On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Interlude Three – Izumi Kana

Interlude Three – Izumi Kana

“You don’t have to push me, Kana-san. The Wheelchair has a decent battery, and I’ve got used to it now.” Eri-chan was saying, but Kana paid it little mind. I might not have spent long with Eri-chan, but I’ve worked her out. She’s secretly pleased, I know.

“I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Haven’t we grown closer over the weekend?” Kana asked, and it was amusing seeing Eri-chan’s eyes narrowing, lips pursing as she was unable to deny it.

“I suppose so.” Eri-chan said, a little defeated. “So, why are we out here? Shouldn’t we be back at the training school?” She changed the subject, and Kana held in a smirk, knowing it would just annoy Eri-chan. So transparent. I can see why Akio likes her though. She’s very amusing.

“It’s fine. We’ll only be away for an hour or two. Everyone knows what they’re doing.” Kana said cheekily. “And before you say something like ‘but Akio left you in charge’, I know. But he also asked me to look after you, Eri-chan, and I think that’s more important, right? You are important to him, after all.”

“I know.” Eri-chan agreed. “I suppose you’ve looked out for me. But what about your friends? They could have come too.”

“You’re my friend as well, Eri-chan.” Kana said as she pushed the wheelchair into the café. It was no burden, even without relying on the motors, as her strength was more than up to the task nowadays. “And after what we saw yesterday… well, everyone has their own issues, right?” As they took their seats, a waitress coming over, Kana continued. “Mio-chan and Asami-chan have been having difficult conversations with their parents. And school was a nightmare. Sure, not a lot of girls have met Akio and Shaeula, but enough have that rumours spread around the school in an instant. Being popular is hard…” Kana finished wryly.

“What can I get you both?” the waitress asked, giving Eri-chan a sympathetic look. “Are you out with your sister? That’s sweet.”

Before Eri-chan could speak, Kana nodded. “Yes, and it’s my treat today.” At Eri-chan’s confusion, Kana laughed. “Well, we’re sisters-in-law, aren’t we?”

Eri-chan had no response to that, and the waitress chuckled. “Hey, you make a pretty family. So, what’ll you be having?”

“The best thing is the seasonal jumbo parfait. So we’ll have two of those. All the side treats and toppings too. And for drinks… the mixed fruit juices please.”

“Good choice. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself.” The waitress agreed. “I’ll be right back with those.” She bustled off, and Kana smiled softly.

“This brings back memories. I came to this café all the time with Mio-chan and Asami-chan, though I’d only have a small parfait.”

“Watching your figure?” Eri-chan said, and Kana shook her head with a dry giggle.

“No, my wallet. Despite owning so much land, my family was poor as dirt. I always used to hate that.”

“Mine too. Akio’s as well.” Eri-chan admitted. Soon drinks and two massive glasses full of ice cream, fruit and treats were placed on the table, and the waitress told them to enjoy it. “Not any more though.” Eri-chan stretched out her working arm, and carefully took a bite, her face lighting up. Yes, you’re not very expressive, Eri-chan, but sometimes you do look like an ordinary girl. Cute.

Even so, Kana’s heart ached a bit seeing Eri-chan still so immobile. “Is… is there much progress? Sorry I’ve not asked much.”

Eri-chan blinked at the sudden subject change, going from their poverty to this. “A little.” She paused, eyeing Kana. “Don’t look like that, Kana-san. It makes me feel bad. It is getting better. I can feel my chakra network settling down a little. And Shaeula said I might even be stronger when all this is fixed. It’s definitely strengthening my concentration.”

“Looking on the bright side huh? Yeah, this is as good as ever…” Kana said, taking a bite. “You know, the first time I saw Akio and Shaeula, I took them to this café. Shaeula told him to treat me, so I asked for this. Two thousand yen. I thought I’d hit the jackpot. How shallow I was. I never thought we’d end up like this. I thought he was a pervert, with such a young girl.”

“Shaeula’s older than both of us put together. A lot older.” Eri-chan snorted. “Besides… we are both younger than Akio. And he’s certainly perverted enough in bed.” Eri-chan blushed, and Kana felt her own face getting hot. I can’t say I’m not interested. But I’m taking it slow. Dates first, some kissing, then… in time…

“I hear you are quite the animal yourself.” Kana retorted, and Eri-chan sighed.

“I bet Shaeula has been talking. I’ll be sure to complain when she returns. When she returns.”

“Actually it was Hyacinth.” Kana snickered, enjoying Eri-chan’s reaction. “They will come back safely. It was quite a shock though. Seeing them on TV like that.” As Kana sipped her drink, she looked at Eri-chan reassuringly. “We’ve spoken to them, right? They’re all right.”

