On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter Three Hundred And Seventy-Eight

Chapter Three Hundred And Seventy-Eight

“Welcome home Akio, everyone.” Eri smiled at us as we entered our home at the shrine. The hour was late, but it seemed that she had waited up for us.

“Yeah, it’s good to have you all back safely. I was worried.” Kana agreed. She was with Eri, holding the handles of her wheelchair, though there was no real need for that as Eri could move herself just fine using the motor.

“Yes, I am… relieved? Yes, relieved to see you safe.” Daiyu said in passable Japanese. “The fight… it was… difficult? Dangerous!”

The last occupant of our home was a surprise, considering the hour, but with a wry smile, Haru-san greeted us too. “Welcome home.” She echoed Eri. “Not that I had any doubts you’d succeed.”

“It’s good to be back.” I said with a laugh. Grulgor had already headed to his own residence at the training school, and Chen Na was being flown back to Kyoto, so it was just me, Shiro, Hyacinth and Shaeula now. “I missed you all.”

“What, me too?” Haru-san said, surprised, and I nodded.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing sinister. We’re friends, aren’t we, Haru-san?”

There was a long pause before she nodded. “I suppose so. Yes, I guess we are.” She seemed a little surprised at that, perhaps thinking her status as my Chosen Hero made her more of a co-worker or servant, but I certainly considered her a friend, we’d been through a lot together.

“If you’re done flirting with Haru-chan…” Kana grinned, a touch sourly, I thought. “… then why not come in and sit down. Are you hungry? I’m not exactly a great cook, but I can throw something together.”

“That would be most-most pleasing.” Shaeula grinned, slurring her words a little, as she had emptied a number of bottles of potent booze during the flight. “I could certainly eat and drink some more-more.” She wobbled a little as she walked, her suppressed Ether Healing allowing her to get drunk, though any ordinary person without her stats having drank so much would certainly be unconscious from alcohol poisoning right now.

“I will help yooou!” Hyacinth began, but Kana shook her head.

“Not today. You’ve just got back, saviours of Britain…” her lips quirked, amused, as she said the title that the British tabloid press was giving us. “… so let us pamper you. Besides, I have to show off my charm points as a girlfriend. Cooking a meal for a boyfriend is textbook. I’ll admit I’m not terribly confident it’ll taste great though.”

“It’s the thought that counts.” I managed, while Shaeula carried the conversation forwards, showing off the gleaming golden ring on her finger. On seeing that, Eri’s eyes narrowed.

“That’s not a new engagement ring, is it?” she asked, and Shaeula held her words teasingly for a second, before finally shaking her head.

“No, it is not-not. Though it is a gift Akio won for me, certainly. It is spoils of war-war. A powerful ring that blesses one with great Fortune. I have this too…” She flourished the old sword she had taken from the Tower, the Material version of Mortal Fragarach. We had the physical forms refurbished a little, though there were limits to what we could do, as we had no wish to damage their spiritual properties, but with just that, Shiro’s mantle, my boots and Shaeula’s sword had been made presentable. Hyacinth’s cauldron too, though it still looks ominous. It’s a good job we flew a private plane, getting a sword through customs might have been a challenge…

As Shaeula talked at length about her sword, Shiro rolled her eyes. “Let’s just sit down. It was fun going on a trip with everyone, but now I’m tired. I’m a fragile girl, right Aki? If it was me from before, I’d have dropped dead.”

“Fortunately, the new, improved Shiro is made of sterner stuff.” I laughed as we all sat in the living room, except for Kana, who was preparing a simple meal. She pulled over a crate of beer and dropped it beside Shaeula, who took several cans, opening them for us.

“You can’t improve perfection.” Shiro snickered. “Anyway, I can see jealousy in your eyes, Eri, Daiyu. No need to worry though, Aki here made a deal that every woman he likes can get a treasure. Oh, you too Haru.” Before Haru-san could react to that, Shiro pulled out her own cloth-of-gold treasure, grinning. “I got the jackpot though. Shaeula might be happy with her sword, but I got the treasure that shows I’m a faithful woman to Aki. Too bad, Eri.”

