On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Seventeen

Three Hundred And Seventeen

“So, what do you think?” Shiro said with a bright smile, spinning round for me, showing off what she was wearing. As usual she was in a pair of white jeans, but this time her jumper was a pretty deep-red wine colour, and it had long, puffy sleeves, so that she could hide the state of her damaged arm. Her hair was also pulled back away from her face, and she was wearing a white eye-patch, looking rather like a pirate, with all her scars. The outfit was topped off by some jewellery, such as a fetching necklace, which was unusual as Shiro normally didn’t bother with such trappings, though the white gold looked good against the richly coloured jumper she wore.

Shiro ready for party

“I thought that since you were always nagging me about sticking to white, I’d make a change Aki. Though I still think my legs look best in white jeans. As for the rest…” she touched her exposed face softly, wincing. “Damn, even with all the healing I’ve had done over the past few days, I still look like I’ve tripped and fell face first into a barrel of knives.” Her lip wobbled, and I reached out to console her, but she slapped my hands away.

“No messing up my outfit, Aki.” She stepped back. “It took me ages getting ready, though not as long as it did Eri.” She nodded at my wheelchair-bound childhood friend. Eri was wearing a similar outfit to Shiro, though her tight jeans were blue, and her jumper was a layered one, with shades of black and purple. She also wore her sparkling engagement ring, as did Shiro, as well as some pretty earrings.

“Well, you try getting dressed when you can barely move.” Eri said acerbically. “I was going to wear a skirt, but then it isn’t just girls we’ll be meeting tonight, so I thought this would be safer.”

“How prim and proper.” Shiro said sarcastically. It does surprise me, but they seem to get on quite well, even if they argue a lot. “But I guess you’re right to be worried. Hayato is far too much a gentleman to look, but Shugo and Yasu… especially Yasu… yeah, I wouldn’t want Aki’s old friendships to end in a bloodbath as he defenestrates Yasu from the fortieth floor of our hotel.”

“He’d do it too.” Eri giggled. “I never really noticed when we were younger, probably because he was too busy being a coward and running away from me…” Eri looked at me reproachfully with her dark eyes. “… but he’s actually surprisingly possessive.”

“Well, can you blame him? Look at us. Well, not now… but when we are back on top form, we’re gorgeous!” Shiro proclaimed proudly, and I smiled at her bravery. It must have been difficult for her to think of meeting our friends in the state she was in now, being as her looks were something she was always proud of.

“We’re still gorgeous.” Eri insisted. “Besides, it’s only a matter of time. To be honest, I’m a bit worried about meeting Akio’s friends too. They’re older, and I don’t know a lot about the world so I worry they’ll think I’m just a stupid little girl. But if they are Akio’s friends, I want them to be my friends too, or at least respect me.”

“I think they will. You might get on with Hina, she’s such a cutie. And taken.” Shiro grinned knowingly. “Really, Aki’s such a hypocrite. It’s almost refreshing at times. He’s got so many girls that would put your average harem protagonist to shame, and yet he gets annoyed when people look at them. Worse, you just wait and see…” she winked, well, blinked at Eri. “If Aimi is wearing her usual sort of clothes, Aki won’t be able to help himself and he’ll ogle her. And she’s got a boyfriend now.”

“That’s no good. You can’t go stealing other people’s girls.” Eri chastised me.

“I wouldn’t do that, I promise!” I said, feeling guilty, even though I hadn’t done anything yet. “Seriously, can we get back on topic of how good you both look?” I turned to Hyacinth, wearing her usual maid outfit, though she too was wearing additional accessories. It had been a struggle to convince her, but I wasn’t going to let it slide this time, as she was attending this gathering as not just my maid, but my fiancée as well. “Thanks for your help, Hyacinth. It’s reassuring to have you helping Eri.”

She blushed and giggled. “Think nooo more of it, Akio. I am more than happy tooo help mistress Eri! Though I wooorry. These are important friends of yours, Hyacinth does nooot know how to behave as a mistress. What if I dooo things wrong?”

“I hardly think Akio will-will worry about that.” Shaeula said, entering the room, having finished her own preparations. “He is more than happy to make allowances. Do not-not be so concerned.”

Hyacinth nodded, while I admired Shaeula’s outfit, a fetching emerald green gown, offsetting the fiery amber of her hair and eyes beautifully. She had pinned up her hair with ornate bejewelled hairpins, similar to what she had worn at the party Fujiwara house had thrown.

“Looking annoyingly good there.” Shiro agreed with me. “Shit, I hear the voices of a million lonely men crying out in anger against you, Aki. And this isn’t even all of us.”

