On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Interlude One – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

Interlude One – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

“Ai, dear, have you done all your homework? It’s no good letting things slip now.” Mom said, and I rolled over on the sofa, waving calmly. Over on the other chair, auntie Mori chuckled, though there was a trace of sadness in her smile. Still thinking about Eri, I guess. She’s still not better, but from what she says, she’s slowly feeling a little stronger. I don’t think Eri would lie to me…

“It’s done, I know. Wow, give me some credit. I’m not going to blow my chance of getting into uni.” I had done all of my homework a few hours ago, and it was easy enough nowadays. English was never any issue, and now mathematics was similarly trivial. Even my weaker subjects had been fixed by my better memory and faster brain. I was no long dumb Aiko, but a genius like Eri! Yeah, I can hear my bro and Eri both saying I wasn’t that stupid, but compared to them it sometimes felt like it…

“I wish my little Eri was so motivated.” Auntie Mori said quietly. “I’d love to see her go to university as well. She’s always had the brains for it. But she’s on a different path.”

“Your daughter, no, our daughter…” Mom grinned. She was in total high spirits all the time recently, especially when Shaeula sent her pictures or texts. That girl was a total photo-fiend, you’d never guess she wasn’t even human. Hinata-chan is good at sending messages too. And Kana-chan has ramped up recently. I guess they know my bro is soft on mom. Buttering her up is a smart move. “… wanted to be a wife, not a worker. As long as she’s following her dream, it’s all good!”

“Besides…” I interrupted my mom, surprising her. “…I wouldn’t rule her out yet, you know? Everyone’s trying to improve themselves to help out big bro, so Eri might find something else she wants to do, when she’s back on her feet.” Tasteless pun there, but Eri isn’t letting it get her down. Sure, she has her moments of depression, but being with Akio, and the other girls looking after her, she’s fine…

“I hope so.” Auntie said, and we fell silent for a moment, before dad called us from the other room, where he and uncle were watching television. We might as well move to a bigger house and all move in together. Uncle and auntie practically live here now. And it’s not like we have money worries, bro is filthy rich…

“Everyone, come quickly!” he said urgently, and we all exchanged puzzled glances. I hopped off the sofa and followed them in, only to see uncle and dad watching the TV, wide-eyed, dad with a serious expression in his grey eyes.

“Hey, isn’t that…?” I was startled. “That’s the Queen of the United Kingdom, right?” I know my bro was there a few days ago. Meeting more Princesses. Wonder if he wooed her? That’d be neat, having her as a sister-in-law. Well, Eri might not think so…

“It’s an emergency broadcast.” Dad said. “This will lead to trouble.” He said meaningfully, looking at me.

Oh. I see. Wow, yeah… no kidding. The news reporters were looking grave and confused, but they were doing their best to offer their translations and commentary on the Queen’s words, not that I needed them.

“If we do nothing, that which protects Britain will be lost, and our granddaughter and those who fight for our cause will perish, leaving us alone and unprotected in the new world. We cannot allow this. So we implore you all…” she was saying, and I blinked, stunned, as the truth my bro and the others were trying to hide was spilled out so easily, to the world.

“Wow. Wowowowowowowowow! Shit!” I declared, and for once dad didn’t scold me for unladylike vulgarity.

“There you have it!” the anchor, an older man, was saying. “This was broadcast in the United Kingdom mere minutes ago. We will be replaying it on the hour, every hour until we have more news. Prince Henry has been mauled, and…”

As they spoke, dad seemed concerned. “This will lead to further digging on Kyoto. Both incidents. The truth will not be buried. As somebody there and involved, what will you do, Aiko?”

“Me?” I shrugged. “That’s easy. Whatever bro and the others want. When I accepted the Favour, I accepted that I was going to have to step up. There’s nothing more priceless in the world right now, and bro trusted me with it. How can I let him down?”

“Ai, you’ve grown up!” Mom said, hugging me tight, nearly suffocating me in her chest. I tapped on her arm until she let me go. Damn, will I get as big as mom one day? I hope so…

“It’s going to be clear that we are involved. School knows little Eri was injured in Kyoto. And little Aki was too eye-catching in his previous visits. Even you’ve changed a lot, little Ai.” Auntie was saying, and I couldn’t disagree.

