On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Sixteen

Three Hundred And Sixteen

“… shrouded by a providence in rivalry to my own.” Yasaka-san read, his face pale, blood staining his lips. Having answered my final question with the Book of Providence, he slumped down, exhausted. “Damn, you shouldn’t work your elders so hard.”

“You’re hardly that old.” I disagreed. “Even so, you’ve done good work.” I helped the older Candidate up. As he mopped the trickled red and silver blood from his face, we considered the answers we had obtained. “It’s a shame we couldn’t get much information, but at least the final answer was revealing.”

“A providence in rivalry to my own? It sounds like there is some obscurement that I can’t read through.” he agreed. “It didn’t occur instantly though, when we asked about before the ships left China, we were able to get an accurate read on them.”

“Even so, what we got is troubling.” The details on the PLA divisions that were included in the breakaway were really detailed, and proved the value of the Book of Providence, but knowing the equipment and weapons they had loaded was concerning. Anti-tank weaponry, sniper and anti-material rifles, several attack helicopters, missile batteries and more. Sure, the JSDF could handle them easily enough, their numbers aren’t great, but the casualties if they attack Kyoto with those would be ruinous, and there’d be no way to cover it up. It could quite easily lead to war between Japan and China too…

“There’s still no evidence that their destination is Japan.” Yasaka-san said. “But whether it’s Japan or not, there’s going to be trouble, right?”

“Big trouble.” I agreed. “I’m certain that they will attack Kyoto. I’m starting to have my Foresight buzz unpleasantly, and now that I have a much higher stat after Tsukiko-san gave me her Divine Favour, as well as the blessing of Tsukuyomi, I can feel a rising danger to Tsukiko-san, as well as those I’ve met in Kyoto such as Taishakama-san. While that still doesn’t mean it’ll be these deserters and rebels… there’s far too much coincidental about this. There’s the Sect forces, and the number of Candidates. Twenty-Three!” That was what really worried me. Well, it wasn’t like I was comfortable handing attack helicopters or taking hits from anti-material rifles. But compared to more than twenty Candidates with varied abilities and powers, I’d take them on any day.

“Some of them do seem… troubling.” Yasaka-san consulted his list. “And there were seven we’ve been unable to read the information on, either protected in the same way as the information after their departure, or simply… inaccessible.”

Well of course. My Eye is Legendary, and even it struggles with question marks all the time. It’s only natural he can’t get information on powers that outclass the Book itself. That’s why he needs to grow stronger, Rank it up. “Even so, at least we know about some. Those with destructive abilities, well, it’s easier to deal with those than the others. Flaming Wheels and incredible speed. The ability to freeze a wide area. Calling lightning. Tremendous physical strength. Those we can handle. It’s the ability to compel others to fight beyond their limits, carry items to the Boundary and more that concern me. Even so, thanks to you, we can start brainstorming countermeasures.”

“Well, I’m glad I could help. Does that mean I can rest?” Yasaka-san asked, and I shook my head.

“No way. No rest for you. This shows more than ever we have to empower your ability. Fortunately you’re on easy street now though, since we have the Ring Gate. You can get power-levelled against the sea creatures everyone is farming on my coastline for levels and ether.” I slapped the tired man on the back as he groaned.

So, I need to pass this information on to Tsumura-san, so the JSDF can be made ready. But seriously, why the hell are all these Candidates and Sects coming here? It makes no sense… there’s got to be more to it that we aren’t seeing and can’t ask. Perhaps we don’t know the right questions…


“… a series of incidents that defy description.” Detective Kato was saying, while Officer Usui sat beside him. Karen-chan brought them steaming mugs of coffee, which they took gratefully. After taking a sip, the Detective continued. “Fortunately it only seems to be theft at the moment, but even so, a number of high-end jewellers have been robbed of their stocks, and a security firm transporting a significant sum of yen to be placed in ATM’s around Tokyo found that at their first destination, the van was empty, only a scattered handful of bills left behind.”