“Yes, Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi will be here later.” Eri agreed. “Aiko too.” She finished, before also complimenting Shaeula on her dress and hair.

“Well, Aki may be a siscon to rule all siscons, but she isn’t actually his girl.” Shiro grinned wickedly. “I’d say our silent little Chinese flower over there is more dangerous.” She looked at Daiyu, who was sitting quietly in the corner, in a red Chinese-style Cheongsam replica, with a pattern of white flowers. Obviously with Daiyu being under my care now, I had to sort out her daily necessities. Getting Chinese clothing wasn’t easy, but Akihabara strikes again. The outfits were not exactly authentic, but very expensive cosplay was good enough for now.

I was going to argue with Shiro, not that I had won many with her over the years, but decided it wasn’t worth it. She was teasing me, I was pretty certain, and I was happier to have her in that sort of mood than wallowing in her nerves. Looking down at the watch I was wearing to check the time, a rather costly Patek Phillipe, one of the number I was gathering, as I had been told I needed to make sure my cufflinks, shoes, tie and watch were appropriately expensive when meeting nobility and politicians, as that was the first thing anyone looked at, I could see Aiko was due to arrive soon. The suit that’s been ordered for the party with the Royal family in the UK is scandalously expensive. I’m glad I earned all this money recently or I’d have a heart attack at the bill… I had been told by Hinata and her grandfather to spare no expense on these things, so of course I had listened, even if the expense pained me. Not that it should, I’m rich now, but I guess old habits die hard…

“I feel bad leaving Daiyu’er home alone, when most people don’t understand her. Besides, she might as well have a good meal. I hear the restaurant on the top floor has amazing views out over Tokyo, and does a decent Chinese.”

“I guess that makes sense. So it’s definitely for that reason, and not that you’ve fallen for her, and decided to spring a surprise on us, as well as Hayato and the gang, right Aki?” Shiro questioned me, and while she seemed to be joking, there was a trace of anxiety buried within, as far as I could tell.

“He wouldn’t.” Eri answered for me. “Not that the girl isn’t pretty, but… no. I can understand why he wanted you, and to an extent the Diviner, but… she seems a bit too cold and composed. Akio likes the needy, damsel types. Ugh, it hurts saying that about myself, but I was so very pathetic back in Nishimorioka.”

“Do not-not say that. We all have a past we wish to forget, shameful behaviour we must-must surely cast from our minds.” Shaeula reassured her, though her eyes were on Daiyu. “As for Akio falling for the girl… it is inevitable, I fear.”

“What?” Shiro choked. “So I was right? I thought I was only joking!”

Daiyu was looking at us all, face expressionless, with just a trace of annoyance, as we talked. From our looks and gestures she could tell we were talking about her, so I decided to reassure her. I wouldn’t want her to think we are bullying the newcomer.

“Don’t mind them, Daiyu’er.” I told her. “They were just discussing the reasons for taking you out tonight. There’s no sinister motive, I just wanted to help you relax a bit, and I felt leaving you here alone would just lead to you brooding.” Yeah, she’s definitely pretty, stunningly so. the cool beauty type. But then, I’m surrounded by pretty girls, and having been exposed to Shiro and Tsukiko-san, my tolerance is pretty high.

“Daiyu, let me ask you a question.” Shaeula interjected, also in Mandarin. At her slight nod, Shaeula continued. “Have you ever-ever considered romance? And what-what is your opinion on multiple marriages?”

I resisted the urge to facepalm. Yeah, that’s Shaeula all right. I glanced over at Eri, whose face was set in a frosty expression, but oddly for once she was glaring at me, not Shaeula. Which is unfair! Unlike with Tsukiko-san, I’ve definitely done nothing to indicate to Daiyu or anyone else I’m interested in her!

Daiyu’s impassive mask cracked for a second, before she looked at me with an icy scowl to rival Eri’s. “I see. Is that the price for your… assistance?” she let out a bitter sigh. “I am hardly unused to being desired. Even my wretched title the other Sects use, Black Jade the Ever-Beautiful, shows I am sought after. I should not have expected…”

“No. No. No, definitely not!” I reiterated, cutting off that line of thought. “Just who the hell do you think I am? Well, I admit we barely know each other, but damn, I’m not in the business of extorting marriage out of those I help, pretty or not.” I sighed bitterly. “I would be mad at the girls, but… I guess I do have form on polygamy. After all, I did seek out a relationship with Shiro and Hyacinth.”

