On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Interlude Two – The President Of The United States Of America

Interlude Two – The President Of The United States Of America

The still vigorous elderly man thumped his hand on the massive oaken desk in the Oval Office, as the images on the TV unfolded in front of him. He immediately regretted it, the solid oak of the Resolute Desk more resilient than his hand, but since there was one of his Presidential aides in the room, he kept his face impassive, despite the urge to wince and cry out.

“Just what is going on here?” he said, fixated on the scenes from Britain playing out in front of him, the Queen and that damn fool of a Prime Minister with their speeches, the footage of Prince Henry, burned and maimed, the shaky, snatched filming of a small girl running faster than one of the President’s own cars. “Is this some sort of prank? Are they joking at the world’s expense?”

The aide bit down on a sigh, shaking his head. “Mr President, that seems unlikely. Would the British trash their international credibility for some cheap humour?”

“No, but this can’t be real, right?” The President pressed, running a hand through his dyed, light brown hair. “If it was, why didn’t we know about it? What the hell are the NSA, Military Intelligence, the CIA, the FBI, all those useless penpushers who do nothing but give me problems, doing?”

“Mr President…” his aide said, trying to calm him down. “The situation is unfolding rapidly, there are still many unknowns. Nobody could have expected…”

The President thumped his desk again, this time with far less force. “We are the United States of America! We don’t get to say… we never expected this…” His tone was sarcastic, annoyed. “Do we want to be the laughingstock of the world, last to know about this? Whatever this even is!”

This isn’t acceptable. I’m the God-damned President, how am I only finding out about this on Television? It’s a conspiracy. This isn’t the first time I’ve been kept in the dark… “Get me somebody that knows just what the hell is going on. And get me them now!” He declared, and his aide nodded.

“I’ll make some calls. Calm down, Mr President. You aren’t as young as you used to be.”

“That’s crap.” He snorted, aggrieved. “I’m still young and virile as I ever was. No, more so! You just ask my wife! There’s nothing wrong with my brains or ticker, not like that old duffer they are propping up against me. Can you imagine it? He’s probably having a heart attack at these…” he paused, his blue eyes narrowing. No, there’s no way he knows about this when I don’t! But I will get to the bottom of this! “… just get out! I want details on what we know and why I wasn’t told about any of this, and I want them yesterday!”

As his aide left, his interested turned back to the TV, and he was finally able to massage his aching hand. There’s going to be a bruise here. “So, other powers, huh? I’m not sure that plays in our favour. Right now, America has the biggest stick, as it should be. Of course…” He watched the replay of the fast-running girl. “A machine gun or two, and her speed would be useless. No, no magic will stand up to the good, old-fashioned American Military Complex. But…” he saw himself in the mirror and grinned. “I wonder just what magic can do? Eternal youth sure would be nice. Or even just another hundred years…” Lost in his vain thoughts, he fantasised about what it would be like to have magical powers, until the door opened, and a familiar face was there, followed by one he didn’t recognise.

“Mr President.” The lead man said with respect. “You’ve called us about current matters, I expect?”

“Damn right I have.” The President shot back. “Christopher, you can’t tell me we didn’t know about all this?” He pointed at the TV accusingly. There was new footage, of the Princess of Britain and the amber-haired girl, emerging bloody and battered, only to enter the Tower of London, and scenes of strange people, one a man with a missing arm, entering the hospital where the Prince was said to be lying comatose and dying. “Is this happening here on our soil, too?”

“Mr President.” Christopher, the head of the FBI said softly in answer, the powerful-looking man perfectly suited to being the lead for one of America’s most important organisations. “I can confirm that these matters have only come to a head recently, and we have been trying to form a complete picture before…”

“Form a complete picture? Looks like you’ve been sleeping on the job, Director.” The President scoffed. “When you say a few months just what do you mean? I met the Queen in June, and I knew nothing. Was she laughing at me behind my back, thinking I was ignorant? Me, the President of the United States?” There’s no way that could be the case. That would be a shame on this great nation, and on me. Though I have been thwarted at every turn by the House, and even my own Party…

“Let me handle this, Chris.” A man the President didn’t know said. On seeing his confused look, the man nodded politely. With his brownish-blonde hair and sharp suit, he looked very at home in the Oval Office, radiating confidence. “I’m Adam White, Director of the Paranormal Branch of the NSA.”

“Paranormal branch?” The President asked. “Since when did we have one of those?”

