Offer To The CEO

Chapter 176: The Hospital aka Doctor, Doctor - Part 1

176 The Hospital aka Doctor, Doctor - Part 1

Wednesday, continued ...

Less than 10 minutes after leaving the police station the ambulance carrying Anna to the hospital arrive at the Emergency Department.Anna was in extreme pain from the repeated hits and kicks that she had received.

As they wheeled the trolley into the department Anna refused to let go of Hou Yi's hand.The hospital staff, had to force Hou YI away from Anna, so that they could start reviewing her. The only good thing was that Officer Mu, had not handcuffed Anna to the trolley.

"I am Doctor Kung.Can someone tell me what happened?"

"Doctor Kung, she was in an interview room at the police station answering questions, and for some reason the interviewing officer became angry and aggressive towards her.She, apparently had her head slammed against the wall and when she fell t the ground was repeatedly kicked.She curled into a ball protecting herself, but the kicks hit her legs, and we think one or two may have hit her head."Came the response from Officer Mu

As Officer Mu was saying this, he was looking at Hou Yi, and could see that he was getting angrier and angrier about what happened.

"What the …" came the surprised response from Doctor Kung.

"Sorry Doctor, we do not know the specifics.All that I know is something set of the interviewing officer, and he reacted.I simply was one of the officers who responded to the emergency call and came in on the end of it.The other officer in the room only gave me minimal information, as he is dealing with the aftermath of this."

"Can you tell me the patient's name and next of kin?"

"Doctor, I am her husband, and her name is Anna."

"Your name sir?"

"Hou Yi …."

Before Hou Yi could say anything more, Anna started fitting on the trolley, which immediately drew the attention back of Doctor Kung.One of the nurses came up and said "We need you to please leave here.Mr Hou could you please go and give your details to reception.Officer …"

"Mu" responded Officer Mu

"Can you please make sure you keep him away at the moment.Reception staff will also need whatever details that you can provide."

"Yes Ma'am."With that he turned slightly and grabbed Hou Yi's arm.All Hou Yi could do was focus on Anna, who looked so helpless there on the bed.He knew he needed to stay with her and pushed away officer Mu.

"CEO Hou," Officer Mu said quietly.Please come with me.The medical staff need to do what they must to treat your wife."

In almost desperation, all Hou Yi could say was "I need to be here."

"Sir, please come with me.Your wife needs you to do this as must as you need to be here.She needs to have the best treatment possible, and so you need to give reception the information they need to do that."

"But …"

"CEO Hou, I am going to tell you now, either you come with me voluntarily, or I will have to arrest you.You do not need the latter, as that will take you away from your wife."

"OK," came the response from Hou Yi, indicating that he was almost broken.He could not believe in the space of a few hours from the most memorable thing that had happened he is now seeing his wife in hospital.

Officer Mu felt sorry for Hou Yi.Here was a man who cared deeply for his wife, and to see her in such a state, assaulted by a police officer would be heartbreaking, particularly when she had done nothing wrong.

He escorted Hou Yi to reception to enable him to provide the details needed for his wife's treatment.Officer Mu heard the receptionist ask, for her name, age, date of birth, any medical information that he could supply, and confirmation on how the treatment would be paid for.

With that one Officer Mu laughed to himself.None of the medical treating staff or the receptionist realised who they were speaking to.When Hou Yi told her to send the bills to Hou Enterprises, he heard the receptionist say "Sir, simply because your name is Hou, we cannot send the accounts to Hou Enterprises.You need to come up with some other way to pay."

Officer Mu could see Hou Yi's temper rising, and noticed that he pulled out his wallet, and handed over a black credit card.He knew immediately on sight that this card was one T Bank only issued to a very select group of customers, who to even be considered had to have over 10 billion in assets and an annual income of over 50 million.Even that was not enough to qualify, T bank, then looked at other factors before issuing such cards.As far as he could recall from the last list of Black Card holders from T Bank provided to the police, there was only 20 such primary card and 12 companion cards issued, and Hou Yi's name was on that list.

When the receptionist stated that the card was a forgery, Officer Mu, knew he had to step in before Hou Yi said something he regretted when his wife was better."Madam, I can assure you that the card is not a forgery.Mr Hou's name was on the list we received at police headquarters of those who had this card issued to them."

With that Hou Yi appeared to calm down, for which Officer Mu was grateful.The receptionist finished what was needed, and Officer Mu accompanied Hou Yi to a quiet area within the waiting room waiting to be called back in.

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