On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Arc 9 – Seeking Growth – Chapter Three Hundred And Seventy Seven

Arc 9 – Seeking Growth – Chapter Three Hundred And Seventy Seven

“So, this is farewell then.” Princess Eleanor said, a tired smile on her face. She was wearing a turtleneck jumper in green, and a pair of blue jeans, looking very casual with her brown hair pulled in a ponytail over one shoulder. She held out a hand to me, and I took it, giving it a shake.

“For now, yes.” I agreed. “Though if all goes well, we’ll see each other soon.”

Eleanor looked over my shoulder, to where Hyacinth was standing, wearing her modest maid uniform, more comfortable in that than the ordinary clothing she had been wearing during our stay in Britain. “It depends on her, right? I hope you can succeed, Hyacinth.”

Hyacinth met her gaze, violet eyes to blue. “You dooo not need to tell me that. I will succeed for Akio’s sake.”

“I see. You still haven’t forgiven me for my rudeness yet, have you?” Eleanor smiled, a touch of melancholy in her eyes.

“That is not true. Yooou were a fool, but now you knooow better. I simply will dooo what I must for him. Hooope is not a concern, I will make it happen!”

Before Eleanor could answer, a harsh voice spoke up. “There’s no point arguing with her, Princess. She’s clearly crazy. If I was being charitable I’d say crazy for him, but crazy nonetheless.” David laughed then. “You better do it quick, maid girl. I can’t wait for my rematch with your guy here. This time I won’t lose.”

“No way, Aki will pulverise you. I have to admire your guts though.” Shiro mocked him, though there was no malice intended. She took my left arm, pressing it to her chest. “The other two didn’t come then?” Shiro changed the subject, looking around.

“No.” the old man, Sir Arthur, spoke up. “Mrs Mary-Jane and Miss Aditi are still in recovery. I have to thank you all though.” he bowed, his every movement refined. “At least with your help, they will live, and they have hope of some recovery, even if not to the heights of their power before this tragedy.”

“It’s no problem. They fought to the end for you. I hate seeing loyalty unrewarded. And speaking of such…” I paused, unsure of precisely how to say it, before deciding just to go for it. “… what’s going to happen to them in the end? You know you can’t leave things as they are. It’s too risky, for a number of reasons. Besides, there are advantages to a tough approach…” I trailed off uncomfortably, as I was talking about her erstwhile friends and colleagues.

Eleanor nodded, while David looked down, his expression unreadable. “Damn stupid redhead…” he muttered. “This wasn’t the way it was supposed to end.”

“I know.” Eleanor clapped David on the shoulder, her own feelings complicated. “It isn’t like I don’t understand your concerns. In addition… we do owe you a great reward. Though I think… I am giving you rather too much. More than I should. I just hope that those of Royal blood before me can forgive me.”

It isn’t like I’m asking you to give us the Grail. Although I do understand your duty… Keeping silent was the best course of action, so I waited for her to finish. While I did so, Chen Na was rapidly boarding our private jet that had flown over from Japan several days go, not wanting to listen to a situation that paralleled her own. “I am a woman of my word. Not just as a Princess, but…” she said resolutely after the pause. “… as a woman. I thank you again. All of you. You especially.” She nodded to the grinning Shaeula.

“Think nothing of it. I do greatly despise those who would-would attack an unwilling female. Males should triumph over females with their own strengths and charms like Akio does, not-not rely on cowardly tricks.”

“No kidding. I have to admit that I respect your guy, since he’s managed to tame you.” David teased her, grinning at the cold look her amber eyes gave him. “Pass on my regards to the martial arts girls, and tell them I hope to see them soon, especially my fan. Must make you burn with jealousy to know she’s into me, right?”

“Hardly.” I scoffed, giving David a fist bump as a farewell, before shaking hands with Sir Arthur. “Into you? In your dreams. Natsumi is my precious fiancée, and if you try and mess with her, I’ll paint your Octagon with your blood.” My smile robbed the words of their sting.

“Damn man, I was only messing with you. David Reckless isn’t a woman stealer. Seriously though, it’s not often you see such delicate girls into martial arts, so of course I’m eager to see how far they can go.” He turned to Hyacinth then. “So, I’ll not wish you luck, you said it yourself, crazy maid, you’ll get it done for him, the lucky bastard.” He nodded at me. “But make it soon. I’m itching to reach a new level of strength. I may no longer be the King of the Octagon, but hell, maybe one day we’ll be doing Gods’ Chosen combat sports. And by then, I want to be King again.”