“We have had one on-and-off for a number of years. Project Stargate. You must have seen the papers on that.” Christopher said, and the president nodded.

“Of course I have, I’m not an idiot. But that was all bunk, a waste of money and time. There are no such things as paranormal powers… or I would have said that was the case. The TV tells me differently.” The President leaned forwards, hoping the Office and the majesty it held was rubbing off on him, cowing his visitors.

“Let me field this one, Chris.” Director White said again, and the President racked his brain to see if he remembered appointing the man. I think I remember some paperwork when I was clearing out some of the useless dead wood. I can’t believe America is so rotten, they are all corrupt timeservers, no drive, no business sense. I’ll make America stronger, better, greater, but I need the marsh to stop holding me back, sucking me down. I have to drain it…

“Supernatural powers have always existed.” Director White said, shocking the President, whose mouth fell open, before he realised he was gaping, and adopted a more dignified expression.

“Is that a fact?” he said, eyeing them both. “Then how come nobody knows?”

“That’s because these strange powers are weak and useless. And those that have them were not idiots.” The Director continued, casting a glance at Christopher, who looked angry and uncomfortable, which the President picked up on immediately. There’s something going on here. I know it. “Such abilities are primarily present in old countries with unbroken traditions and historical groups. Sadly, while we have studies on Native American traditions, most of their talents were wiped out by us settlers, and the first and subsequent immigrants to America were religious and frowned on such traits, likely seeing them was ungodly and witchcraft.” His lips curled. “Perhaps they were not wrong. In any case, we have little legacy to draw from unlike counties such as China, Japan, Britain and others who retained their talented groups, hiding and protecting them.”

“I see. So, we’re at a disadvantage. That won’t stand.” The President said, picking up on the main point. “But wait, if these abilities were so weak, how do you explain her?” He pointed at the woman being replayed on the screen again. “She’s so fast, and what is she doing? It’s like there’s a tornado around her.”

“They were.” Director White clarified. “The most anyone could do was conjure a small flame, worse than a lighter, or perhaps have some undue influence on the mental state of another person. A small bit of luck that defied probability, or the ability to heal from wounds a bit faster than normal. Some abilities quite ordinary, others defying the laws of reality as we knew them, no matter how feebly.”

“I’m surprised the scientists didn’t track these people down. Maybe their abilities were useless, but if the laws can be broken, who knows what’s possible with study?” The President said shrewdly. “Fire out of nowhere could heat a boiler. Free power.” he said, and Director White nodded, a little impressed, which made the President like him more. Perhaps this one isn’t part of the marsh, we can only hope…

“True. Which is precisely why most groups were self-regulating. The Chinese Cultivators are a rigorous, hide-bound traditionalist movement, where Sects keep to themselves, and anyone sharing secrets would be killed. The Japanese shrines and temples likewise kept their traditions private, and the nobility and Imperial Family would silence leaks, sometimes rather brutally. Think about it. Yes, a scientist would be very interested in an ability to create flame out of nothing, breaking the First Law of Thermodynamics. Though our research shows that isn’t exactly the case.”

For a moment, the President was curious, before he became alarmed. “Wait, the damn Chinese? You’re telling me they have the upper hand on us? There’s no way we can let that happen…” Those damn Reds are a constant thorn in my side. They’re a threat to us politically and economically. I try to tell everyone, but I get blocked at every turn. Weak-willed fools in my Party, and those in their pockets in my Opposition. That sleepy old fool too, I bet…

“I merely spoke of the past. However…” Director White was completely controlling the conversation now. “… Mr President, the situation boils down to this. Some time in July, the exact date varies, though they are all clustered around a period of a few days…” Adam went on to describe a fantastic scenario, of beings calling themselves Gods giving powers to a small number of people, such powers defying all the rules of the world we knew. As he listened, the President went from excited to worried to downright terrified at the implications.

“So, countries with larger populations have many more of these?” he asked. “That means… China, India, they’ll have more than four times our number?”

“Worse. The ratio seems higher, from our research, and bear in mind this is all… covert.” Director White said, and Christopher seemed to look ashamed. I see. Well, it is an NSA branch, we have to expect some… shenanigans. “Our analysis says there is some variance, groups with the older traditions and abilities have a statistically higher proportion of these people. So…”

“China will be even stronger. Wait… that incident in Japan recently.” I had thought it strange at the time. Yes, I roundly condemned the Chinese, and I used it to challenge the views of my doddering opponent. It was laughable him trying to debate me on foreign policy. America first! Always America first. But… there’s no way it can be unrelated.