“I see. Well, were there any clues?”

“Fingerprints were found at the scene, but they don’t match any on the police database.”

“Whoever this is, they’re an amateur.” Officer Usui sniffed. “Not even wearing gloves. But nothing ever shows on the cameras, and there’s no sign of breaking and entry.”

“The officers dealing with it are wracking their brains trying to come up with a solution that might be plausible, but they’ve got nothing.” The Detective continued. “Then I caught word of it, and thought it might be a case that would fall under Ministry jurisdiction. Now I know…” he conceded. “… the Ministry isn’t operational yet, the legislation not passed through the Diet. But even so, I don’t want to just leave it alone.”

“Invisibility seems the most likely answer.” I mused. “They could slip in behind the guards as the van was loaded, then get out as they panic, money safely hidden.” With improved stats, carrying a lot of money should be plausible, as should keeping quiet. Even so, it does seem risky. “Though who knows? Maybe they can teleport, via some sort of Spatial ability?”

“Really, we need to have a better idea of everyone who can use these crazy abilities.” Officer Usui complained. “This registry can’t come soon enough.”

“Well, I believe that the Candidates from the JSDF are forming a map of Tokyo, and have identified quite a few smaller Territories. Of course, that doesn’t exactly narrow down the Candidate behind them, but it’s human nature to have their Anchor somewhere they feel safe…”

“Yes, a number have been brought to the attention of the Government that way. We also…” the Detective had the grace to look ashamed. “… took a leaf out of the USA’s book, and managed to unearth more via phone records and other… less than constitutional means.” He frowned, unhappy. “But I understand. Just as the laws have to change to accommodate these new powers, we can’t be picky in what methods we use to account for everyone. It sits badly with me, but I’ve learned from nearly dying I have to be a little more… flexible.”

“Yes, well, if people want to get rich, then there are plenty of ways they can use their Favours for good. I’d be prepared to pay for assistance from those with the right abilities.” I mused. “So, I happen to know a guy who can get detailed answers to questions…” I grinned. “Unless the thief here is protected somehow, I daresay we can get their name or more…”

“I doubt that would be admissible as evidence in court.” The Detective leaned forwards, interest in his eyes. “But I admit, being able to put a name to this case would be a great boost to our standing, and make the Tokyo PD more likely to support us when we go live…”

“Well, in that case, give me a few minutes…” I said, realising I had to return to the Boundary, mere minutes after leaving it. Shit, I’m overworked. I know my mom says ‘no rest for the wicked’, but other than my many relationships with girls, I swear I’m a good guy!


“Hey Ixitt.” I yawned, as the ratkin entered my office, laptop in hand. I was polishing off an evening beer, after a very long day, running errands, talking to numerous people, and arranging matters. The girl from Hoeruokami shrine, taking her into the Boundary was hard work in her shocked mental state, but Bintara managed to restore her eyes, claiming it was far easier than restoring Shiro’s blind orb. Ren-san too, as well as Keomi-chan. Now all the physical scars are healed, it’s just the mental ones… Haru-san had used Mind-Healing Light a little, in her few spare moments, and now it was just that poor girl who was still unstable. Hopefully in time she’ll make a full recovery. In addition to that I had also performed Chirurgery on another significant batch of Special Forces, as well as Luciana and a few squad leaders from the Black Wolf Company.

“Good evening.” He answered, a knowing smile on his face. “A hard day, I see.”

“Every day is hard. I haven’t even had time to sleep.” I stifled a yawn. “Well, there’s stuff only I can do, I guess. The burdens of being a leader…” I paused. “So, how are your plans progressing for the new industry? Mayumi-san is eager to get started, and they can’t exactly construct the necessary buildings and facilities without a solid plan.”

