. I am happy to help, as an extra service.”

“Well, I’ll ask Hinata. She’s managing my finances.”

“You mean the girl from Nichibotsu? Isn’t she still in school?” he asked, surprised, his face twitching every time his wife moved or moaned.

“Yeah, but she’s a smart cookie, and her grandfather is helping her. She was the one who instituted the healing business for me, and gathered the clients. I’ve made a lot of money and assets.”

“And I hope… you make more.” He said fervently. “Very well. I’ll give you my contact details, I look forward to hearing from her.”

“All right. Now I need to concentrate please.” I said, having prepared enough. Split Thoughts were working to control many flows of aether, but also half of them were turned into my own body, feeling and understanding what I was doing. As I worked, lost within her body and my own, I struggled at first, the Leukaemia proving stubborn, but as it receded, me patching up the damage behind it, squashing the renewed spread it attempted, I finally understood the breakthrough I was searching for.

Your skill, Ether Healing has increased from Rank 8 to Rank 9 and has crossed the second wall, reaching the third pinnacle. You can now utilise adherence with greater ease when performing acts of healing, and your aether can be used to fortify adherence when used in such a manner. All your resistances increase still further, and your material and spiritual bodies do not suffer from abnormal states such as cancers, chakra degradation and capillary failure naturally, only under extreme stress. The natural ravages of aging are slowed slightly. [Class: Imperious] [Type: Artifice]

I finally have you now… with my renewed understanding of both material and spiritual bodies, it was only a few more minutes before her body had been restored to a pristine state. She was still thin, undernourished and weak, but…

“I’m done.” My Eye flashed, and I couldn’t see any further damage. “Can I take your car back to the restaurant? I think… you might be too busy explaining this to come back with me.”

“Really? I’m not dreaming?” He said, and I shrugged.

“Well, you’ll know soon enough, but the vitals have stabilised, right?” I pointed to the machines, which were now displaying much healthier numbers.

“I… if it’s true, I’ll never forget this.” He promised.

“Fine. Like I say, I feel bad charging you such huge fees, but…”

“No, I understand. Miracles don’t come cheap. It’s something I can pay off in a year. For more time with my wife… that’s nothing. I’ll thank you until the day I die. If you need support with anything here in Britain, just say the word.”

With that done I thanked him and slipped out, seeing the nurse standing outside, fidgeting restlessly. Well, nobody saw me, so it should be fine. Well, I guess this might make the papers tomorrow…


“So, I’m curious.” Mrs Morgan said as I returned. Several more bottles of wine were half-finished, and Motoko was looking a little tipsy again, as she flashed me a relieved smile. “Has a miracle happened tonight?”

“I believe it has. It wasn’t easy, but she’ll recover.”

“Well, the papers will have a field day. Nothing excites them like a miraculous event. That or something terrible. Happy news and tragic news. That’s what our tabloids love. The Kyoto invasion is still a hot topic. So… how much?”

“That’s an indelicate question, Mrs Morgan. But… five million and some shares.”

“I’m guessing that’s not in yen?”” She asked, and I nodded.

“Well, that’s thirty-five years of my basic salary just in cash. Not bad for an hour’s work.” She said, before smiling at me. “Well, the British taxpayer thanks you for your benevolence.” I must have looked a little confused, as she clarified. “Well, you earned it here so have to pay UK taxation. Though to be fair,  I’m sure that he’ll minimise your tax bill through all sorts of clever loopholes. Bankers.” She snorted. “Even so, I daresay we’ll walk off with a million or so.”

I see. Well, I suppose that’s fair. “Consider it my contribution to my mom’s homeland then.” I said, and she laughed at that.

“Akio, was it hard?” Motoko asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah it was, one of the hardest yet, she was so frail. Even Miss Lindiwe had a stronger body. But well…” I leaned over and whispered something in her ear, and Motoko’s smile bloomed.

“What was that about a nine?” Mr Hunter said, having caught that part. I merely smiled, while Motoko answered for me.