Shiro nodded proudly at that, saying something provocative to Eri, and Hyacinth flushed, her pale skin turning pink in happiness. Ignoring them, I continued. “All I’m asking for is your help as a Candidate and a Cultivator. I’m not such a bastard to demand your body in exchange. Besides…” my expression changed, an impish smile much like my sister would have crossing my features. “… the Spiritually Pure Physique can be corroded by deeds with evil karma. You said it yourself, that’s a powerful Technique. You may be very pretty, but I’d hardly ruin my Foundation…” my smile broadened. “… just for another lover.”

“I see.” Daiyu said, her expressionless mask back. “Techniques of purity do often require one to keep a certain level of credit with the Heavens.” She admitted.

“Well, so now I’m curious.” Shiro said, her words in Mandarin a little clumsy, Tan obviously providing them for her to speak. “If you’ve been pursued a lot, something I can totally sympathise with, then what is your type for marriage?”

“Marriage?” Daiyu sniffed. “A Dao Companion is all I seek, one I can wrest all the secrets from the Heavens and strength from the Earth with, hand in hand, reaching heights that even those from Kunlun failed to climb. Matters of love and sex, creating an heir… well, I shall need children. Many children. After all…” her expression crumbled for a second, before her iron will returned her poise. “… the Incorruptible Jade lies within me now. As for other women, concubines…” she sniffed. “Men of power seek women, and women of power often seek pleasures with other men. Who am I to condemn them? Even if I have experience of those who treat women like mere toys.” She scowled, perhaps remembering one of her enemies. “But a Dao Companionship is much deeper than that. It is a bond of the soul, a merging of the fates of two, becoming one. Once formed, to break it is to give up on love.” She sniffed. “I would not choose such a Companion lightly. I am still young, and I would have but a single Dao Companion in my life.”

“I see. That is quite-quite similar to the Fae way of bonding, of making love.” Shaeula observed. “Though the Fae are far-far more… carefree… about such matters, bonding even in cases of great friendship or respect. Though I do quite-quite agree with you, Daiyu.” Shaeula grinned. “I shall not-not bond with any others. Well, perhaps with my sisters…” she nodded at Eri, Hyacinth and Shiro. “… for sometimes when Akio bonds with Eri and Hyacinth, I can-can feel echoes of their pleasure and emotions. Our bonds are deep…” she grinned. “Essence both elemental and aetheric cascades between us. It is far-far beyond what I had ever imagined. But for those outside our circle, my heart and lunar chakra remains closed-closed, for all-all eternity.”

“Well, I haven’t… damn, Aki, you’re embarrassing me!” Shiro started hitting me with her good arm, and I protested I’d done nothing wrong. When Shiro calmed down, she finished her sentence from before.

“Like I said, I’ve not done much with Aki yet. For… obvious reasons.” She gestured to her face and arm, and Daiyu nodded sympathetically. “But I find I’ve stopped caring about the fact I’m not his first and only. Shit, my brain has turned to the sort of slimy, pink mush I used to criticise the girls at Uni for being made out of. But I guess… I respect you. Dao Companions, huh… Aki, you weren’t that big into Chinese novels and games, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I know a bit, and I’ve read a few of the popular ones, like most otaku.” That’s one reason I’m struggling a bit to properly plan for what Sects can do. Damn, there’s so many in that breakaway force…

“I thought so. Chinese harem stories were a bit aggressive for you guys. You aren’t exactly the pushy sort. Well, not all the time.” She flushed, her scars pale against her pink skin. “So…” she turned back to Daiyu. “Dual Cultivation. That’s a thing, right?”

Hang on… “Hey, I remember Yasu mentioning that once or twice, it’s …” I didn’t need to finish, as Daiyu was looking away, face red, the most expression I had seen on her features so far. Even so, she nodded.

“It is possible. The Sect had scrolls detailing it. But finding a worthy Dao Companion who can resonate…” her voice was shrinking. “… though I wish to grow stronger, not at the cost of my integrity…”

“I thought so. I mean, if Lovers’ Link exists, why wouldn’t that? Interesting. Very interesting…” Shiro mused.

“All right, I’m getting tired of being ignored.” Eri pouted. “Besides, Aiko should be here soon, right?”

“My apologies, Eri.” Shaeula answered. “I did forget you can not-not speak Chinese. Well, with your abilities, you should surely be able to learn it rather quickly, if not-not so rapidly as Akio.”

“Maybe I will!” Eri snapped. “I hate being left out. Anyway, come on, let’s go…”


The civilian helicopter was coming in to land on the crest of the hill, which had been turned into a more-permanent helipad. There was another helicopter there already, a military transport, which was always on standby with a pilot, either JSDF or from the Black Wolf Company, as we never knew when rapid transportation somewhere would be needed urgently.

