On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Seventy-Nine

Three Hundred And Seventy-Nine

“If’n it nae be ye pair.” Bjarki sniffed, eyes widening happily as Shiro and I approached his workplace. His eyes lingered greedily on Shiro, who sighed, already preparing to cast Anesidora’s blessings, before Bjarki suddenly paused, eyes going over the Twilight Brigandine we were wearing. They had largely repaired themselves, regenerating, but all the damage couldn’t be fixed, which his expert eyes picked out immediately. As his face paled behind his impressive beard, I had to bite down on a laugh.

“Storming Moonlight. It’n be fine, aye?” he said desperately, and I unsheathed it, revealing it was undamaged, which made the dwarf sigh in relief. “By Ivaldi’s bristling beard, I did fear t’worst.” He mopped sweat from his brow. I suppose I have trashed most of his crafts in battle, so it’s only natural he’s worried. But not this time!

Feeling a little proud of myself, I let him fuss over the blade, tapping it gently with a small hammer and eyeing it with a magnifying lens. As he let out another big sigh of relief, I praised it. “The sword definitely performed brilliantly, you’ve outdone yourself. It’s just the armour that took a beating, but it did the job as well.”

“If’n ye leave it with me, I can do some repairs.” He said, and Shiro snorted.

“You really need to get some assistants for that. Well, here are your buffs.” I watched as aether flooded from Shiro, enveloping Bjarki and refreshing the blessings. I cast a glance over Shiro as she was doing it, marvelling at the golden mantle that was draped over her shoulders. Seeing me looking, Shiro winked.

“I know, it suits me, doesn’t it?”

“Everything looks good on you.” I admitted, and it was true, as Shiro was tall for a Japanese girl, with a model’s figure, and an ample chest.

“I wondered what all the commotion was.” I heard laughter, and Ixitt appeared, trailed by several of his fellow Mortal Engineers. “I should have known it was just you flirting with one of your wives again. I am glad to see you have returned. There is much to do.” Ixitt’s eyes were excited as he observed the cloth-of-gold mantle, and the leather boots I wore, which were polished to a tan sheen, and looked a good match for my armour in terms of style. “I am eager to research these treasures and see how they compare to the others we are holding.”

Shiro grasped at her mantle defensively, unwilling to part with it, and I laughed. “You can study my boots if you want. Just don’t harass the girls, okay?”

“As if I would.” Ixitt denied that. Shiro called on her energy and buffed him too, and Ixitt barked a laugh. “I have missed this. Of course, working without these blessings has advantages as well, for I can remember the feeling, the proficiency, and it aids me in understanding the difference. But for now, I need all the skill I can muster.” He was looking at the Lantern strapped to my belt, swaying gently.

“Yes, you can have it back for study in a while. First, we have to try and set up a Ring Gate, and I need it for that.”

“I see. It proved useful then?” Ixitt asked, fascinated, and I nodded.

“Yes, though whether we can successfully link the Ring Gates is the issue. Hyacinth is confident, but the concepts are complex.”

“I fear Primal Forest will be discomforted if this works. After all, the plantkin make a large sum with their monopoly on the Gates.” Ixitt continued. “Of course, he would find it difficult to do much more than complain.”

“It’s not like we’re going to be sticking the things up everywhere.” Shiro said, having finished her blessings. “It’s not affecting the Fae Realms, linking places here in the Boundary.”

“That’s true.” I agreed. “But vested interests are a powerful thing. Just like in the Material, where we have to deal with nobility, big business, politicians and so on, in the Seelie Court it’s beings like Primal Forest, and their ideological groups. Shaeula’s been doing good work with them, bringing them into the redevelopment of the Spring, so they should have already grown used to sharing benefits. If Hyacinth can make this work, we can liaise with them to share the profits, and earn favours from the rest of the Seelie Court.”

“Look at you, Aki, being all big business. I’d hardly have believed this even a few months ago.” Shiro smirked. “Looks like I’m going to be a lady of leisure in both realms.” She stroked her mantle, amused.

“It may not be that simple, but… those problems are not for me to worry about.” Ixitt smiled. “I have other concerns.”

“I know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now.” I apologised, but Shiro merely snorted, amused.

“Don’t feel sorry for him, Aki. He loves it, I know. It’s just like me and my game. Sure, I moaned about the work involved, but it was a passion project. You know… when all this is over…” she looked at me, and I smiled, glad to see the old Shiro shining through now and again.