“I fear that is a secret. Needless to say, Akio is even more amazing.”

“She’s done nothing but gush praise for you.” Sir Roger laughed. “And Katsuro here likewise. I can see you are a lucky man. A match made in heaven.”

“I think so. I still kick myself that I was nearly idiotic enough to turn her down.” I said, and Motoko blushed at that, kissing me on the cheek, leaving a faint smudge of lipstick. “So, have we reached a conclusion?”

“We have.” Sir Roger agreed. “I did wonder when the US sold some fighter jets to Japan whether something was up, but on hearing it was compensation for their wrongdoings it makes sense. But if they are selling, it can only be because they anticipate great technological breakthroughs, making that hardware obsolete. BAE systems will approach Ichijou Heavy Industries for some collaboration works. In exchange… I am prepared to offer you a one percent stake in BAE systems just for mediating a successful deal. Not a bad trade, right?”

“Of course, should any joint projects require your… expertise… then the same deal as Ichijou-sama gave should be required.” Motoko spoke up, and Sir Roger winced.

“Ten percent. Now I’m curious as to why a healer would gain the favour of… no, I think I get it.” He looked at Motoko then. “There’s more to this.”

“There is, but again, I don’t want to disclose too much of my ability. I’m sure you can understand.”

“Well, enough of that.” Mrs Morgan sighed. “I’ll report to the big man in Number Ten that I think closer ties with Japan is desirable, and that China needs to be watched carefully, as well as their usual allies like Russia and North Korea.”

“And I shall start pushing for a more favourable trade deal with Japan.” Mr Hunter said. “I trust that if Fujiwara house supports it, the Japanese Government will have no objections and it will pass swiftly?”

“None, though we will need provisions for ether, Etherites, and other resources on the list, as well as acceptance of our special passport holders, and exemptions from prosecution on bigamy charges for said holders.” Fujiwara-san delivered my demands, before listing a lot of his and the Diet’s own.

“Well, I’m sure the Prime Minister will have a field day trying to push those through without the tabloids going crazy. But… we’ll make a start.” Mr Hunter promised. “All right, now the hard talk is over, how about dessert?” He smiled then. “And Miss Motoko can go back to telling us what she loves about you. It was rather amusing to listen to.”

As Motoko blushed, hiding her face in my chest, I laughed, stroking her hair. Fine. Well, I made the connections that Fujiwara-san advised me to, advanced Japan’s goals, made some cash… but above all, the Rank in Ether Healing is the most precious gift I received. And now… I looked down at Motoko, as she snuggled into my chest, smelling faintly of wine. Well, we do have a rather nice bed in the suite…


“Welcome back.” Natsumi greeted us. She was wearing a silken dressing gown in a modest white, but the sheer fabric clung to her body alluringly, and as she moved to greet us the robe fell open, exposing a vast expanse of her bare cleavage and her body, similarly to the way Motoko had with her towel earlier. On seeing my gaze, Natsumi giggled.

Natsumi in her robe

“Akio and mistress Motoko are back. How did it gooo? Well, I hoopoe?” Hyacinth bustled in, still wearing her modest maid outfit. She had a tray of snacks ready, and despite having had a very nice steak dinner, I still felt a bit hungry after my Ether Healing, so I grabbed some.

“This is good. What are they?”

“Sausage rolls, pooork pies and pickled onions. Very British, Hyacinth was tooold.”

“Well, we had a nice dinner with Miyu and Honoka-san.” Natsumi still struggled calling them so informally. “We talked about nothing much, just Hanafubuki, Hinata and a few other things. Hyacinth told us quite a lot about some of your exploits we didn’t know about, like battling an Unseelie Duke. The tale was quite shocking.”

“I feel like I missed out.” Motoko said, having sobered up again thanks to Ether Healing.

“Hardly, you were on a date with Akio, as his fiancée. That’s a win.” Natsumi denied her.

