On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Eighteen

Three Hundred And Eighteen

“That’s incredible!” Yae breathed out, her mug of tea half-full, having gone cold as she left it untouched, so wrapped up in the story she was. “To think you were doing that sort of thing all the time.”

“Yeah, while we were spending all your money on clothes, Akio-kun, you were fighting such a horrible monster.” Rika-san commiserated.

“Well, we were indeed-indeed forced to flee that time.” Shaeula smirked. “But Akio did put an end-end to it on his triumphant return. Inuyama is freed from that fallen creature. It shall taint the world no-no longer.”

“Awesome!” Yae flushed. “Really, it must be amazing! Superpowers, magic…”

“No it’s not!” Marika-san spoke up, surprising us. “It’s not.” She repeated, small face sad. “It’s scary, and dangerous. Keomi-san, she was really hurt. She nearly died. Lots of people did die. People I knew.” Her little lip was wobbling, and on seeing that, my sis pulled her into a hug, surprising her.

“Hush. I was there, I know. It’ll be all right. I hear Keomi-chan is fine now, isn’t she?” Aiko said, and I nodded.

“Yeah, all her scars are healed and she’s back to full fitness. She’s still a bit unnerved by it all, not that I blame her, but Haru-san’s Mind Healing Light seems to be helping, and she’s even been using her telepathy to share the trauma, which strengthens the Light noticeably. But Marika-san is right.” I reached out and patted her head, pigtails bouncing under my touch. “There’s a lot to worry about. Shiro’s scars and eye are proof of the dangers, as is Eri’s state. Eri…”

“I nearly died. I should have died.” She said, surprising our guests. “I was careless and selfish…” as she explained the terrible battle against the Kijo, my sis chiming in with how horrific it was to watch Eri’s limbs be severed and flesh tear, helpless to prevent it, Rika-san and Yae looked horrified. They even tried to lift up her jumper, checking her skin was all right, until Eri cursed them to leave her alone. When everyone calmed down, I spoke.

“It can be glamourous. You’ve seen it. The money, the power, the abilities no human can ordinarily possess.”

“The girls.” My sis snickered, and Eri, still flushed and frustrated, rolled her eyes.

“The girls, I guess.” I smiled sadly. “It’s not impossible that one day I might have returned to Nishimorioka and married Eri. Or maybe even stayed here and married Shiro instead…”

“I press X to doubt, Aki.” Shiro quipped, before sighing. “Though I guess it’s not impossible. Though I don’t think we could have had kids or even enjoyed a long life together. I’m damn sickly.”

“But Shaeula, Hyacinth… how could I even have met them? And Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi, our paths would never have crossed. So yes… there’s a lot to gain, but more to lose.” I continued to comfort Marika-san. “People died. At the time I blamed myself, but in hindsight, there wasn’t much more I could have done, once Yamato-san set that disaster in motion. It was already too late by then. But now I know. I’ll be stronger, faster, better…”

“No, we shall be stronger, faster and better-better!” Shaeula disagreed, resolute. “I too grieve for the dead. But the living must go on.”

“Yes, I’ve learned too!” Eri agreed. “And… at least we made the best of it.”

“Wow, we sure did!” Aiko said proudly. “Really, don’t call me an expert on this stuff, I’m not my bro, but there’s sort of three types. There’s those Chosen by the Gods, right? Like, the real deal. That’s my bro!” she giggled, elated at finally being able to spill the truth. “Bro is chosen by Tyr, a hero god from Europe!”

“Not just that. Tsukuyomi too now.” I said, a little touched and embarrassed at just how proud my sister was of me.

“Oh yeah, from that Matsumuro woman.” My sis agreed. “Another woman I wouldn’t be surprised to see shacked up with my bro when next we meet. Guess you can’t be all that enticing if my bro never came back for you, Yae-chan!”

“How rude you are, Ai-chan!” Yae pouted. “If I was living in Tokyo, I’d have Aki wrapped around my fingers right about now!”

“I’m wearing out my fingers pressing the X key about now.” Shiro scoffed. “If Kana can’t persuade him, despite all her flirty entreaties, you have no chance.”

“Ugh, is Kana the one you are talking about?” Yae said, irritated.

“Nope, Kana is the daughter of the shrine here. I have to admit, she’s a real looker.” My sis smirked. “Bro continues to be sickeningly popular.”

“Well, Kana… we have our differences. But I suppose she’s not as bad as I first thought. I respect her stance, certainly. She wants Akio to chase her. Even if the easiest way is to play on Akio’s conscience. That always seems to work.” she sighed. “It’s so annoying!”