Luciana and Aliyah were on shift, and on seeing us they nodded, Aliyah running her gaze over my elegantly-dressed fiancées, before grinning sloppily and giving me an annoying thumbs-up. Choosing to ignore her, I watched until the helicopter came to a stop, rotors spinning down. Moments later the door opened, and out hopped my excited sister, wearing blue jeans and a red hoodie. On seeing us she brightened, before cocking her head, blue eyes puzzled.

“You didn’t have to dress up to see me…” her eyes went wide as her gaze fell on Shiro, and her scarred face. Lost for a moment, she rushed over to us, stopping in front of Eri’s wheelchair. “How are you holding up? You’ve not been answering any of my texts. I’ve been worried!”

Careful Aiko, you’re letting your stats show through. She had moved carelessly fast. I guess I’m pleased that she’s obviously been working hard, but she needs to keep a low profile. Aware I was bad at that myself, I was going to use my Eye to check on her new level, when I heard two more familiar voices.

“So this is Tokyo then? Crazy.”

“Yeah, I never thought we’d ride to the big city in such style.”

Turning, caught off guard, I was surprised to see Rika-san and Yae. I must have looked as shocked as I felt, as they both giggled.

“What? Surprised to see me?” Yae asked. She was wearing a pair of tight, fashionably-ripped blue jeans, and a white sleeveless t-shirt that was cut pretty low. Her hair was a bit longer than I remembered, and she was wearing the ruby earrings I had brought her back as a souvenir from Las Vegas. “Happy to see me, Aki?” she winked flirtatiously, and Rika-san, who was wearing a denim dress, and her earrings as well, waved at me.

Yae arrives

“Hi there, Akio-kun, it’s been too long. Sorry about the unannounced visit, but Ai-chan said she’d… uh…” she paused, face going pale, and I followed her line of sight to see she was looking at Shiro. Yae gasped as well, hand covering her mouth.

“Well, isn’t this a treat?” Shiro complained, her expression grim. “Looking at me like I’m some sort of monster. Besides, that isn’t even the most annoying thing. Aki, you say?” she glared at Yae. “Very… familiar… aren’t you? Isn’t she, Aki?”

“Well, they are good friends of my sister. Speaking of which, Shiro, this is Aiko, my younger sister.” I introduced her. “These two are her friends from school, Eri’s too. Chihiya Yae, and Masui Rika. Though why they are here…”

“They were worried about Eri.” My sis insisted. “So yeah, we’ve spoken on the phone, right, but we’ve never met in person.” Aiko eyed Shiro up and down. “Damn, I get why my bro is pissed off at himself for letting you get hurt. You’re totally built like a model.” She let out a whistle. “My bro grabbing all the hotties. I can never decide whether to be proud or ashamed.”

“Hey, sis…” I hissed, gesturing towards the girls. “There’s such a thing as tact…”

“Don’t worry, Aki.” Yae said, surprising me. “Sorry. Shiro, you said your name was?” at the older girls’ nod, she continued. “That was very rude of me. I shouldn’t look at you like that. Sorry again.” she shook her head. “But Ai-chan is right. Your figure… ugh, such a shame.”

“Yeah. Those scars are brutal. The eyepatch is cute though.” Rika-san tried to apologise as well.

“Excuse me. If you came to see me, then why are you ignoring me?” Eri complained from her wheelchair.

“Oops.” Yae said, knocking on her head in a cute gesture. “My bad Ri-Ri. So, how’ve you been keeping? When we heard, all of Nishimorioka was in an uproar. To think you got caught up in such a disaster.”

“Yeah. And when we heard you were paralysed… Akio-kun, I’m disappointed. Where were you when Ri-Ri was in trouble?”

“He was doing his best. The situation was bad, and…”

“Cut the crap Ri-Ri.” Yae interrupted. “I know you think Rika and me, we’re not smart. And sure, we aren’t ever going to University like you or Aki, but we have eyes and functioning brains.” She looked at me then. “I still can’t believe you lied to me.” She said, and I asked what she meant.

“You said that if you ever were going to cheat on Eri, you’d call me.” She winked. “And here you have Shaeula, this girl here, and… wow, a real maid? Though that outfit is scandalous. Cute as hell though!”

“Yeah, you really hurt Yae’s feelings.” Rika-san winked at me. “There’s those noble girls who visited too. I guess we need to thank Hinata-chan for letting us come.”

“I think you misunderstand.” I began, but my sis stopped me.

“Just give it up, bro. Come on. This was inevitable. But, we should take it inside.”

“Yeah, there’s a lot of people watching.” Yae observed. “Like, soldiers and stuff. That’s a proper military helicopter, right?”