“Well, the ideas are sound.” Ixitt seemed delighted to be asked about his mortal engineering. “Tests of Alchemy devices in the Boundary have proved the concept works, though on far from a scale we require. No, first we need an adequate method of generating aether here in the mortal world. The increasing ether density is helpful, but it is still far too sparse to manage such feats.” He stroked his chin, deep in thought. “I have ideas, of course. In fact, I have been exchanging messages with someone who lives in a far-flung land. It is really quite impressive. Yes, similar devices for communication, scrying pools and so such, do exist in the Court, but they are rare and often used only by the greatest and most powerful Fae.” He sighed in wonder. “Here, even the poorest child can have a device that can cross the world. Fascinating.”

Now I’m curious. Just who is Ixitt communicating with, and how did he find them? Well, he is pretty inquisitive… “So, what’s your solution?” I asked.

“Well, why reinvent the wheel, as I believe you humans say?” his smile broadened. “Electricity, of course. I have been studying, having easily understandable tomes available for a layperson, all the way up to the most esoteric scientific textbooks for experts, has given me numerous fresh understandings. The Royal Element of Lightning, that the noble Queen of the Seelie wields to smite her enemies, that must surely use electricity, though I suspect she does not know or understand that. And though I wield no elements myself… yet… having watched and listened to the training of you and the princess, it seems that aether can be converted into elements directly. So the reverse should surely be true. Therefore, electricity, it should be able to become aether, no?”

That’s quite the leap. “I agree elements and aether are linked. I worked that out quite quickly. They seem to arrange in a web, while aether is at the heart of it. And yes, converting aether to other elements is something that can be done, though the efficiency is terrible. But the reverse… well, not everything is a two-way process. You can break an egg, but you can’t unbreak it. There’s a thing called entropy…”

“Yes, I have had this discussion with my comrade in the pursuit of the depths of knowledge.” He grinned. “I aided her with a similar problem. If everything she tries should work, but does not, then she is simply missing something, a spark, as it were. Likewise, she inspired me. After all, with aether, you could unscramble an egg, could you not?” he shot back my example.

“Well, if your electricity costs are too high, then it’ll price everything else out of the market.” I warned, and he laughed at me.

“Of course. I have been studying. Besides, if I am to meet your expectations, and secure a larger budget for my experiments going forwards, I have to excel.” He grinned. ”I believe I have discovered a way to generate electricity far in excess of any input, by merging Material and Astral laws. True mortal engineering. Though gathering the materials for my prototypes in both realms is proving challenging. Even so, I do believe that with your support, I can make it work. It is good to have a wealthy patron.” I imagined if he was still in his rat form, his tail would be lashing happily about now. “Prince Shaetanao was interested in my arts as well, and had his own cadre of mortal engineers, but your Territory, it is attracting us from across the lands of the Fae. While many seek to work on their own projects, I can draw upon their eager manpower, in exchange for promises of introduction to you or the princess.” He rubbed his hands gleefully. “So, here is my idea…”


I still have a headache. Rubbing my temples, I dialled the number for Hinata’s grandfather Fukumoto Kenji. What Ixitt was describing is essentially a perpetual motion machine. Well, no, technically it isn’t, as it does have energy input into the system. But because of the interplay of both Material and Boundary, the Material side effectively is only extracting energy… it’s revolutionary, but could it actually work? Ugh, I may be a genius now with my stats, but I can’t suddenly know what I don’t know. The mathematics and physics checks out though, if you ignore the interplay with the Boundary and the Building he would need constructing. Well, he does have a little experience making the Artificial Ether Spires, so…

Putting that aside, I greeted my grandfather-in-law, who answered cheerfully, and once the preamble was out of the way, we got down to business.

“Akio-kun, the first beneficiaries of your marvellous healing have transferred over their assets as promised. My corporate lawyers, as well as your representative from Chase Midas Gold, and support from Fujiwara and Ichijou houses, witnessed and confirmed it all. You’re a very wealthy man now. I can see my granddaughter’s future is secure.” He laughed. “Not that I had worries before. I always prided myself on being able to pick a winner, it’s how Nichibotsu grew as strong as it has today.”