“Well, I was with my family, Fujiwara-sama and some very important British people. It was not relaxing at all. But still fun, I admit it. I never dreamed of this, back when I dreaded a marriage that would separate us, force us to cast down our weapons.” She snuggled into me, her kisses leaving more lipstick on my face. “Well, now that is over…”

“A bath? I am all sweaty.” Natsumi fanned her robe, making sure that I could see glimpses of her nipples and pussy as she did so, her smile teasing, and as I glanced down I could see she was already damp.

“Yes, I would like that too.” Motoko turned around, asking me to unzip her. Normally she’d ask Natsumi, but I knew why she was asking me, so I pulled at the zipper, watching as she stepped out of it, wearing pretty green underwear to match the dress. “Please, help me with my bra.” She grinned, so I unlatched it, and as her modest yet shapely breasts spilled out, I couldn’t resist grabbing them. Motoko shivered at my touch, mouth open, so I stuck my tongue in, and we tangled ourselves together greedily, my free hand snaking down to her panties, rubbing at the rapidly growing damp spot.

Motoko sheds her dress

“No fair. Me too.” Natsumi said, pressing her naked body against mine. Hyacinth was not to be outdone. She had doffed her maid outfit as she was filling the bath, and had managed to get water all over herself, her cute white negligee-style underwear soaked and transparent, her hard nipples on show. Seeing me watching, she turned, her ass wiggling at me, slit clearly visible.

Soaked Hyacinth

“Look at me too.” As I parted lips with Motoko, Natsumi dived in, and I could taste her flavour. As her tongue sought mine, I pulled down Motoko’s panties, and I had a hand at her crotch, as well as Natsumi’s. I toyed with them, stirring the outside of their slits, occasionally lightly brushing their clits, and as I parted from Natsumi, saliva linking us for a moment, I returned my tongue to Motoko’s mouth, only for Natsumi to thrust hers into the mix as well. I was shocked, two tongues fighting each other to tangle mine, their heads knocking together as they giggled and slobbered, and once we were done, I hugged them both tightly, the feel of their sweaty skin irresistible.

“Shit, you two girls are cute.” I paused. “Hyacinth, you too, no need to try and appeal to me. I love you too!” Hyacinth was twisting into lewd poses, her soaked silk cloth hiding nothing.

“Well, shall we take a bath? Though the order is wrong, as I think we’ll need another soon.” I teased, as they flushed, their reactions still adorable.

“Well, tomorrow.” Motoko allowed. “For now…” she looked at Natsumi fondly, but with an unusual hint of jealousy. “… I too shall have Akio embrace me again!”

“Aww, seeing you so envious of me is cute.” Natsumi breathed happily. We entered the bathroom, and I pulled the soaked underwear from Hyacinth, kissing her soundly until she made happy noises and her knees went weak. The bathroom was warm, so it was no hardship to wait naked. I let the girls strip my suit, and they made a game of it, touching my body from my face, nipples, stomach, thighs and ass to my dick. Hyacinth then hung up Motoko’s dress and my suit, before we all entered the bath together. It was surprisingly large, and despite our earlier observations there was easily enough room for us all, but we huddled together, a ball of skin-on-skin contact, kissing and caressing each other, making observations about the differences between us all.

“So, I…” Motoko was holding my penis gently in the water. “I confess, I am not sure what to do. I was never taught to please a man, and last time, you did all the work. But I have no wish to remain passive. I want to please you!”

“I had a little more instruction from Shaeula, but I’m not an expert.” Natsumi shook her head. “But I’m also eager to learn!” she promised cutely.

“Hyacinth knooows. Though I am not as lewd as mistress Eri nooor Mistress Shaeula. I have my thoooughts about mistress Shiro tooo.” She giggled. “But… we should use ooour mouths. It is fun.”

“Oh yes, I did that too.” Natsumi agreed. “It’s a strange taste, but Motoko should get used to it.”