“It doesn’t matter. If worst comes to worst, well, I’ll pull out the golden sister army to protect us! We can always move to Tokyo if the town turns on us.” I said, resolute. We continued to discuss things, watching the news, until several hours later, the hour well past my bedtime, though it wasn’t like I needed more than an hour or two of sleep to fully restore myself now, we saw another shocking sight.

“Live from London, a woman, impossibly fast, and seemingly of some importance…” the news anchor was saying again, and though the face was obscured with a wide-brimmed (and rather cute) hat, with that size and hair it could only be Shaeula. Guess bro is really there again…

“You would bar-bar my way?” Her voice was clear on the footage, and the green glow of wind element unfolded her, hem of her dress fluttering prettily, leaves and debris spun into a vortex around her. She then named herself, and the reporters started talking about her, and her display.

“That’s it. A lot of people in town will know.” Mom said. “Nobody forgets a cutie like Shaeula. So, Aki’s there too, I guess? I thought his trip was over…”

“Where there’s a girl in trouble, bro will be there.” I said, and auntie frowned, still not entirely pleased at the way bro was expanding his harem. I couldn’t say I blamed her, I did feel a little bad for Eri, but the girl herself had resigned herself to it, so who were we to complain? “I’m not fully clued-in on everything, but this whole Six Paths Princess thing is a big deal. If Princess Eleanor is in danger, he'll have to go save her.” I can't wait to see all bro's girlfriends again. They're all so beautiful, especially Shiro. Damn, he's such a lucky dog. All those years of my jokes about him being a loser virgin have built up his karma, I bet!

Now nobody was telling me to go to bed, we stayed up, watching the footage. My phone rang, and I ignored it, but the instant messenger app on my phone was on fire. Sighing, I looked to see it was messages from girls in the volleyball and Kyūdō clubs, as well as other friends I had.

“Yeah, no surprise, those who were asleep or busy have been called by everyone else, and now the whole town is watching and has seen Shaeula.” I typed back a message to the groups. Yes, I see that. Yes, obviously it’s Shaeula. No, I’m not going to talk about it right now. Calm down, I’m watching TV just like you all are.

One girl, Tomoko-chan, from my volleyball team, pointed out that if Shaeula was there, and clearly using magic, my bro must be too. I had no answer to that. Rika-chan and Yae-chan were messaging me too, panicked, so I told them to calm down, that I’d handle everything. At least they are in it together with me, since they had the Chirurgery. Sucks to be them now!

The reporter had dug up information on Shaeula’s false family registry, seeming surprised she had a Japanese identity. As they speculated, and footage surfaced of Shaeula also leaping a wall twice her height and running faster than a car, talk did indeed turn to Kyoto, and there was also footage of large rallies forming, protesting outside the Diet building in Tokyo. Information on Kyoto was being replayed, and in light of this a lot of discrepancies were being re-examined.

As the hour grew late, there was more breaking news, that the Princess was safe, and there was footage of her, looking rather battered and bloody, along with Shaeula, her own white dress filthy and soiled. She won’t like that. It’s why I change out of my uniform when I enter the Boundary. At least I’m strong enough to do it safely from my own bed when I want now…

“It seems the Queen has more to say, and…” There was footage of a hospital, where the Prince was being kept alive, and… I froze. No way. That’s my bro. On TV. Being broadcast to the nation. Wait, what the… bro, you total moron! As my bro got out of the police van, reporters captured him perfectly, but not all of him!

“Wait… Aki… why does he only have one arm?” Mom said, blue eyes wide. “I’m… not imagining things?”

“The angle of filming is quite clear.” Dad said ominously. “There can be no mistake. My foolish son…” He clenched his fists, and I could see he was worried.

“My boy, maimed. Oh Aki, what did you do? How will you…” mom was shaking and began to cry, but that was nothing compared to auntie, who was beginning to tremble fiercely, white as a sheet. She doubled over and heaved, splattering vomit over the floor.