“David…” Eleanor warned him, but he waved her off.

“Don’t worry. I’ve gone nine rounds with him in the ring, and I’ve watched him beat down that bitch Mary Stuart. I know his character. He’s a man who wants to be stronger himself.”

“Yes. It’s only going to get worse before it gets better. But… we have a path forward, if everything works out.” I answered him honestly.

“I tooold you, my name is Hyacinth.” she pouted, and David laughed.

“Maybe so, but you are pretty crazy, right? I know it when I see it.”

“Nooo, I hardly ever get the urge to strangle sooomeone to death nowadays. Though my fingers are itching a little nooow…” she pouted, hands twitching, only making David laugh harder.

“There’s nothing wrong with being a bit crazy.” He said. “Better crazy and honourable, than a traitor.” He was melancholic again all of a sudden, and I felt a bit sorry for him. “But I do want to see this Territory you’re so proud of, and help the Princess get back on her feet. That stupid bitch, telling us everything we’ve done was worthless, wasted effort… shit.”

“Do calm yourself, David.” Eleanor said, clapping his shoulder again, and I smiled, thinking it was a little like disciplining an unruly dog. “Hyacinth, I have every faith in you. And I confess, it would be reassuring to have our lands linked. Before, it would have been impossible, but if not for your aid… I am bad at trusting people.” She confessed. “I’m not as smart as grandmother. I guess I take after Henry and Richard after all.” she snorted in self-deprecation. ”Henry is sorry he can’t be here to see you off, but we have a lot of matters to attend to as a family, I’m sure you understand.”

I do. The situation in Britain is far more intense than in Japan. There’ve been some awful riots, even the Pope’s message of peace hasn’t exactly calmed things down. “I get it, don’t worry. I’m just glad he made a full recovery.”

“He’s even more energetic than normal. He is driving poor Melissa mad. I…” Eleanor flushed. “I apologise for her. She feels rather strongly on some issues.”

“No kidding, didn’t you as well, Princess?” David said unhelpfully, smirking, and she pouted, embarrassed.

“I did. And I apologised!” She said, shaking her head. “I still don’t think it’s exactly normal, but…”

“But we’re all happy. Every one of us. So it’s nobody’s damn business but ours.” Shiro said. Shaeula had joined her on my other side, clutching my other arm, her smile knowing.

“True. Though if she should ever bully or mistreat you, I extend the same offer as I did to the other girls.” Eleanor held her pride together. “Call me, and I will help you in whatever way I can.”

“At least you’re consistent.” I chuckled. “Seriously, if I ever do hurt them, I’ll be more than happy for you to punish me. As for Melissa… I hope she comes around some day. But if not… we’ll still be happy, in our own way.”

“Noble sentiments.” Sir Arthur agreed. “We should wrap this up, Princess. Our guests have a long flight ahead of them.”

“Yes. I suppose they do.” She nodded. “So, we will see you soon. And at the New Year.”

“That’s not decided yet.” I demurred, but she pressed onwards.

“Oh really? It seems done to me. Your government has agreed it would be an excellent method to soothe the populace of both countries. Besides…” she nodded at the sparkling eyes of the girls. “… I think they wish for you to be honoured and respected for your deeds in front of the world. And I know enough to know you won’t turn it down and disappoint them, will you?”

“Indeed, it is only natural that Akio should receive praise-praise and honour for his deeds, should he not-not?” Shaeula puffed out her modest chest proudly.

“You as well.” Eleanor promised, and Shiro laughed.

“Alas, none for us then, Hyacinth. I feel left out. This Princess isn’t as nice as I am, Aki. Stick to me for your princess quota.” She paused. “Well, I guess you count too Shaeula, I can allow you.”

“How-how magnanimous of you.” She sniffed, amused, and as they fell into banter, while David was exchanging more fist bumps with Grulgor, who had served as his sparring partner during his after-battle recovery, the Princess continued her farewells.

“Sadly, you are not eligible. As it stands. But you are more than welcome to attend the ceremony. All of you.” Eleanor promised. “As for our cooperation...” She took my hand again, giving it another shake. “I look forward to it. Picking up the pieces will be hard, but your advice was meaningful.” She then turned to my grandparents. “I can call you Jack and Evelyn, right?”

The two, who were shockingly uncomfortable at the incredible scene of meeting the Princess in person, nodded, dumbstruck.

“Yes, you can.” Jack managed a nod. “Princess, I mean. By God, this is quite the shock.”

