Lord Shadow

Chapter 1501 A Sword of War

Chapter 1501  A Sword of War

The world finally sees the terrifying prowess of the Berserker army

They fight even if they lose their limbs and some even fight even after losing their heads. One soldier even uses his own head and throw it to other before kicking the enemy, took back his head and forcibly sew his own neck back and managed to stay alive long enough to get medical attention after the battle was over

And even after all of that, that soldier manage to survive

Some had their limbs cut off, their hand was ripped apart, their feet blasted away by explosive but even in this condition, the Berserkers would not stop.

One even crawl to the enemies and bite the enemies leg.

Whether the enemies are a robot made of metal or a beast that have thick and thorny fur, the Berserks would bite even if it would break their own teeth

Amazingly enough, Freya marches toward the battlefield with five thousand Berserkers.

After many terrifying battles, there is still five thousand Berserkers. Even those who almost died managed to survive.

And they all have bathed in blood. There is golden ichor sticking to their body but this is rare. Golden blood is for people of the Disk Formation realm and they are not many among the enemy combatants.

Most of them have red blood

And that has something to do with that man on the rear of the army

This man wears a gray dark robe and his face is covered.

But everyone knows who he is.

The Poison King Takashi. Unlike Sina, Takashi did not rush to the battlefield alone.

His poison is different than Sina and his way is the way of Poison.

 In the beginning, their path seems to be the same, which is pill making. But Sina had grown and her methods turns more into alchemical methods as she grows more proficient with her powers.

And so does Takashi.

Both Sina and Takashi are now worthy of their title

Sina is known as the Queen of Alchemy, changing the properties of thing as simple as waving her hand

And Takashi is the Poison King, waving his hand, a thousand poison released, and none shall escape

However, he is also very proficient in the art of medicine. And he is the one that managed to sew back a head, took back the limbs and attaches it like a toy, and bring back the dead.

Of course, as for bringing back the dead, it is more as long as there is vitality in the body of the Berserkers, he could bring them alive.

A Berserker body when they stimulated their class abilities, makes their body almost immune to pain and raise their endurance to the peak that their body could endure and break that limit each time they killed and indulge in bloodlust.

Usually when they start killing, the bloodlust could only be stopped by the Banner of Freya.

But today, each time they fight and have injuries, Takashi would wave his sleeve, a gray mist would cover the entire army and sanity would come back for them with the backlash maintained to the minimum

And because of that, Freya did not lose even one single Berserker this time

Those who watched her army fight feel the trembling in their heart and they all thought the same

It is better not to fight with such unsparing army that does not care about life and death like the Berserkers.

At least, the other two armies of Pandemonium still look like humans.

They still have fears and they still could be reasoned with and b persuaded. But once the Berserk army is unleashed, it is like releasing a mad dog into a person.

On the Central part, Freya and Takashi is finishing up.

Most of the other high-ranking members of the Crime Alliance and the Pirate sems to be fighting at someplace else.

But it would not be long now before they met one of the Pirate lords or one of the high-ranking members of the Crime Alliance.

But Freya after a rest, simply continue his way, an army of Berserkers behind her back and a grey dark cloud hovering above them

On the Westernmost point of the island, near the shore, there is also a great battle. The pirates landed here and kills the soldiers stationed here with ease.

This soldier is led by one of the Pirate Lords. This is not the pirate lords that was captured by Death Monarch

This is the one that get away

Black Tiger.

That is his name and that is his title. Some people said he got the name because there is a tattoo of a black tier behind his back and some people said it is because he once rides a gigantic black tiger to battle.

He is also one of the pirates and he led the Black Tiger pirates.

When they sail the seas, dark mist follows them and it is because of this, they usually raid coastal cities at night where the mist would hide them even better.

They came to the shore and they tear apart the soldiers stationed on the shore just like a tiger rushing into a jungle full of herbivores.

Command even diverted some of the other army on the shore to contain him but he keeps advancing further and further but then someone came.

This person is a woman and the moment she came Black Tiger attack her, pouncing on her.

But what no one expected was that this woman drew her sword in an arc and Black Tiger was split into two.

 He is dead the moment that woman swing her sword

Her sword is not an ordinary sword.

It is swirling with red mist, full of killing intent. Hatred, resentment, fear, anger, these emotions seem to be borne by this sword.

This sword after killing Black Tiger would then break the shields of the pirates and wherever she swings her sword, an arch of fire, thin but sharp would follow and people would split into pieces

She was red with blood as she were slaying living men.

 She has solemn expression when she kills, showing that she did not like to do it yet the sword on her hand sems to be urging her.

And the sword itself seems to paint an illusion, making this woman appear terrifying in the minds of her enemies

When someone attacked her, her shield would fly from her back and defend her like a loyal guardian.

This woman has long golden blonde hair

Even when she is killing, she is elegant and calm and there is wisdom in her eyes.

Freya attack like a madman while this woman attack is calculated from the beginning.

When the pirates focused on her, her soldiers came and envelop the enemy and in just a few short minutes, they killed thousands of these pirates. It did not matter that they could fly into the sky or burrow into the ground

They could not escape.

This woman with long golden blonde hair, with a sword that bring feeling of bloodlust, and a shield that flew and protect her from all dangers is none other than the famous Athena

She took the westernmost point and neutralize the threat. All over the island, the battle between good and evil is slowly about to pull down its curtain down.

There is the Celestial painter Xu Cong and his wife the Heaven Flute Lihua fighting an army, Xu Cong paint in the sky and created beast made out of ink

The path he walks is different than others

He walks the path of painting and turning painting into reality

He painted a forest and a forest appears, painted a cloud and a cloud would appear

Flying beside him, is his wife, playing the flute, heavenly sound comes out of the flute, resonated with the way of the world and it brings death to the enemies, their ears would bleed and their mind distorted. For allies, the sound calms them down and made their mind clear

The two fought side by side, the name of the Immortal Couple once again rang in this world and their big debut is not disappointing.

A match made in heaven, Xu Cong a handsome man possessing a scholarly -like appearance, elegant and charming, Lihua, with her otherworldly beauty pale white flawless skin, long silky hair, feminine charms and wiles, like a fairy from the Moon

On another side of the island, a woman is using seven swords to fight seven thousand people and ten thousand beasts

Each sword fights a thousand people. Ten thousand beats charging and she takes it with her palms and fist while seven swords dancing in the sky

She dances with her sword and her sword dance captivates the living being of the world.

It is beautiful and fantasy-like but each time she swings that sword on her hand, even though it looks gentle and elegant, a sword light would fly and hundreds of head will be taken

Seven swords fly across the sky, even stars shine in the sky and life and death determined with each step, a dance to determine life and death

This woman is one of the Seven Fairy, the wife of Wang Jian, Somi the Sword Fairy.

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