“Great. We’ll be needing that money if we are to establish our new industries. I don’t want to rely too heavily on Mayumi-san’s investments. In addition, we could really use expanding the amount of real-estate we own in my Territory. We still have to run experiments on the Material to Boundary connection and the effects of the aether drain on ordinary people too…” Now my head is spinning a little. Perhaps I’ve been awake too long. My body might not need sleep anymore, but I’m still only human, despite everything…

“You have a lot on your plate. Especially now.” he commiserated. “Hinata was worried about you. You need to take care of yourself. A man shouldn’t worry his wife, and you have more than one to worry.” His tone was lightly mocking.

“Yeah, I think I might take a nap afterwards. Just a few hours to freshen up. It’s all I can spare.” Shiro and Eri were working with Bintara, and Shaeula, while she had finished showing her mother around and returned her to Kyoto, was dealing with matters at the Spring, as well as checking on the defences in Kyoto. Shiro’s scars are fading. It’s a painfully slow process, but every time I see them shrink a little, healthy skin forming on the edges of the wounds, I feel like crying. As for Eri… While Bintara couldn’t heal what wasn’t an injury, she was incredibly experienced, so had given Eri exercises to do, and she was throwing herself into them with a vengeance, determined to not let Shiro beat her to full health again. It also helps that apparently it will lead to strengthening her chakra network as well. A welcome reward for her hard work.

“It must be tough.” Fukumoto-san commiserated. “I understand though. When I was a young man, I often had to go days with little rest, and…” he regaled me with a brief tale of his younger days, to which I listened respectfully, until he got to the point. “… anyway, you’ve done well listening to the ramblings of an old man. Hiroto would usually tell me to get to the point long before now. Anyway, our now-healed friends got the all-clear from their own personal physicians, and were very eager to meet their saviour, especially Miss Lindiwe. Her father has been calling Ichijou house non-stop to see if he can meet her miracle physician, as he called you. Obviously, we’ve protected your privacy, but rumours are already getting out. It’s a bit of a headache for the government, but… a boon for us. I’ve had enquiries, as has Ichijou house. Turns out there’s no shortage of rich old men and women with ailing health, or those with sick spouses, relatives or children.”

“Well, obviously we need more resources. But now isn’t a good time.” Danger was closing in, my Foresight could feel it. “I also feel pretty bad… maybe I should do some secret charity work as well, balance it out. Visit a children’s hospital, or something. The only problem is…”

“Yes, secrecy. I admit to thinking it would be easier if all this was out in the open.” Fukumoto-san mused. “I understand why the Government wants to prevent panic. But no secret held by more than a single person is ever safe, and there are a lot of people in Japan and abroad that know.”

“Yes, it’s why we are having to rush everything, get the Ministry in place as fast as we can. Well, for now…” as I talked with Fukumoto-san, I stifled a yawn. Yeah, I’m definitely going to grab a little sleep, before I start another round of Chirurgery…


“Vile creatures, die!” I cried, Foehn surging from me, pouring out over the oncoming ants. They were a dull, sooty red, the size of horses, with golden eyes that glittered hungrily. The lead ant was bathed in flames and fell, screeching, but a wall of ice erupted, blocking Foehn from spreading further. Behind the larger ants came a swarm of smaller ones, though these were still the size of dogs, and they leaked a trail of slime, poisonous and stinking, the streets of Kyoto melting under the discharge. I could hear cries for help, and explosions rocked the distance, further ants, these like a mob of army ants I had seen in nature documentaries, racing forwards like a thick blanket, surging towards the distant Tsukuyomi-jinja.

“No, you’ll not pass here!” I cried again, and the ground shattered, a trench forming. Ants tumbled into it, falling to their deaths, yet soon the survivors were forming long bridges, crossing the crevasse. The moon shone overhead, and even as I fought, some of the dead ants were stumbling to their feet, red shells fading to ashen grey.