“Yeah, well, Matsumuro-san, she’s a big shot, called the Diviner.” My sis continued. “And apparently she can see the future.”

“Really?” Rika-san asked, and it was Marika-san who answered, in her usual extremely mature and well-spoken way.

“Yes, The Lady Diviner is most respected amongst the shrines and temples of Japan. Her abilities are true and proven, without question.”

“Well, let me finish.” My sis exclaimed. “So, she stands up and tells all these bigshots she’s going to die soon, horribly, from what I gather. So what do you think my bro does? Oh god, I feel hot just thinking about it…”

“it’s not a big deal…” I began, only for Shaeula to disagree.

“Not-not a big deal? I disagree.” Shaeula laughed heartily. “You stood in front of them all, and declared I will not-not allow you to die! If that is what fate-fate and the future holds, I shall overcome it!”

“I didn’t say it like that.” I denied, but Eri shook her head.

“Maybe not those exact words, but you did mean that. And since then you’ve been running around, making plans, trying to save her.”

“What-what female could be unmoved by such?” Shaeula shrugged. “Hence why I feel when this is all-all over, there will be yet another dwelling here.”

“Well, bro’s love-life is off topic, isn’t it?” My sis smirked. “Though I guess a girl can’t have too many hot sisters-in-law. Anyway, Shiro, you’re Chosen by the gods too, right?”

“It’s not exactly the same, Ai. I can call you Ai, right? I don’t want to be rude to Aki’s beloved sister. I don’t have a death wish…” Shiro said, abashed.

“Sure, go for it. I’m half British anyway, I’m not so formal myself. Besides, you’re a sister-in-law too. Damn, I can’t wait to show you off when your scars heal. Beloved sister, you say? That’s cute. Uh, anyway… yeah, well, after Kyoto… my bro helped me get Chosen too. I can’t say how, and it’s not something he can do again any time soon. But now I’m a Candidate for Kannon.” She said proudly.

As the girls applauded, I used my Eye, amber light glittering. Yae and Rika-san gasped as they saw the shining glow. “Hey, not bad sis. Level thirty-four, and it’s only been what, a week?” I paused. “I hope you aren’t being reckless? You’ve seen what can happen.”

“Wow, uh, no way.” She said, looking a bit guilty, not meeting my eyes. “I admit I got carried away the first day, but since then I’ve been careful, I swear!” she then looked up, and I could almost see her eyes sparkling, she was so happy. “The mountains are full of bugs and creepy crawlies. They’re gross as hell, but my golden sister army takes them out with no problems!”

Your what now? Shaking my head at that, I let Aiko continue her explanation.

“So yeah, then there’s Shaeula and Hyacinth. They aren’t human.” She delivered that shocking twist.

“Oh come on, Ai-chan? Not human? Don’t pull my… huh, nobody is laughing?” Yae noticed.

“I am indeed not-not a mortal. I am Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, noble weaselkin of the Seelie Court. Akio defeated me, but instead of slaying me, he did-did make me his…”


“… that’s totally incredible.” Yae declared, stunned. “So, there are other beings from myth that can look just like humans?”

“Not just looooook like.” Hyacinth chuckled, refreshing everyone’s drinks and snacks, as Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi had arrived while Shaeula explained. “Hyacinth can dooo whatever a woman can. Ooone day I shall bear Akio a child. Nooo, lots of children. I want to tend the creche, knit toys and clooothes for the mistresses and their children, but yooou will not let me, unless I dooo the same for my own, right?” she smiled at me brilliantly, and I laughed.

“Of course. You’re a mistress too, Hyacinth, I keep telling you that.”

“I can hardly wrap my head around this.” Rika-san said. “So, you said three types, right?”

“I did.” My sis said, looking happily at the dress she had been brought by Hinata, who was indeed prepared, as I had expected. There were clothes for Yae and Rika-san as well, as Hinata had arranged for their visit. Hinata herself was wearing one of her favourite party dresses, though the purple was paler than usual, more a pink or a lavender. Still, she looks great in it. As always. Right now she was on the phone, making arrangements for an outfit for Marika-san and Keomi-chan, as I didn’t want to leave Marika-san behind, as her mood was tense after talking about Kyoto. Apparently Kana is also coming, and Hinata has already arranged for her dress, which is why I haven’t seen her recently…

“The third type are those my bro and Shaeula enhance, through what they call Chirurgery. I used to be like that. Eri still is. Hinata and the others too.”

“Yes, I am quite blessed to have been granted strength by my dear Akio.” Motoko said politely, and Natsumi echoed her.

