Offer To The CEO

Chapter 166: The Police - Part 3

166 The Police - Part 3

Wednesday, continued …

Officer Mu was stunned at the comments of both Phillipa and Anna.He realised that the situation was more complicated than he had thought.Clearly there were two different sides to the story.While there was evidence that supported the claims of CEO Hou and his wife, that she was assaulted, the problem was the claims from Vice-CEO Lu and his wife.

To Officer Mu, personally he believed Madam Hou's version of the events, especially in light of Dr Chen's willingness to provide a professional report confirming her view that there was violence.However, he knew that he was between a rock and a hard place.Just as he arrived, he received a call from his superiors that made it clear that he had no choice to arrest Madam Hou.

He really wondered why they would not let the investigation play itself out, but he was guessing that his superiors were more worried about the might of the Lu and Yang families together, rather than annoying the Hou Family.He did not like it but knew that he had no choice but to follow orders.The question was how is he going to do this?

Officer Mu, took a deep breath."CEO Hou, Madam Hou, Dr Chen.I have heard what you have had to say.However, before I arrived here I have received orders that I have to arrest Madam Hou on charges of theft, slander, provocation of a public disturbance and wasting of police time.I have been informed that there are additional charges likely to be laid, but this will be advised to you by the officer in charge of this investigation, at the police station."

He took a breath then continued "I am now going to inform you of your rights.Anything that you say will be used against you in the proceedings before the court.As the law here deems you a citizen of this country and despite you travelling on an Australian Passport you are not entitle to any consular assistance from the Australia Embassy, until such time as you appear before the court."

"Due to the operation of the law here which prevents a qualified lawyer of any country from being entitled to legal representation being with them at questioning, you have no right to a lawyer being present.Further, you will be required to answer all questions which will be put to you during such questioning, or you will face further charges for failure to cooperate."

"You are also required, given the allegation of theft to hand over all items that you brought with you from Australia.These items will be handed over to who we deem to be the owner of the items at such time as we deem it appropriate.Further you must surrender your Australian Passport to us."

"Finally, and I hate to do this CEO and Madam Hou, there is a further allegation that you both blackmailed the jewellers Fengs to illegally hand over the rings that you are wearing.Apparently Vice-CEO an Madam Lu had ordered the rings, subject to their final approval.I have to request you remove them, and hand them over until their claims can be investigated."

By the end of Officer Mu's statement, Anna was in complete shock, and Hou Yi was ready to hurt anyone.

In an extremely angry voice "Forget it Officer Mu.Firstly, my wife will be remaining here.If your superiors want her arrest her, they can come here to do that.They do not send a messenger to do this.Secondly, my wife's personal items will not be surrendered, she will not hand over her clothes camera and phone, nor the items belonging to her Australia Employers in her possession."

"Our rings will not be coming off our finger. Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, attempted to blackmail the staff at Feng's to gain the rings that we selected as she desired them.There if video footage of this and the staff will confirm this.Finally nothing will happen until our personal lawyers get here."

With that, Hou Yi carefully moved Anna away from Officer Mu, and pulled out his mobile telephone and made a call.

All anyone could here was Hou Yi's side of the call "Hou Yi here.We need someone, that deals with criminal law here at my home immediately.The police want to arrest my wife."

There was a few seconds of silence, followed by "Thank you" before Hou Yi ended the call.

Hou Yi turned to Officer Mu "Well are you getting a superior here or not, to explain why there is the intention to arrest my wife?"

"CEO Hou, I would not be surprised if they are not downstairs.They anticipated it may be an issue, and when they informed me I was to arrest Madam Hou, they indicated they would be here in 20 minutes."

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