“It is too late.” A voice said, and I turned to see Tsukiko-san, the red and white of her shrine maiden hakama reversed, red fiery ants crawling all over her white robes, while her red trousers were covered in bone-grey ants that bit through cloth. She smiled even as more red was added to the picture,  crimson blood soaking from her torn flesh as ants burrowed into her, her sad smile leaking blood down her face, now bereft of her veil, violet eyes shining with tears. “I shall be consumed, my role here done. I leave the moon to you. Guard it well!” Even as she gave me comforting words, ants were crawling out of her open mouth, slick with gore, and she was shrinking, as if being hollowed out from within, sagging like a deflating balloon.

My vision blurred, and it was as if I could see the scene through water. Flame boiled, searing away the many ants consuming her, shells popping under the heat. For a moment, the ragged, deflated version of Tsukiko-san smiled, a painful expression, one that filled me with grief. Then she was once more buried under a writhing tide of ants, the creatures falling from the sky like rain. I looked up, and the moon was shining, like an unblinking eye, and it was surrounded by a serpentine dragon, coiling around it like a figure of eight. Many scales were missing, yet the dragon’s body was so massive these gaps were barely chinks in armour, and even as I watched one loose scale fell, striking the ground in an eruption of foul liquids, before changing into a large ant, which greedily charged off into the shadows of Kyoto.

The Red Dragon Of The Numberless East. A voice echoed in my head, and our gazes met. The Dragon smiled, mouth gaping open, flames drooling like saliva, setting Kyoto alight, but as my own Eye shimmered, I could see some of the teeth were rotten, as was the flesh around it, and under the scales covering the face around its left eye I could see squirming foreign flesh underneath. The eye looking at me blinked, a dirty gold, and the dragon licked its lips, putrid tongue also rotting.

“Well, it seems there are many delightful delicacies here.” the dragon spoke, voice rumbling across the heavens, slimy and ravenous. “With a good meal, I can regain my strength that was taken from me.” It laughed then, and several more scales fell, revealing transparent, gelatinous flesh, yellowing bones hidden within. “After all, I smell… quite the hidden feast.” With that the other eye of the dragon opened, shimmering with a rainbow of colours, and it arched, back starting to crack, peaks of bone and stone erupting from flesh, as it spewed flames, Kyoto, no, the very country ablaze, and…

With an indrawn breath, I opened my eyes, jolting awake. Covered in sweat, I felt wretched. Blinking blearily, I checked the clock, for once alone in my bed. That’s right, everyone else is still busy. I thought I’d have a quick nap… Looking at the clock, I had only been asleep for a bit under two hours, but it had seemingly been long enough to dream. No, that was no dream. That was a prophecy. Ugh, if Tsukiko-san has had to endure this, no wonder she’s on the verge of giving up. Shit. Cursing to myself, I stumbled to the sink and washed my face, feeling a little better as the cold water woke me up.

“So, that was the Red Dragon that Tsukiko-san and Yukiko-san have to face. It had a golden eye. A coincidence? I don’t think so. The golden-eyed hunger that Shiro and Tan are destined to fight, they have to be related.” I said out loud, relieved to hear my own voice, surprised how even with my high Resilience, the vision had unnerved me. “Well, it’s too soon to draw conclusions, but… some of the ants, they were using powers that seemed very familiar…”

Deciding to check with Tsumura-san whether the military and coastguard had any luck detecting the deserters from China, I dried my face and headed downstairs, ready for another round of Chirurgery, and a long night of other tasks that needed my attention…

Damn, that golden eye. It reminded me of Tan, when she wanted to eat me. Shit, why did it have to turn its gaze upon Japan? Isn’t there enough food in China for it? Thinking such uncharitable thoughts, I laughed bitterly. The world had changed, and such problems were only going to become more frequent over time…


Finally. It’s been forever. Standing in front of the Territory Anchor, Shaeula, Hyacinth, Eri and Shiro at my side, I watched as the Build Queue Anchor Spire finally completed, reaching Rank 2.