Eri’s dark eyes flashed, but she didn’t rise to the bait. “I’m glad for you, Shiro. But I don’t need that to prove anything. Akio knows I would rather die than betray him.”

“Uh, the atmosphere here is a bit heavy, I feel out of place, I should just disappear into the air, like a ghost.” Haru-san said, but I shook my head.

“Don’t mind them. The treasures are great, but not the most important point. So, while they bicker, how’s the Territory construction going?”

Haru-san glanced at Shiro, before producing a report, which I scanned. “I see. The time flow is back to the usual variance of between two and three times what it is here on the Material again. The calm is over. But without Shiro’s buffs we still end up pulling in less than with them, even with the time dilation.”

“I’m afraid so, so we are a little behind schedule.” Haru-san admitted, but I waved that apology away, knowing it couldn’t be helped, as saving Eleanor was more important than a little lost time.

“Yes, the Rhyming Tree and Shiro combination is obscene. The bright side is, now the calm has passed, it’ll only make us much more ether than before.” And of the plan works as I think it does… “So, you’ve managed to upgrade three more Ether Spires to Rank 3, I suppose even without buffs, our combined Territory still generates a decent amount.” When the Spires in Haru-san’s Territory were all Rank 3, it would be time for the horrific cost of upgrading all my Ether Spires to Rank 4, with a total cost of each one when rush-built of a bit under two million ether. One point eight seven five million, if one wanted to be exact. Our only blessing is, thanks to the calm ending, we can do it at a feasible speed.

There was also a report on my build queues. It was something I could check myself easily enough, but Haru-san was as efficient as ever, her previous skills as a Ministerial Secretary only further strengthened by her stats. Apparently, Miyu had been training her dancing as well, which had a positive effect on the Buildings being upgraded as always.

Now we had the Ether Density Anchor Spire Rank 2 at just under sixty-one days

Ether Spire Anchor Spire Rank 2 at the same.

Ether Spire Rank 4 at one hundred and seventy days.

While the Treasury Rank 3 was now nearly complete at just under three days to go.

Of course, if I wasn’t funnelling all the Ether to Haru-san, I could have finished rush building a chunk of this. But for now, we might as well keep the queues in use. The Ether Density and Ether Spire Anchor Spires were going to be my first projects once all Haru-san’s Spires were at Rank 3.

“Good.” I finished my beer, put down the documents and checked a few others. Impressed, I let out a whistle. “So many mastered earth element? That’s awesome, and Tsumura-san owes us. Thinking of Motoko’s grandfather, I smiled. Now we can use them as engineers to set up the factory for Ixitt and prepare for the various building projects Hinata wants to do. Of course, they’ll still only have a limited supply of earth elemental energy and wouldn’t be that skilled in manipulation, but it would fulfil two purposes. Helping create construction better than science alone could, and secondly, training their skills and talents.

“I have to admit, a lot of the success has been down to Kana-san’s efforts.” Haru-san said, and at that Kana popped her head through the doorway to the kitchen and held up her fingers in the victory pose, smiling.

“I told you I could handle it.” Kana said happily. “I’ve kept the training school running like clockwork. I’m a reliable woman. Though…” she paused, her smile wry. “I have to thank Ren-kun, he’s really stepping up as a leader, I’ve appointed him my second-in-command. The twins too. With help from Haru-chan here, their abilities have really helped, combining all the experience and talents of everyone into one. Honestly, I think I’ll manage to master another element myself soon, despite the second base element being far harder.”

“That’s great. I did want to talk about that in more detail. Not tonight, it’s late, but we need to gather everyone in the evening.” I replied, impressed. “I knew I could count on you, Kana. That day you called out to Shaeula and me was lucky for us all.”

“I’m glad you know that.” Kana’s face was pink with embarrassment and happiness. She vanished inside the kitchen for a minute, only to bring out a large plate of snacks, which she placed on the table, before squeezing in beside me, her shoulder touching mine. “I’ve been going through a lot of trouble. Not just me, but Mio-chan, Asami-chan, Hisano-chan… school has been crazy since you were on TV. I thought you were supposed to be keeping a low profile.”

