On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Fifteen

Three Hundred And Fifteen

Meeting up with Miyu and Mayumi-san, Hinata and I returned with them to the Material. Mayumi-san was complaining that I had kept the noble sons and daughters waiting for my Chirurgery, but before I could respond, Hinata was first.

“Really, Mayumi-sama, I’ve explained all this.” She sighed theatrically. “Akio already had plans, important plans, and the schedule for Chirurgery wasn’t agreed by Akio, was it? It’s just asking for a favour, without adequate compensation.” She nodded at the bodyguards accompanying us, Kazumi-san, Michiru-san and Mayumi-san’s elegantly dressed guard. “Akio is kind enough even to perform the Chirurgery on our bodyguards, when really, it’s a priceless service. Only Akio and Shaeula can do it, so you can’t put a value on it.”

“Well, who can say whether some of these people with strange abilities, these Chosen, that Ichijou house has found, will be unable to do such feats?” Mayumi-san protested, stretching her knotted muscles.

“Oh really?” Hinata raised one eyebrow. “You’d compare them to Akio? That’s very… bold… Mayumi-sama.”

“Well, I will admit that they seem more motivated by money and are less… impressive, all told.” She pouted a little, not used to being talked back to. “Even so, Akio will be marrying Tsumura Motoko-san, and even you, Hinata. As part of the nobility, there is an obligation to the greater whole, even if only related by marriage.”

“Really, I think the nobility needs Akio a lot more than he needs it. Besides…” she looked at Miyu, who nodded slowly.

“Mayumi-sama…” she said formally, much shyer than the outgoing daughter of Ichijou house. “You’ve seen the lands and host Akio-san commands. I… I am a Chosen too, though my power is pitiful in comparison…” she looked down abashed.

“That’s far from true. Your Dance of the Returning Dawn has the potential to be a cornerstone of my plans, and its value is incalculable.” I assured her. She gave me a slight smile, before continuing.

“That aside. Many will be like me. A coward, unwilling to press onwards. Selfish and weak.”

“As a daughter of Fujiwara house, you should not denigrate yourself so, it sets a bad example to the rest of the nobility.” Mayumi-san was irritated.

“I only speak the truth.” She stood her ground. “I regretted that this came to me, hid it from Grandfather, and was even prepared to risk my life, or die, to avoid this terrible burden. Until Akio-san, Hinata-san and his sister all set me on the right path.”

“Me too, Miyu-sama!” Michiru-san declared grandly, flourishing her scarf. “As your bodyguard, I should have been able to protect not just your body, but your spirit and happiness! I failed…” she gnashed her teeth. “… but I have a second chance!” she bowed to me. “And I am most grateful, Akio-sama. I will protect Miyu-sama forever.”

“This is missing the point.” I interjected. “Don’t worry, Miyu, Michiru-san. I too will protect you both. But … I also have other people to protect.” I fixed Mayumi-san with a stern gaze, which she met placidly. Yeah, I have to admire her confidence, if nothing else. “Chirurgery is not a priority, when it comes to protecting Tsukiko-san. Now that the situation is stabilised in Kyoto, I have a little time, so we’ll see.” It’d be quicker with Shaeula here, but I don’t want to interrupt her time with Urakaze. It would be helpful if Kana and my sis were able to do Chirurgery as well, like they both hope. But I’m not sure how we can make that happen, yet…

“Well, from what grandfather says, the Diviner is an important woman in the pillar of faith.” Mayumi-san agreed. “Even so… proper time management is important in business, grandfather says so. You need to do better!”

“That’s true, though not the do better part.” Hinata protested. “Akio is already doing more than anyone else could and…” as they argued, Michiru-san leaned in, whispering to me very faintly, trusting my ears to pick her words up.

“Please, call me Michiru. If Miyu-sama has no honorific, it wounds my heart to have one myself, it is so disrespectful. No ninja can tolerate it!” her face was imploring, so I found myself nodding.

“Well, we are here.” We entered one of the rooms in the training school, where a few familiar faces were waiting, as well as a number of newcomers.

“Hiroto, how are things?” Hinata asked her brother, who was sitting with two others, a younger boy who was waiting nervously, perhaps of middle-school age, and someone who seemed of a similar age to Hiroto-san and looked a lot like Mayumi-san. Behind them were sharply dressed, strong-looking bodyguards.

“Fine. Though… I don’t like being in such rarefied company.” He sighed.