“Yes, it was clearly an attack motivated by this new paradigm.” Director White agreed, confirming the President’s guess. “The Japanese were on the back foot, yet from information we have gathered…” he trailed off, looking annoyed, before shaking his head as the President raised an eyebrow quizzically. “No matter, Mr President. It’s nothing, just… information is harder to come by now. But what we know is that the invading Chinese were soundly defeated. Japan and China’s relations are at an all-time low, but…”

“Yes, that man going to Henry’s hospital looked Asian to me. Chinese? I hope not…” Britain is our best ally against the East, having them in bed with our enemies…

“Japanese, actually.” Director White clarified. “One of the more high-profile of those the British are calling Gods’ Chosen, though I disapprove of the name. It seems he does get about.”

“He bloodied your nose.” Christopher spoke up. “And it seems like the Japanese are making alliances. It’s no surprise…”

“Chris, your son and daughter…” Director White said slowly, and Christopher lowered his gaze, cowed. Interesting. A big man like Christopher, the Director of the FBI, seems to back down when pressed. This Adam White is a bigger man than I expected.

“What’s that about your kids, Christopher?” The President asked, and he smiled, a touch warily, he thought.

“Just… no, back on topic.” He changed the subject. “What Adam here meant was that the Japanese and the British are clearly making an alliance. That girl with Princess Eleanor is known to us as well.”

“Really? She’s Japanese? Doesn’t look it.” The President was surprised. “I’m sure she said her name was Shaeula something… something… Dannan? It doesn’t sound very Japanese.”

“That’s a long story too.” Director White took over smoothly. “Needless to say, we do know they are Japanese, and part of their Governmental response to this new situation.”

You must all think I’m an idiot. Well, you’ll see I’m far from a fool. You think I succeeded in business, defeated political enemies, overturned convention, just to be treated like this? “So, gentlemen…” he said coldly. “Why is it that we, the nation with the best spies, intelligence gathering, surveillance capabilities and technology in the world is lagging far behind other nations? And why is the most powerful man in the free world, yours truly, the POTUS, fumbling about, learning about the biggest changes to the world in... well, in ever, from a foreign news report?”

“That’s a fair point.” Christopher said, and Director White shrugged.

“We wanted to make sure we had all the facts and details before we brought it to you.” He said, and the President thought he was lying. “But the situation has changed. You need to be briefed.”

“Damn right I do.” The President agreed. I’ll not forget this. If I don’t get the respect I deserve, I’ll replace you all with people who will give it. “Hmm… we’ve always had good relations with Britain and since the War, with Japan too. If these people are so knowledgeable, why don’t we invite them to the USA? After all, we can surely offer them better conditions than Japan or Britain can. Money talks, and if they are patriots, well, we can offer a little help to our allies. Business, everything in life comes down to doing good business. Besides, I like the Japanese. They enjoy good golf and better whiskey. Men after my own heart.”

Director White looked down, and Christopher seemed depressed. What’s going on? Before the President could speak, Director White sighed. “We have… already tried to invite them to America. It went rather… poorly. In fact, we’ve already been rendering aid to Japan as a result of this. A few billion here, military concessions there. Nothing too major, the black ops slush-funds cover it. But… making a further move will only cause trouble.”

“We should leave well enough alone.” Christopher agreed.

I’m getting a headache. What aren’t they telling me? This disrespect is terrible. “Why would an invite cause us to have to pander to a foreign Government?”

“I think it’s too late to keep things hidden.” Christopher said, and Director White agreed.

“Mr President. We acted for your benefit, for the benefit of America, and humanity. My conscience is clear. But…” he pulled out a laptop. “… this changes everything. Now the silence is broken, it will unravel. Our detractors will try and accuse us. Fortunately… we have negotiated with the Japanese and British, and our slate is clean with them. In fact… we managed to get a little benefit.”