“We did try.” Shiro snorted, amused. “At least to start with. But it all went to shit fast.”

“That is correct.” Shaeula smirked, face red. “Akio did not-not wish the Princess to suffer, despite her rudeness before. I think even if she was not-not the Princess of Humans, his decision would have been-been the same.”

“She has repented ooof her rudeness.” Hyacinth said, though I could tell that even though she had forgiven Eleanor, she hadn’t forgotten. “She will nooot go against us now. And Akio should make her pay up fooor all our aid!”

“That’s right!” Shiro approved, clinking beers with Hyacinth. “Hence why we are going to drain the Tower dry. So don’t feel bad about accepting an artefact, Haru. We’ve earned it many times over. We protected Eleanor’s chastity, life, brother, Territory and more. If she doesn’t feel the need to pay us back, then I’ll throw her out of the princess club!”

“Since when was there one of those?” Eri said with a big sigh. “I know Akio didn’t move for the gain, he’s too soft-hearted, but… we didn’t have a choice, did we? We need her alive. Still, I was extremely angry when Motoko and Natsumi told me about her attitude.”

“You’re always angry, Eri.” Shiro retorted, and for a while we merely enjoyed each other’s company again. Daiyu was the quietest, as always, so I asked her how her Cultivation was coming on.

“I do not wish to push my Foundation any further, until I have acquired both the Yang energy I need, and the Spiritually Pure Physique. I would rather hold myself back now, solidifying my Foundation, than press ahead.” She paused, looking a little ashamed. “I understand this is selfish, tales of your battles against powerful foes show the need for us to gain strength as fast as we can, but…” she frowned, a touch uneasy.

She let out a yelp of surprise as I pulled her into a hug. She stiffened, unused to make contact, before she relaxed, her face slightly pink. Shaeula and Hyacinth were laughing, Shiro was rolling her eyes, while Kana and Eri looked resigned, not understanding her words, but guessing from her body language. I decided to accept what can’t be changed. Just like with Asha, it’s not love, not yet, but I respect her a lot, and her dedication moves me. I certainly don’t hate her… “I get it. Cultivation is your everything. And you don’t want to risk your Foundation with some temporary gains. That was one of the things I wanted to talk about.”

“It is not my everything.” She said, embarrassed. “Not any more.” Even so, she was watching me intently, her dark eyes curious.

“We might have a little leeway in terms of time now. Our pressing issue shave been resolved, and though there’s a lot to do, we have to take advantage of this.” I said, laying out my plans briefly. “So, we’re going to be focussing on training and pushing our Territories to new heights.”

Haru-san spoke up, her voice dry. “Push the Territory? We are already going well beyond what is normal. I don’t see what else can be squeezed out.”

“There’s a possibility. But I want to speak to Asha first, and it depends on Hyacinth.” At my words, Hyacinth stood, finishing the food she was holding.

“I shall gooo and start setting up the Ring Gate immediately. I shall nooot delay…” I reached out, grabbing her hand, stopping her, and she blinked her silver-violet eyes at me in surprise.

“No, you’ll sit here with us and unwind. We don’t need it done this minute.” At my touch, she reddened, before sitting down again, to some laughter from the others.

“You need to learn to relax, or you’ll just make Aki sad.” Shiro warned her, and while Hyacinth pouted, Eri joined in.

“That’s right. Akio knows you like serving, it’s in your nature, but you also agreed to be a mistress too, right? It’s times like these, quiet times with the family…” she looked at Haru-san then. “You might not be one of Akio’s women, but you’re certainly important to us, Haru-san, so don’t look so uncomfortable…” as Haru-san let out a little nervous laugh, Eri continued. “… you’ve been on a long trip, so make the most of this quiet time together. I think that’s what Akio means. We don’t have anything specific to do right now, so it makes sense to make what gains we can. I’m only sorry I’ll miss out.”

“You’ve been working hard too.” Kana chimed in. “Eri-chan, you can move your toes and fingers now, right? And your limbs a little. Inside the Boundary you’re able to function reasonably well, if far from your best. Don’t be down on yourself. It doesn’t suit you.”