“I get it. When Earth and everyone we care about is safe, we’ll have time to live our lives, doing fun things. But your game might seem a bit unexciting, after we’ve lived it for real…”

“Rude much? My game will be awesome. But we’re getting off the subject…” she said, and I nodded.

“She is not wrong.” Ixitt agreed. “I am rather saddened that I have had little time for my more exciting projects, but others are progressing well.” He led me around the workshop to the Materia Tree, which was looking larger and more vibrant, though it was still at Rank 1. It must be close to reaching Rank 2 though, judging by the growth. Fruits were growing on the branches, looking like small round gemstones, and underneath were shed branches, leaves and other parts of silver, gold and crystal, of which several ratkin were gathering them up.

Past the Materia Tree, was the outdoor testing facility, and several new Artificial Buildings were completed. One was an Artificial Defensive Emplacement, and as I watched, a weaselkin Mortal Engineer was having it fire at some test targets, a small burst of aether hammering out, while another took notes.

“It is far from impressive.” Ixitt admitted, watching. “Unless it can be improved it would be useless in any large-scale conflict, the power and firing rate is inferior. It might perhaps be of use as a support for your students though, when they go levelling. As an added layer of security.”

I shook my head. “Maybe, but I’m not going to send anyone levelling unless they have appropriate oversight. I’m not Yamato-san, sending untrained allies to their deaths.” I paused, banishing that unwelcome memory. “So, what else do you have?”

“An Artificial Armoury.” He smiled. “As of now, it can only provide the bare minimum of supplies, but with better optimisation and Etherites…” he grinned, lashing his tail excitedly. “In fact, now that we have working models of the various firearms and other toys, I would implore you to place expanding the number and Rank of your Armouries as a priority. In fact, while the Armoury only serves to produce weapons and armour, as the name suggests, I have a team of researchers working on changing that, or at least understanding it.”

“I see.” I was surprised, but on hearing his words I realised the immense potential.

“I know you have other priorities, and I agree with them, but a strong foundation requires our forces to be well-equipped, and you have goals in the mortal realm.” Ixitt pressed.

“So, I’m not wrong, but he’s saying that he might be able to get the Armoury to make copies of other stuff, right?” Shiro whistled. “So, are we talking… anything?”

“I doubt it’s that simple.” I shook my head. “But if it could replicate some of the items Ixitt has created…” I knew I was right when I could see the gleam in his eyes. I do need to think about building up the Territorial strength, definitely. Though getting to Rank 4 still requires a massive investment into Silos and Ether Spires first… but if the plan works, I’ll have leeway. And I also need to upgrade a Throne… my Eye strayed to the shining spirit lights around me.

“Yes, while we certainly should not aim to replace your mortal ideas of production lines and factories, which are quite delightful, it would help in mitigating demand shortfalls and keep costs lower, maximising profits.” Ixitt agreed happily.

“All right then.” I nodded. “If my new idea pans out, we can certainly spare some resources for that. I’d like a number more Barracks too. And ideally, to higher Ranks, so we can start recruiting Kamaitachi and trolls as well. A larger Territory is going to need a much bigger army.” Damn, even with a huge amount of ether, there’s always so much to spend it on. I can see why higher-ranked Territories don’t just have everything they want…

“A new idea? Marvellous. It seems you have gained more than merely some treasures during your trip.” Ixitt approved, and I had to agree. With that, we left Bjarki repairing our armour, Ixitt following us towards the Rhyming Tree of Asha, and Hyacinth, who, was setting up the Ring gate, Daiyu beside her, watching carefully. Asha was there as well, and as they saw us, Daiyu nodded politely, and Asha waved cheerfully, a broad smile on her face.

“You have returned.” Asha said happily. “It is good to see you again, Akio. Hyacinth here said you had something important to discuss with me?”

Hyacinth jumped a little as she was working, her face red and smile a little guilty, as if she was expecting me to chastise her, but I actually felt the opposite. I’m happy if she asserts herself more, acts more like the others. Besides, she knows how I feel, and she’s just trying to help.

“Yes, Hyacinth is right. Thanks.” I said, and Hyacinth’s flush deepened. I took a look breath, looked at the mushrooms that were slowly growing in front of Hyacinth, then up at the colossal Rhyming Tree that was Asha’s other half. “I wasn’t going to back out, but thanks anyway, Hyacinth.” I took a deep breath. “Asha, we need to talk. About you and your Tree.”