“Wait a minute. The bath is not a good place for it. It’s a nightmare to clean up. The… sperm, well it solidifies and gets stuck everywhere.” I warned.

“Hyacinth will clean it all up, dooo not worry. But…” her smile was sly. “If we drink it all, nooo problem!”

In the end I let them talk me into a game. They would each take it in turns, thirty seconds to fellate me in the water, while the other two would take it in turns to kiss me and fondle me. Then the one who I came in the mouth of had to drink it all down, not spilling a drop, or there would be a penalty. Though I did insist on the penalty being nothing too bad, I don’t think that was what Hyacinth had in mind anyway…

“Yes, gooooood, just like that.” Natsumi was sucking my dick, a happy expression on her face, tongue rolling down my half-submerged shaft. Motoko was kissing me fiercely, brown eyes dreamy, while Hyacinth was using her hair to tickle me, while groping my ass, her fingers sometimes toying gently with my asshole.

“It’s hard to do right, but…” I shivered as Natsumi’s tongue swept my glans, her hands squeezing my balls. “… I like it.” she said happily.

Motoko, jealous, bit my lip as we kissed, pushing my hands to her chest. Needing no further invitation, I toyed with her, flicking and stroking her nipples, squeezing her breasts gently. She let out a moan, her kiss becoming more fervent, and then Hyacinth declared it was time. With a flushed face, Motoko slid down to my dick, eyes spinning, and then gathered her courage, swallowing up as much of my cock as she could, gagging a little as it struck her throat. I was going to give her encouragement, but my mouth was filled my Natsumi’s tongue now, and she guided my hands to her breasts, while her own hand was gently playing with herself, her arousal driving her crazy.

“Mistress Motoko, yooou should use your tongue like sooo…”  Hyacinth demonstrated by snatching one of my hands from Natsumi’s chest and sucking on the fingers lewdly, her expression dreamy. Replicating the movements, Motoko started to twine her tongue around my dripping cock, her face looking complicated at the taste.

“Careful, dooo not bite, that would make Akio wither!” Hyacinth giggled, giving Motoko further instruction, the feeling of my tongue, fingers and dick all being sucked on like lollipops at the same time irresistible.

“Time tooo change.” Hyacinth said at last, and she was devouring me once again, head moving up and down rapidly, her experience greater than the other two, water splashing, her tongue like a snake. Motoko looked at me, eyes shining as she licked my nipples, letting Natsumi keep kissing me, so I took my now saliva-soaked fingers and started caressing Motoko’s pussy, making her shiver.

“I love this. I never thought… it would be so fun. All together… with Natsumi, Hyacinth…”

“I know why they keep it from us at Hanafubuki.” Natsumi giggled, separating her lips from mine for a moment. “If the others found out these pleasures, then yes, many noble daughters would sully their honour, houses would fall.”

“Nonsense.” Hyacinth declared, her mouth still bugling, her words indistinct. “It is good because it is Akiooo! Never forget that. Ooother men… I dooo not need them.”

“Nor do I.” Motoko agreed, and Natsumi nodded. As Hyacinth declared the change, Natsumi back on my cock, I was now snogging Hyacinth, tasting a mixture of my own flavour and hers. “I just need you.” She said to me, her eyes earnest. “I do. Not just because of what you have given me, prevented me losing. But… I now know what love is. When we are apart, I find myself wondering what you are doing, what you are thinking. And… whether you think of me.”

“Me too!” Natsumi said, in-between her sucking. “So, never think we are unwilling. If my parents tried to call off our engagement now, I’d just run away.”

“As would I. But… I am pleased mother respects you now.” Motoko said, before Natsumi moved her head, and Motoko was going down on me again. I endured several more circuits of the three of them, until finally I could hold it no longer. Motoko’s eyes going wide as I gushed a great flow of cum into her mouth.

