Offer To The CEO

Chapter 177: The Hospital aka Doctor, Doctor - Part 2

177 The Hospital aka Doctor, Doctor - Part 2

Wednesday, continued …

Meanwhile back in the treatment area, Doctor Kung, with the help of nursing staff was carefully removing all of Anna's clothing, so that they could assess the nature of all her injuries.They also ensured that lines were available to run blood and other fluids if required and took blood samples to run the normal series of tests.

Once they were ready, they started at her head and slowly moved their way down her body.The injuries that were noted, was three head wounds, that were still slowly bleeding, bruises on her face in the shape of two different hands.There were read marks on both arms, that would correlate with being kicked by someone; a large bruise on her stomach that looked like someone had punched her, on her legs, more red marks that appeared to be where someone had kicked her.

As quick as the assessment was made, a plan of treatment was determined.The headwounds would be sutured to stop the bleeding, with IV Fluids being run, until it was determined if she needed a blood transfusion.She would need a series of full body scans to determine what injuries she had suffered.Once they knew this, further treatment could be determined.The only thing concerning him at the moment was that she was unconscious.He really needed a better history of events, and her medical history to make sure the treatment he would authorise was correct.

Doctor Kung, turned to one of the nursing staff, and asked could she arrange for the patient's husband to come back in, as he needed to ask these questions.

The nurse, directed by Doctor Kung went out and located Hou Yi in the waiting area, sitting with Officer Mu.She asked Hou Yi to accompany her back.Officer Mu interrupted and said, that he would also come back, as he had information that would be useful.

When they entered the trauma bay that Anna was being treated in, Hou Yi's eyes went vacant again.Officer Mu knew that he was going to be difficult for the medical staff to get useful information from.

Doctor Kung, "Mr Hou, can you tell about our wife's medical history?"

Hou Yi, simply stood there in a trance.

"Mr Hou?"

"Sorry Doctor, what did you need?"

"Your wife's medical history?"

"Sorry doctor I do not have much knowledge of that.My wife and I arranged last Tuesday for her medical records from Australia to be forwarded here.My assistant at Hou Enterprises has all his details.I have messaged him to get a copy of the records provided here as soon as they can be.As yet my wife has not seen our family doctor here."

Hou Yi paused "Actually Doctor I recall that she told me she is allergic to penicillin, and I know that she has Asthma, and when she was younger, she had her appendix removed, as I asked her about the scar from that."

"Now, I hate to be personal, but could your wife be pregnant?"

"It is possible, but we have only been married a fortnight, so any pregnancy would be in its early stages.Our relationship was a short courtship, but I know that in her previous relationship she had not had s*xual intercourse for over 3 months."

"Thank you."

Doctor Kung paused, and then continued "What we are planning to do, is a number of body scans, but given the expense involved we have to get your approval as the hospital needs these paid before they are done."

Officer Mu, knew that Hou Yi would explode if he answered this question "Doctor Kung, this is Hou Yi the CEO of Hou Enterprises, I do not think that money will be an issue."

"Sorry, I did not realise.CEO Hou, as I was saying, we will do a number of scans to determine the extent of any physical injuries.However, what we have seen says that she was not only assaulted today, she had previously been assaulted, and recently too."

"Doctor" immediately responded Officer Mu, "I can answer that, Madam Hou was assaulted last night at a charitable function, where she was slapped in the face and punched in the stomach."

"That explains some things.Once the results for the scans and blood tests that we have done are back we will have a much better picture of the extent of Madam Hou's injuries, and what the treatment will be.The only thing that concerns me, is that given her head hit a wall and floor, is that she has concussion.We need her to wake up from her current state, as the longer she is unconscious the more likelihood that there is some brain damage."

Doctor Kung turned to one of the nursing staff and had a quiet work with her.She said "CEO Hou, Officer Mu, if you will accompany me, I will show you to a VIP waiting area, where you can wait until we have the test results back.Madam Hou will remain here in Emergency until that time."

Officer Mu, helped Hou Yi, so appeared deflated at everything that was hitting him with respect to his wife and they followed the nurse into the VIP waiting room.Just as she was about to leave Officer Mu stopped her "CEO and Madam Hou's lawyer Alister Nang should arrive here soon.Could you have someone escort him in there."

"That will be arranged Officer Mu."

With that the nurse left, and Officer Mu and Hou Yi simply sat quietly waiting for something to happen.

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