“I am curious, but if it is an intimate conversation…” Ixitt smirked, lashing his tail, winking. “… I can sit it out.”

“Yes, so leave it to us girls and we’ll fill you in afterwards.” Shiro said playfully, looking at me with her dark eyes sparkling. You always did understand me well, Shiro. And you always liked to tease. I’ll have to tease you back later, like in London.

“Yes, you’re one of the lynchpins of the Territory development so I’ll make sure you’re aware of everything.” I said, giving Shiro a look, and she giggled, pleased at her joke. As Ixitt departed, we all sat around the forming Ring Gate. Asha produced some honey mead and fruit, also glazed in sweet honey, so as Hyacinth continued to work on the initial stages, I looked at Asha, unsure of how to begin. Fortunately, it seemed Asha had an inkling, so she spoke first.

“There is nothing to be worried about. I have made my feelings clear. And you did agree when I said I and my Tree were both yours, for there is no difference between my Tree and me. You like me, don’t you? Love starts from acorns, and can grow into a mighty Oak. We Dryads know this. We are rather unusual, for the Fae.” She laughed softly, and I was struck by her more mature charm, as compared to my other girls.

“She is cooorrect.” Hyacinth said, still outputting a storm of nature energy, her created spores sucked into the mushrooms, growing them slowly and steadily, with great care. “Boooth the Seelie and the Unseelie have little concept ooof monogamy, unlike mortals. They live and looove freely.” She paused, realising how that sounded. “Have nooo fear, Akio. Hyacinth will never have anooother. Ooonly you! Mistress Shaeula is the same, I knooow. Because we are alsooo influenced by those we form bonds with. But…” she looked at Asha, and her violet eyes were approving. “Dryads, the daughters of Orion, they are different.”

“Indeed we are.” Asha said, reaching out and taking my hand. It’s warm. “Just as we are bound to a single Tree for our entire lives, so too do we only take one partner, one lover. And I have chosen you. I was selfish, but it was destiny. You see that, I know. And you said I would have to exceed my limits. I am willing. So, tell me what you need.”

At her earnest look, I gave up. My last resistance, which I had rehashed over again on the plane, vanished like melting snow under the warmth of her gaze and hand. I guess I have changed. Before I’d have agonised and fretted over this time and time again until I resolved it. Now… I’m not sure whether I’m just more selfish, but…

“Aki’s such a pain, isn’t he Daiyu?” Shiro said in Mandarin, and Daiyu nodded, her own expression slightly peevish.

“Yes, I sympathise with Asha for I am in the same position. I too found my destiny here and am waiting patiently for his resolve.”

“Akioooo is not at fault.” Hyacinth defended me. “He simply wishes to be sure of his feelings, and yooours. Even if he is a little slooow. Hyacinth finds them quite clear.” Her defence turned to gentle criticism.

“Look, I’m trying to do what’s best for everyone. I’m human, of course I second-guess myself. But I’m nowhere near as bad as I was before. Otherwise I’d be lumbered with Moira, Soliteare and Bellaera, right? It’s just… look, I’m a selfish guy. Most men are. Even though I have a lot of women, and it’s not fair, I know I never want to share any of you. So if I do accept you, that’s it. You’re stuck with me. Forever.”

“I am already stuck with you.” Daiyu declared. “So enough complaining. Any man would be delighted to have the Ever-Beautiful Black Jade…” she blushed slightly at her own nickname, which was cute. “… as his Dao Companion. I believed this all settled.”

“Yes, I wish to be bound to you, body and spirit, as I am to my Tree.” Asha said, giving me no avenue for escape. “I too believed it was already decided.”

“It is settled. Even when he was getting all Yasu on us during our plane ride, he admitted it was already a done deal. He’s just feeling sorry for himself, which is totally Yasu levels of lameness. There’s not a man or woman alive who would feel any sympathy for you, Aki.” Shiro told me. “Now man up. We all know that you’re the kind of guy who won’t break his word, and you promised Asha and Daiyu both.”

Yeah. I guess these were just the last desperate denials of a fool. Gathering my resolve, I nodded. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have made you worry. It’s just… Asha, it’s a big ask. It’s risky.”

“I do not mind. I was dying in despair, full of madness, not myself. No fate is worse than that. But you saved me, restored my dying Tree, brought me to a new land, which is now starting to bloom…” she looked around at the orchards and fields around the Tree, covering the hillside almost all the way to the White Snake Earth Altar. “… I am well satisfied. If I am to die now, at least I will die in peace, and having given my Kiss. It is a peace many of my sisters did not know.”