“Hurry nooow, swallow it all!” Hyacinth cheered, as I poured out more and more. Yeah, with the volume I put out nowadays… this isn’t exactly fair…

Motoko was gagging now, though her eyes were deadly serious as she gulped at my flow, not forgetting to still lick my shaft with her tongue, increasing the pleasure. As she began to falter, Natsumi cheered her on too, but in the end it was too much, and she gagged, my cock slipping free, even as some more cum shot up into her hair and down her chest. She coughed, spraying cloudy white fluid into the bath, before she swallowed one final time.

“I am afraid I lost.” She said, before smiling, licking my sperm from her lips. “Well, no matter. It does taste rather strange, Natsumi, I confess. But… somehow I do not dislike it?”

“I guess it tastes of love?” Natsumi titled her head, thinking, before grinning. “So, you lost. Since Hyacinth now has to clean the bath, you get a penalty. What is it, Hyacinth?”

I’ll put a stop to it if it’s anything too bad. I had worried prematurely though, as Hyacinth winked at me with her brilliant purple eyes. “Simple. Since mistress Motoko spilled the preciooous seed of Akio, she needs to be pumped full ooof it. Akio will fill you up, until yooou are spilling like this. Nooo protests!”

Natsumi gave Hyacinth a grateful look, knowing that Motoko was fretting about being the least experienced of the three of them. “Yes, that sounds a good punishment. Motoko, if it hurts still or you get scared, you have to grin and bear it, all right?”

“This seems rather kind for a penalty.” Motoko smiled, understanding. “But I thank you. Hyacinth, you are quite kind. Natsumi, you too.” As Hyacinth blushed and denied it, Natsumi merely smiled at her best friend.

“All right then.” I stood, grabbing Motoko in my arms. With a princess carry, I took her to the bed, laying her down gently, naked and dripping. Damn, I ruin a lot of sheets nowadays… oh well… “First I’ll loosen you up a bit, since this is only your second time.”

“If you think that best.” Motoko said, trusting me implicitly. I gently started caressing her breasts and clit, the little bean growing redder and more engorged. She shivered and moaned as I did, and her embarrassment from having Natsumi and Hyacinth watching over her, observing, left her flushed and burning with arousal.

“I feel strange, what… what is this?” Motoko gasped, and as I hadn’t attacked her clit during our first sex, the sensations were new to her.

“It’s the part of us that brings a lot of pleasure.” Natsumi laughed. “Just give yourself to it and have fun. It’s not scary, not with Akio.”

“I… I feel strange. Like before, a white light is coming, a wave… but… it is so intense!” She gasped, tears gathering in her eyes from pleasure. I kissed her deeply, before sliding my tongue down her chin, neck, over her breasts, making sure to suck on the nipples, playing with her clit and pussy all the time with my fingers, before I arrived at her ruby bean. Sucking on it, her back arched, fingers clutching the sheets, and water splashed my face, sour and sticky. Her moans were rapturous, and as my tongue and fingers intensified, she finally let out a shriek of pleasure, even her toes twisting as she came, her pussy glittering with spilt liquid.

“Uh… what… so… strange.” She muttered, and I gently sucked on her tongue, kissing her, entwining our fingers together, lying against her, until she regained her poise.

“Mistress Motoko looooooks so happy.” Hyacinth gushed.

“I am. Exhausted, but happy. So…” Motoko began, but Hyacinth wasn’t done.

“Now, penalty, penalty! It shooould feel very good, now that you are loosened up, I prooomise!”

“Yes, you lost, Motoko.” Natsumi grinned, sticking out her tongue. “So… you get the prize!”

“I… welcome it.” Motoko gasped, still crimson and sweating from arousal and pleasure. Her moist brown eyes watched as my dick regained its fervour, and as I pushed my hot glans to her slit, she looked at me, her expression bright. “Once more, affirm to me I am yours, Akio!” She reached out and circled my back with her arms, and I slid inside her, my cock parting her pussy, breaking in. She barely flinched, the release of her orgasm having numbed her to anything but exhausted pleasure, and as my glans slammed against the entrance to her womb, she gasped. “Kiss me?”