“Don’t be an idiot. You know cousin Minoru-sama and Hideki-sama. Sakura as well.” She smiled at them, as well as the girl who shared some similarities in appearance with Hinata, who must have been her cousin Takatsukasa Sakura-san. “As for our other guest…” she nodded politely. “Honoka-sama, it is a pleasure to have you here.”

The youngest girl out of those here, who I had met briefly before at Fujiwara-san’s mansion, nodded. Her bodyguard, Michiru’s sister, Koga Kozue-san, was glaring at Michiru and Miyu, which surprised me.

“So, it seems we meet again.” Honoka-san observed, looking at me with eyes that seemed gentle at first glance, but were actually pretty sharp and probing. It had been the same when we had talked in the mansion, she had asked a lot of strange questions, showing how sheltered she was, but she was unafraid and sure of herself. Though it seems her bodyguard is still as wary of me as ever.

“Yes, it’s a pleasure.” I bowed, introducing myself again, and getting introductions from the newcomers. Minoru-san was only in his second year of middle school, so was a bit shy, and didn’t seem to have the forcefulness I’d expect from a son of Takatsukasa house. His sister Sakura-san was quite different, and seemed to have some sort of rivalry going with Hinata.

“I am Takatsukasa Sakura. I am pleased to meet you.” She said primly. She was very pretty, much like Hinata, but there was something under the surface I couldn’t quite place, a fragility of sorts. “Considering you are accepting Hinata as your fiancée, you must be a man of deep tolerance. If she causes you grief, I would understand if you choose to break your engagement. Tsumura Motoko-san is a far better match, as Tsumura house has a long history and great standing. You should be deeply honoured that such a match has happened.”

Hinata sneered at that. “Well, Sakura.” She snorted, annoyed. “Perhaps you are out of the loop. It’s not Akio that benefits from the match, but actually me, and Fukumoto house.” She grasped my arm, pulling me close. “Our match is one of love, not profits, though of course, there’ll definitely be a lot of profits.” She grinned. “Well, poor Takatsukasa house.” She continued impishly. “Ichijou house is forming a solid connection with Akio due to the new partnership he has with Mayumi-sama…”

“I still worry about that.” Mayumi-san’s brother, Hideki-san said, appraising me. He had introduced himself as a second year at the highly prestigious Tokyo University, studying Business and Politics, and he had the sort of confidence only someone from a powerful, rich family could have, used to being obeyed and fawned over. A lot like his sister. “Not a partnership, it seems that there are profits to be made there, but the terms.” He looked at me then, weighing me up. “To have a share in Ichijou house as a reward, it seems excessive. Especially for someone so unproven.”

“I don’t know about that.” Mayumi-san said, surprising me. “Hinata has a good eye for opportunity, and is always honest, even when she would be better keeping her silence and going with socially expected flattery.” At that Hinata smiled impishly, and Sakura-san looked angry for a moment, before realising she was in high company and smoothing out her facial expression.

“And from what I’ve seen, he’s definitely capable, more so than those we’ve uncovered.” She conceded, perhaps referencing our earlier conversation. “I anticipate that our new company will bring great profit to Ichijou house, far more than what we are giving away.” She looked thrilled, her face red with excitement, and I once more realised why Hinata liked her, despite her overbearing nature and arrogance. They are two very similar girls, both ambitious and into business. The only difference is the family status they were born into. Hinata can’t compete in wealth and nobility, despite having plenty of both. No wonder she’s frustrated. “I can see, as the heir, brother, you must be frustrated to see grandfather make such a decision, but trust me, when our new company is a match for all our other industries combined, you’ll be begging for a seat on the board. Besides…” she looked at Hinata again. “She’s right. Ichijou house does need a tie with such a powerful individual. And marriage is clearly not an option. My bloodline is the noblest, I can’t marry down, unlike Hinata.”

“Ignoring the casual insult…” Hinata was still smiling, but I could see her anger. Sakura was reacting too, looking uncomfortable. “… Akio doesn’t care for you anyway, Mayumi-sama. I admit you’re pretty, but we are all beautiful ourselves. As for nobility, Shaeula has you beat.” She sniffed. “Still, you can feel the excitement, can’t you? After the Chirurgery, after seeing Akio’s Territory. And you’ve only scratched the surface.” She spoke to Hideki-san. “We don’t know each other well, Hideki-sama, but trust me when I say this. A bet on Akio is a winning bet. A little wealth is a small price to pay.”

“A little?” Sakura-san muttered, barely audible. Oh yeah, Takatsukasa house is supposedly a pale shadow of their past, financially. That’s why Hinata’s mother is a Takatsukasa. Ordinarily she’d never marry into Fukumoto house. The politics was a bit of a tangled web, and it was annoying to navigate, but if I intended to act with freedom in Japan, I needed the connections, the support, the favours.

