Offer To The CEO

Chapter 170: The Police Interview - Part 2

170 The Police Interview - Part 2

Wednesday, continued...

With that Inspector Gang turned to Senior Officer Fang, and quietly asked "What was the question I had asked?"

Anna heard the quiet response "You asked her about her name, and then when she claimed she was married you stated that she was lying."

"Miss Jones, we are going to start again.What is your name?"

Anna, had to stop herself from smirking as she knew she had Inspector Gang, and Senior Officer Fang was totally disinterested in the process.

"As I was trying telling you Inspected Gang, I married a fortnight ago to Hou Yi, the CEO of Hou Enterprises.We so far have only received our marriage certificate and intend in the Australian Spring or Summer to have a formal ceremony in my home town in Australia.I therefore, other than in a work context use my married name as Anna Hou, or as it is said here Hou Anna."

"Miss Jones, I again put it to you that you are lying about your identity, you are not married."

"Inspector Gang, I am married.My husband has our marriage certificates and household registers stored safely, and the question of the validity of my marriage was resolved by the local Immigration Department tomorrow fortnight ago.If you feel that they were conned, feel free to talk to them.They were satisfied that my husband and I could prove that we were married, and consequently I was deemed by the operation of the law to be a citizen."

"That is a complete lie, Miss Jones."

"Inspector Gang, I am happy to arrange with my husband for all the evidence we provided copies of to the Immigration Department to be made available to you.If it was enough to satisfy them, then I hope it should be sufficient to satisfy you."

"As I told you Miss Jones, do not tell me what to do."He again was almost to a screaming point.

Anna was so pleased that she could get him to this point as it was obvious that this was simply pushed by Lu Jinhu and Yang Ling to promote their agenda.Did they not thing that this would ruin them, as she knew the process and will twist police officers around to the point that they will turn on people that bribe and influence them into illegal actions.

"Inspect Gang.All I said, and by the way I am being quite calm about this, was that I would arrange for my husband to provide copies of all the evidence we provided the Immigration Department, which they found satisfactory.If I overstepped my bounds in saying I hoped that it would be enough to satisfy you, then I apologise.All I was doing was saying what I hoped for., nothing more."

"Just stop telling me what to do."This was spat out.

This was so good.Inspector Gang was looking like a complete idiot, and even if the charges were not dropped the interview would be completely useless to them and support any defence that was run focusing on police behaviour.All she had to do, Anna reminder herself was not get too cocky and smug during the interview and remain calm, but with that hard, determined undertone in her voice.

"Inspector Gang, Senior Officer Fang, I am not sure of the answer that you are looking for the first question that you asked.I keep telling you the truth, and you reject the truth."

With that Inspector Gang, exploded.He stood up and slammed the table and screamed "F**king tell me your name."

"Inspector Gang, I have told you my name is, Anna Hou or as it is said here Hou Anna.You do not accept my answer."

"Tell me the f**king truth.You are Anna Jones"

"Inspector Gang, I told you since my marriage I only use my maiden name for professional reasons.In all other contexts I use my married name.My …"

"As I have f**king told you are not married."

Anna noted internally how hard it was not to smirk at the behaviour going on right before her eyes.She knew that her initial impressions about Inspector Gang were correct.He had been promoted to keep him away from the public and at a desk.He really had no skills in interviewing people.She did, however, wonder how he got involved in this case.

"Inspector Gang, if you do not want to accept my answers, that is your right, and if you believe that I have lied, you can charge me.I am married.The name I use in all contexts other than when I am working is Anna Hou or Hou Anna, my maiden name is Anna Jones, and I use that professionally."

"So, you admit that you have lied?"Responded Inspector Gang with a smirk, thinking that he had caught Anna in a lie.

"Inspector Gang, I have not lied.As I have repeatedly told you, other than in a professional work context and then only in Australia.This is because to change it there will be a difficult, complicated and time-consuming process.It also appears on my Australian identify documents as I have not been in Australia for a long enough time to arrange for them to be re-issued in my married name.Otherwise everywhere else, I am and will be called by my married name."

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