“With pleasure.” We entwined our tongues, and after we parted, I started to move, my body sliding backwards and forwards in a pistoning motion, our bodies slapping together wetly. Motoko was moaning lewdly, her body spasming, her walls wriggling, trying to grasp my dick, and soon our hoarse gasps were coming together, blending into one. Hyacinth and Natsumi were talking, but all I was focussed on was Motoko. We kissed again, and my hands kneaded her breasts and ass, and  soon my body felt as if a hot, molten ball was within me, waiting for release.

“Motoko, I’m… soon…” I gasped, and as we kissed she bit my lip savagely, tongue darting inside.

“After today… I know… my parents, they accept… us happily.” Motoko gasped. “Dye me with your… colour! I want… the white wave!”

Damn, she’s so hot… “Of course, I want you to feel it, feel how much I like you, love you!” I sped up, my hands groping her, our breaths mingling, as her sour nectar splattered onto the sheets. Moments later, my body spasmed, and I discharged a gushing stream inside her. Motoko squealed, feeling the hot liquid filling her womb, and her kiss was savage.

“Like a fire inside me. Is this what love is like? Father, mother, grandfather, your Motoko is a woman!” she half-sobbed, half shouted, face crimson. I continued to thrust into her shuddering womb, filling it until a trickle of cum and love juice foamed out around my dick, and as I pulled free, Motoko gasped regretfully, seeking a final kiss, which I have her happily, tongues licking each other’s teeth, lips and gums.

“I feel empty now.” Motoko observed sadly as I pulled out, though her hand went to her belly. “But so warm inside.”

“Yes, that was something to see.” Natsumi was crimson, filled with lust seeing Motoko make love so passionately.

“Yes, but… Mistress Motoko did nooot reach release.” Hyacinth observed. Her expression turned sly, and she reached a finger down, wiping cum from Motoko’s pussy and licking it. “This taste, Hyacinth loooves it. But… punishment is nooot over. It is still not gushing like in the bath. Gooo again.”

Natsumi paused, looking at Hyacinth and Motoko, before smiling sweetly. “Oh yes, I think you’re right, Hyacinth. Motoko needs more punishment.”

They are very kind, they just want Motoko to climax through sex again. Well, I don’t mind… “Motoko, are you all right?” I asked, and she nodded proudly, hair sticking to her sweaty, flushed naked body, her eyes showing her happiness, and her understanding of Hyacinth’s and Natsumi’s intentions.

“I am a warrior, and your fiancée. I never go back on my word.” She grinned weakly. “Shaeula would be angry if I did. So, have at me. I can take it!”

“That makes it sound like I’m forcing you.” I said, teasing her, and she pouted, reddening further.

“It is mean to make me say it.” She grimaced, but then she laughed. “But… it is no punishment. This is a joy. A joy we share. I feel very close to Natsumi and Hyacinth now, more than ever. So… make love to me once more. Let your seed gush from me as I promised… ah?” She was surprised as I hauled her up and slid her onto my cock, so she was sitting, facing me. I was poking her deep inside, and she squirmed, her body still tender from her first orgasm, and near a second.

“This way, you control the pace.” I grinned. “And I…” my hands were stroking her thighs, back and ass, while my mouth was at her breasts, sucking her nipples greedily.

“I… ahn… see.” She moaned, quickly understanding. She began to rock up and down, each time she fell gasping as my dick hammered her deeply. Soon she was sliding up and down like a piston, my cum and her love nectars splattering, lubricating our join. I bit lightly on her nipple, and she groaned, speeding up.

“Yes, this is… fun. It does not have to be… ahn… always the man… in control… ahn ah!” She was delighting in exploring our bodies, her hands in my hair and stroking my chest. As she enjoyed herself, I decided to help her, and I started moving myself, dick scraping her inner walls, looking for her sweet spots.