“There’s no need to worry. Your grandson and I are friends.” Eleanor said warmly, and I couldn’t help but admire her. Even though she says she’s uncomfortable in social events, she still has that Royal dignity. Except with me, it seems. Somehow we managed to upset her at our first meeting…

As if Eleanor could tell what I was thinking, she gnawed on her lip, looking ashamed, before deciding to ignore me. “I hope you enjoy your trip to Japan, meeting your daughter again, and her family. Remember though, you are British, and always will be.”

“Uh, of course. We were born here, we’ll die here.” Jack said stiffly.

“Don’t be like that, dear.” Evelyn managed. ”I’m sorry about him, it’s been a shocking few weeks.”

“Oh, that it was.” Eleanor agreed softly, bringing a laugh from David. “Just please remember that this is your home.”

“Yes, we are looking forward to seeing our daughter and granddaughter. But we’ll be back.” Evelyn promised.

“And when you are…” Eleanor looked at me, eyes earnest. “… don’t worry. I understand how important your family is to you. We’ll protect them. We’ll protect all those who deserve protection. After all, I am Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor, the Green Knight.” She curtsied to me, which was a bit odd as she was wearing jeans, but I got her intent. “And now I understand why I was chosen. It’s to protect those that can’t protect themselves.”

“Those are good sentiments. But for that, you’ll need to get stronger, Eleanor.” I advised her, and she sighed.

“I know that, of course. Isn’t that why we will be working together?”

At my nod, she continued. “So, Hyacinth, again, I wish you fortune, but I have faith in your skills, and your dedication.”

Hyacinth nodded, arms crossed. “Soooooon we shall return, you will see.”

“And when we do, we’ll be plundering your Tower.” Shiro laughed, holding the golden cloth she had taken from the Tower of London, the old mantle. It had been cleaned up and repaired, but obviously it couldn’t show its true appearance here in the Material. Yet, at least. “Eri and the others need their treasures too, else you’ll suffer, Aki. Nothing worse than jealous girls, right?” She winked at Eleanor, who had a wry expression on her face. “There’s no point slating Aki for his harem, he’ll have enough to worry about keeping everyone happy.”

“I suppose that is true.” Eleanor raised an eyebrow, though she was smiling. “Just… those treasures are Britain’s. Don’t drain us dry.”

“Yeah, we’ll be fair.” I agreed. “But strengthening us is strengthening you. After all, we’re allies now. We stand or fall together.”

Eleanor looked away, face pink, and Shaeula and Shiro were sniggering. With our farewells said, Hyacinth took Jack and Evelyn onto the plane, Grulgor following them in, leaving just the six of us.

“So, this is farewell. I am finding our parting a little sad, honestly.” Eleanor admitted. “Our time together has been brief, but it was certainly… meaningful.”

“Our time has only just begun.” Shaeula laughed. “After all, Princess of Humans, I do not-not think you can escape your destiny of fighting at our side.”

“No kidding. Us princesses have to stick together.” Shiro approved.

“I’m still sceptical. But… I’ve no reason to refuse your aid. Even if it’s going to cost more than I’d like.” Eleanor responded. “We’ve kept you waiting long enough. Go, before David here bursts into tears.”

“In your dreams, Princess. I didn’t even cry when that bitch Mary Stuart fucked me up. But… yeah, later.” He turned away, waving. Sir Arthur also said his farewells, and with that we turned away and climbed the steps to the private jet. Shiro and Shaeula entered, and before I did I turned back, to see Eleanor had likewise turned her head, and as our eyes met I waved at her one last time, before I closed the door. It’s farewell for now. But we’ll be back. But first, Japan. I’ve been away too long…


“That was nerve-wracking. Meeting a member of the Royal Family like that…” Evelyn said, only now relaxing after we had been in the air for an hour. We had two flight attendants on board the jet, but Hyacinth had insisted on serving us our drinks, since it had been too long since she was able to, so we were now all enjoying some alcoholic beverages.

“Get used to it.” Shiro laughed, a little tipsy. “Aki moves in exalted circles. I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up meeting Japan’s Imperial Princess too.”

“Yukiko-san is very busy. I don’t know if we’ll be meeting any time soon. At least, not until our next plan reaches fruition.” I said, and Shiro waved her hand, the ice clinking in her half-empty glass.

“See, see? I told you. This princess isn’t an idiot! Aki’s on first name terms with her. You might not understand, but for us Japanese, especially girls, letting a guy call them on a first-name basis is pretty intimate!”

“I know that.” Jack agreed. “Our son-in-law is Japanese. We understand the customs, even if our Japanese is terrible.”