I see. Leaving Kana to help Eri has definitely brought them closer together. I’m pleased, as Kana was the girl Eri liked the least out of the others.

“Hopefully we’ll have an expert soon who can assist you.” The spirit light of Ginneka was brilliantly bright to my Eye, and I could hear her fragmented thoughts and feel her scattered emotions far more frequently now. “If she doesn’t know, well, you’ll just have to keep up your rehabilitation. But I did promise you a holiday, just the two of us, remember?” Eri nodded at that. “So once we’ve matters in hand… how about it?”

“I’d like that.” Eri said happily, and ignoring the jealous complaints from some of the others, I moved on to outlining my plans. When I was done, everyone seemed excited, though Kana had a troubled expression.

“What’s up, Kana?” Shiro asked, concerned, and her answer surprised us.

“Look, I don’t want to miss out. But… I’m also trying to take it easy, have a normal boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, you know? I don’t want to have to rush through all the steps. I want more dates, more romance… but I don’t want to be left behind. It’s frustrating!”

“Such a foolish worry. There is always time for such things, is there not-not?” Shaeula disagreed, but Kana shook her head.

“You don’t get it, because you’re not a human girl. That’s not a bad thing, you’re in love and enjoying your life, that’s great. But… this is my first and only love.” There were nods at that. “I want to do everything I dreamed of. Jumping straight to the end seems a bit sad.”

“I agree. It’s… relaxing, having a normal relationship.” I admitted. “Fortunately, your situation isn’t as difficult as Hinata’s. You don’t have the level cap to worry about. But we’ll work something out. Just because we know that the Fae-Bonded class can be gained through lovemaking, doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways. Initially, I got mine from Shaeula, and we definitely weren’t lovers then.”

“Indeed not-not.” Shaeula snickered. “You had just-just attempted to kill me, as I had you. I merely surrendered because I was a shameless coward, my boasts of facing death rather than-than dishonour mere empty trifles. Of course, I would not-not have it any other way. My choice was the root of so much joy, even if built on shameful foundations.”

“Hey, why didn’t I get that class? It’s not like we haven’t been making love, is it?” Shiro said, completely unbothered by the admission.

“I’m not sure. I have my ideas though. That’s another good avenue to test. I suspect it’s because you don’t have as deep a connection to the Fae as the others, as your chakra network is different. It might also be because you lack elements, though that’s a bit more of a long shot. It’s not like Eri, Motoko and Natsumi were wielding many themselves. Lastly, it might have to do with Tan. I am definitely hoping there are non-sexual ways to grant the class though, either through me or Shaeula, as I want Aiko to have it as well, and you too, Haru-san.”

“Kami-Blessed sounds easier though…” Kana changed the subject, having said her piece earlier. “We can do a tour of the Boundary Tokyo and Kyoto, asking the kami to bless us all. I doubt anything in Tokyo can threaten us now, and Kyoto is mostly under your control now, right Haru-chan?”

“Yes, we have it in hand.” She agreed.

“We’d have to find the root kami for each person though. It either has to be their home shrine, or one relating to the core of their being, right? So for Motoko and Natsumi, some sort of martial shrine or temple?” I pointed out.

“You just leave that to me.” Kana grinned. “I’ll get my dad and grandfather to put in some work. The list of true shrines can be sorted through. There might be some travel involved, but for growing stronger, we can do it.”

“Get Karen-chan and the others to help. As for elemental abilities and mutated elements… the spirit water has to go to Daiyu.” I said warmly. “Shaeula and I will convert all our water element the Territory has accumulated to it, and if Daiyu can master the Spiritually Pure Physique, we can then think about gifting others with the remainder.”

“I am most grateful.” Daiyu said, still close to me. “As for… other matters. We could… Cultivate together?” she said shyly, and I nodded, feeling my own face flush a little.

“I want to make sure it won’t have any side effects on either your growth or mine, but… yes, I am curious to see just what strength it can bring us. It’s not something we can share with others though.”