“If I may…” Miyu said diffidently.

”Of course. Go ahead Miyu.” Hinata said, and Sakura-san gasped.

“Hinata! Your rudeness to Miyu-sama is unforgivable! Comport yourself properly. You have Takatsukasa blood, even if your upbringing is not noble, you should know better!”

“Pay it no mind.” Miyu said softly, and Hinata launched into a complaint against her cousin.

“My upbringing was as noble as yours, cousin Sakura. My mother is your father’s sister. She was raised just as your father was. Just because she married my father doesn’t make that disappear. Besides, here, you are breaking etiquette.” Hinata pressed. “Here, this is Akio’s world, and Miyu is simply his vassal. And as his fiancée, calling a vassal with -sama would be stupid, right?”

Sakura opened her mouth to retort, but no words came out. It was then that Honoka-san spoke up. “I weas wondering about that, Miyu-sama.” She addressed her sister innocently enough, but I caught a gleam in her eyes. “Your engagement has been cancelled, and none has been announced to replace it.”

“That is true.” Miyu said, and she glanced at me, giving me a grateful look. Michiru also looked satisfied, from what I could see, though her scarf hid her smile. “I currently cannot marry as planned, due to the issue that I possess the blessing of Ame no Uzume. It is not simply a matter of my bloodline. Besides, you are still heir, Honoka-sama.”

“I understand that.” Honoka-san continued. “But there is no way that a daughter of Fujiwara house can be a vassal under Tsumura or Fukumoto houses. It would make a mockery of the system grandfather has gone to such pains to protect, and also of you, Miyu-sama.”

Behind me Michiru tensed, probably noticing the pleased body-language of her sister as she stood behind Honoka-san, who was questioning her own sister, seemingly innocently, but I wasn’t so sure.

“It is not the same.” Miyu-san said. “This is a vassal under Akio-san in terms of this strange new world. I have pledged my support to him, and in exchange, he defends and protects me and my Territory, thus the Fujiwara mansion.”

“Even so…” Honoka-san persisted. “If you were to marry, and he gave you an order that conflicted with your duty to your husband, what would you do? A daughter of Fujiwara as a vassal cannot work.”

“Well, if I am unable to marry, so be it. Hinata-san said it best.” Miyu surprised me. “Fujiwara house also needs a tie to Akio-san. I know more than most his strengths. Other houses may choose to seek alliance with others like him…” she nodded elegantly to Hideki-san, who frowned, listening. “… and I feel no noble house without a stake in the new world will prosper. But Fujiwara house is one of the greatest in all of Japan. We cannot merely seek adequate.” She smiled. “I am the tie that binds Akio-san to us.”

“So, do you think you will get married to him then?” Honoka said, troubled.

We exchanged glances, before Miyu shook her head. “That would likely cause more problems than it solves, at least for now. Grandfather annulled my engagement, because it is more beneficial for me to be available, a prize for others to covet. But I cannot be given away so easily. And I cannot marry Akio-san, for it would be disrespectful to Tsumura, Hori and Fukumoto houses. I would be elevated above them. No, this way is better.”

Yeah, you don’t have any interest in men as far as I can tell. In fact, you’ve come a long way in how you are less shy around me, in just a few meetings. I remember the first time we met… as I reminisced, Hinata jumped in once more, delighted.

“You see how it is, Sakura? Well, poor Takatsukasa house has no ties to Akio, unless you or cousin Minoru-sama forge them.” I noted she gave her younger male cousin a lot more respect than she did Sakura-san, although while they argued, I thought I knew Hinata pretty well, and it seemed to me she wanted Sakura-san to understand her. “Oh wait…” she continued. “Silly me, I am descended from Takatsukasa house, so I suppose you have no need of ties. I’m already his fiancée!”

“Such insolence towards Sakura-sama!” Kozue-san protested, fuming, but Sakura-san waved her to silence, her face red.

“I admit, father and grandfather have tried to find others of these special people, like Ichijou house. But we haven’t the resources to persuade them to work for us.” she sighed. “Hinata, if you want to be seen as true nobility, you have to act like it. That means showing respect to the higher nobility, deferring when necessary.”

“Well, as I said, my sister-in-law is a princess. Another is a proud daughter of Tsumura house. And my husband is Akio, who can’t be measured by conventional wisdom.” She smiled.. “So I think I stand in a high enough place to be informal. Besides, you’re my cousin, Sakura. Shouldn’t we be closer? Akio cherishes family, and that makes you part of his family too. Family shouldn’t have these stupid rules.”