“You can learn.” I smiled. “Chirurgery has a positive effect on learning speed. Daiyu is making good progress, and I hear that the Black Wolf crew is taking lessons too. You can hop in on their tutors. Most of us speak English perfectly well, but learning never hurts, does it?”

“Daiyu. That’s the Chinese girl, right?” Jack mused. We had of course talked about my other girls during our stay in Britain, to prevent any more shocks. “She’s lost her family and her home, so if you are going to take responsibility for her, you need to be reliable!”

“You sound like father.” I snorted, to which Jack shook his head. I continued. “I know that. Daiyu is a little complicated, but for some reason she genuinely seems to like me, and it’s hard to knock her enthusiasm for Cultivation. If we could be sure Dual Cultivation was safe I’d give it a try. But… well, it all comes down to what we plan next.”

“Of course, there is the issue of Asha, is there not-not?” Shaeula was also red, supressing her Ether Healing to allow a happy state of drunkenness. Grulgor had drank several bottles and was listening patiently, and even Chen Na was looking more relaxed, though she was still apart from us, due to her status as a criminal, and effectively Haru-san’s slave.

Asha. Yeah, it’s a bit of a thorny issue. But it was already settled by my past actions, now all that remains is to accept it. “I realise now it was too late when I saved her and she kissed me. And honestly, there’s nothing to dislike about Asha. She’s very pretty, and has a motherly sort of charm, despite not looking more than my age.”

“It’s the chest.” Shiro laughed, looking at Shaeula with a triumphant grin. “Us busty girls have a mother or big sister vibe. Aki digs that.”

“I shall have you know-know that Akio is very fond of petite girls as well.” Shaeula shook her head. “Does he not-not look kindly on me, and ravish me at every opportunity?”

“I don’t need to hear that, granddaughter-in-law.” Jack said, embarrassed, and Shaeula snorted.

“It is quite-quite natural to assume that a male and a female in love will make love. Pay it no-no mind. Besides me, there is Daiyu. Hinata is perhaps a middle ground between factions?”

Yeah, there’s the Hinata issue as well. If I carry out my plans and she’s the only one left out it won’t be fair. I can see we need a family meeting. As the girls bickered, Hyacinth joining in, asserting that I enjoyed girls with her figure as well, I gathered my thoughts. “Assuming Hyacinth gets the Ring Gate linked properly, so we can move between Tokyo, Kyoto, London and the Spring of Clear Reflections at will, we can give the plan a go.”

“I can dooo it. If I fail, then I will try again. I shall nooot sleep until I succeed!” Hyacinth protested.

“That would just make Aki worry.” Shiro sighed. “But I get it. You want to be helpful, and it’s a big deal if this works.” Her hair suddenly took on a red tinge, her eyes likewise, as Tan, who had been resting for a while, spoke with her voice.

“I believe it can work. That Cauldron, the False Grail, as the fool from the Ninth Heaven called it, contains an astounding adherence of growth and natural abundance. It is a treasure that would not be out of place in a higher Territory, it would be one I would be happy to possess. Obviously my father has better treasures, but in a world like this, beggars cannot be choosers, unless they wish to starve.”

“That reassures me.” I had gone over the plan with Tan, since she had knowledge we didn’t, and since we had all seen the Cauldron ourselves, she felt she could speak of it. I’d also sent a few questions to Yasaka-san regarding it, in confidence of course, and vague enough that he wouldn’t be prying into Eleanor’s secrets. Lastly, I had consulted Shaeula, Hyacinth and even Raidre about Dryads. It was pretty funny just how scared and respectful Raidre is towards Shaeula and Hyacinth now. I guess their strength is not to be laughed at.

“If it works like you think, then the sky is the limit. Nobody would be able to have a Territory like ours then.” Shiro exclaimed. “In that case though, where should I put my new one? Kana has the same issue.”

“It’ll be somewhere to maximise Ether Spire advantages, since mine won’t be able to take it all.” I said, and she nodded, agreeing. “The issue again is Asha though. I want to be fair to her. I can’t ask her to do this, and take on this role, not when she likes me, if I don’t reciprocate. And like I said, I like her just fine. But I’ve barely spent much time with her, I certainly don’t love her.”

“Hyacinth thinks yooou think too much, Akio.” She chided me, though I could see it pained her to do so. “You already prooomised to accept her. You will not break your wooord, we all know that. If you spend time with her, yooou will fall for her. Everyone else has accepted it toooooo.”