Daiyu shook her head. “Those who wish to follow the teachings of the Incorruptible Jade, I would be happy to teach.” She looked at everyone seriously, while I translated. “At least you all know your own Dao Companion already.” Her smile was surprising, like a blooming orchid, and Shiro laughed that she was surprisingly girly, despite her stoic exterior.

“All right. Lastly… and I apologise in advance…” I looked at everyone. “Ether Healing. It’s going to be brutal, but I want everyone to have it at least to Rank 6. It offers too much safety to not have it. And at that point, even without some sort of mystic vision, everyone can function as a decent combat medic. Those who do have such eyes…” I looked at Kana, who gave me another victory sign. “… Chirurgery as well.”

“Aiko-chan will be jealous.” Kana smirked. “I would like some help on how to train my vision though. Some personal tutoring perhaps?” she pushed her arms close together, emphasising her chest in the t-shirt she was wearing, fluttering her eyelashes at me, flirting. Shaeula snorted, saying she would teach her, to which Eri approved, and Kana pouted, though we all knew it was just banter.

“Obviously I’ll go over everything in detail in the evening, when everyone is here, but that’s the basics. As for the Territory…” I explained about the potential of what I had planned, though I kept a lot of details secret, so as not to betray my word to Eleanor and the Queen. When I was done, there was silence. Haru-san was the first to speak.

“That… it will work?” she asked, and I nodded.

“I think so. It’s not guaranteed, but I believe it’s got a good chance of working, assuming everyone does their part.”

“In that case…” Haru-san rapidly calculated. “I see. It’s possible. Very possible.”

“Finally, there’s a few matters to take care of here in the Material world. I still need to find a holder for Laverna’s Divine Favour, we have to decide on Nie Ling’s fate, and then…” I looked at Shiro, an impish smile on my face. “it’s time to pay my debt to Arisu-san. I have an idea on that as well.”

Shiro grinned. “I’m sure she’ll be happy, but… it’s not too crazy, is it? You don’t want to make her angry.”

“Not at all. I was merely thinking about the upcoming charity event. Besides, Japan needs something new to take everyone’s minds off the shocking events since Kyoto. I want her help with spatial element as well. I think I’ve got a shot of learning it. I’ll need to gather all my vassals anyway, so that means Suzu-san and Bunta-san, right? Kikuchi Shuta-san too.”

“There’s getting Ixitt’s business off the ground as well.” Haru-san said, noticing I had left her name and Miyu’s off my list of vassals. That’s because I think you both are something more than just a vassal, you’re both true allies. Besides, you’ll be gathered anyway. “That would fulfil our commitments to Ichijou house, as well as start bringing in more wealth. Your secretary Karen-san has drawn up a list of targets for purchase that would benefit you, but your funds, while ample, are hardly enough to be snapping up large chunks of the Tokyo outskirts, even with Ministry assistance in some cases.”

“Yes, so we have a lot to do, so now’s the time.” I finished off our discussion, downing the rest of my beer, before taking another bite of the snacks Kana had made. “You know, this isn’t as bad as you made it out to be, Kana.”

She blinked, a mixture of annoyance and happiness on her face. “Thanks Akio, I appreciate it. But you could have done the manly thing and lied, telling me it was delicious.”

“Is it too late for that?” I joked, and after some laughter, I stretched, stifling a yawn. I’m not really tired, it’s more just mental fatigue accumulated over the last few weeks. “All right then, I’m headed to the Boundary to speak to Asha and the others. Hyacinth, are you ready?”

As she nodded, Shaeula chimed in that she wished to make sure her sister had not caused any trouble in her absence, while Shiro sighed that she would start buffing the Trees again now she was back, as well as the many others who were likely eagerly waiting her return.

“I’ll pass. I’m a little tired.” Eri said, and Kana agreed.

“Yeah, I have school in a few hours, I’d like to get a little sleep. Eri’s almost done with her work online though. She’ll have graduated by Christmas if all goes well.”

“It’s fine. Keep rested and fresh, and this evening… we’ll start putting all our plans in motion!”

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