Offer To The CEO

Chapter 169: The Police Interview - Part 1

169 The Police Interview - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

Anna, stared at the police officers, and in a hard voice "I am fine to be interviewed, but I will not be interviewed until I know that this interview is being recorded, and I will be provided with a copy of that recording."Anna paused and pointed her head at the equipment "And I know that that equipment is designed to records the interview."

With that, the officer who had spoken stood up, and slapped Anna across the face."You b**ch, you cannot dictate to us what we do."

"You have no right to hit me.All I have asked for is a reasonable particularly since the equipment is there.All I have asked if for you record the interview and provide me with a copy of that recording.That is not unreasonable in all the circumstances.I have not said that I will not cooperate with the interview."Her voice was still hard, but a real determined edge came into it.She was determined that they would not get the best of her.

With that the officer again stood up, and slapped Anna across her face and then punched her in the shoulders.Anna knew how much that these all hurt, but she knew that if she did not stand her ground, then nothing would be recorded, and it would be presented that she admitted to everything.Anna knew to herself that it was a setup and she needed to protect herself.

"Fine b**ch, you will get your way.We will record this on DVD and on USB.You will get copies of both.I do not have the f**king time to waste with a waste of space like you.I know what the truth is and you are only lying."

With that he stormed out of the room, while the other officer who had been quiet, reached into a draw and pulled out 5 DVDs and three USB sticks and inserted them all onto the machine.They sat there quietly waiting for a few minutes until the first officer returned.As he slammed the door behind him, he stalked back to the chair and sat down then nodded to the other officer who pressed several recording buttons.

"This is an interview being conducted by Inspector Gang, number 486589, and …"

"Senior Officer Fang, number 517233…"

"with Miss Anna Jones.Can you identify yourself for the recording."

"Jones is my maiden name, I am married, and I go by Anna Hou or Hou Anna depending on where in the world you are."Anna's voice still had the hard and determined tone in it.

"Excuse me Miss Jones, you were asked to confirm your identity?" spat out Inspector Gang.Anna determined there and then that Senior Officer Fang, was only there because he had to be.Inspector Gang was in charge, and unless she said what he wanted to hear he would react.

"Sir I was doing that.I have recently married, and as yet all my identity documents have not been changed or issued here in Country X.My name is Anna Hou, but in my working life, in Australia I still use my maiden name, which is Anna Jones."

"Miss Jones, we are going to put it to you, that you have not married.I cannot locate anything to confirm that nor has there been a wedding ceremony."

"Inspector Gang, this question has in fact been determined by Immigration Officials tomorrow fortnight ago.My Husband, the CEO of …"

"Miss Jones, I do not need know about your husband.I tell you there is nothing that confirms your marriage."

"Inspector Gang, it is Mrs Hou, not Miss Jones.I am not here in my professional capacity and I expect to be addressed as I should be.If you stop interrupting me, I can answer your questions, but you need to give me the opportunity to do so."By now Anna was so annoyed she had to be careful that her tone did not reveal this but remained hard and determined.

"Miss Jones, do not tell an officer of the law what to do."

"Inspector Gang, I am not telling you what to do.I am simply stating a fact, you are not giving me the opportunity to answer the questions that you are putting.If you want, despite not knowing the legal system here I can quiet easily use my skills and make you look stupid.I am not …"

"What, did you just call me stupid."Inspector Gang spat out almost screaming it.

Anna remained calm as anything, enjoying the game that she was able to play with Inspector Gang.He struck her as someone promoted and given a desk job, simply to keep him away from the public.She had no time for police like that, as they were easily influenced.

She briefly paused and continued calmly. "No Inspector Gang, I did not call you stupid.As I was trying to say I was not calling you stupid, but if you keep going the way that you are, I will use all my skill and it will make you look stupid."

With this, Anna knew that she had Inspector Gang incensed, as he screamed "Answer the f**king question I put to you."

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