Offer To The CEO

Chapter 167: The Arres

167 The Arres

Wednesday, continued …

Before anyone could further respond, Butler Ge walked into the lounge and approached Hou Yi "Young Master.There are a number of police officers down stairs requiring immediate entry to the apartment.Security need your confirmation that they can send them up."

"Butler Ge, then can wait until my personal lawyers arrives, and all of them can be shown up together.Can you please arrange for someone to gather all of my wife's personal items from our suite, and apparently the police wish to seize them, and place on my study her handbag, laptop and tablet please."

"Yes Sir."

"Officer Mu, I can see that you are angry.You have requested items, and my staff have to gather these.Your superiors will be let up when my personal lawyer arrives, which should be in the next 10 minutes, by which time the items you have requested are gathered or put into the custody of my lawyer."

Hou YI manoeuvred Anna over away from Phillipa and Officer Mu.He leaned in "Do not worry.I will do everything I can to prevent this, but as you know we have to cooperate with the legal system.You will be vindicated in the long run, but presently we simply have to go with the system."

Hou Yi, then gently kissed Anna on the lips, intending to pull away quickly.Anna was having none of this, and grabbed his head between her hands and kept it there deepening the kiss.Eventually, she let go of Hou Yi's face and they pulled apart, pressing their foreheads together, and looking into each other's eyes.

Anna and Hou Yi were in a world of their own, until Phillipa came over and touched Anna on the shoulder "Anna, do not worry.I'll immediately do a report that will assist, and can you authorise Yi to get the information about your broken arm sent here as we will need it.We will get you out as soon as possible."

Before they would say much else, everyone was interrupted again by Butler Ge."Young Master, Young Madam, your personal lawyer has arrived, and is being accompanied up by two police officers."

"Show them in when they arrived please," responded Hou Yi.

With that, Hou Yi, Anna, and Phillipa returned back to sit down.Within a few seconds in strolled two more police officers in their uniforms, and man in a suit.He walked over to Hou Yi "CEO Hou, I am Alister Nang, and I have been assigned to assist you in this matter."

"Nice to meet you."

With that Alister Nang, turned to the three officers."Gentleman, I am Alister Nang, one of the personal lawyers for CEO and Madam Hou.Now what exactly is going on here?"

"Lawyer Nang, as Madam Hou is a qualified lawyer, you know she has no rights to a lawyer under the law.We are arresting her for charges of theft, fraud, making false statements, slander, and wasting police time.Step out of the way so we can arrest Madam Hou or we will be arresting you.We will be taking any laptop or electronic device, Madam Hou's passport and personal items, and the rings that she and CEO Hou are wearing."

Alister Nang immediately responded."The electronic items and Madam Hou's passport will be placed in safekeeping at our office until you produce a Warrant for their seizure.CEO and Madam Hou will not be handing over their rings, as we can produce the evidence they were legitimately purchased."

"We also place you on notice that all charges will be defended against Madam Hou, and we will be applying to the courts to have this matter dealt with as quickly as possible.Further, we will require that once Madam Hou is charged, that she be released."

"Lawyer Nang, you have no ability to dictate any terms.We have told you what will be happening, now, you can cooperate, or you will be facing charges.Either ensure that those electronic items are brought to us now, and," and turning to CEO Hou "and hand over your ring.Madam Hou, will be handing over her rings at the police station, as she will have no choice."

Hou Yi turned to Anna and looked at her, she realised that there was no option but to cooperate with the police "Sir, I am happy to hand over my camera.However, my Australian Mobile Phone, Tablet and Laptop are the property of my Australian employers.My employment terms enable my to use their worldwide, but I must insure them, and protect the data within it and that it can access.My personal laptop, is still in Australia, and Lu Jinhu has control of that."

"Madam, you are required to turn over all electronic devices.We do not give a damn about who owns them.You possess them, and until evidence is provided to the contrary, they will be returned to Vice-CEO Lu possession immediately, as the evidence we have is that these are his items and you have stolen them."

With that Officer Mu and the other two police officers came over, roughly pulled Anna up ,a enforced her hands behind her back and placed handcuffs on the.They immediately dragged off her wedding and engagement rings.One officer walked over to Hou Yi, and tried to remove his wedding ring, but he reacted preventing this from happening.

The officer who had been speaking said "You have 1 hour to surrender the electronic devices to the police station, or we will come back and seize everything in this apartment."

With that Anna was roughly escorted to the elevator by the police and taken down stairs.Officer Mu and the other officer who had not been speaking, marched Anna passed the press.

The officer who had been speaking, paused and said "We have arrested a Miss Anna Jones, on charges of theft, fraud, making false statements, slander, and wasting police time.The charges stem from the break-down of her previous relationship with Vice-CEO Lu.Once she is processed and before the courts, we will release further information as to the charges before the court."

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