“I know.” Eri-chan shot back, bristling, which Kana found rather cute again. “You were more worried than me when you saw Akio without his arm. I’ve seen how good a healer he is. He fixed Shiro.”

“Yeah, but her arm still existed, even if it was like grilled meat.” Kana swallowed, thinking about the scars the poor woman had endured. “So…”

“Ether Healing can do it. And if not, Shiro’s buffs on top, there’s no problem. I don’t like seeing him get hurt. Of course I don’t. But Akio was always willing to get hurt if it meant helping those in need. Now at least he can fix his own hurts.”

“Helping girls in need.” Kana raised an eyebrow, amused.

“Not so! He’ll be healing the Prince!” Eri-chan shot back, and for a while they bantered, giggling. I am relieved though. The battles in London are over, and the Princess is saved. So that’s four, right? Shaeula, Shiro, Princess Eleanor, and Princess Mikasa. I can’t believe that I’ll have to share with a pair of actual Princesses. No, Shaeula’s one too. So that’s three.

“You’re thinking something stupid now, right?” Eri-chan observed, and Kana’s giggles intensified.

“Nope. You just wish it’s stupid, but I’m a streetwise, popular girl, unlike you, Eri-chan. I know how these things go. After all, haven’t we both been snared in Akio’s web of lust?” As Eri-chan opened her mouth, Kana pressed on. “You can’t tell me it won’t happen. A Princess, all hope lost, saved by a dashing hero, at the cost of his arm, no matter how temporarily. A beloved dying older brother, saved from death. The country saved too, perhaps. If her heart doesn’t crack from that she’s not a woman. It helps Akio is handsome and nice.”

Eri-chan grunted in answer to that, so Kana continued. “So that makes three of these so-called Six Paths Princesses. What happens three times will happen a fourth, you know? Princess Mikasa seemed to get on pretty well with him in Kyoto, right? Doesn’t he call her Yukiko-san?”

Eri-chan sighed. “You’re right, Kana-san. Shaeula has said the same. She knows the taste of destiny. Worse… there’s two we just don’t know. What if they’re bad people, or they want to push us out?”

“We won’t let that happen. If she’s a bad girl, well, us older sisters will fix her. You’re first wife, right? Put her in her place.” At Eri-chan’s worried look, Kana smiled reassuringly. “Of course I’ll help you. The others too. Hyacinth won’t put up with any disrespect, I’m sure. But on that subject… Eri-chan, you’re still very formal with me. Can’t you be a bit less distant?”

Eri-chan sighed. “I’m… not good with people. Especially outgoing people like you.”

“Nonsense. Aiko-chan is bright and friendly. Just say what you mean. You didn’t like me, so now it’s awkward.”

“I guess.” Eri-chan sighed. “No, I’m used to Aiko, we’ve been together forever. But I’m not like her.”

“I disagree.” Kana idly spooned in more of her delicious parfait. I think one of the reasons Akio left Eri-chan in my care was to talk about this. She’s distant with Hinata-chan as well. She gets on a bit better with the more reserved Motoko-chan, and by extension Natsumi-chan, but… “You’ve changed. I can see it. Your spikiness is more instinctive than genuine. And you looked out for Hyacinth when she first joined us. You couldn’t have done that before, from what you’ve said, right?”

“True. Buy Hyacinth… Shiro, Daiyu… they’ve all had it so hard. I don’t have the heart to resent them.”

“That’s crap.” Kana swore. “You think you don’t care about others, than you’re a bad person, but you even tried to give me my chance when my pride was getting in the way, despite the fact you hated me. I haven’t forgotten that. Love changes a person, I think.” Kana smiled. “I certainly changed. Before, I would have found this such a hassle, though I’d have done it to appear the perfect, kind, attractive girl. Now… I enjoy spending time with you, Eri-chan. No, Eri.” It’s time. We’re going to be together for a long, long time. Might as well bring down the walls one by one. Akio wants this too. “No honorifics. We’re sisters. We’ll fight for each other, right? So why keep distance?”

“It’s hard for me.” Eri admitted. “I only started calling Aiko without a -chan recently, and I’ve known her forever. I’m a distant girl.”

“No. Not really. You just only care about who you care about. I’m the same. I love my friends, but that’s it. Everything else was appearances. But things have changed. I think… we’re the two most normal girls Akio has. Though you’re not exactly normal, you’re textbook yandere.” Kana laughed, and Eri didn’t protest, merely thinking, spoon in her hand, parfait slowly melting.

“More than ever, we have to be his grounding. The world’s changed, right?” Kana nodded towards some girls sitting at another table. They went to a local school different to her own, and were in their own uniforms, blue sailor suits.