“What are… hey, that… oh…” At first she was merely gasping, but then when I found a centre of her pleasure, which I targeted relentlessly, her rhythmic motion became lax, erratic.

“It’s even better when we work together.” I grinned, and she kissed me again, her tongue thrusting deep into my mouth, to which I responded. My cock was burning, and through the sensitive glans I could feel her walls trembling, hot and sticky, with every thrust from me and rocking motion from her only amplifying the surging tide within us.

“I… this is… too much. No, it’s perfect!” she said, her words a jumbled mess, her eyes locked on mine, as if we were the only people in her world. The voices of Natsumi and Hyacinth who were watching fondly faded away, and I concentrated my all on Motoko.

“Let’s come together. Are you ready?” I asked her, and she nodded as if her head would fall off.

“Yes, please. I think… that is how, ahn, uh… I want it to be!”

“Well then…” I sat up too, hugging her, our bodies continuously colliding, and as my twitching cock dug out the deepest regions of her trembling pussy, she gaped, drool running from her mouth, which I licked up gleefully.

“I loooooooooooove you!” she cried, squirting love nectar in a flood, moments before I replied with a shout.

“And I you! Motoko!” My dick convulsed, showering her insides with another cascade of white sperm. Her already loose womb sought it, gulping down, and each squirming sensation crushed my dick, forcing more cum out, filling her anew. Soon the volume was overspilling, the sheets spread with a sticky white puddle, and as the waves of pleasure subsided, Motoko sagged against me, kissing me wildly, half-conscious, my nose, cheeks, chin and lips all greedily slurped at.

That was intense. As Motoko slowly calmed down, I looked at the sheets, which were soaked. Then my gaze strayed up, to where cum was drooling out in a pearly tide. “Motoko, it didn’t hurt, did it?” I asked, a little concerned, as we had gone hard, despite it only being her second session of sex, but she shook her head, wiping damp hair away from her eyes, so she could peer into mine, expression serious.

“No, not at all. It was nothing but fun.” she said languidly. “I feel… drained. Exhausted, but happy. Warm. Your love… it is a grand thing. To think we nearly missed out on this, Natsumi. Through our pride and his. But we did not. Truly, I am happy from the bottom of my heart. It feels full. As does…” She touched her abdomen, eyes wide at the volume of sperm drizzling down from her.

“Yes, watching made me feel warm too. Down here.” Natsumi grinned, using two fingers to open her pussy, showing the writhing, damp pink walls, her thighs already drenched. “As for feeling full… now it’s our turn, right Hyacinth? I think Motoko’s punishment was a success.”

“Indeed.” Hyacinth was also ready, looking at me lustfully, panting like an animal, licking her lips with her pink tongue. “Mistress Motoko, take a rest, yooou are well filled, to the brim, spilling ooout. Now… Hyacinth wants it. But… mistress Natsumi, yooou first. Hyacinth is good, she can wait, yooou see!”

Motoko roiled to one side, and we exchanged a lingering, passionate yet languid kiss, tangling tongues slowly, caressing each other. Then Natsumi clambered on top of me, hands grasping my cock, stroking it, restoring it to life. “Thanks, Hyacinth. Next time I’ll let you take the lead, but… seeing Motoko be soiled like this makes me feel hot inside. I need Akio’s love, his penis…” she squeezed, and I was now fully erect, marvelling at my recovery speed once more. “… to scrape away that itch.”

“Natsumi, I shall be watching.” Motoko said, and Natsumi shivered.

“Hearing that makes me burn all the hotter. Well, I want to try that position too.” As she lowered her body onto my cock, my dick piercing her tight folds, slit scattering nectar to join Motoko’s, I exchanged a look with Motoko, one filled with warmth and tender affection. Reaching out, I grabbed her hand, my other hand reaching for Hyacinth, so the four of us were joined as one. Yeah, I might die tonight, but… what a way to go… My idle, joking thoughts were then driven from my head as Natsumi began to ride me, my dick wrapped in her sucking pussy…

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