“Hyacinth is of course correct.” Shaeula agreed, her smile wicked. “You saved her and thus you are-are responsible for her forever. Daiyu told you similar, did she not-not? Her land has some interesting sayings. If she did not-not wish for you, then that would be another matter. But she has fallen for you, and you need-need her. I see no issue. Besides… she is a Dryad. She would not-not take up much of your time. Even Eri would not-not see her pine away alone.”

“I know all that. But if I do fall for her, I’d want to treat her like everyone else. I’m not going to visit her Tree occasionally, spend a little time with her and ditch her.”

“Our grandson is very fair.” Evelyn approved happily, while Jack had a diplomatic expression. “Once I accepted that you had multiple girlfriends, it doesn’t seem strange anymore. I wonder how many great-grandchildren we can see before we die?”

“You sound like mom. She’s dreaming of a Rugby team of wives, so god knows how many grandkids she wants. Maybe a whole league?” I said dryly. “As for death… you’re both still young. And with Chirurgery, healthy too. So stick around a while yet.” As the girls agreed with those sentiments, I put aside my misgivings with a sigh. “I suppose thinking of Asha is both premature and also too late. The Ring Gate first.”

“So that aside, lay out the plan. You’ve been working on it for the last few days, right?” Shiro pressed, extremely enthusiastic. She does love games, and that’s translated over to being a Chosen well enough. She adores growing her numbers. Who am I kidding? Obviously I do too, as does anyone who can actually see them. I wouldn’t be surprised if just quantifying gains is enough to push people onwards, without even the other advantages it offers.

“We won against Mary Stuart and the toad bastard in Kyoto, but both were too close to the wire for my taste. It’s not over. Mary’s organisation seems large and threatening, and the toad will be back. So we need to strengthen ourselves. It’s time to grind. But not so much for levels. Though of course we’ll still be getting what levels we can.”

“Skills then?” Shiro questioned, and I agreed.

“Definitely. We know how to get more elemental skills, and I also want to improve our combat skills too. I need a style, I’ve put it off too long. I’m thinking of combining Tsumura-style arts with Daiyu’s Cultivation martial arts, and whatever Ulfuric can add to that. Maybe we’ll even get some help from David. After all, he worked out my moves easily enough, even when my speed was outclassing him.”

“Sounds good.” Shiro agreed.

“That’s not all though. Classes.” I pointed out. “Gaining and raising them not only has League benefits, which is only going to be more important as we fight powerful opponents, but there are plenty of stat bonuses and other useful gains. Kami-Blessed and Fae-Bonded, we can do that for everyone, I think. I’ve put off raising it for too long. I also want to experiment. I have a few ideas of other classes that might be possible.”

“I am not-not sure that Kami-Blessed is possible for us.” Shaeula sighed, nodding to Hyacinth. “Fae-Bonded is certainly not-not.”

“True, but you have your own classes, and I’ve been watching them level for a while now. I think I’ve grasped the basics. It’s time for a training arc.” I grinned.

“Grulgor is excited. Since he mastered water element, Grul has been far stronger. It was a good fight.” He grinned.

“Yeah. There’s another benefit to the classes. There’s the chance of gaining abilities. I pulled Might of the Furious Earth from Grulgor, and Kin Bonding from you, Shaeula. It’s a long shot, but if the girls are using me as their anchor for the Fae-Bonded class, they might get lucky. Even if they don’t, the League, Charm, Fortune and Majesty are well worth having.”

“Yeah, I definitely want to be more charming.” Shiro shrugged. “Not sure the world could handle a hotter Shirohime though.”

“It’s been a while since you’ve called yourself that.” I snorted, amused. “Well, we still have a long flight ahead of us, so we might as well brainstorm some further ideas.”

“Sounds good.” Shiro approved. “But first, more booze! We need to let loose! It’s like the last day of a holiday. Come to think of it, it was my first trip abroad. I can’t say it was all that relaxing, but it wasn’t bad.”

“Yes, we should make the most-most of this. Jack, Evelyn, do not-not fear to drink more. Akio or I can cure any hangover, it is quite-quite trivial. Join us!”

As my grandparents were unable to refuse her hospitality, I let out a long breath of relief. The agreements have been made, and everything is in hand. My Eye shone a little, as I watched the spirit lights circling me, two of them rapidly pulling in my plentiful aether, more flooding over from Shaeula. But there’s still more to do. And new dangers could appear from anywhere. Clenching my fist, I resolved that next time we wouldn’t be relying on any luck, merely overwhelming power…

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