“… wish I could do magic!” one was saying.

“… totally crazy. Did you see that girl though? You would bar-bar my way? So cute! I’d let her be my little sister and hug her and dress her up!”

Kana barely kept in laugher at that, and she could see Eri was red-faced, thinking something similar. Continuing to listen, their excellent hearing easily eavesdropping, Eri’s face twisted into an expression of worry.

“… see the news? They say that Japanese guy was the hero who saved the Princess! They’re not naming him yet, but wasn’t he super-hot?”

“He’s crippled though. Lost an arm. Such a shame.” Another said, and a third piped up.

“You’re dumb, Mai-chan! There’s magic now! The Prince is supposedly going to make a full recovery, so can’t he get his arm back as well? I wish I was chosen, being a magical girl would be awesome!”

As their meaningless conversation continued, Kana and Eri changed looks. “See?” Kana pointed out. “We knew this would happen eventually, but it’s here now. Akio is going to get so much attention. Some good, most of it bad. And do you think Shaeula, Hinata-chan, Motoko-chan, Daiyu or Hyacinth can handle it properly? Shiro might be able to. Though despite being older than us, she’s got no real experience of dealing with people outside her friend group. No, it falls to us.”

“I see.” Eri looked down to see her melting parfait and rapidly spooned some into her mouth, thinking. “They seem… to be taking this shock well.” She nodded at the group of chattering girls.

“Well, they’re young and stupid. This isn’t a game. I was lucky.” That day, if I hadn’t been loitering with my friends, I’d have missed out. “I’d have been caught up in this mess anyway, being from a shrine family, but I wouldn’t have the connections, or the gifts.” Shaking her head, Kana shuddered. “To the young, brought up on anime, games, manga… it all seems so exciting, like stories come to life. But not everyone can be the protagonist. That’s Akio and others powerful like him. I guess we should be happy to be love interests.”

“You could be a protagonist, Kana-sa… Kana.”

That’s so adorable, the way her face screwed up as she omitted the honorific. Makes me want to tease her… “Well, with Ksitigarbha’s Earthen Womb, I’m certainly important. But a protagonist…? I wouldn’t last ten minutes doing what Akio or Shaeula has. No, I’m happy being a useful, supporting, loved romantic interest. As for the dangers the young and stupid don’t see… who knows better than us?” Kana looked at Eri in her wheelchair meaningfully.

“Yes, it’s not a game. I really thought I was going to die.” Eri admitted.

“And people I knew from the training school. Dead. No, this is no game. But we can’t back down either.” Kana agreed. “As for them…” she jerked her head at the chattering girls. “… in time, they’ll work it out. Kyoto seems so far away, just numbers on the news. All they see is magic, hot guys fighting, Princesses…” she snorted. “I hate myself that I was that stupid before. All I wanted was a rich, handsome man to take care of me, treat me like a princess. But all I was doing was dreaming of being a caged bird. Beautiful, pampered, but… ultimately meaningless.”

“I was the same.” Eri sighed. “I wanted to be with Akio, but to me, all that meant was being with him. I didn’t have any hopes or aspirations for myself other than that. I’m so shallow. But now… I have goals. I’ll get back on my feet, train hard, and reach heights that prove you don’t need to be Chosen to be strong. I’ll be a role model for his allies, and… I’ll still be there for him, be with him.” Her dark eyes shone resolutely.

“Well said. Even if Akio gets more Favours, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be compatible, nor Hinata-chan and the others. But… you’re still pretty strong yourself, right? In a one-on-one, I might even lose. Well, not if I use the Earthen Womb, but in a straight fight, for sure…”

“When I’m back on my feel I won’t lose.” Eri promised. “But, that aside…” she eyed the girls sadly. “… the young may be stupid, but adults… there’ve been protests and even some localised rioting. Haru-san is stressed out.”

“Yeah, the new Ministry is having a harsh beginning.” Kana agreed. “I spoke to my dad, and he said that it’s only natural. Adults like the status quo, change is inherently scary. Especially change like this. Will people lose their jobs, or even their lives? That’s what matters to them.”

As they discussed that, the bell on the door rang, and a couple of older men, university age, most likely, walked in. Kana groaned, and Eri looked at her quizzically. “Kana-san… Kana, what’s wrong?”

“I forgot this café is a hotspot for pickup artists. It always used to annoy me, but I was secretly flattered too. I mean, I know I’m hot, denying it would be false modesty. But since this café is local to a lot of high schools with cute girls, it’s popular.”

“So, you like older guys then?” Eri teased her, and Kana shrugged.

