Lord Shadow

Chapter 1502 Love And Thunder

Somi the Sword Fairy appear once again in the world stage

No one knew her tricks since the Weronian war. But today, the world is reminded

Big Dipper formation was perfected and the seven swords once again shows its sharpness to the world and one could only sigh at the teasing hand of fate, leaving only one out of the seven fairies.

Ion her side, she alone overwhelms thousands of enemies.

And as time passes, her sword become faster and faster and as long as no Disk Formation leveler come to stop her, it would not be long before she finishes all of this people.

On the western side, far away from Athena, there is someone also leading an army and slaughtering the pirates and the Crime Alliance members

This man stands in the sky, his cold eyes looking at the killing with no change in expression. If Freya brings you undisguised terrors, then this man brings you the coldness of death.

Whether it is his men or the enemies, when they fell there is no change in his expression.

His method is not as unsparing like Freya but he does do whatever it takes to win.

In the begging he was not like this.

But the war changed him and he became a very effective general.

This man is Jesse, one of the generals of Raymond.

If there is anyone who wanted Death Monarch and the world power to win the most, it is probably him. Because he knows the deals between Raymond and Death Monarch.

Jesse is helping Athena from the rear even though it is far away, it is true that he contained some of the enemy combatant that is approaching the central region.

There are also many other battalions that was stationed in many places all over the island continent.

Before the Fall, it is easy to know where one would appear to launch an attack.

Whether it by sea or by air, you could guess.

But the world after the Fall is very different.

There are many ways to come inside a place and there are many places one could breach from. Those who have teleportation power could teleport right before the city gates and some even have some methods of displacement that ignores certain formation restriction.

So, it is only when the pirates the dark forces attack that the people of the world power respond.

On the southern part of the island continent, a group of pirates is looking around their left and right. They all looked panicked and then one of them fall to the ground and the pirates become even more panicked

'Show yourself!'

'Where are you!'

'Come out!'

'Don't hide like a coward!'


the pirates shouted, most of them look like they are going crazy.


And then another one falls and not before long they all tried to run in all direction

Some flies and some try to burrow to the ground and some run forward, the speed is like lightning

The one flying to the sky is the earliest to fall back down. Even those who burrowed themselves to the ground also did not escape. The one running forward also falls down.

all of them falls where they are.

The one that wanted to burrow into the ground, most of them could not even burrow themselves to the ground before they fall to the ground.

It is the same for those people who wanted to run.

And once they fall to the ground they would not get back up again. Because if anyone come close and look at them one could see that there is large hole on the middle of their forehead. They all were sniped by someone

Someone jumps down from a tree and landed on the ground with a smile. Those who were watching was shocked.

Before this person jumped down, no one even notice that he was on that tree.

But then when they saw this person, they all understood who could kill so many people while in hiding.

The group of pirates was not always a small group.

They were a thousand for them and they all have different kind of realm. Some are weak and some are strong but these thousand people die one by one before they could even get out from the southern area.

Those who tries to fly was the first to die.

This person has long hair and his eyes seems to shine brightly. He is slender and lean, tall and handsome.

And he has a sniper gun on his hand

The Eye of God Nick.

Not far away from him, on the southern area, there is one person that is restraining monsters.

This is the southern region shores and there are sea monsters that are attacking

Each of these sea monsters are titanic in sizes. There are kraken-like monsters and even shrimp-like monsters.

The moment they set foot on the shores, the entire southern area shakes because of its weight

It was about to the enter island

But Command notices it and send someone to restrain these beast

this large titanic sea monster was forced out of the island and return to the shore.

Even though this person did not manage to kill them, he menages to restrain them long enough that they finally were forced out back into the ocean

This person wears a military uniform of the World Government before but now his body is covered with an iron armor.

And there is a chain all over the southern shore. This chain extends far and wide and it is used to restrain these sea monsters

As the sea monsters retreated, the chain dissipated like it was an illusion

This person is Arno. His curly hair is now et and look like seaweed. And there are wounds all over his body. But there is a smile on his face.

He plopped down to the ground but he laughed

He pinched something on his ears and spoke

'I managed to drive them off. I'll be signing off for a while' then he heaved a sigh of relief while looking at the calm sea in front of him

The space distorted and from the distortion of space, a woman appeared

This woman is dressed in white, a beauty with a pale white flawless skin.

She smiles and laughs

'You want help with that?' Arno smiles and nodded

This beautiful young woman is the White Witch Giselle.

Arno sat on the shore and Giselle sit beside him.

War is still going on and battle could be heard all over the island continent, the figure of Death Monarch and Kaiju in the distance could still be seen from the shore fighting and creating waves and blast of power that reached this island.

But, now sitting beside each other, it looks like they are taking a break, looking at the violent waves of the sea and dark clouds like it is a sunny day enjoying the beautiful sea

Giselle touched Arno and his injury quickly healed by itself. They look at each other and smiles. There is always a rumor that these two people are dating each other

Those who tuned into his battle could now see that the rumors might not be just a rumor.

They smile and then Giselle kissed him and they laughed.

People were shocked to see this.

But some smiles

'Young love' some old man who were watching this in some tavern said

Some laughed

And some grimace feeling that these two people does not take this war seriously

But they forget something

That even in war, love could bloom

While Arno and Giselle seem to be lovey dovey on the southern shore, there is a pool of thunder near the eastern shore.

It is Oreki the Thunder Monarch holding backs Disk Formation levelers that belong to the Crime Alliance and the Pirates.

Even though most pirate lords were captured, the first mate of these pirate lords are also very powerful and most of them had reached Disk Formation realm

And it is these people that is fighting Oreki.

And so, the most destructive area of battle was in the eastern area.

If you are not Disk Formation leveler it's better not to enter the eastern side as they fight against each other and render the heaven and earth apart

Booming sound could be heard echoing all over the eastern area of the island.

His soldiers did not fight with him because even his soldiers could not bear such attack.

A vortex of thunder bombarded the eastern side of the island continent and the heat dispel the cold of the sea winds

Thunder storms and lightning bathed the enemies and people who are weak turns into ashes that is blown by the wind.

Oreki uses thunder as a weapon, appearing like a thunder god

Space rifts opens, space distorted and all manners of destruction wrecks the eastern side of the island.

There is no forest and no living creature that survives this indiscriminate bombardment of the power of heaven

The only one that could survive in such battle are Disk Formation levelers and they all use variety of their methods to fight Oreki.

The power of the element of the world was pushed to the peak

Fire, wind, water, iron, sands, all of it was used indiscriminately.

It is even more exciting than the battle between Death Monarch and Kaiju because of how many attacks they use against each other and the variety of attack they used made the battle very much exciting for the viewers

Oreki simply dodges and uses the thunder bolt in his hand like a spear. He would fly in the sky stab and bring about the destruction of the world with him

By the end of it, Oreki had his entire body full of wound. There are holes in his shoulders, a part of his left rib was taken out, and there is a hole on the middle of his chest

But he wins.


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