“It’s just like little Eri… no, I don’t want to see that again!” she said, tears on her face, more vomit trickling from her lips, and I cursed myself for a fool.

“Dad, uncle. Auntie needs help. She’s traumatised.” I said, rapidly putting an arm around her, while looking at mom.

“Get it together! Bro’s alive, you can clearly see that. Auntie needs you now!”

Mom froze, blinking back tears, her shuddering stopping. “Yes. Yes, you’re right, Ai dear.” She swallowed, steeling herself. “Hana, it’s fine, it’ll be fine. It’s… only an arm.” Her face fell at those words.

“Yes, Hana, it’ll be well. Your daughter is still safe in Japan, I have no doubt.” Dad consoled her, and uncle joined in. Eventually, they got auntie and mom calmed down and in bed. Dad and uncle were drinking whiskey, not little sips, but big swigs. I held out a hand cheekily, more from force of habit when out with bro and his fiancées, and was surprised when he handed me a glass. My eyes widened in shock, and as he poured me some, he sighed.

“I do not approve of under-age drinking. I have no wish for my daughter to go off the rails. It’s more dangerous for women as well. Bad men will take advantage of drunk girls. I don’t want your brother to become a murderer. He would, if you got assaulted.”

I nodded at that, imagining it. Yeah, bro hates those that hurt women more than anything. If some guy did… that… to me, he’d make him see hell before he died. I don’t like thinking about it, but it does make me happy bro cares.

“But, you have a hearty constitution, and you are here at home. Besides, it is a night for it. I need a stiff drink, just to process this all. Right Junpei?”

“Yes, I can hardly believe it. I should though. After Kyoto, when son-in-law was involved with such important people.” He sighed. “You’re taking this rather calmly, young Ai.”

“Calm? Me?” No way. I took a sip of the strong alcohol, feeling a warming glow. “I’m super-pissed, trust me. Bro losing an arm like that, what is he thinking? But… I know more about things than you all do. He’s a genius at Ether Healing. Apparently Shiro was in a state where her arm was ruined and now she’s all healed. If bro can’t regrow an arm now, he’ll learn how in the future.” I had absolute faith in that. “Not that I care about that. When I see him, I’m going to give him a lecture he won’t soon forget! He promised me he’d be careful. And when he gets hurt, it’s not him who suffers, it’s the others!”

“You believe in him very much, don’t you, my daughter?” Dad asked, and I nodded.

“Nobody knows bro better than me. Except maybe Eri. We both know he’ll get through this. And… I hate to say it, but if he lost an arm, he lost it protecting somebody in need. I know it. A girl probably.” I snorted. “I wonder if there’s a woman alive who isn’t moved by that? Another one for the Rugby team probably…” I took another swig. “He’s still going to get that lecture though!”

“I see. Well, I will forego my own chastisement and leave it to you then.” dad said, and I was shocked.

“Seriously?” I asked, and he nodded.

“Who better? You understand far more than we do, you said it yourself, daughter. So, feel free to lecture your brother to your heart’s content. I will support you.”

I finished off my glass and several others as we talked, watching the news, until the light of dawn crept over the horizon. The Queen had released a statement, thanking the heroes from Japan who had come to their aid in a time of need. There were no names given, but the Japanese press were digging. It would only be a matter of time before my bro was well and truly famous… Wow, I’ve just thought, bro got all those women when he wasn’t known, if he’s a world-famous celebrity as well… Eri, I’ll support you! We’ll keep the gold-diggers away!


“Settle down! Oh, come on…” our homeroom teacher was saying, before giving up with a bitter sigh. I had a little bit of a headache, and was tired, as I hadn’t slept all night. Luckily, mom had recovered by the morning, and though auntie was still traumatised, she seemed a little better.

Looks like it wasn’t just me who was awake all night… I could see excitement and fatigue on many faces, and the atmosphere in the classroom was like a festival. I’m sure glad I timed my arrival just as the teacher did, or I’d have been swarmed over like locusts on crops. I glanced around, and saw Rika-chan and Yae-chan, both looking worn down, probably by endless questions from our classmates.

“Look, I saw the news, just like you all did. It seems unbelievable, but apparently it isn’t. Wait for the Government to clarify though, until then…” the teacher continued.