“I like an older guy sure. You too, so no teasing.” Maybe they won’t come over. Though… the guys surveyed the tables, lingering on the group laughing about Akio and magic, before their eyes lit up, seeing Kana and Eri. Of course, no such luck. After all, I’m gorgeous, and even in a wheelchair, Eri stands out.

“Hi there, girls!” The lead man said cheerfully, and Kana had to admit he had a certain amount of roguish good looks, the sort younger girls often liked. His partner was the tall, scholarly type, wearing neat little glasses, though his eyes betrayed that he was just projecting an image. Yeah, guys on the prowl. Pathetic.

“Sorry, do you need something?” Kana said, clearly dismissive, and for a moment the two guys froze, before they smiled handsomely.

“Oh, well, when we saw you two sitting here all alone, we wondered if you wanted a pudding, and a little chat? My buddy and I are looking for a female perspective on some matters. For a thesis, you see. We go to the prestigious…”

“Let me stop you there.” Kana said, tired of this. “My sister doesn’t like strangers, and we’ve nearly finished and were about to leave soon. Sorry.”

“Don’t be like that… err, I didn’t get your name?” The second man went fishing, and Kana shut him down.

“That’s because we didn’t say. You’re bothering us. Can you please leave?” Kana said quietly.

“Yes. Go away.” Eri said coldly, but the men laughed.

“Oh, so fierce.” They sat down, and Kana looked over to the waitress, who hesitated, clearly unwilling to interfere. “I see you’re in a wheelchair. A beauty like you. That’s a real shame.” He said to Eri. “Otherwise I bet you’d have all the boys after you.”

“I’m engaged.” Eri said, drawing their eyes to her ring. “So stop bothering us.”

“Well, if I was your fiancée, I wouldn’t leave you all alone with your sister. What kind of man is…” There was a cracking sound, and Kana held in a sigh.

“Calm down, sister. There’s no need to listen to the barking of some dogs. Pick-up artists are all the same.” Kana narrowed her eyes. “I’m trying to be polite and not cause a scene. I like this café. We. Are. Not. Interested. And if you badmouth my… my sister’s fiancée again, you’ll be sorry.”

A third voice sounded. “Sorry, sorry. Are these two bothering you?” a third man said. “Just say the world and I’ll make them apologise.”

Ugh, could this play get any more textbook? “Instead of apologising, I’d rather you all left us alone.”

“Hey, your sister may be engaged, but you’re not, right?” the newcomer said. “Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear, uh…” he paused, clearly waiting for a name, but Kana sniffed.

“Maybe not, but I have a boyfriend, so we’re not interested.”

“I’m sure you can do better. We’re top students at…” he began, but Kana shot him down.

“Look, we just want to finish our drinks in peace. I’m sure there are plenty of other girls for you to hit on.”

“We only go for the best, darling. And you two sisters are the cutest around here.” The first guy said.

“Maybe so, but we’re taken. And you are ruining our sisterly bonding time.” Kana complained.

“Oh, so sweet. I like you more now. Well, how about some karaoke, our treat? Your sister could use a break, I bet. Being disabled is tough.”

“No, I just want you to leave.” Eri said coldly, glaring.

“Man, she’s hot when she stares like that.” the man laughed, his tone grating on Kana. When did I realise most men are idiots? No, to be fair, most people are idiots. Don’t they know what’s been going on in the world? Is hitting on schoolgirls the most important thing in their minds at the moment?

“Waitress, could you seat these gentlemen at another table please?” Kana raised her voice, and the waitress came over. Unfortunately these men were some of the most pushy she had encountered, and instead they started badgering the waitress to join them, since that would make three men and three women.

“Look. I’m done being polite.” Kana made up her mind. “Come on, we’re leaving. And since we didn’t get to eat in peace, we might not be back.” She said meaningfully, and the waitress flapped her hands futility and apologetically. Kana was then grabbed by the arm, and couldn’t believe it, looking down and seeing the third man holding her.

“Let go.” She growled coldly.

“You sure about that? Haven’t you seen the news?” The man grinned. “I just so happen to be one of the mysterious magic-users the world is talking about. These two are my apprentices. So… don’t you want to experience true magic? Let’s go to karaoke, you and your sister. And we’ll show you just how magical the adult world can be. I could take you both under my wing. Who knows, if you play your cards right, I might be persuaded to help your poor sister…”

The table collapsed, Eri’s temper now having reached past the point where she was idly breaking cutlery. Glass and wood shattered, and everyone looked surprised.

