Offer To The CEO

Chapter 175: The Police Interview - Part 7

175 The Police Interview - Part 7

Wednesday, continued ...

Alister Nang paused, took a couple of breaths and then continued "Finally, as to wasting police time, the only thing that we can think about is that Madam Hou after the Key Plaza incident did not immediately agree to charges.Given the assault occurred on the day she obtained her marriage certificate, the last thing that she wanted to be dealing with is the police."

"It was not unexpected that she wanted to spend time with her husband before making that decision.Officer Mu gave her two weeks to make a decision.I understand Madam Hou had planned to make the call yesterday to tell Officer Mu to proceed, but forgot.For Madam Hou, taking time to make a decision due to the violence she was subjected to by Vice-CEO Lu, is something that would be expected."

"It also should be noted that there was from the Friday after them married until the following Wednesday where CEO and Madam Hou were out of the country to deal with the family law matters in Australia.All this means that 15 days to make a decision as to whether to proceed with the charges is not an unreasonable amount of time."

"I have heard what you have to say Mr Nang.Assuming everything is as you say it may be that we do not proceed with the charges."

"Well given that could you please end the recordings and hand me two USB copies and two DVD copies of this interview.I will hold these for my client.We require an investigation as to the assault on Madam Hou.Most importantly, based on the receipt from Fengs we require the immediate return of Madam Hou's rings.You have no need to hold them, given the evidence to disprove the fraud claim is already in the possession of the police."

Senior Officer Fang, realised that neither he of Inspector Gang were smart enough to turn off the recordings, so Inspector Gang's assault on Anna was fully captured.He knew that there was no way out for Inspector Gang.He would have to face disciplinary action for the assault, and then deal with Vice-CEO Lu and Madam Lu, who he had promised would have laptop and rings by the end of the day, and Madam Hou would be locked up in jail.

He leaned over and stopped the recording equipment and provided Alister Nang with the two requested copies of the USB recording and DVD recordings of the interview.

As he handed these to Alister Nang, the ambulance staff arrived to take Anna to hospital.Officer Mu stepped into the interview room, and quietly spoke to Senior Officer Fang.

He handed a key to Officer Mu, and said "Technically until we receive the additional information you have indicated exists Mr Nang, Madam Hou has to remain in police custody.Officer Mu has offered to accompany her, and has said, if the ambulance staff do not object CEO Hou can also accompany his wife.Could you remain here until we have that additional material?"

"That is fine, but please provide me immediately with Madam Hou's rings."

He walked over to Hou Yi, and then quietly said "Let me handle this.Take one copy of each of the recordings, I will keep the other set.Go with Madam Hou, and once I have dealt with things here my office will contact you to find out which hospital you have gone to.I should have her rings and will bring them with me"

"Thank you" said Hou Yi quietly and somberly.He could not believe what had just happened to his fiery wife.He instinctively knew that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were involved and they would now pay.He was so grateful he had not gone with his initial instincts last night and sort physical revenge, as the revenge that he would help his darling achieve would be through the Legal System, much more befitting with her, than what he could do.

A police officer, simply because he was unhappy with something she said, kicked her to the point she has lost consciousness.He guessed, that somehow Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were behind this, but proving it would depend on what comes from the police investigation.

Hou Yi walked beside the ambulance trolley that his wife was on, with Officer Mu following them.He could not help himself but let the tears run down his face, as again he had failed to protect Anna.He would have thought that she should have been safe in a police station.

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