“No.” my hand gripped hers tightly. “I don’t want you to die. That would make everything meaningless. Being saved, only to die…”

“But you need my aid, do you not?” Her smile was warm, soothing my fears. “I am not saying I wish to die, or fear I will, only that should the worst happen… I will understand. Second chances are so precious, and so rare.”

“I feel the same way.” Daiyu spoke up. “I was a cold child, only caring about the path of Cultivation. I still care about it greatly, and want to see the end, the heights that only those from Kunlun reached, Sainthood and even beyond, past any Tribulations the Heavens can throw at me. But I have no wish to do it alone. I want you at my side.” She said, before looking at the others. “And all of you as well. They say that the strong are often the lonely, and that the path to power is a solitary one. I believed that. But I was wrong. Power is gathered to protect what is precious.”

I’m defeated, as I knew I would be. It’s why I gave in before. I guess being away from everyone for nearly two weeks weakened my resolve. But seeing them all, hearing their honest words, it has all come back to me… no, they’re mine, and I’m theirs. Oak from acorns… my feelings may not be an Oak for them, but they aren’t little acorns, that’s for sure… “Fine. Daiyu, I’ve already planned to learn Cultivation with you. But first, you need the Spiritually Pure Physique. Once I’m done here, I’ll start converting Spirit Water. As for you, Asha…” I nodded. “… I do need you.”

“That reminds me…” Shiro grinned, her energies surging, aether pouring into Asha and her Tree. “Best get that ether flowing again. Aki’s got expensive plans…”

“I definitely do.” I agreed with a sigh. “So… Asha. Your Tree is the lynchpin of our Territory. With Shiro’s buffs it produces the vast majority of our Ether.” For a moment I felt jealous of the Seelie Court, which apparently had several bigger Rhyming Trees, and numerous smaller ones. Though I guess their expenditures are massively greater than ours, and it must take a vast sum of ether to move the Court when it travels.

“I am proud I can be of help to you, that my Tree means something.” Asha said happily. “One day, I hope to see the mortal world as well.”

“You will.” I promised. “it’s… not full of nature, I’ll admit. Mankind is pretty ruthless. But I plan to make a world that combines both nature and the best of science, one where humans and spiritual beings can all find happiness. To do that though…” Mortal Engineering, Science, authority… everything is necessary. A huge sum of money and significant political support too…

“You need my aid. I understand.” Asha said, happy. “I offer it freely. And I will shoulder the risks.” I opened my mouth again, but with her free hand she pushed a finger to my lips. “Hush now. I know you have no wish for me to die. No more than us remaining behind wished for you to face such battles. But just like defeating the dread Duke Myrcolaxriath, I understand why you need to take such risks. So, tell me what you need. We can then help each other to mitigate them. You would do that for me, right?” she looked at the other girls.

“Of course. We have to help each other.” Shiro promised. Daiyu nodded, and Hyacinth chimed in that she would “never let a mistress dooown.”

“Shit, I’m sure even Eri would do everything to help you, and she doesn’t like it the most when Aki gets another girl. She’s kind to those who have had it hard or are in need.” Shiro continued. “So, my buffs will be at your disposal.”

“That’s a relief. Because we’ll need them.” I said, finally outlining my plan to Asha. “I want to grow your Tree. If we can make it break through to Rank 6, and then Shiro can buff it to a more effective Rank 7, our Ether generation would be getting on for a million an astral day, all told. With that, we should be able to reach a Rank 4 Territory and all the supporting buildings in just a few months. We can then upgrade Kyoto and London to Rank 4 as well, then once that’s done, we can push infrastructure builds, and start the slow preparation for Rank 5…”

“London too?” Shiro asked archly. “That seems to be going a bit far for Eleanor, doesn’t it? Have you fallen for her after all? I don’t think it’ll be easy to win her over, she’s staunchly anti-harem.” Shiro sniggered, amused.

“It’s not like I plan to fully refurbish her Territory like mine and Haru-san’s.” Miyu’s as well. And whatever Territory Kana and Shiro lay down. I’ll think about Suzu-san’s and Bunta-san’s as well. Kikuchi Shuta-san’s too, though it’s in a bad spot, so… “I’d just feel better if they were secure, and we will owe them. After all, to make this work, we need access to their Cauldron…”

“Growing the Tree?” Asha asked. “Cauldron?”

