Offer To The CEO

Chapter 165: The Police - Part 2

165 The Police - Part 2

Wednesday, continued …

The maid, annoyed that she had gotten caught with her petty action, that seemed justified at the time.Quickly thinking on her feet."Young Master, it was an accident.I did not mean to do it."

"I do not care.You are a member of staff and meant to be professional.Accidents like a broken cup, or dropping something, or forgetting to do a task I can accept, we everyone makes mistakes.That was deliberate, and you intended to hurt my wife.That I will not forgive, and I now do not trust that you will not hurt my wife in the future."Hou YI was extremely angry, and Anna, who was still in his arms and shaking could feel that anger vibrating through his body.

"But …"

"There are no buts or second chances with this."Hou Yi paused and noted that Butler Ge was approaching them with Officer Mu in tow.

Hou Yi, put Anna up on her feet, and whispered to her "Go and sit down, I will be here in a minute."Anna, lent in and kissed Hou Yi on the cheek and walked to the couch sitting down.

Hou Yi turned to Butler Ge "She is fired.I want her out of the apartment by the end of the day.Given her a normal termination package, plus the amount for termination in lieu of notice.She is a risk to my wife and I and we do not need her around."

"Yes Sir" responded a shocked Butler Ge.Butler Ge, grabbed the maid's arm, and pulled her away.

Hou Yi turned to Officer Mu, "Apologies for that Officer Mu, it was a minor domestic matter.Please follow me."

With that Hou Yi and Officer Mu walked over.Hou Yi sat down next to Anna, and Officer Mu on the spare chair.Officer Mu turned to Phillipa, and asked "Are you Dr Chen?"

"I am."

"CEO and Madam Hou, Dr Chen, when I spoke to CEO Hou on the phone, the decision was to charge Vice-CEO Lu, regardless of whether you Madam Hou agreed, over the Key Plaza assault.They also decided to charge both of them over last night.However the situation has now changed"

"Vice-CEO and Madam Lu, through Lu Corporation released a press statement over what has occurred, and through their lawyers provided statements over both incidents.Both squarely blame Madam Hou for everything."

Officer Mu looked at the three people, realising that they all expected this, so he continued "Their claims include you have stolen items including a laptop awarded to Vice-CEO Lu as a consequence of Australian court orders, and slandered him through making unfounded allegations that he abused you."

"Due to these allegations, my superiors have determined that they have to further investigate matters before determining who will be charged.Their current position is to charge you with making a false report, theft and criminal slander Madam Hou, as they do not believe you have been the victim of abuse by Vice-CEO Lu."

Anna took a deep breath, to prevent the tears from falling down, but before she can say anything Phillipa, spoke "Officer Mu, I am not certain if you know my specialty.I am one of the world's leading experts on, intimate partner or domestic violence.It is well known I have been friends with CEO Hou for over 10 years, my expert opinion having spoken to Madam Hou is that she is the victim of domestic violence."

"Dr Chen, there is no evidence of such abuse, and given your friendship with CEO your opinion is worthless."

"Officer Mu, do not get me angry.I disclosed my friendship with CEO Hou simply to be upfront with you.That is not the reason that I am here today.CEO Hou engaged my services to provide his wife with support in dealing with the consequences of dealing with the reality of her former relationship with Mr Lu."

"My clinical opinion, and my doctoral degree is in psychology, is that she is the victim of the abuse she has publicly revealed.Further, during clinical treatment she has revealed at least one incident of physical abuse where there is some evidence."

"Her experiences are textbook for such victims.They blame themselves, and often do not report or disclose the abuse for years.She blames herself she the abuse, and her education and life in a western country does not prevent her from suffering such abuse.If you need it, I can give you a professional report with my opinion, but I reiterate my position in that she is not lying about the abuse."

"Dr Chen …"

"Officer Mu there is no in-between here.Ultimately this will come down to Lu Jinhu and Anna's words for the police to decide who is telling the truth.Anna's education and profession would make her less likely to lie to the police due to the consequences."

Anna, given Phillipa's statements, was empowered to speak "And by the way, any entitlements that Lu Jinhu might have are in dispute.There is further court that revoke the orders your are referring to, and have ordered professional analysis of signatures to determine if they are forged or not.The analysis is being done currently, as I know I did not sign the original documents.

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