Offer To The CEO

Chapter 164: The Police - Part 1

164 The Police - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

Back at Hou Yi and Anna's home.

Hou Yi, after hearing what Phillipa had to say, carefully stood up and sat Anna back down in a chair, before going to his desk and located the card that Officer Mu had given then just over two weeks earlier.Once he located it, he picked up the telephone and dialed the number on it.

When there was an answer, Hou Yi "Officer Mu, it is Hou Yi here.I know that you gave my wife some time to consider what she would do, with respect to the statement she gave you at our home."

"CEO Hou, thank you for calling me.I was in fact going to make contact with you and your wife.We have had 30 people who were present last night contact us and provided statements as to what they witnessed."


"Yes CEO Hou, my superiors have decided that they were going to take the decision out of your wife's hands on whether to charge Vice-CEO Lu over the Key Plaza Hotel incident, and they are going to charge him over last night."

"As to Madam Lu, after looking at the Key Plaza Hotel footage and considering the various statements that we have received as to last night that Madam Lu will not be charged.In their view, given Madam Lu's pregnancy and the past relationship of Madam Hou with Vice-CEO Lu, that Madam Lu's actions are explainable."

"CEO Hou, is it possible for us to come and speak to you and Madam Hou about last night?We just need to clarify some things before we can finalise the charges."

"Not a problem Officer Mu, our friend Dr Chen, who was also there last night is visiting us.Do you need to speak to her?"

"Actually, that would be good.We can never have enough information.I can be at your home in about 15 minutes, if that is convenient for you."

"I will let the security staff know.We will see you then."

Hou Yi ended the call and called down to the security desk. "There will in about 15 or so minutes, and Officer Mu here to see us.When he arrives please let Butler Ge know and send him up."

"Yes CEO Hou."And with that Hou Yi ended the call.

"Yi tell us what is going on."

"Let us leave here and go and sit in the lounge, and I will tell you both."

With that Hou Yi, went over and helped Anna stand up. Phillipa stood up on her own and they walked out of the study, going back towards the lounge.Anna, pulled her hand from Yi's, lent over and whispered, "I am just going to pop into a bathroom and clean up a little, can you arrange for coffee and a light snack to be provided."

With than Anna turned and headed to the small powder room under the stairs, to wash her face.Hou Yi, saw Butler Ge, and stopped him."Can you please arrange for coffee and tea to be brought to the lounge along with a light snack.We are expecting Officer Mu in about 15 minutes.I have alerted security that he will be coming, and can you please bring him in once he arrives."

With that Hou Yi escorted Phillipa into the lounge, that had been cleaned from their earlier brunch.They both sat down where they had sat previously.

Phillips, looked at Yi "Are you OK?"

A somewhat dejected Hou Yi responded "I have to be.I know how I feel, but now I have to focus on Anna.She is the important one, as she needs to know she is safe and protected so she can try and deal with the impacts of what he has done to her."

"Yi, promise me that you will not ignore how you feel.You cannot help Anna, is you do not deal with how you feel."

"Pip, the counselor you arrange can help me there, OK.Now let us leave this alone."

Just as Phillipa was about to say something in return a maid came into the lounge with the tea and coffee and light snack.She sat the tray down on the coffee table and left the lounge.Both Hou YI and Phillipa, concentrated on the tray placed between them.

Inside she was seething as the Young Master and that woman he called a wife had harmed the lovely Miss Yang.She wanted to do something to help Miss Yang, and give them some humiliation, and figured that she had to wait her chance.She had been feeding whatever little bits of information she could when she could to Miss Yang.

She knew that she needed to tell her that the Young Master and that w**re appeared to be having some counselling with Dr Chen.That little bit of humiliating news would impact the w**re as it would say she had done something wrong.

As she arrived at the threshold of the lounge, she noticed Anna about to walk into the lounge.She decided to add a little humiliation and stuck her foot out to trip Anna.Hou Yi rather than looking at the tray, happened to look up and noticed the maid had her foot out, and that Anna was about to be tripped.He immediately stood up, and ran over to prevent Anna from hitting the floor.

When Anna was safely in his arms, he turned to the maid, and yelled "You are fired.No one does anything like that to my wife."

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