“Yes, I’m very grateful to have been given this chance. To stand beside Motoko, to carry on the Tsumura arts, and … to find love.” Natsumi’s smile was radiant. I’ve noticed ever since I visited her parents, she’s been more affectionate. The pair of them were wearing matching dresses, Motoko in white with black accents and flowery lace decorations, while Natsumi's was reversed, in black with white accents. The pair of them both look stunning. Shit, I’m a sinful, lucky guy…

Motoko in white

Natsumi in black

“I too have been blessed, as have many here.” Marika-san said quietly.

“I see. So, what does that involve?” Yae asked.

“Well, it’s a bit two-tier!” my sis winked. “Eri, Hinata and the others, they are stronger than most of those who received Chirurgery, as… get this, my bro’s love strengthens you! No kidding!”

As she launched into an explanation, I felt my face heating up. Damn, it’s embarrassing to put it that way. Still, she’s not exactly wrong.

Once my sis had explained, Yae nodded. “So, everything makes sense. The mysteries are solved. And don’t worry, Rika and I can keep secrets.”

“Yeah, while a few people back in Nishimorioka are definitely suspicious of you and Ai-chan, Akio-kun, only those of us who observed closely will be able to put the pieces together. After all, it’s pretty unbelievable, right? It’s not something you’d imagine is possible.”

“No kidding. Anyway, one last thing? How does she fit in?” Yae pointed at the quiet Daiyu.

“She’s well… a Candidate the government asked me to look after. She’s Chinese, so doesn’t speak Japanese, so forgive her silence. I guess she’s also a bit of a fourth category. Not that it matters…”

“Yes, what does matter is that I’m pretty insulted, Aki!” Yae protested, pouting cutely.

“I’m not as irked as Yae, but I get it. I’m feeling a bit hurt too.” Rika-san agreed.

“You told the friends of this Kana girl, but not us? I was your first date, Aki, and your first kiss! How could you do that to me?”

“Liar!” I laughed. “First date, maybe, but we never did anything inappropriate. I’d just started going out with Eri the day before. But… yeah, my sis was feeling pretty bad you weren’t in the loop. It’s all Shaeula’s fault though, she roped them in without my permission…”

“Well, I see no harm in Yae and Rika knowing. Besides, they are a point-point of weakness. Aiko is too troublesome to target herself now she is stronger, so they may well-well go after her friends instead, no?” as the two looked a bit panicked, I hastened to reassure them.

“Don’t worry, that’s why there are those strangers in town. They are guarding everyone who might be at risk, no matter how small.” But there are never enough numbers, that’s why the Black Wolf is useful as a core. And then I can recruit and train further trustworthy people. Shaeula’s befuddling winds are a necessity too. If they are guarding people that matter, I want surety…

“That’s a relief.” Yae sighed, and Rika-san echoed her. “Well, it seems our trip to Tokyo will be more eventful than we thought. I just hope we have some time for shopping tomorrow. You owe us, for keeping secrets!”

There was laughter, and I relaxed a little. Well, that wasn’t so bad. But… I get the feeling Hayato-san and the guys won’t be quite so accepting…


“You may as well do it now before you get changed.” Aiko said. “After all, you’ll have to strip off for the Chirurgery.” Aiko told her as she was lying down on the bed. Across from her, Shaeula had Rika-san lying down as well, hidden behind a folding screen.

“Strip? You mean… like… naked?” Yae flushed a little, eyeing me. “In front of Aki? I mean, I can, I’m not exactly shy… oh, but don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t go around flashing just anyone!” she protested quickly. “… it’s just… well, I’m not ashamed of my body, but it’s still embarrassing!”

Deciding to put her out of her misery, I smiled gently. “Well, you could have Shaeula do it if you’d prefer? But I don’t need you to strip anymore. I’m way better at it now, besides, I have this.” I tapped my Eye as it glowed. “This lights your chakra network right up.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot you had the eye that could see through clothes.” Aiko said. “Eri told me that was causing half the problems with that Diviner lady.”

“You can see through clothes?” Yae squealed. “That’s one perverted superpower!”

“You don’t have to worry, I don’t use it for evil.” I promised. “I’m not that sort of guy.” I don’t think even Yasu-san would use it that way, though I guess he might be tempted.

“Well, when you are rocking seven gorgeous girlfriends, I don’t think you need to get your kicks from voyeurism, Aki.” She admitted. “Damn, when Shaeula admitted she was your lover as well as Eri when she visited, we were shocked. Then the noble girls were clearly gunning for you too… but this. I’m still struggling to believe it.”

“Me too. And it’s pretty much all my fault!” my sis said proudly, striking her chest with a fist.

