Offer To The CEO

Chapter 168: The Police Station

168 The Police Station

Wednesday, continued …

Anna was pushed roughly in front to the press into a police car, to be driven to the police station.She noticed out of the corner of her eye, Hou Yi, Phillipa and Alister Nang all exited the elevator, and a car was called to come up for them.Anna realised that they would be following the police car to get to a police station as soon as possible after she arrived there.

As they moved out of Anna's sight, Anna realised that Officer Mu and the other officers had all entered the car.While she could read the looks on Officer Mu's face, in that he was sorry about what was happening, the other two seemed determine to make everything difficult for her.

Anna realised that Lu Jinhu wanted her work laptop to access the work systems it could access.That meant he could even access clients funds with ease.While he always waned money Anna could not believe that he was stooping that low.

Anna, sat quietly in the back of the police car, as she had no ability to fight at this time.She had to cooperate.It was so hard for her to believe, that only a few hours ago, there were possibilities for her relationship with Hou Yi, and her process for getting revenge on Lu Jinhu was in motion.He had been humiliated, exposed for what he was, and the court case in Australia would mean that he did not achieve his goals.

However, she should have realised that he would not take things without reacting.He would strike back.He always did at her, when he did not get his own way, but to friends and acquaintances.Why would now be different.And this was more than simply revenge.It was now about destroying her life.

She knew that she had no option but to advise ANX of the allegations as soon as she was able to, and that would immediately suspend her ability to practice as a lawyer, pending the resolution of the matter.Depending on how the authorities viewed the allegations and the outcome, it could completely end her career.

More importantly, the allegations were made to target Hou Yi as well.While there was only one directed at him, it was being played that she was the person at fault.It was like he was telling that friend last night, playing out that she had duped Hou Yi, which would in turn destroy Hou Enterprises.

Anna kept thinking about how deal with it and protect everything.She really had no idea but had to fight fire with fire as much as she could.Anna just stared blankly out the car window, not really paying attention to the buildings as they went by.

Anna was jolted out of her daze, when the vehicle slowed down and came to a stop, and when she looked out the window, she realised that she had arrived at the police station.The doors of the vehicle opened quickly, and Anna found herself being pulled out roughly.She looked behind the vehicle and noticed Hou Yi and Alister Nang getting out of a vehicle that pulled up slightly behind the police car.Anna felt relief as she knew that help would be close at hand.

What was humiliating, is that the press that were at the apartment must have called others, as there was a huge press pack outside the police station, firing question after question at Anna.To Anna clearly Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, wanted to ensure that more and more humiliation was placed on her, and to destroy Hou Enterprises.

As soon as the press realised that Hou Yi had arrived they abandoned Anna, and headed straight to Hou Yi, firing questions at him.Alister Nang made it clear that no questions would be answered at this time, and the timing of a press conference would be announced later in the day.

Anna lost sight of Hou Yi as she was dragged through the front door of the police station, and forced through the foyer behind the counter, to an interview room.

The two officers who arrived after Officer Mu at the apartment came into the room, shutting the door behind them.They both sat down but made no effort to touch the recording equipment in the room, which was similar to what Anna had seen in Australian Police Stations.

The officer who has spoken at the apartment, said "We are now going to interview you, and you will give us the answers we want."

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