“I have a question!” Tomoko-chan stuck up her hand, grinning. “That was totally Shaeula, who visited along with your brother right Aiko-chan?” she said, and I resisted the urge to shout in annoyance. I said I’d talk about this later… “Your brother was on the news as well. Uh… what about his arm though?” she said, actually a little contrite, before excitement overwhelmed her again. “Is your brother one of the ones the Queen was praising? I knew there was no way your brother could have got so cool suddenly. Kenji-kun from the other class has been whining all morning, calling your brother a cheat and a bully!”

“Kenji-kun is an idiot.” Yae-san said, defending my bro. The homeroom teacher gave in with a sigh, slamming her hand on the desk.

“All right. I expected we’d get nothing done today. So, homeroom will be extended and it’ll be self-study all day. I won’t expect you not to be excited, but… no engaging in speculation, and do respect people’s privacy.” The teacher looked at me sympathetically, and I nodded, a little grateful.

“Yae-chan, thanks. But even my bro admitted he felt a little bad over bullying a dumb kid. But don’t think I feel sorry for Kenji-kun, he’s a jerk and I didn’t like him. My bro… yeah, it’s true.” I admitted.

“What’s true? I saw Shaeula surrounded by a green glow, and it was like she was moving things with her mind, everything blowing and flapping about!” one boy said. “It’s a shame she was wearing a long dress, or we might have seen her…”

I raised a hand, and a ball of fire formed on my palm, shimmering and blazing hot and yellow, drawing all attention. “You want to say that about my sister-in-law in front of me?” I said, angry. “I can always burn your eyeballs so you can’t see.”

Some people staggered away, chairs falling, but most people were shocked and excited, crowding around. One idiot even reached for the fires, only to jerk his hand back, fingers burned. With a sigh, I dismissed the fireball, sparks of energy scattering. “Now I have your attention… I guess it’s time to speak.”

I explained a little, nothing that bro wouldn’t want others to know, but about how certain rare people were chosen by the Gods. I glossed over my own Favour, only saying that my bro was able to train others. At that point, Rika-chan and Yae-chan were dragged in, our homeroom teacher, who had been watching the chaos with a twinkle in her eye, asking a pertinent question.

“So, Oshiro-chan, are your recent improvements in your studies down to this training?”

Before I could answer, I realised something was wrong. With a sigh, I gestured, and Yae-chan pulled open our classroom door, only to see almost all the school waiting in the corridor, listening.

“Wow, so annoying.” I sighed, but seeing familiar faces, such as Masaki-kun (Kenji-kun wisely had stayed away), my junior from kyūdō Akari-chan, and the rest of the volleyball team, curious boys and more, I realised there was no choice. Damn bro, this is something else you owe me! There were even teachers here, and the principal, so looking at my homeroom teacher, I asked if we should take this to the main hall.

After that, the whole school assembled, and I found myself giving a speech, going over what I had talked about before, in as little detail as I could. When I mentioned that my bro was benefitting from the new laws people had laughed about, and that he’d be marrying Eri, Shaeula and more, the hall was in uproar. I demonstrated a ball of fire, actually setting light to a desk with a fireball after the principal allowed it, and when I was done, he spoke.

“I can understand the situation is stimulating and confusing. You are young, you’ve not lived through changing times before… but rest assured, leave the adults to handle matters. Your education is still important. And nothing will change that. Also…” he looked at me sympathetically. “I appreciate Oshiro-san being candid with us. It seems her family situation is complicated, so please don’t be selfish, and give her space. As for the rest of the day…” he admitted defeat. “All classes are cancelled. But stay in school, remember your discipline!” He continued to lecture us, explaining that the Government would be releasing a statement as soon as the facts were clear.

When he was done, I was mobbed by people again, despite his words. “Aiko-chan…” someone called. “Do that fireball again!”

“No, what am I, a freakshow?” I protested. “I only did it so that you’d believe me. It’s not a game. This is serious…”

“That’s right.” Yae-chan backed me up. “Little Ri-Ri got hurt, and… you saw the footage, right?”