“I wonder, if Miyu-sama is your vassal…” Honoka-san said, thinking. “Does that make me your family too, if you are taking care of her?” she asked me.

“Well, Miyu and I don’t have that sort of bond.” No more than I have with Kikuchi Shuta-san. Though my bond with Haru-san is a lot deeper… “But if you are ever in trouble, I’m sure I’d be happy to help.”

“I see.” Honoka-san mused. “Well, I still think this will not work, but I admit…” she smiled at Hinata gently. “You make a compelling case for the necessity of a new infusion to the nobility. Perhaps my dear cousin Miyu-sama has formed the connection grandfather wished for after all…”

“All right, this is all very interesting.” Mayumi-san was grinning. “I have never had such a frank conversation with those who are my equals. It is very stimulating. But Hinata is right. Although…” she peered at Hinata curiously. “I don’t remember you being this cheeky. Well, you’ve always been entertaining, but this forceful personality of yours is rather new.”

Hinata merely laughed at that, allowing Mayumi-san to continue. “Maybe there are others out there with equal or greater worth than Akio-san, but he is here now. Hideki, wait and see. I have grand plans which will amaze you. But as for you all…” she smiled at me. “It’s time for Chirurgery.” She shuddered a little. “I feel truly wonderful, now, but it’s extremely unpleasant enduring it at first. Well, it can’t be helped, can it? Besides, I’m sure you won’t miss the opportunity to show off, right Hinata?”

“That’s right! My cheeky words are not as impactful as seeing the Territory.” Hinata smiled, releasing my arm at last. “Well, are you starting with the bodyguards as usual? How about…” she pointed at Kozue-san, and behind me Michiru bit down on a happy snort. Yeah, I’m pretty certain there’s far too many people here who enjoy the idea of others suffering a bit of humiliation and pain. Oh well, I might as well get started. After all, I had gained a few new insights from watching Bintara work, and I wanted to try them out…


“… was quite the amusing sight, seeing Sakura and the others so stunned.” Hinata was rubbing her head against me affectionately as we sat in my room on the Material. Unlike the others, who had been whisked away by limousines back to their homes, Hinata had stayed longer. After I had performed the Chirurgery, finding it a bit easier and less pain-inducing due to using a fraction of Bintara’s techniques, I had charged them up and gave them a very brief tour of the Territory.

“The bodyguards were so on edge, especially meeting Grulgor.” She continued to laugh happily. “And Mayumi was having a grand time seeming like she was an expert, despite only having been to your Territory twice before.” She sighed. “Sakura is… well, it’s hard to be her cousin. I do wish I could get on with her more, but she’s in a difficult position. As the daughter of Takatsukasa house, she needs to act as regally as Mayumi, which is a tough ask, and Miyu and Honoka-sama too.” She sighed. “But Takatsukasa house is only holding on due to Fujiwara and Ichijou house supporting them, and the rest of the nobility knows it. Ordinarily, I’d have never been born, my mother should never have married down, as Sakura so rudely put it. But the whole nobility thinks it. It’s so unfair. Mayumi thinks of it similarly. She sees me as a friend, and I know she likes me. But she’ll never see me as the type of friend we have, unless we can change her perspective. And I do so want to be friends. I love her charm, her arrogance, her drive to succeed.” She looked up at me, brown eyes pleading. “Akio, can you do something about it? No, you will, I know.”

“Of course.” I bent down and kissed her lips tenderly. As we parted, she was flushed but happy. “Your cousin, well, she’ll come around. The old ways have to change. As for Mayumi-san, well, it must be lonely, being at the top, looking down on everyone else. So I’ll help you climb up beside her.”

“Great! I love you!” We kissed again, and after we were done, I patted her head. “It’s late. You’d better head home, or you’ll not have any strength at school tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry, I can get by on a little sleep nowadays, at least for a day or two.” She promised me. “I won’t disgrace my husband-to-be, or my parents, by showing weakness at school. So, what will you be doing?”

I shrugged. “Well, I’d love to get some sleep, it’s been days, but…” I haven’t slept since before Tsukiko-san transferred me her Divine Favour. But right now there’s too much to do… “I need to return to Kyoto and pump Yasaka-san for answers to a few questions, and I have other things to do as well.”

“I see. Well, you need to take care of yourself, none of us want you breaking down from bearing too many burdens. I’ll be sure to ask Eri the others if you did so.”

“All right, I promise.” I assured her, and once Hinata had also left, I returned to the Boundary, a lot still to do…

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