They’re quick. Haru-san was worried about this. Sadly us Japanese are a rather superstitious people, sometimes we can even be called gullible. Magical vase scams are still popular. Sure, not all of it is superstition as we have the kami and the yokai, but… scammers and fraudsters will start claiming all sorts of outlandish things.

“See? I did that because you insulted me.” The man recovered quickly, lying boldly. “But I understand.” He grinned in a manner he likely thought was reassuring. “Girls as pretty as you sisters, you have to be careful no… bad men… get hold of you. Luckily, I can teach you magic to protect yourself. Don’t worry, the process is almost painless!”

“That’s right.” One of the other men said. “The boss will walk you through it. It only hurts the first time.”

“Oh really?” I’m young, not an idiot. You think I don’t get the innuendo? This is why I never ended up dating until now. They think they’re so clever, sophisticated, but all they do is look down on us girls as fools. Akio never did that. He always explained earnestly, and while he’s overprotective, he lets us make our own decisions. Her gaze strayed to Eri, who nodded. Eri can attest to that. He is always there to clean up our mistakes as well.

“I have one question.” Kana said, and the men smiled, and the look in their eyes annoyed her.

“I see. Smart girl. I don’t offer this chance to just anyone. But now a fellow practitioner has exposed his hand, it’s time for us to step out of the shadows at last and train the worthy! I’m tight with the hero of Britain, you know. And I can introduce you to the girl in white. Wouldn’t you like that?”

Eri burst out laughing in derision, but the three took that as happy laughter.

“Oh, yes, I would dearly love to meet the hero of Britain and that girl.” Kana agreed, Eri’s laughter making her go red. “I have one small question first though.”

“Fire away…” the man’s hand left her arm and crept towards somewhere it shouldn’t. No way. The man suddenly grunted in pain as Kana snatched his hand, bending the thumb back hard enough for it to nearly break. As he turned white with pain and squealed, Kana smiled balefully.

“… what would an idiot like you know about magic? But if you’re unlucky, maybe you’ll stumble into someone who knows more than you?” She increased the pressure, and as the man squealed, the other two made to move, only to both cry out. Eri had struck them with thrown debris, her good arm more than capable of throwing them fast enough to escape notice and cause nasty bruising.

“Hey, let… let me go! Oww, oww that fucking hurts, bitch!”

“I’m sure it does. Now get lost!” Kana twisted and there was a crunching noise as the thumb broke. With a howl the man fled, and the other two followed, crying out as Eri threw more debris like a shotgun. As they fled, the waitress and the table of schoolgirls looked on dumbly.

“Uh, what happened?” the shocked waitress asked.

“Just a couple of idiot scammers.” Kana shrugged. “Oh, I do martial arts, so that was nothing special. Hmm, sorry about the table. I’m not sure what happened here. Let me cover it…” Kana pulled out some money but the waitress shook her head.

“No, it was an accident. Maybe the table was already damaged. And… sorry.” She bowed apologetically. “I should have sent them away, but they were a bit intimidating.”

“Do better next time.” Eri said, and the waitress nodded.

“I’ll get you a replacement for your drinks. On the house.” She shuffled off, and the table of schoolgirls came over, giggling.

“That was cool!” one said. “You bent his hand back until it went boom!” she giggled.

“Weren’t you scared?” another asked, and Eri snorted.

“What would she have to be scared of? Those trash are nothing. Just human-shaped cockroaches.”

“Eri, I’ve told you to be nicer.” Kana chided. “Although… I don’t disagree.”

“That uniform, you’re from that school, right?”

Kana nodded. “That’s right. I know your school uniform as well.” As they started chatting, Kana warned them to beware scammers, while Eri nodded along occasionally. I admit it was satisfying breaking his thumb. Thinking he can touch me as he pleases… he’s lucky I didn’t break more. Eri sure would have…

As she reddened thinking about who she wanted to touch her, the girls from the nearby school squealed happily, and talk turned to boys. Seated at a new table, Kana and Eri were surrounded by girls. Glancing at her phone, she held in a sigh. I suppose the others can manage without me for a bit longer. But… firing off a text to Haru-san, who would pull CCTV from the café using Ministry powers, Kana knew that there would be more and more people claiming such fraudulent abilities. Although if they did have a Divine Favour things could have got messy. Though… There were the pictures on her phone with Akio and Shaeula. If the idiots still wanted to trouble them after that, then there was no helping them…

As the conversation continued, about magic, London, Kyoto and more, Kana exchanged a glance with Eri. It’s all different now. My class has been spreading that those of us at my shrine are involved. Sooner or later it’ll reach other schools as well, through girls who are friends or relatives… Soon there would be nowhere to hide, and Kana, Eri and the others would have to face the public, where pests and frauds like those guys would be the least of their worries…

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