“That Prince looked really bad.” one girl said softly, and another boy piped up.

“Yes, and your brother, it looked like he’d lost an arm?”

There was more chaos at that, and I nodded. “It seems so. I haven’t spoken to him yet…”

“But he’s dead when you do.” Rika-chan tried to lighten the mood. “We all know Ai-chan here is a serious brocon. Though… can you blame her? Looks like Akio-kun turned out to be someone special after all. Maybe Ai-chan was just ahead of the curve?”

“Yes, Akio is cool.” Yae-chan agreed, and I held in a sigh. You should get over him, girl. Not sure you’d be able to squeeze yourself into the tangled harem he’s cultivating.

“So, your brother, he’s a hero, Britain was saying, right? Shaeula too.” Tomoko-chan giggled. “But…” she looked at Rika-chan and Yae-chan. “Looks like two people here got unfair treatment. How come you two got earrings, and then Akio-kun trained you on top of that? That’s so unfair! We’re Aiko-chan’s friends too!” There was agreement from all around them.

“Wow, rude.” I said, tired of this. “None of you know my bro, and you think you’re worthy of something so special? Don’t be selfish…”

“Yeah.” Yae-chan smiled. “Besides…” she twirled a finger in her bleached blonde hair, cheeks flushed. “I was Akio’s first ever date. I dated a hero!”

“Yeah, but you’re not one of the women he’s dating now, are you?” Tomoko-chan laughed. “Guess you got dumped by said hero!”

“That’s mean! It’s just… he’s a gentleman, right Ai-chan? He’s… well, I see it now. He doesn’t want those who can’t handle it involved. Even Ri-Ri got hurt, and he lost an arm. From London, from Kyoto… it sounds like this is really dangerous stuff. I feel… less bad about it, now. I’m not as brave as you, Ai-chan. And Ri-Ri has the crazy about her ever since she finally got Akio to date her.”

“It is dangerous.” I nodded, everyone hanging on my every word. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m just one that my bro has trained a bit…” I looked at the two flashy gals, and they kept their silence. Yeah, they know what they can and can’t say. “So bro trained me and Eri. Eri’s strong now, when she’s back on her feet, if you give her any harassment…” I looked at the guys, remembering how many had tried hitting on her in the past, or had said perverted things about her. “… she’ll snap you in half.”

“I get that.” One of the hentai kings said, waving what he was holding, a manga. Ugh, that’s some sort of lewd shit. What a lame guy. I have to admit though, some of their advice on light element was helpful… so in return… he staggered, as a bolt of light pierced the porn and it flared to ashes. He looked at it, stunned, while around me people laughed and cheered as the ash drifted to the floor like grey snow.

“Don’t bring porn to school, and definitely don’t show it to us girls, not if you ever want to be popular!” I sighed. “Anyway, you were saying?”

He looked at me, expression tense, face pale, before managing to squeak out his words. “… I was just saying, it’s how it always works. You get some sort of system, but it’s always because something bad is going to happen, like a zombie apocalypse, or a demon invasion.” His words spread a ripple of worry through the crowd.

“Leave it to the Government and the adults. All you have to think about now is studying.” One teacher said, and others echoed them.

“Yeah, I don’t know anything about that.” I lied. “But my bro, Shaeula, the others, they’re prepared. After all, looks like London was handled, right?” I’m still pissed off about your arm, bro…

“I have a question…” one boy asked. He was in the first year, and I didn’t know him. He looked at me shyly, and I waited for him to speak. Is he hitting on me, or…

“You seem confident that your brother will get his arm back through magic. Can… can he heal illnesses and injuries?”

“Yes.” I said, remembering his goal to heal Shiro. “My bro’s really good at that.” I showed off my hand. “I had a really bad burn here, he fixed it up, good as new.”

“I see.” The boy said, his eyes turning hopeful. “Do you think…? My dad’s really sick. Could you ask him when he’s here next, if he could take a look?”

Ugh, my heart. At the expression on my face, the boy realised he might have been impolite, as he backed off, but instead I nodded. “No promises. My bro’s really busy, but… when he’s here next, I’ll ask.”

