Offer To The CEO

Chapter 174: The Police Interview - Part 6

174 The Police Interview - Part 6

Wednesday, continued …

When the interview door opened, Alister Nang and Hou Yi positioned themselves outside the interview room, and took in the scene.Hou Yi realised that his wife had played the officer that was being pulled off her, to the point that he snapped and assaulted her.While he was proud of his clever wife, he wished that she had not taken it to that extreme. The last thing he wanted is for to be hurt again.

Senior Officer Fang, came to the door, and asked for an ambulance to be called to take Anna to hospital to have her examined for injuries.By this time, Hou Yi had pushed his way to his wife, and Alister Nang, was standing at the table.Hou Yi knelt down and took her hand in his, telling her that he was here, and that she would be alright.

He immediately noticed that the recording machines were still going, so he knew, based on the document Hou Yi gave him, and were emailed to him that he could deal with most of the issues, he just hoped that the officer in question was reasonable.

"Officer …."

"I am Senior Officer Fang, sir, and you are?"

"Senior Officer Fang, I am a personal lawyer for CEO and Madam Hou, Alister Nang.Firstly, can you remove the handcuffs from Madam Hou.In the circumstances that is not an unreasonable request."

"Mr Nang, we will remove them when she is taken to hospital."

"Senior Officer Fang, I have copies for you to keep and originals for you to sight of some documents, and other things in email form, which I believe will assist in your investigations into these false claims against Madam Hou."

"Firstly here are the copies of CEO and Madam Hou's marriage certificate and household registers.And now let me show you the originals.Would you agree that the copies I have handed you are the same as the originals?"

"I would, Mr Nang."

Alister Nang continued "CEO Hou will arrange to be emailed to you the filmed footage of the obtaining of their marriage certificate, which should remove any doubt as to their marriage."

"Secondly, I can email to you sealed copies from the Australian Family Law Courts of orders made Monday week ago in Melbourne where Madam Hou, and another lawyer from her firm appeared.I am not an expert on Australian Family Law, like Madam Hou, but I have been able to find out that despite orders being able to be implemented immediately after they were made, there is an appeal period against orders."

"Madam Hou appealed the orders, made and new orders have been made.The allegations that are currently before the Australian courts, as I understand it are that the signatures on the original documents were forged.The court have revoked the original orders, and made different orders, subject to a determination of whether or not it is proven that the signatures were forged or not."

"What I understand, from discussions with CEO Hou that was present when the orders were made and reading the documents, is that the court to prevent any accusations that the samples were forged, the court ordered 10 files of the court where Madam Hou was involved provide samples of her signature."

"Those documents singe the time of their filing have been in the possession of the Australian Courts.I have electronic copies of the documents filed, the court orders, the court transcript and the formal reason for the court decision.I can arrange for those also to be emailed to you.However, the requirement of the Australian Courts in this context are such that you cannot disclose them further.

"Mr Nang, Madam Hou is facing charges of theft, fraud, making false statements, slander and wasting police time.Inspected Gang added a further charge of lying to police.The information you have provided me, assuming that it proves true, would address the theft and lying to police charges, but it does not deal with the remaining 4 charges."

"Senior Officer Fang.I am guessing the Fraud charge relates to CEO and Madam Hou's Wedding rings.CEO Hou's bank is in the process of forwarding you a bank record of the charge to Fengs for the rings.I also understand that Officer Mu was forwarded copies of footage from Fengs yesterday fortnight ago."

"This footage that Officer Mu has shows Vice-CEO and Madam Lu, making unrealistic demands of the staff at Fengs.Further the staff, have provided statements to Officer Mu, which I understand confirm that until Vice-CEO and Madam Lu attended the store that day, Madam Lu made no request for the rings."

"As the footage and the statement show Madam Lu at one point demanded that the staff tell the person who brought the rings to hand them over to her, and pay for a new ring set, giving her the rings as compensation.Those rings, as the charges will show are over 6 million in value, which is what CEO Hou paid"

"Madam Lu demanded that CEO Hou, who she did not know had purchased the rings, simply gift them to her and buy something else as a replacement on the basis of the 'inconvenience' cased to her.She also made other demands for free items and significant discounts."

"I am guessing the false statements claim relates to the statements made in the press release last week, and subsequently.This will boil down to Vice-CEO Lu and Madam Hou's word against each other.However, we can provide a world leading expert's opinion as to her belief that the violence as stated by Madam Hou occurred.Plus, there is something on that point in the Family Law material that will be provided."

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