Offer To The CEO

Chapter 171: The Police Interview - Part 3

171 The Police Interview - Part 3

Wednesday, continued ...

Anna paused as she knew what she was about to say would be seized on, but it needed to be said, while maintaining her hard, determined tone."However, this interview is just going in circles making you look stupid, so I proceed with this interview with you addressing me as Miss Jones, because I doubt that you will accept anything else."

"Thank you for admitting that you have lied.You are Anna Jones, and I have you on record admitting that you have lied to the police.I am now telling you that in addition to the other charges that I will be charging you with after this interview, you will also be charged with lying to police in a formal interview."Inspector Gang looked so pleased that he could do this.

"Inspector Gang, I have not admitted that I have lied.All I have said, is that I will proceed with the interview with you addressing me as Miss Jones, simply because you will not accept realities.How you can take that as I have admitted to lying to the police, that is a step too far."

"What did I tell you about directing what happens in this interview.And also what did I tell you about calling me stupid."

"Inspector Gang, I am not dictating to you.I have stated a reality.I can prove everything that I have said once I leave this interview.It may take a little bit of time to gather everything, but it will be done."

"Shut up.I am in control of this interview."

Anna was so happy that Inspector Gang has been driven to become out of control through her words and tone.The interview will be useless, and they will have little option but to drop everything.Thank goodness he was so stupid that he could not see what was happening right in front of him, and that he had been manipulated by those two idiots.

Anna knew, despite everything they had done, this is absolutely going to bring them down, it was just how long before this happened.Anna just hoped it would be soon, as she could move forward with Hou Yi, and confess to him how she really felt, as she would be hopeful that he would believe her words.

It was only at that point that Senior Officer Fang realised that Inspector Gang was getting out of control in the interview.He leaned over and quietly said "Inspector Gang, do you wish me to conduct this interview."

"No, I f**king do not.You are here because I need a second officer, and you know well enough to sit there and let me do my job."

"Fine Inspector Gang, I just wanted to help"

"Well you are not f**king helping.Just sit there and shut up."

Anna could not believe it.Inspector Gang was so gone, through only hearing the truth which he would not accept, she knew that she was totally in control of the interview.Senior Officer Fang had recognised this and attempted to take some control so that they could take it back but given the direct order from his superior there was nothing he could do.Inspector Gang was so erratic and out of control that he could not take the help offered, not only condemning the interview but most likely their whole investigation.

Anna was so pleased with herself getting it to this point, so quickly, that it was almost impossible not to smirk given what was happening, but she stopped herself.Revenge, starting with this interview, will as Anna know be sweet.

"Miss Jones, Now I put it to you, yesterday fortnight ago, at the Key Plaza Hotel, you were requested to hand to a Mr Lu Jinhu, a laptop computer that you had in your possession?"

"That is correct."

"Did you hand that laptop over to Mr Lu Jinhu?"

"It is not Mr Lu Jinhu's laptop.It belongs to my employers who require me when travelling to have it with me in case they urgently require me to do work remotely."

"That was not the question that I asked.I asked you a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no.Did you hand that Laptop over to Mr Lu JInhu when requested?"

"As I said, that laptop belongs to my employers, who require me to have it with me when traveling in case they require work to be done remotely.I can …"

"Give me the yes or no answer to the question.Did you hand the laptop over to Mr Lu Jinhu when told to do so?"

"Inspector Gang, it is not a yes or no answer question.It is not my laptop to hand over to Mr Lu Jinhu.I could only hand it over to him at the direction of my employers as they own it.I only have the use of it until they replace it.I can offer then to purchase it as a second-hand item.It is only at that time that it would become mine, and I have not had such an offer."

"So, you admit that you did not hand over the laptop?"

"If you are going to ignore the fact that I had no right to do so, then you have your answer."

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