As the laptop was switched on, revealing a series of files grandly called the Vermillion List, the President listened to the explanation, his jaw dropping. This… how is this even possible. But… On hearing the mess his Agencies had made of things, the President knew one thing. I’m going to have to take charge, no question about that. These fools can’t be trusted to do anything right. Only I can make sure America can be strong, unassailable on the world stage, the leader of the entire world, again…

“So, let me get this straight? We’ve been kidnapping citizens of other countries, even our allies, and running experiments on them, as well as our own undesirables?” the President asked after Director White was done. “A bold move, Adam.” He whistled. “But you got caught! That puts us in the shit! You’ve even agreed to send them back. This isn’t a few Afghans in Guantanamo, or imprisoning some Mexicans who cross the border illegally! These were our allies. Our influence is going to take a hit. Thanks to your incompetence! We even lost deep-cover agents. Some of those cells have been undercover for decades!”

“Yes. But it was impossible to expect that Akio Moonstone Oshiro was so skilled. The Japanese we have are rather broken. I admit that. But that does us a service. They can hardly talk about what they don’t wish to remember. And there’s more to this. It seems that ordinary people can have a fraction of this power.”

He pulled up another profile. “Christina Bakker. Double Black. She’s no threat and not a priority. But...”

The President read the file, seeing the photograph of the very pretty but dishevelled woman, holding up her fingers in a pose of victory, dirty white lab coat over denim jeans and a t-shirt. “She works for your department, Adam?”

“She’s our best researcher. We sent her to do our diplomacy, despite her being a total loose cannon. If she offended anyone and they took issue with it and injured her or worse, well… we have other researchers, and we could have used that as leverage to demand the matter be classed as a breach on both sides. Turns out she’s luckier than I thought. She persuaded Akio to enhance her somehow.” He pointed to the next set of files, test scores before and after. “Fortunately, we have her results from the yearly physical in the NSA. Look how much she’s exceeded them. It’s a gain of around five to ten percent across the board, in fact, considering her physical abilities, by means such as bleep test, weights and more, she’s up nearly thirty percent there. But that’s not all… she can now enter the other world.”

“Other world?” The President was confused again, but after the explanation he was floored. Before he could speak, Adam continued.

“She’s not bad looking, and the Japanese law changes seem suspiciously timed to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if this Akio is a lusty man. Perhaps she slept with him in exchange. I wouldn’t put it past her, she’s the sort that would sacrifice anything for her research, and doesn’t seem to value herself.”

“Who cares who or how!” The President dismissed that as irrelevant, though he had to admit that the scientist was certainly to his taste. That rack, those long legs… damn, why do none of my secretaries look like that? “What else can be done? I’ve heard rumours in the business circles…” he saw the two men frown, and dismissed them. I know the President is supposed to stay out of their private interests when in Office, but I’m a born businessman, it’s only natural I keep my ears to the ground for opportunities. After I win my next term, I can’t run a third time… “… about miraculous healing. That was said to be Japanese too, right? That mining mogul’s daughter suddenly recovered from cancer, my wife attended the celebratory party, it was a huge thing in Africa. And now you say this Akio is going to the hospital where Prince Henry is? That’s not a coincidence.” No, I can smell the connection. Unlike my rival, I’m not losing my marbles, my cognition is as sharp as ever. But… I wonder what it’d be like to get the boosts that scientist enjoyed. Being so much healthier, surely that would add years to one’s life?

“I agree.” Adam said. “More importantly, though we are struggling to use a lot of our data intercepts and taps, we still have a few people who support us in Japan. We have narrowed it down. And if he is able to consistently strengthen others, well, you can see the advantages will only spike over time.”

“I see it better than you. A whole new parallel world. Endless opportunities. Remember the space race? Well, that was for something useless like the moon. But… if this world can be seen and touched… we have to act fast, or the Chinese, the Indians, Russia, British, Japanese… no, America must claim it first! Do we have any of our own like him?”

“Not exactly, but we do have the identity of every American who has carelessly talked about it on their mobile phones, the internet or even in some cases in range of our listening stations.”

“I see. Good work.” Yes, he’s blundered, but maybe he’s not so useless after all. “Before we return those Japanese citizens…”

“That’s an agreement we’ve made. If we go back on that, our standing with Japan and Britain will sink to nothing!” Christopher argued.

I know that, I’m the President! “Of course. We will return them as promised. But… invite Akio Moonstone Oshiro to America. I’d like to meet him myself and apologise. Informally of course, you know how it is, we can’t lose face or admit to this, but… a gesture of goodwill…” And perhaps I can succeed where these idiots have failed. And more importantly… he glanced at the screen again. I’m the President of the USA, and the greatest businessman alive. If anyone gets the benefits of this, it should be me…

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