Offer To The CEO

Chapter 172: The Police Interview - Part 4

172 The Police Interview - Part 4

Wednesday, continued …

With that answer Inspector Gang, had a smirk, as he seemed to believe that he had the evidence to prove that Anna had stolen the laptop.

"Miss Jones.I have a copy of legitimately issued consent orders, from the Australian Family Law Courts which, based on the evidence I have, were signed by you.In those orders, you agreed that any laptop in your possession, regardless of its underlying ownership, on the breakdown of your relationship with Mr Lu Jinhu was his.Your refusal, to hand over the laptop deprived Mr Lu Jinhu of his legitimate property.Under the laws here, you have admitted to theft."

"I have not.And I am now going to give you a little education as to the Australian Law that you are relying on."

"Australian Law does not matter.The law here says that those orders are enforceable as soon as they are made, so as I have said, your refusal to hand over the laptop that the orders deem to be Mr Lu Jinhu's property is theft as you have deprived him of his legitimate property."

"If you want to use those orders to say that I am guilty of theft, you need to understand Australian Law."

"As I said, I do not need to listen to you.Australian Law has no applicability here."

"Well I am going to say what I need to say, unless you want to come out, when I supply all the documents that will make this allegation …"

"Miss Jones, watch your mouth.It is not an allegation, it is a proven fact."

"OK well, if you want to call it a 'proven fact' you can, I simply will refer to it as the statement."

By now Anna realised how much she was enjoying this sparing with the police.For her the best thing was that she was doing nothing that stating the complete truth, and Inspector Gang was so stupid enough to recognise that he has been played.

"You cannot refer to it as anything other than the proven fact.You have admitted that you did not hand over the laptop to, its owner under Australian Law, which is theft here."

"Inspector Gang, technically Lu Jinhu was not the owner of the laptop until after the appeal …"

"No" screamed Inspector Gang "Mr Lu Jinhu was the owner the orders say he was, and therefore you committed theft.He told me he is the owner, and the documents he supplied say that he is the owner.You cannot argue against that, you liar."

Anna knew with that statement that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin had certainly gotten to Inspector Gang and most likely Senior Officer Fang.That was something that could be used to crush them, and soon.Now, to see if there can be some other admissions that could even bring down Lu Corporation.

"Inspector Gang, please do not scream at me …"

"I will do what I f**king want, this is my f**king interview, and you have to answer my questions to my satisfaction.I know the f**king answers, and you must give me the right answers.If you keep doing what you are f**king doing, you do not know what I will do."

The imaginary bell was ringing in Anna's head.The interview was now a confirmed train wreck.There was the admission that he had been told things by Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, and that he was not open to anything other than what he believed.Anna had to thank her lucky stars that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were so stupid.

"Hit me like you did before the interview started to be recorded, because I simply asked for it to be recorded."

"What!Do not lie."

"Inspector Gang, I am not lying.You hit me simply because I asked for this interview to be recorded, given the existence of the recording equipment in this room.Now you have told me I have to give you the answers that you want.According to what you said you have the right answers, and that I must give you them or there will be consequences.Do you mind me asking where you got the right answers?"

"Do not f**king make statement to me.You must give me the right answers to the questions I want.Stop begin smart, I got the right answers from people I trust, Lu Jinhu, Yang Lin, and I verified everything with Lu Corporation and CEO Lu.They are people we can trust, you are a nobody, who has manipulated and fooled a previously respected businessman, who now looked like an idiot."

Anna simply could not believe her luck.That was how far Inspector Gang was gone, from being reasonable and logical.He admitted that Lu Corporation and CEO Lu are in on trying to bring her down.That had to be about destroying Hou Enterprises, and that was information that Yi could use to bring down Lu Corporation.

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