“Yes, I can’t say much as it’s a secret I promised I’d keep, but… there’s a source of incredible Nature-aspected adherence that Britain has kept all these years. From studying it, I think it can be used to strengthen and grow your Tree. Especially since your skills are geared towards promoting such health and growth. With Shiro buffing that skill, and the power of the Cauldron…” I paused. “My only concern is, I’m not sure how safe that would be for you. I worry…”

“I see. Yes, my health and the health of my Tree are deeply interlinked.” Asha admitted. “I do not fear this. No more than I feared when you said I should change and grow, as princess Shaeula has. For I believe all this was fated.” Her smile was brilliant. “I would need to see this power first, to see if it is compatible. Is that possible?”

“Assuming Hyacinth can make the Ring Gate work.” I agreed. “There’s no other way to access the Cauldron and bring the power back here without it…”

“Hyacinth can dooo it!” she declared boldly. “Though I will need the spatial energies soon.” She looked at Asha, her expression turning sly. “I think yooou can demand Akio takes care of you, mistress Asha, and show you sooome affection. He did for me, when I helped his defeat the foooul Myconids.”

Asha hesitated. “I do not wish to take advantage of the fact he requires my aid…”

“No, you take advantage girl, you definitely do.” Shiro laughed, and Daiyu nodded, following along as best she could. “Look, I agree with Eri. We have to have rules. Otherwise, it’s impossible for so many of us to love the same guy. I don’t blame Eleanor, it’s crazy, it defies common sense. But then, none of us are that common, are we? Eri’s the most normal one out of all of us, so she struggles the most… so, no putting each other down, or doing anything that would make Aki sad. But each of us believes we’re number one in his heart, right?” she paused, looking at Daiyu and Hyacinth. “Or if you don’t, you want to be. Women are proud. We don’t want to be second best. So if you’ve got an opportunity to show your value, I say go for it and flaunt it, make Aki fall for you hard if you can. I still won’t lose. After all, my buffs are a key part of the plan too. Hyacinth can get her credit for the Ring Gate as well…”

Daiyu seemed a little out of sorts, before Shiro shook her head. “Don’t look like that. You know, I’m starting to read your feelings. You’re not very expressive, but when you’re unhappy, your facial expressions change a little.”

Daiyu turned faintly pink, but nodded. “I feel a little distressed, contributing little to this effort. I do not like feeling so helpless.”

“Yeah, I get that. My whole life I’ve been pretty useless, just a burden. It must be hard for you, going from a talented prodigy to just one of many in a foreign land. But you’re missing the point. This project you can’t help in, maybe. But who other than you can teach Aki Cultivation? Teach all of us, really? Our own strength is as important as Territorial strength. So pull yourself together, girl.”

As I started pouring aether into the mindless Will-o’-the-wisp, deep violet sparkles of energy flying free, I kept the husk alive, healing the damage the excessive aether was causing. “That’s right. We talked about this earlier. Your Cultivation is vital too. But for you to be at your best…” I split off some of my thoughts, and started drawing in the accumulated water element from the Elemental Silos, trying to change it to Spirit Water. This is good practice training my skills and control… “… like you said, your Foundation has to be solid. And if you’re going to be our teacher, we want you at your best.”

Daiyu nodded, and nobody missed the fleeting look of pleasure on her face at my words. “Well then, we have a lot to do, don’t we?”

Asha nodded. “If I could ask one thing before I undertake this duty… no, not a duty, for it is for you, for us. And which Dryad could refuse to strengthen her Tree?” Her brilliant yellow eyes gleamed, as she looked at me earnestly, a trace of hesitation on her refined features.

“Go on.” I said, and after a moment she spoke.

“I would join with you, body and spirit. That way, at least should the worst happen, I will have experienced love.”

Shiro snickered at that, obviously expecting it. I did too, and I nodded. “I said I’d accept you, and you said you accepted me. It’s not a problem. But…” my expression turned serious. “… the worst won’t happen. I won’t allow it.” I promised. Of course, all this depends on whether Hyacinth can link up the Ring Gates…

“I think our serious private talk is over, right?” I said, taking a sip of the mead, and a bite of the fruit, the combination of tart and sweet magnificent. “In that case, Ixitt, Moira, Shaeula and anyone else important should be summoned, and we’ll go through the next steps of our plan…”

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