Lord Shadow

Chapter 1500 Berserkers

Chapter 1500  Berserkers

In that last moment, that last strike, Nehanda strike a stabbing motion with his hands toward Mary middle of the chest.

He planted a poison on Pirate Lord Mary.

And the price for beings of lose to the Pirate Lord Mayr was to have her punch through his chest and then grab his heart and pull it out from his chest, leading to his death

Mary crushed Nehanda heart in front of him before once again punching him in the face. But that poison is already there.

That is why Wang Jian make a bet that she would not attack him without knowing the full effect of the poison she has been inflicted with.

With his last breath he managed to make the famous Pirate Lord suffer such injury. Wang Jian could not help but admire such determination.

Nehanda method is too rash but it also works.

Wang Jian planned another method but even before that method could be applied Nehanda choose the fast but more destructive plan.

As for why Mary did not fight with Wang Jian and why Wang Jian simply did not finish her off….it is because Wang Jian knows that Mary could still fight against him.

Mary had the advantage of her powerful physique and powerful regenerative abilities.

If Wang Jian attacked him, who wins and who loses is still a matter of debate and the advantage still lies with Mary.

And there is always this kind of feeling, don't trap a cornered rat. There might be a chance that if Wang Jian pushed her to hard, she would burn all bridges and unleash all of her power.

In that case, instead of one people dying against her, there would be two

But while Mary could fight him, she could no longer fights all the armies scattered all over the island.

It means she could no longer make any waves.

Hence, why Wang Jian left her alone. If she goes deeper into the island, she would meet many more combatants and there is always a chance she would get killed in her condition. If she I that stupid, then Wang Jian could only applaud such stupidity.

Of course, if Wang Jian had the ability to kill her then he would have taken that chance to avenge Nehanda death

'It is a pity you had to sacrifice your life to get this kind of ending' he mutters as he looks at the pale face of Nehanda.

He could only sigh at this situation.

'I will go to your funeral' Wang Jian mutters by himself as he walks through that lonely forest alone.

Not far away from Wang Jian and Pirate Lord Mary battle site, there is two armies facing each other.

Tens of thousands of men fighting tens of thousands of beasts, robotic organism, and pirates and criminals

In the beginning it would seem like it would be a great battle with no easy way to determine the winner

But it is clear once the battle began, who is the winner is.

Milos commanded ten thousand soldiers.

These ten thousand soldiers form military array, drawing the power of the sun, each strike brings about fiery flames and the sky and earth below is affected

Glass turns to sand, a sea of fire from and the enemies, whether it be robot, or humans, or any other living beings, they all melted under this attack.

Most of the soldiers are in Energy Disperse Stage but once ethe military array was used, the energy surge sup to Seed Forming.

One attack is condensed by tens of thousands of soldiers

One strike was all it takes to disrupt the entire enemy army

The pirate did not fight using military formation. It is the same for the criminal. Even more so for those robotic soldiers who could not mobilize the energy of the world.

So, even though they have more people, with one strike, thousands of them were swallowed by fire, melted and turned into ash

And then there is also Eurus who also commands ten thousand soldiers. Like Milos, he is fighting on one side using military arrays.

Even though they are not Wang Jian, they did not have to be to defeat such a third-rate army.

The fight was one sided, tens of thousands of corpses littered the battlefield, flames and thunder storm fills the area, surging toward the sky and beating the earth

They destroyed the army of the invaders and then when they heard the sign of distress, they quickly reunited with Wang Jian.

When Wang Jian pointed them toward the area of the Pirate Lord, both Milos and Eurus flies toward her with tens of thousands of soldiers, their flying created a deep mark trail on the sky.

When they arrived, Pirate Lord Mary is nowhere to be seen. Another battle ended.

Of course, it is not only the people of Pandemonium that is fighting. Hamad and Hatta, this small figure of the League of Freedom is also fighting.

They would feel pretty disappointed if they knew no one was watching their battle. They are considered to be the same rank as Eurus and Milos from Pandemonium.

It is a pity though that they did not stand out like Eurus and Milos. But these two people like always survived and win in the least riskiest way possible.

The moment they win, they retreated from the battlefield. The objective has been fulfilled and they would then reinforce defensive position.

But while some places have battle that are already decided, there is still many places where the battle is still very much intense.

Battle between powerful levelers does not take long. Because the destructive power they have means each attack pack quite a lot of punch.

And the body could take so much punishment before it breaks down.

On the central part of the island continent, there is woman. Tens of thousands of beast corpse littered the battlefield, the battlefield is filled with fire and blood.

There are all kinds of blood. Some are red, some are gold, some are blue and some are greens.

This woman seems to be fighting not people of this world, but aliens.

This woman is beautiful in appearance; her hair is styled in an elflock and her body is swirling with dark red aura, a killing intent that pierces the sky, like a spear pointing toward the Heaven

The blood on the ground all came to her, like water merging with a river and going out to the sea

This woman is none other than Freya. And she is not alone

Behind him is five thousand Berserkers. And this Berserkers all have deep red thick aura around them, bloodlust and killing intent semes to emerged and wherever they stepped, the ground beneath tehri feet dies and the heavens above them dims.

Freya fought pirates, criminals beats, monsters and aliens. Five thousand Berserkers under her command sis like a lion that has bene set out toward a pen full of sheep.

Nothing could stop them and nothing could hurt them. The thick deep aura become stronger and stronger that it forms a shield-like existence to each of the Berserkers.

The more they killed, the powerful they became and so they never stopped killing

Freya commands one of the deadliest and most fearless army in the world. Her method is not at all hard to understand

Instead, it is unbearably simple. Her method has always been the same

But no one dares to fight with her.

And those who dares to fight with her would soon learn that her and her berserkers are like lions.

Blood is simply like water to them. They bathed in it and they are insane and crazy. Madness.

A state of fervor madness. That is what they descended to when they stimulate their blood. They did not care whether they die or not

They simply move forward. In that moment, their intelligence was turned off and tehri emotion was turned off and they maximize their killing power, each killing makes them even more brutal

In Pandemonium, since there are not many enemies that they could fight so brutally, they simply rely on their reputation to subdue the people.

But when they are doing overseas expedition, then this state of madness could truly be displayed.

However, in this pandemonium of crazed soldiers, there is one guiding light and that is Freya.

Holding a dark red banner, she would point the banner and where she points is where her soldiers would attack.

With great ferocity, they would tear their enemy apart.

Five thousand Berserkers rips through the defensive lines of the enemy.

One after the other, it crumbles like a castle made of sands.

The amount of destruction could be seen behind this army. Hills were flattened, rivers were drained, deep holes and craters, lakes of blood and mountain of skulls.

Limbs covered the ground like some kind of malformed plants.

To know the path that these Berserker walk by is not hard. Jut look at the scenery. If it looks like hell, with mountain of skull and hills of limbs, then that is the path where these Berserker had walked by

The Central area was pacified and who knows how many famous villains had died under the stomping feet of Freya Berserkers army?


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