“And why are you so proud of that?” I asked, bringing more laughter from my sister. We were then interrupted by a sobbing gasp from Rika-san, followed by more cries of pain. Yae tensed, face pale.

“Rika?” she called out, only for a moan to be her only answer from her.

“Do not-not worry. I am just creating her chakras. We have done-done this many times. I do not-not see much going wrong.” Shaeula called over.

“Yeah.” Aiko said, taking Yae’s hand. “Sorry Rika-chan, Yae-chan. This hurts like hell. And prickles like a bitch for the first few days afterwards. But suck it up! The benefits are totally worth it. and we have to hurry. We need to change, and I’m hoping to wait until my bro has left the room…” she eyed the deep blue dress to match her eyes that was hanging up.

“All right. I’m ready. Be gentle, Aki!” Yae managed, and my sis snorted at her phrasing.

“You wish.” Aiko squeezed her hand.

“Besides.” Yae muttered. “I doubt you’d care that much if Aki was here or not…. Argh… uh… you’ve pierced me deep, I can feel it in my stomach…” Yae gasped and moaned as the careful blades of aether pierced her body, opening up the root chakra and boring the correct capillaries between that and the sacral chakra.

“I’m being as gentle as I can.” I said, alleviating a little of the discomfort with a flow of aether. “Be thankful I’m getting way better and faster at this. We’re already on your solar plexus chakra now. Though the hard bit is coming soon…”

“This feels… hard enough… already!” Yae was gasping, tears in her eyes, sweat soaking her t-shirt, turning it a little transparent, but I refused to be distracted. Not during Chirurgery anyway.

“Just think of the benefits. My skin has been beautiful ever since I mastered this.” Aiko promised. “No more spots or greasy skin. Your hair will be supple and clean, which probably matters more to you as you bleach it, and…”

Here goes. The lunar chakra. The hardest bit. Split Thoughts working rapidly, I quickly created the whole new network that no human should have, tying it into the surrounding main trunk of the body, which aligned with the seven ordinary chakras. I couldn’t help but marvel at the benefits my sis was extolling. Nothing about strength or intelligence, all beauty related. Well, I guess Yae and Rika-san aren’t exactly going to be fighting, are they?

“… show you the Boundary. It’s pretty cool. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe. My golden sister army will keep you both totally protected!” my sis was saying.

“You mentioned that before? You mean the Golden Warriors of Kannon?” I asked, before turning to Yae once more. “Just the third eye and crown left. We’re nearly done. You’ve been brave.” I assured her, before inflicting further pain, wincing at her hoarse cry.

“Yeah well, it’s all about visualisation, right? Like most of the exercises.” She looked down. “It just so happens, I find it easier to think of Eri, Shaeula and the others, so the statues… well, they kind of look like them. Teehee?” she tried to look cute, sticking out her tongue and pulling down her eyelid with her free hand.

“Well, I’d be very careful letting Eri see that.” I warned her. “All right, just a final sweep through. Nearly done.” I promised, and with a last surge of aether she was completed.

Drawing in shuddering breaths, Yae quivered. “Aki, you brute. I should ask you to take responsibility.” When I laughed at that, she looked at me indignantly, only for me to explain that Kana had basically behaved pretty much the same during her Chirurgery, even saying most of the same things.

“That makes sense.” My sis snickered. “You’ll get on with Kana. Her friends too. They are all fashionable girls.”

“Well, before that, you all need to change. And maybe you should take a quick shower and touch up your makeup first.” I pointed out, and Yae’s hands went to her face, wincing as she felt the sweat that made her makeup run unpleasantly.

“I am nearly done-done here.” Shaeula called, over Rika-san’s gasps. “Go on ahead, we shall see-see you soon.” And with those words from her, I slipped quietly out of the room.


“I have to say, this is really nice. It reminds me of the first time we met.” Eri was saying to Hinata, as we sat at the best table, right next to the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that opened up the view of central Tokyo to us. In the near distance, the lights of Akihabara were twinkling, and Tokyo tower was also visible behind that.

“Yes, it does, doesn’t it?” Hinata agreed. She was skimming through the wine list, Motoko helping her choose. “I remember being with my brother after that awfully annoying party Takatsukasa house hosted to find people like Akio. And then, the three of you came over, and changed my life. Our lives.”

Motoko nodded agreement elegantly at that, and Natsumi placed a hand to her mouth to hide her gentle laughter.

“Oh, and try not to look so tense. You are only meeting some dear friends, right?” Hinata giggled. She glanced over at Hyacinth, who was also looking restless. “Her I can understand, she gets the urge to jump in and take the place of the waiting staff, but not tonight!” Hinata insisted. “Tonight, your duty is to be one of Akio’s women.”