“This would have been done many-many days ago, were it not-not for the slowing.” Shaeula complained. “Well, it is done now.” she grinned. “So, what will you spend your bounty on?”

“A good question.” I mused, having a bit under a million ether available. A significant chunk of it was generated from the constant farming of sea-creatures in Sagami Bay, a tide which seemed largely inexhaustible, and the rest was made up of the final bounty for bringing all of the Territory within ten kilometres under my control. Though we can’t rely on Sagami Bay forever. Sooner or later, either we’ll defeat all the creatures that make the Bay their home, or we’ll provoke a nastier response. I’m worried, but we need the ether and more importantly, the levels. I was trying to strengthen not just my own forces, but those of Candidates with key abilities, such as Yasaka-san. It was already paying off, but soon I would be receiving the details of the Candidates Ichijou house and the other nobility had gathered, as well as the others in the military, and if any of those had usable Divine Favours, I’d need to support them as well. Though, in exchange for their support with my own projects of course. I’m not helping for free.

“We should be quick.” Eri said, still unsteady on her feet, cat ears and tail flickering restlessly. “After all, Aiko will be here this afternoon, right? She’ll be mad if we aren’t there to greet her.”

“Now I’m rather enthusiastic.” Shiro grinned. “Meeting the legendary brocon queen that is the object of Aki’s twisted siscon affections is going to be great! Though I do wish I was able to make a better first impression. If the sister doesn’t like me, I’m done for. Aki will kick me aside, leaving me all alone. Sob sob sob!”

“No monotone sobbing!” I scolded her affectionately. “My sis won’t care about your scars. She’s probably the sort to think them cool. Besides, though they’ve only shrunk a bit, you can tell they are improving. Bintara really is a genius healer.” Even watching her, I gain new insights.

“True.” Eri agreed. “After all, she didn’t cry over mine.” She pouted. “I know she was relieved that I wasn’t dead and I got my arm and legs back, but she could have stood to be a touch more sympathetic. Anyway, shouldn’t you be worried about some other people?”

“That’s right. Oh God Aki, we’re meeting Aimi and the others this evening! Damn, I got carried away talking to her, but… what do we do? My chest aches and I feel nervous. This isn’t like me at all! I’m a princess, and…”

Shaeula snorted, interrupting her, while Hyacinth giggled. “Really?” Shaeula said, smiling. “Well, you will not-not be alone, will you? All of Akio’s wives shall gather, and we shall discuss it together. I must admit to being eager-eager to meet these oft-mentioned friends too.”

“Yeah. Shit.” Shiro cursed once more. “I won’t be alone at least. But will that make it better? No, focus on the positives. I’m not a dateless loser who can’t find love because of her frail body anymore. That’s just Yasu. He’ll be crushed. That’ll be funny if nothing else… ugh, it’s not helping. Aki, do something to take my mind off this! You’re my boyfriend, man up! If you don’t help girls in their time of need, they’ll get snatched away from you, and none of us need to see you as an NTR protagonist. That’s more Yasu, if he ever did get a girlfriend…”

To laughter all around, which worried me a little, as I hoped that Eri, Shaeula and Hyacinth didn’t know what that acronym meant, I put that aside, remembering a past discussion I had been involved in with Shugo-san and Yasu-san over a few drinks in a bar in Shibuya, where we had rated various  fetishes. Damn, Aiko was right, I was such a typical otaku virgin loser. But I’m not the worst. NTR and the other cheating fetishes had rated at the bottom of the pile with us.