“You win.” I sighed.

“Great.” My sis agreed happily. “Oh, and by the way…” she looked at us all. “Why the hell is everyone so well-dressed? Just to welcome me, I’m flattered, but…”


“… can’t believe you are ditching me tonight, when you knew I was coming!” my sis pouted, taking a mug of tea from Hyacinth, who had already given Rika-san, Yae and Marika-san, who had joined us since there were visitors from Nishimorioka, some steaming mugs. After the girls had fussed over her, she was sitting quietly in seiza, sipping her tea elegantly.

“Well, we already had plans to meet some old friends.” I apologised again. “But it isn’t like you can’t have fun. Hinata has booked plenty of rooms, and you could have a meal out. It’s a nice hotel, I’m told.”

“But I’m not dressed right. And these two look too cheap for an expensive hotel!” she complained, cheeks puffed out in annoyance.

“That’s a low blow, Ai-chani!” Rika-san complained. “We look fashionable! We aren’t all slumming it in a hoodie like you!”

“Yes, I’m dressed well enough to go anywhere!” Yae agreed.

“Don’t worry.” I said. “Hinata’s booked out the whole restaurant, so there’ll be nobody to complain.”

“For someone so popular, you still don’t get girls, bro. Being out with all of you girls when all I’ve done is wear a t-shirt and lame hoodie is going to suck…”

“Well, at least you’re pretty.” Shiro smiled. “The fabled sister in the flesh.”

“Fabled sister, huh? Ugh, whatever my bro used to tell you about me, I’m sure they are all lies…”

As the reunion devolved into banter between my sis and Shiro, I relaxed. “So, as you can see, Eri’s… well, not fine, but she’s doing okay. I’ll look after her, and she’ll make a full recovery, the doctors say.” I promised.

“Yes, I’m doing rehab, which is why I was too busy to reply to any texts or calls.” Eri said, not entirely a lie. She’s simply been in the Boundary for days.

“Okay, so, real talk time.” Yae leaned over, looking at Eri, her hazel eyes looking into her onyx ones. I had to look away, as she was showing a lot of cleavage. “What really happened, Ri-Ri?”

“Well, it was on the news…” she began, but Rika-san snorted loudly, insulted.

“Hey, come on. Like Yae said, we do have functioning brains, you know?”

“Yeah. Look, from the start everything was fishy. There was Aki turning up with Shaeula, looking all hot and fit. Then his performance in the baseball… you know, some of the guys back home say your moves were pro level. Then in Inuyama, you tried to cover up you got hurt when you were away from us for just a short time.” Yae looked sad, remembering. “On our date, I promised to not mention it, but come on, you know everyone noticed, right?”

“Wow, yeah bro. if Shaeula hadn’t have told us about what was really going on, Eri and I would have beat the truth out of you.” she sniffed. “You’re shit at keeping secrets, you know? Hinata moans about that all the time.”

It’s nice to see my fiancées talk to my sister, but… “Uh, we’re in company?” I pointed out, and she merely shot me a withering glance.

“No shit, bro. that’s the point? Aren’t you listening? Best spell it out for him, girls.” My sister swore again, clearly exasperated.

“Then there’s the money. The Mori’s and your family, they suddenly were flush with cash. There are all these strangers around Nishimorioka, and while they keep a low profile, it’s obvious they are watching your families. Then there’s Hinata-chan and the others. Girls like those, they don’t show interest in a normal person, from a boring town like Nishimorioka.” Rika-san said, and Yae took over.

“Yeah. And there’s the injuries this girl Shiro-chan has, as well as Ri-Ri’s. Put everything together, and a pattern forms. But that alone isn’t enough. But if Ri-Ri miraculously gets good at sports, just like you, and Ai-chan here suddenly excels in her studies… I mean, she aces maths now without even trying…”

“Wow, you’re making me blush.” My sis grinned.

“… well, it’s obvious.” Yae finished. “So give it up. Aki, you’re some kind of superhero right? Ri-Ri and Ai-chan too! These girls as well. You must be too, Marika-chan!”

Ugh, yeah, I suppose it was too much to expect those close to us to not notice. Even so, this is so awkward.

“I told you to give it up, bro.” my sis laughed. “I haven’t gone into details, but come on. They’ve been suspicious for ages. I guess… I have been going a bit overboard at school though. Damn, the benefits of my Class make maths and physics trivial though, and English is already no bother, so…”

“So it is true…” Yae and Rika-san exchanged glances. “I thought so.”

Well, the evening of explanations to friends seems to have started a bit earlier than planned. So now what?

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