On hearing that, several others came forwards too, and apologising in my heart to my bro, I sighed. Well, I guess they aren’t scared of you because they know you, and our family. I wonder how the general public will react… I could see Rika-chan and Yae-chan being mobbed by people asking them about what they’d experienced and how close they really were to my bro, Yae-chan blushing and fidgeting, while Rika-chan was rolling her eyes, exasperated. Before I could say anything else, another girl asked me excitedly what else I could do, and if I could teach her too.

“I’m not a circus exhibit…” I said loudly, resisting the urge to summon the golden sister army and drive everyone off. “…and you can’t afford my training! If you want that, apply to bro’s training school in Tokyo!”

At that a buzz went round, and the second hentai king said something stupid about becoming the true protagonist, overtaking Akio and having his own, better harem. “Dream on, jackass!” I laughed derisorily at that. “You think you can outdo my bro, you’d piss your pants the second you ran into a tenth of what he did in Kyoto…”

There was laughter all around, and that led to more questions. My eyes strayed to the adults, who unlike my excited classmates, had grave, worried expressions, which sobered my amusement. Of course, most people our age are used to this from anime, manga, computer games. To us it seems exciting and the sort of thing dreams are made of. But… adults. They understand consequences and outcomes. And that this appearing now can’t be a good thing. Hentai king number one is right… One thing was certain. With great power, came great danger. Every time my bro, Eri, Shaeula, Hyacinth, any of them, go into battle, I worry that this time their luck will run out. No, I have to stay positive. It’s why I took the Favour of Kannon. I want to be there, not merely sitting home, worrying. And seeing bro on the news, my resolve has only grown.

“Akio-chan, Aiko-chan!” one girl from volleyball was saying. “It all makes sense, you’ve been so good at sport recently. Now would be a great time to show off what you really can do!” The other girls on the team agreed, as did a lot of the boys on their own team, though they likely had impure motives. With a sigh I conceded, and looking at the peaking excitement, the principal having connected up the big TV in the hall to the news, which was of course still talking about London, Kyoto and oddly enough, some incident in South Korea, I knew that the situation would only get worse, excitement building, not dying down…


“Rough day?” mom asked. She was still a little shaken, but had recovered most of her strength. Auntie was at the table, sipping on a warm drink quietly, still rattled.

“It sure was. School was chaos, lessons were cancelled and I ended up having to talk about what I could. I ended up demonstrating volleyball, kyūdō and athletics. I set a number of world records.” I let out a bitter sigh. “Though my bro would demolish all of them easily enough. Then I had to throw fireballs and shoot targets with lasers. Nobody would stop asking about my bro.”

“Us too.” She sighed. “Your father and Junpei managed to persuade everyone to leave, but every old acquaintance and most of Nishimorioka were here during the day. Poor Takeyabashi-san at the shrine was harried too, some people know his granddaughter is on an exchange trip to Tokyo, and Aki was involved in that. Things will get worse before they get better. We did get a call from Suzuki-san. The Government is suppressing information as best they can, but Aki’s already been named on British TV so… there’s a limit.”

I paused, worried. “Are we safe? I know bro had trouble with kidnappers before. If they come for us… I can protect us, but I can’t always be here…” If anyone does try, I’ll show no mercy! The golden sister army will wade in blood if I have to. Bro trusted me to keep everyone safe!

“There’s a lot of Aki’s personal bodyguards here apparently. The Government has sent some soldiers undercover too. It should be all right. But… this is crazy. I never thought my son would meet the Queen, much less save my home country…”

As we talked, I slowly relaxed, the tension of the day fading. Bro, answer your damn phone! I know you’re busy right now, but shit! I want to know everything’s all right! And to have you feel my pain! Her phone was vibrating non-stop, chat groups, emails, text messages, everything being sent in a constant tide. Though I’m sure you have more annoying things to deal with than me… Feeling sympathetic despite myself, I managed a grin. “So, maybe we should go on a vacation? Get away for a while?”

“No way! You’re too close to graduation! No, you…” Listening to mom, it’s like things are normal. Let me enjoy this brief moment of peace. Because the minute I open my phone… With a wry smile, I headed to my room, mentally exhausted...

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