“Well, enough talking about stupid stuff. Shiro, Aiko will like you, I promise. As for the gang, we’ll make them understand and get their blessings. Hayato-san will support us, I’m sure. He’s the sort of guy who just wants his friends to be happy.” I imagined the scene later, cracking a smile. “Anyway, the Elemental Silos are full of earth element, so… time for an upgrade.”

With that, three quarters of a million ether and two and a half thousand earth elemental essence were consumed. The White Snake Earth Altar grew suddenly, more magnificent gold and ruby decorations appearing, mixed with white and green jade, life-like serpents crawling all over the gold, ruby and obsidian roof.

“Now that’s impressive.” Shiro laughed. “Shit, I’m neglecting my Territory. I really need to push for Rank 3, as you call it. I’m glad Arisu is looking after it in my absence…”

Another problem to solve. Oh well, for now, let’s take a look…

White Snake Earth Altar Rank 2 Unique – This building can only be constructed at Shirohebizumi shrine. It will further strengthen all earth-aspected creatures and allies under your command, and this ability will be magnified for the kami of the shrine and his adherents. The kami of the shrine will be able to gather more adherence and utilise it more effectively. Earth element production and purity in the area will be increased, further slightly increasing the chance of unique elemental earths forming. Earth element aspected allies have their maximum level raised by two. The kami of the shrine, his adherents and devout worshippers have their maximum level raised instead by four.

“Great. This should more than offset the drop in earth element due to the extra Ring Gate. More to the point, Kana and Keomi-chan should be able to get four levels now, right? And while it does say instead, it doesn’t rule out that if they learnt earth element they’d get the extra two levels as well, right?”

“Well, that can wait.” Eri reiterated. “So, are you done?” she asked me, and I shook my head.

“Not quite. Now we have two open Build Queues, and it’s actually ether rather than time that’s the problem, thanks to the slowing vastly reducing our intake, and Sagami Bay being the last place within our Territory worth farming, I might as well tie up the queues with something that makes us income. Besides, we’ll have an empty queue soon enough when the Dwarven Smelter and Foundry completes in a couple of days.” I didn’t want to experiment with rush-building Special Rank buildings unless there was a need for it, and right now there wasn’t.

“So, what we need is more ether generation and density. So…” with that I queued in the Ether Spire Anchor Spire, and the Ether Density Anchor Spire, both a hundred thousand ether, and taking a hundred days to Rank 2.

“Well, that’s us poor again, and I can’t see us getting any large bounties any time soon. Even Sagami Bay will surely dry up. Oh well, when the slowing ebbs out, we can go back to being rich.” I grinned, before explaining the final status of our build queues.

The Build Queue Anchor Spire was now upgraded and functioning again, and was holding the Ether Density Anchor Spire to Rank 2 at a hundred days. The queue that had been performing that upgrade was also free now, and thus held the Ether Spire Anchor Spire, also at a hundred days to completion. We then had the upgrade on the Ether Spire to Rank 4, still a long way off at two hundred and nine days away, and lastly, the Dwarven Smelter and Foundry had about two days left, lagging behind as it hadn’t shared the benefits of Miyu’s regular visits to dance. That also makes me wonder. We still seem to have a bit more ether than even Shaeraggo’s hard work would indicate. Miyu was dancing near the Rhyming Trees and a number of Ether Spires… putting aside another thing to test and quantify, I turned to the girls.

“Right then, we have to get ready. Tonight’s a big night. Aiko will be here soon, Hinata’s having her flown in by helicopter again. As for Hayato-san and the gang, we’re meeting them tonight in a hotel in Ueno I believe. Hinata says she’s booked out a number of suite rooms, as well as made reservations for dinner. So, shall we go?”

As everyone smiled at me with varying degrees of worry and excitement, I couldn’t help but think about the dream, no, the vision I had received yesterday. Shit, well, we’ve done all the preparations we can. The JSDF, the Government, the faiths of Kyoto, Haru-san, even the Night Parade… all we can do now is wait, and respond as appropriate… with those last thoughts, we returned to the Material…

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