Hyacinth agreed, her expression tragically resolute, which did make me smile a little, loosening the tension.

“That’s better.” Hinata smiled back at me. “The pair of you look like you are in front of a judge, awaiting sentencing. There’s no need for nerves.”

“I know that.” I agreed. “My head does, anyway. But I just feel so stressed. Damn, my Resilience is doing a really shoddy job right now.”

“I know how you feel. It would be easy to be them!” Shiro inclined her head towards the tables where my sister, Yae and Rika-san, Kana, Keomi-chan, Marika-san, the girls from Kana’s school, including Kikuchi Maiko-san, were all assembled. There was a separate table for Daiyu, and she was leaning on her palms, staring out of the window. I had wanted to put her on our table, so she had someone to talk to, but the others overruled me, saying that she could join us later, after everything was squared away. At least she wasn’t alone, as Kazumi-san was sitting there, since Hinata didn’t want her bodyguard on our table to further confuse matters.

“Let them have their fun. I’m just disappointed that Hotene-san wasn’t feeling up to joining us. I understand it though.” Even though the girl’s eyes had recovered due to the work from Bintara, her mental state was still very fragile. “Oh well, just got to keep an eye on my sis. She does like a drink, despite being underage.”

“Well, it is good practice.” Motoko said, having given the smartly-dressed waiter several selections from the wine list. He nodded politely at her excellent taste. “When attending functions, balls and parties, it is expected for us to have a little alcohol. So being able to tolerate that is a skill all young ladies must know and practise.”

“Well, Aiko isn’t a noble…” Eri protested, but Motoko shook her head firmly.

“She is the sister of Akio. Just as much as you are as his wife, she will be treated as a noble too.”

“I suppose that makes sense.” Eri conceded. “I don’t really like the taste of alcohol all that much though.”

“That depends on what you try.” Natsumi reassured her. “If you tell me what sort of foods you like, I can recommend…”

Having all seven in one place, all dressed up, it makes me nervous yet happy. Looking down at my ruinously expensive watch, I could see it was getting close to the time that our friends were due to arrive.

“It’s a shame that Miyu couldn’t make it, but she has an event to attend involving Fujiwara house.” Hinata smiled, trying to calm my nerves again. “Well, I suppose you could have insisted as she’s your vassal… I can still hardly believe that.” Hinata giggled, always happy to show our value against the true nobility. “… but then there’s no point needlessly upsetting Fujiwara house, is there? Anyway, I’ve sent out a driver to collect all your friends, so they should be here any time now.”

“Aki, does my face look weird? I mean, apart from the obvious. Shit, I don’t even know what I’m saying… booze. I need booze.” She grabbed a glass of wine and gulped it down, which was risky, as Shiro was hardly a strong drinker. Reaching out, I grabbed her hand reassuringly, trickling in some aether to strengthen her alcohol processing.

“It’s all right. You look radiant as always. What are a few temporary scars? You’re Shirohime, remember. Dear friend of us all.”

“Yes, yes. Damn, I feel bad making them worry about me. Well, we’ll make it up to them by partying hard tonight! Maybe I’ll even make it to Akihabara for once!”

“That’s the spirit!” I laughed, and for a little while the atmosphere of the table was relaxed. That peace was broken by the opening of the restaurant doors, a concierge showing in a group of familiar faces.

Here they are. Hayato-san was in the lead, wearing a smart charcoal suit with a pale lavender shirt. He was holding the hand of Hina-chan, who was wearing a demure yet attractive dress in dark grey, to match Hayato-san, maybe. Next was Shugo-san, more casually dressed, though still smart in jeans and a turtleneck jumper. Then came Yasu-san, whose gaze roamed over the tables where my sis and the others were, looking surprised. I see he’s made an effort, he actually looks pretty decent in trousers and a waistcoat over a dark shirt.

Lastly, Aimi-chan entered, looking around restlessly. For once she was wearing clothing similar to Hina-chan, a long dress with minimal exposure, in a plain white. Her eyes roamed the room, then she saw our table, spotting me first, before her eyes slid over to Shiro next to me, and her mouth dropped open in horror. Hayato-san had noticed us as well, and he was holding Hina-chan, whose face had gone pale at the sight of Shiro.

“What the hell, man?” Yasu-san half-shouted, turning to Shugo-san, who was frozen in shock. “What the hell?”

My gaze flickered over to Shiro, whose remaining eye met mine, an expression of sorrow within it. Yeah, I know. This was never going to be fun. But… it’s time. To be honest. About everything.

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